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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015


+ Breezey and fun level. Looks great, plays well. Great combination.
+ I only played through it twice, and went through it fairly quickly, but I also feel like there was more to do and more to see (in a good way)
+ I liked the numbered mushroom rooms. Idk why, but it made me want to look for more of them :D

- It could definitely use some more challenge
- Personal preference waring: I was totally expecting a boss fight, but I didn't get one D:
- The other comment in your level is right. Make more, please!

Comment? Yes. Star? Yes!

Yeah, I kinda thought of doing that, but I couldn't think of a good way to do it. I designed it to be more of a beginner's level, so I didn't want it to be too hard. Figured adding giant Rocky Wrenches at the end, sort of like they were the leaders of the airship, would be a nice enough ending.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

By the way
Did you find secret #2?
Alright, GAF. I have a couple of hours to kill. Quote me and include a code for ONE (1) of your levels if you want feedback + a star. Feedback will be given in the form of three positives and three negatives.

(Don't get too excited, though. I'm just a regular gamer and not particularly skilled. What I consider a 'negative' could very well be a positive to you.)

Please try "Yoshi's Boo Bustin' Bonanza."
I think of it as, "What if the Special World in SMW had a ghost house?" It will force you to make quick decisions right away. Two Yoshi's, one hidden, two 1-ups, and some tricky P-switches:



Here's my new level. I took a break from making sprawling movie and game adaptations to make a sprawling tribute to furniture shopping:


Mario Goes To IKEA


So, a few years back I had to go to Ikea, and I mentioned that at work. Some woman I worked with had moved in from the sticks only just went to Ikea for the first time, so she told me not to wear any white, to which one of my co-workers said "Yeah man, make sure to leave your white jeans at home." Why am I bringing this up? That was about Ikea and it made me laugh, and this was about Ikea and it made me laugh. The foreboding airship theme is perfect for the storeroom part of the level. I love how the level goes from colourful to brown. I love the design on stuff like the fridge, the couches and the checkout counter. I love that Mario has to drive home after. My real knock is the first half seems aimless but I think that's an intentional dig at Ikea showrooms.

Sometimes I just wish I had more stars to give!

Time for some more levels!

Rocky Wrench's Ridiculous Rails - (E4F3-0000-0067-4502)

Speaking of funny things, the Rocky Wrenches look ridiculous on rails. Good level with nice variations on the theme. Much too easy though. Two feathers is overkill. Maybe a couple more pits would've kept my heart rate up a bit. As it stands without the laughter over the moles this might have been a little bit forgettable, just because I never felt in danger.

Raiding Rocky's Air Ride.


As a companion piece to the other Rocky Wrench level, I thought this was good but also too easy. It doesn't have the laughs of the on-rails Rockies but it did keep things more hectic with a lot of wrenches. All in all a good stage.

This is one of the best levels I've made so far, maybe even the best. It's a desert level where you go inside a pyramid!


Also I reached 300 stars today and got my 4th medal!

I was thinking recently about the SMB3 desert world and how I'd like to do something like that but there's no desert theme. You made it work! I love the visual work here -- the treasure-filled tomb, the pyramid exterior -- but my big knock is the outside of the pyramid is a huge wasted space. Toss some hidden block there, some coins for the player's trouble or something. People will be curious, so don't let them down! Probably also a bit too generous on the power ups as I found this super easy. Really good though!
Don't mind me. I'm just being unusually negative.

But I'm generally not fond of the SNES sound, particularly for games that were originally intended for a different platform. They usually sound like they're being played through a primitive MIDI synthesizer, and All-Stars is no exception.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then.

The All-Stars Water theme for SMB and the SMB3 Airship sound far better than any cheap MIDI synthesizer could produce to me.


As a companion piece to the other Rocky Wrench level, I thought this was good but also too easy. It doesn't have the laughs of the on-rails Rockies but it did keep things more hectic with a lot of wrenches. All in all a good stage.

Cool. It's supposed to be easy, so it's actually kind of nice to get confirmation that it is.

I've seen so many people on here having trouble making fun, easy stages. They're even confident that their stage is easy even though it isn't. So it's nice to know that when I try to make a fun, easy stage it actually works out well enough.


Is it weird that Mario Maker is mostly filling me with Nostalgia for a non Mario game?

Oh Megaman Powered Up, you were never given a chance.

It's called Flappy Mario and so there is the flappy way to clear the stage and there's a non-flappy way. To access the secret:
Please take a look at inconsistency in one of the pipes to access the secret area !

Feedback appreciated and thank you :)

+ Ahhh this level made me angry. SO ANGRY. And yet, I kept playing it until I beat it. It was intense AND fun (also, I totally found the secret pipe on my own! Totally by mistake of course, but still :p)
+ I like that this is actually two games in one. Clever! I might have to steal this idea.
+ No, really. I did enjoy the flappy bird portion of it a lot.

- The platforming half wasn't as fun
- You know that part with the Thwomps? I kept trying to run past them, but kept dying. I tried both as little Mario and as Super Mario and still died. I >think< this is by design, am I correct? Or do I just suck? Anyway, since there is this flat area right before them, it made me feel like I should be able to just run past them. It would have felt good, at least.
- No, really. Please let me just run under the Thwomps? Or maybe I just suck.

Comment. Star.


This is one of the best levels I've made so far, maybe even the best. It's a desert level where you go inside a pyramid!


Also I reached 300 stars today and got my 4th medal!

Great minds think alike! I love the SMB3 desert theme and for some reason I always end up with adding a pyramid to my SMB3 levels so I made one focused on that theme:

Trials of Osiris


It's not too long but hopefully still enjoyable. I'll give your level a try tonight after work!


In an ideal Mario Maker. There would be a checkpoint before the two puzzle rooms. Who knows. I might try and incorporate that with the code contraption someone made.

And yeah, I spent a lot of time getting the platforming down. You can go through this level in a variety of ways once you know the layout and approach. I don't recall. didn't I tell you the warning to not follow the arrows? I intentionally made every arrow point the wrong way to hammer that into the player and then when you reach the two puzzle rooms in the 2nd half, the arrows are all jumbled up, so I'd hope the player figures it out at that point.

If you are awfully curious, just check the levels I've uploaded and try the !!!! version XD

It was fun blazing through the level when you got the patterns down though, the saw part was really intimidating until I realized you just needed delicate movements. I'll definitely play more of your maps, maybe just not ghost houses lol


I was thinking recently about the SMB3 desert world and how I'd like to do something like that but there's no desert theme. You made it work! I love the visual work here -- the treasure-filled tomb, the pyramid exterior -- but my big knock is the outside of the pyramid is a huge wasted space. Toss some hidden block there, some coins for the player's trouble or something. People will be curious, so don't let them down! Probably also a bit too generous on the power ups as I found this super easy. Really good though!

Thank you! I thought about putting some stuff on the pyramid, and now that I think about it I probably should have. There's still a bunch of coins and 1-ups other places, though.
And yeah, I try to make my levels pretty easy so that beginners can beat them. I even had another mushroom in the overworld, but figured it wasn't needed. There's so many difficult levels, I feel like making easy ones is a good idea.
Is it weird that Mario Maker is mostly filling me with Nostalgia for a non Mario game?

Oh Megaman Powered Up, you were never given a chance.

MM Powered up is amazing, one of the GOAT PSP games. That little UMD is just brimming with great content, surprisingly robust level editor, tons of free DLC and last I checked the level server was STILL online (now I have the oh-so blissful and inviting Construction menu music in my head!). Man, did Capcom give the PSP some great titles.


Is it weird that Mario Maker is mostly filling me with Nostalgia for a non Mario game?

Oh Megaman Powered Up, you were never given a chance.

Mega Man Maker would really be the best thing that will never happen. :( Take MMPU's level editor and expand it + 8-bit tilesets + ability to create your own bosses somehow.
Here is mine, C95F-0000-0063-D76B

It works best as all four though.

+ Not gonna lie, I'm more or less sick of 1-1 remakes/remixes so I avoid them (just the SMB one). I groaned as soon as I loaded into the level, but that frown quickly turned into a smile. Bravo!
+ Love the classic SMB feel. I actually went back and played it again (because it's fun, and because I noticed that arrow above one of the red winged troopas early on :p)
+ Nice level layout, length, and intensity

- It doesn't really feel like a 1-1 level because of the difficulty, level structure, and variety of enemies, but if you weren't going for that it's cool. I totally don't mind (but still gotta meet that 'negatives' quota!)
- There was the one area that had maybe a little too many enemies (immediately after the secret star in the sky), but yeah, not a biggie
- Unfortunately, since I have other levels to check out, not gonna play the rest of your world :( but I will do this again sometimes, so maybe you can bring up 1-2 then!

Another star. Another comment.


Like several others I'm going to attempt to make an entire game's worth of levels meant to be played in order. I'm calling it Super Mario 3make because I intend to stick with the Mario 3 style and borrow some elements from the game including some world themes, etc, so in essence it's like my own remake or re-imagining of Mario 3. Each level will be titled "3make:" followed by the world name and the level number. Here's the first level:


3make: Mushroom Kingdom 1-1



MM Powered up is amazing, one of the GOAT PSP games. That little UMD is just brimming with great content, surprisingly robust level editor, tons of free DLC and last I checked the level server was STILL online (now I have the oh-so blissful and inviting Construction menu music in my head!). Man, did Capcom give the PSP some great titles.

It was without a doubt my favourite PSP game and my most played. I wish I had done more research when my PSP broke. I replaced it with a PSP Go and Powered Up never made it to the ps store.

Mega Man Maker would really be the best thing that will never happen. :( Take MMPU's level editor and expand it + 8-bit tilesets + ability to create your own bosses somehow.
I agree! I'd even settle for a Megaman Powered Up editor with more tilesets, what was there was awesome. But that dream is dead.


Guys, remember that "The Goomba: A Sad Tale of Madness" level of mine? The one that's gotten pretty popular and featured on a few video game sites?


I don't expect this to get as popular since its a sequel and it has a fairly different tone (I really didn't want to just make a sequel just about murdering more goombas lol)... but I hope you guys enjoy it regardless! It also has two different endings, see if you can get both of them! One is a little less obvious than the other. I can't wait to see which ending most of you get first!

Please leave feedback if you can. I actually enjoy making these story levels as much as I enjoy making tough Mario levels. Thanks for all the stars people :)

Presenting: The Lakitu: A Tale of Friendship 86AD-0000-0067-F2EF

Woo, well here's a hard one! Don't listen to the arrows!

Escape Boo's Haunted Lab.!


+ You were honest. It is a tough one
+ I like the visual design of the whole thing. I mean, it definitely does look good
+ I appreciate the costume shrooms early on

- You were honest. It is a tough one
- I mean, I might try it later on if I have time. It didn't feel impossible. There are a couple of other levels I need go get to tonight, so I moved on before beating it. I got to the part with the clown car. I couldn't dodge the other clown car with the ghost in it. It pushed me into one of the million spikes surrounding us and then I proceeded to DIE
- I'm sleepy

Still left a comment and a star.


+ You were honest. It is a tough one
+ I like the visual design of the whole thing. I mean, it definitely does look good
+ I appreciate the costume shrooms early on

- You were honest. It is a tough one
- I mean, I might try it later on if I have time. It didn't feel impossible. There are a couple of other levels I need go get to tonight, so I moved on before beating it. I got to the part with the clown car. I couldn't dodge the other clown car with the ghost in it. It pushed me into one of the million spikes surrounding us and then I proceeded to DIE
- I'm sleepy

Still left a comment and a star.

I am kinda impressed, these negatives aren't very negative at all. I'll take it!
Awesome! Linked my account. It would be cool to sort your levels so when someone visits your profile they can see your levels in the order you created them or in reverse order.

I absolutely love the regular SMB3 level theme. It might even be my favorite one. The athletic theme on the other hand can suck it. Not because I think it's bad but because I associate it with hard autoscrolling levels. It brings back memories... O_O

Is it too late? If not please try this: Trials of Osiris

+ I enjoyed this one. I liked the concept, it was pretty original. At least I haven't seen anything else like it, except maybe this Pac-Man level I saw a while ago
+ I think the second part was my favorite. Had a couple of close calls
+ Great of use of space

- I didn't have that much fun with the first part, even though it felt unique. I liked collecting the coins, though
- Some of the "passages" felt a little too cramped. I get that that was probably what you were going for, but still. Just didn't feel good to me
- You'll probably think this is odd, but based on the level design I was expecting something a little more difficult, but ended up beating it on my first try. I was a little disappointed, but only a little. Not a big deal

Star? Comment? whynotboth.gif


The 100 Mario Challenge on Expert is soul crushing. I'm sick of the insanity some players provide and pass it off as playable.

Easy Does it
ID: 395F-0000-0012-8C2B

Where’s Yoshi?
ID: 2B78-0000-001B-369B

Big Baby
ID: 997D-0000-001F-0267

Dead Sea
ID: 2FA8-0000-0034-F726

I Wanna Be The Mario
ID: 4D94-0000-0040-E45B

Koopa Fleet
ID: 6A4F-0000-005B-F54B
Steampunk Frantic Finale


If you're still doing this!
Sorry, but my battery finally ran out in the process of playing your level :(

Biggest thing (and this is not necessarily your fault) is that I found the level a little disorienting (FYI I'm playing this on the Wii U Controller). Everything just looks so busy, and things like the wrenches flying around and the moles are kinda hard to see. I'm blaming this on NSMB's aesthetic, though, since I didn't have this problem with similarly-designed levels using the other themes.
Alright, I'm off to bed! I will try to do this again some other time =D

If you have the time, please do check out two of my newest levels. These could use some more stars!




Find The P-Switch!



Find The P-Switch was designed specifically for streamers, so it's a little difficult on purpose (watching the person streaming die over and over is part of the fun, no?) I had some of my friends play it and we had quite a few laughs pointing and laughing at each other (we took turns). Still would appreciate it if you gave it a try.



+ I enjoyed this one. I liked the concept, it was pretty original. At least I haven't seen anything else like it, except maybe this Pac-Man level I saw a while ago
+ I think the second part was my favorite. Had a couple of close calls
+ Great of use of space

- I didn't have that much fun with the first part, even though it felt unique. I liked collecting the coins, though
- Some of the "passages" felt a little too cramped. I get that that was probably what you were going for, but still. Just didn't feel good to me
- You'll probably think this is odd, but based on the level design I was expecting something a little more difficult, but ended up beating it on my first try. I was a little disappointed, but only a little. Not a big deal

Star? Comment? whynotboth.gif

Thank you! I appreciate it. I wanted to make it a little more difficult but every time I design something I fear that people find it too difficult and don't bother with a second or third attempt, especially if they don't like the first part of the level. That results in not getting any stars which can be a little disappointing after spending hours designing a cool level.
I think the perfect balance for SMM is to have a challenging level that does not insta-kill you and has enough powerups scattered across the level to give people the chance to still finish it on their first attempt.

Alright, I'm off to bed! I will try to do this again some other time =D

If you have the time, please do check out two of my newest levels. These could use some more stars!




Find The P-Switch!



Find The P-Switch was designed specifically for streamers, so it's a little difficult on purpose (watching the person streaming die over and over is part of the fun, no?) I had some of my friends play it and we had quite a few laughs pointing and laughing at each other (we took turns). Still would appreciate it if you gave it a try.


Will do!


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

Great start for your stream...then, I had to go to bed, thus I couldn't watch it all.
Also, glad you quite liked my level. As for the last time, some additonal tidbits and, actually, corrections I could have made

First of all, yes, the part where there are two tubes attached is the last platform before the pole. If you go there, you need a long jump to reach it, and it's almost impossible to reach the top. I should've put a sign though, it's probably not clear enough, considering how you can't see the pole unless you jump.

But you discovered the secret fourth exit at least! Yeah, this was the whole idea behind the level. There are three paths (vines, saws, Piranha Plants): you can play them separately, and thus reach the platform from where you jump to the low parts of the pole - good for those who want to play it more relaxed / quicker. And, then, the big challenge: by playing all three of them, in a specific order, you get the fourth path. And you need specific items to play those paths: Yoshi is needed to play the special part of the Saw path, and...in theory, the Red Koopa coming from the ? block should be eaten by that Yoshi and used to break the block wall at the beginning of the Piranha Plants path, but you highlighted how I didn't but an unbreakable block under the wall, so it can be broken way too easily even without the shell.

The difficulty seemed right enough: I didn't see you dying way too much, except at the beginning, maybe I could tone it down a bit more, so it's still challenging, but not frustrating. I'll probably try this kind of level again with the next upload, hopefully without errors this time.

If you're interested in playing the level I'm talking about, it's "Un inizio, tre vie...o una sola?". ID: 1C9C-0000-0064-D0BA

More feedbacks would be very, very appreciated.
In the meanwhile, I'm going to play some GAF levels :D
Hi, I don't post much here, but maybe I will start doing that more. I have made some very traditional levels. Super Mario Bros 3 is my favourite game from my childhood and I was always trying to think new levels in my head. Now I can make them! It's a dream come true. Well maybe not that big of a deal now but early 90's it would have blown my mind. Anyway, here's some levels I have made and I really try to keep them traditional. They are very easy but I think them more of a first levels of a game. I will make much harder levels later. Though I try to keep them Mario kind of hard. Not too hard. Anyway here's one code and with that you can find the rest from my profile. There is three Super Mario Bros 3 levels so far and couple other kind.


Please try out my levels. I know it's hard to find time because there is so much levels here. But especially if you are looking for traditional Mario Bros 3 levels these are for you.
....I ended up buying it. I really only wanted it for the Amiibo but the game is actually pretty good. I got more enjoyment from people suggesting things to me on Twitch.
Gonna have to look through this thread and play some of yours :)

Edit: Just wondering, how does the unlock system work? As in, when will I be able to get all of the items and tools to play with?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Here we go, several GAF levels I played (and stars for everyone).

Cherrapunjee Holiday Resort

It's indeed quite easy
when you reach the first moving platform
. More difficult on the ground path.
If I were you, I'd have put a way to award those who played the more difficult course, like a pipe leading to the highest parts of the pole, while the easy way would have led to the lower parts
. Not bad, though

So Many Ways
C6FA 0000 0066 FBE4

Easy, but good attempt in creating several exits. It was enjoyable!

Shy Guy Secretly Hates: [Koopa] Troopas!

Oh God, all those Koopas :lol Quite a macabre theme. I'll check out the other levels you'll make with this theme for sure, just to see how far the insanity can go. Quite easy, though.

Tunnel o' Doom

Oh God, intense, and also with satisfying moments
like when you throw the Red Koopa down under the stairs, hitting all those Piranha Plants, other shells, thus gaining lots of 1Ups
. Pretty good execution.


Good challenge; there's a sudden increase in difficulty near the end...don't know if I should consider it a mild negative (due to the whole level being difficult, but not THAT difficult) or not (since the level wasn't easy anyway)...eh, I'll leave it as a nitpick.

Super-Mecha-Death-Bowser Attacks

This one was good too! I liked how
it felt very "Mario-ish", between the hidden areas, how they were hidden, and most of the flow of the level. Not completely "Mario-ish", but it's due to a personal touch, I can't see it as a negative. One nitpick I have is that, maybe, Bowser Jr. should have had a cannon, just as a warning for the player to what was coming, "Super-Mecha-Death-Bowser" :lol

Enough for now. I hope my feedback will be useful...and, since your levels were all interesting in different ways, I'd love to hear what you think about my levels. You can find the name and ID of my latest level (played by Kyzon on stream a few hours ago) just a few posts higher than this. Then, all the others are on my profile.


You can now edit course descriptions and tags on MarioMakerHub by confirming your Miiverse account! All your levels added to the website will be found under the "My Levels" section of your dashboard.

We have also almost hit 1,000 levels on the website - http://www.mariomakerhub.com/levels

We also have more planned upcoming features. Note not all for these features may be implemented as some are merely ideas we are discussing.

  • Add a spoiler section to your level allowing you to list tips or hidden secrets.
  • Add YouTube videos to your level page and more than one image.
  • Follow a creator and be notified when they upload new levels.
  • Creator sorting (Find famous game developers or personalities that created levels)
  • Worlds Section - Playlists for levels. Allowing you to share a group of levels following a theme you created or just any list of levels really.
  • Report button for deleted levels or inappropriate content.

Please submit ideas and feedback!

I keep getting an

There was a problem retrieving data from Miiverse.




When I'm submitting a level I paste the URL of my miiverse post and then I press enter.

Seems like you created and confirmed your Miiverse account just fine. I think the issue you are having with level submission is that you need to use the Miiverse post URL that is created in-game.

For example this level of yours - https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAACNUKFJ-Ay0Nw

You can see the "in-game" tag on the top right.


I'm insure if I shared this level or not here, I believe I only did at Japan gaf.

Ashley's Adventure II
I thought the Sprite was great, and wanted to make a non-Mario level. This led to no enemies so that the illusion cannot be broken, and therefore lots of platforming.

It's short and simple, but I tried to have multiple paths and a need for some platforming ability in most paths.

It's also nearly impossible to die. In fact, finding how to die is an unintentional secret. Some people must get stuck and give up on the way.

It's starred/played ratio my best so far. I think 4 stars and about 15 people played it.

Anyways, I would appreciate all feedback I get.



I tried making a couple of Mario levels themed like games from other Nintendo franchises. They still play like normal Mario levels though, and aren't too hard in my opinion. Give them a try, if you like!

Ganon's Castle

Zebes Depths
For fans of traditional ghost house levels I made this:

The Ghostly Gauntlet







Multiple paths, secrets, ghosts, and wizards, who could ask for more? There's 3 main paths through the level, all varying in difficulty, much like the different paths you would take in a SMW ghost house. I hope everyone enjoys it, I'm going to start going through levels on GAF since the leaderboards aren't changing much right now.

Pimping out my ghost house again next to my new level.

Airship of the Giants


Code: ED1B-0000-0064-1244

I hope you guys like it, feedback is always appreciated, hoping to get one level to take off and get 150 stars so I can get those extra 10 upload slots lol

I got about 7 stars off the afternoon crowd, hoping morning GAF likes and gives feedback as well, I'm brainstorming my next idea, I might play some SMW to drum up some inspiration. (I have a feeling most of my levels are going to end up being SMW despite SMB3 and NSMBU being my favorite games in the series, my ideas just fit better in SMW)


I thought your stages all deserved stars! The wiggler one was solid, but that last room with the Wigglers should be tweaked. It's possible to get stuck and die, and it's just cumbersome to navigate. The level is solid otherwise!

The ice-thwomp stage had some really creative obstacles, but it's difficult knowing exactly what you need to do before you do it. Took a lot of trial and error to figure out exactly how things worked or what was the proper way to progress. Use coins as cues more often, is my suggestion.

The last stage is great! No major complaints, and I loved the underwater section...!

Overall I'd say your designs are solid, but you need to playtest it from all angles to really put together that flourish you may miss. In other words, just polish your ideas more, and construct tighter layouts.

I followed you!

I simplified the Wigglers part already. If you take it slowly it's quite easy. Just let yourself fall or move on the same line.

Yeah 1-2 is quite difficult to figure out. I should have made visible the spiky helmet.

1-3 yeah! I'm improving.

I'm playtesting more and more and making sure everything is fair and clear.
1-4 should be good. I finished tuning the boss fight last night.

Thanks for the input!
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