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The Forest Early Access Thread - Run Forest Run


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Update is out, I'm on mobile but the patch notes are lengthy. Sharks roofs and floors among quite a few fixes. I'll check it out later tonight.


Impressive list of updates. I hope the inventory bug is more manageable now. I can wait to try it out this afternoon.


Party Pooper
Only poked around for a few minutes, but I like that the sharks actually "work", if you get close enough they charge, one bite and you're dead.

Not surprised the saves from the last version didn't carry over, such is the nature of the alpha.
Tried out the update. First thing I did was walk to the ocean to check out the sharks.

Ended up just walking under water. Still a lot of glitches hahaha.


New update v0.03 is up with supposed inventory fixes and a vegan mode. I'm going to check it out in a bit after I am done getting my ass kicked by Metro 2033. I'll see if the inventory bug is actually fixed.


  • No enemies mode! Type “veganmode” on title screen to activate (without the “”)
  • Player head added! And held items now correctly cast shadows
  • New suprise item added to plane
  • Yacht location is now random
  • Bats now correctly fly out of cave entrances
  • Partially built structures are now saved
  • Fixed water not accumulating on terrain when raining
  • Cassette player can now be turned off by clicking it a second time if it’s already playing
  • Log Cabin now has a floor, a door with hinge and a sleeping/saving spot
  • Birds will now land on window ledge of your built log cabin
  • Molotov will extinguish if in contact with water
  • Improved sunset/sunrise lighting
  • Two new effigies buildable, simple head on stick and arms pointing to sky
  • House boat buildable (Warning : buggy!! - especially with sharks. Also, may sink)
  • Stick marker added to custom building, quickly build yourself waypoints
  • Coral and seaweed added under water (rough)
  • New buildable item : Stick holder
  • Inventory can now carry 1 additional stick (to make shelter construction easier)
  • Small texture tweaks/improvements
  • Shadow distance increased for High and mid settings
  • Improved motion blur on held items
  • Hanging rope pick ups added to deep in caves
  • New cave lighting prop: Laptop
  • 11 new filmic inspired grade options added to graphic options menu
  • Bench now buildable via book section ‘Furniture’
  • Single bat prefab added to parts of caves
  • Improved lilypad pop-in
  • Med pickups now go direct to inventory instead of being eaten on pickup


  • Improved cannibal village track implementation
  • ‘Lake’ track added to Geese Lake
  • Bash pass at all ambient sound implementation, better transitions, better positioning, fall off and ranges
  • Thunder and rain sounds randomized
  • Cave audio pass, adding reverb and echo, better balancing
  • Underwater sound filter added
  • Water footsteps sounds now play when you walk into water


  • More memory optimizations should improve stability
  • Lowered memory usage further if 32bit windows is detected, should fix crash on opening if less than 4gbs of usable memory is available (note: 4gb usable is still recommended)


  • Head no longer pokes through collision!
  • Fixed some items missing from inventory when game was loaded
  • Fixed collision where you could wall walk out of plane
  • Fixed can’t carry more raw fish message that would appear when you had too many rocks.
  • Fixed pond covered in logs
  • Fixed left hand held conflicts between lighter, torch walkman etc
  • Removed gleam on inventory coins and flares
  • Fixed floating garden
  • Fixed leaf vertex colors on small leaf hut
  • Fixed flare gun falling through yacht
  • Fixed log going to -1 if you died whilst holding a log
  • Fixed small effigy construction shader being too faint
  • Removed grass cutting from opening inventory (was causing crashes on some pc’s)


Inventory retention worked for me too. Now it's time to get collecting logs and start building. I'm still surprised how smooth it runs on my desktop.
I'm sad this thread isn't more active. This game looks very neat, been very close to picking it up a few times now. Not a huge horror guy, but the idea of surviving seems very cool. I loved the first 50 hours of minecraft etc. and I like the realistic look. Not sure whether peaceful mode would be enjoyable after a certain point though when you have a fully constructed shelter. Game has a lot of promise though. I'd be interested to hear other peoples opinions on peaceful mode or "vegan" mode.


This game is so full of glitches, it's not even worth putting any time into right now.

I finally got the ball rolling and had survived 6 days. Was building a pretty sweet camp. I've killed like 40 people.

I killed another and went to chop his body up. The explosion of limbs from when I chopped him sent me flying literally 400 feet and i died from fall damage.

What the fuck...


This game is so full of glitches, it's not even worth putting any time into right now.

I finally got the ball rolling and had survived 6 days. Was building a pretty sweet camp. I've killed like 40 people.

I killed another and went to chop his body up. The explosion of limbs from when I chopped him sent me flying literally 400 feet and i died from fall damage.

What the fuck...

Keep in mind Early Access...or is it full release now? I don't know.


This game is so full of glitches, it's not even worth putting any time into right now.

I finally got the ball rolling and had survived 6 days. Was building a pretty sweet camp. I've killed like 40 people.

I killed another and went to chop his body up. The explosion of limbs from when I chopped him sent me flying literally 400 feet and i died from fall damage.

What the fuck...

The game is unfinished. The whole point of Early Access is to get a large amount of people playing the game and reporting bugs.


The game is unfinished. The whole point of Early Access is to get a large amount of people playing the game and reporting bugs.

I fear some people think that Early Access means that it's basically completed but with just some minor bugs and such.


Party Pooper
new update! (bolded emphasis is mine)

Version 0.04

Features and changes:

New A.I. behaviour, mutants will sometimes go home to sleep during day along with other new routines.
Distorted mutants can now be killed with regular weapons.
Distorted mutants more aggressive and deadly in combat and have expanded actions.
Better ambient lighting. Trees and large objects diffusely occlude skylight. (experimental)
Pause menu now actually pauses game.
Enemies use rocks more often to jump attack at player.
New female enemy type added.
Better distribution of enemies throughout the world.
Constructed bench now works and players can sit to regain energy or watch sunset.
Increased axe damage against enemies.
More variation to female cannibal models, added procedural breasts size system.
Improved Rabbit/Lizard distribution and optimized CPU usage.
Improved sky and sun look.
Improved dead cave lighting and cave 2 lighting.
Better cave textures and rock look.
Dead cave prop fixes, fixed some incorrect rock placements.
Improved load times and added loading percentage amount.
Re-balanced hunger drain.
Better cave ground with flowing water and more detailed textures.
Enemies will now push small items out of the way instead of getting stuck on them.
Dead sharks now ragdoll.


Fixed rain sound never going away even after rain stops.
Fixed bug where some partially built structures couldn’t be completed after loading a saved game.
Fixed animals sometimes disappearing in regular and vegan mode.
Fixed issue where you could still shoot flare gun or use other weapons when pause menu was open.
Yacht random position won't change now or get lost when saved game is loaded
Fixed all effigies turning into arm effigy on load
Fixed E to add icon showing up if holding a rock or stick even if items not needed in building
Fixed cave drips continuing to play even when not in cave
Fixed fish swimming outside of pond near cliff section
Fixed fullness always starting at half when loading a saved game
Fixed moonlight sometimes missing completely
Fixed stick marker vanishing on loading saved game
Fixed missing collision roof of cabin
Fixed player flying in air after chopping dead bodies
Rain effigy effect should now work and will wear off after time
Cannibals spawning in villages no longer ‘pop’ when waking up
Fixed creepy female model attacks sometimes not hitting player
Fixed bug where bird landing on hand would sometimes stop axe from working
Fixed enemy head and leg pickups sometimes appearing as arm pickups


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Nice update, but... who was really paying that much attention to cannibal boobs?

I guess to add variety, I dunno. But the female cannibal's head still turns into the generic male head when she is dismembered, they should have addressed that before tinkering with the tits. A minor gripe, though, the updates have been decent. I still play it now and then.


New update:

Version 0.05 Changelog:

New craftable item added: Bow (Stick plus cloth plus rope)
New craftable item added : Arrows (Stick plus 5 feathers)
New craftable item added: Fire torch (Cloth plus Stick)
New craftable item added : Medicine (Aloe plant plus Marigold flower)
Fixed staircase built scale being different from ghost scale
Fixed hunting shelter built scale being different from ghost scale
Fixed enemies not playing correct death animation
Enemies no longer get stuck jumping down from trees
Enemies will dodge around close trees more often, less instances of getting stuck on trunks
Fixed(removed) weirdly shaped weeds
Fixed rusty axe duplication bug
Fixed yellow axe not appearing in inventory
Lower sound effect tree breaking notification
Fixed bug where you could throw multiple tennis balls at once
Added support for more resolutions
Parry no longer affects burn/poison and other damage to player
Carry log animation added to player
Improved enemy collision detection with built walls and structures
Enemy vision is now properly blocked by player built structures
‘check bloody arms’ animation can be cancelled by other actions more reliably
Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck and walking backwards forever
New 3d models added, first class passengers * 2
Fixed rope not appearing in inventory when collected
Added new female texture and hair variations
Fixed glitch in cave where players could fall through ground
New cave prop added : Mining hat with light
Fixed some pathfinding issues in animals and mutants
Fixed lit fires blocking enemy vision causing weird AI behaviour
Enemies should set themselves on fire less often
Fixed an issue where enemies would get stuck on spot while climbing trees
Fixed counter attacks of cannibals sometimes not registering
Fixed missing turtles on main beach
Fixed enemies getting stuck in trees
Fixed enemies freezing upright after being shot with flare gun or burnt
Batteries can now be used to restore charge in flashlight and lowered torch battery drain speed to half
Stick holder now holds 20 sticks!
New cannibal village art added: Blankets, drying racks
Rabbits and lizards will navigate around trees and rocks better
Distorted mutants can now be killed with flare gun/fire
Improved bloom
Adaptive photographic tonemapper added
Fires now drain slightly faster
Improved sunlight settings
Motion blur now takes into account HDR
Improved foliage lighting
Improved water shader, more refraction as depth increases, more accurate sky reflections
Raised player fire damage amount
Rope pick ups added to some cannibal villages
Pedometer now shows outside temperature
Logs should no longer fall through rocks
Fixed plane seats vanishing on loading save game
Made feathers brighter, made batteries brighter (easier to see in inventory)
You can now carry 3 dead rabbits and 3 dead lizards (instead of 1 each)
Fixed plane crash crazy motion blur bug
Marigold and AloeVera now get stored in backpack when picked up
Texture resolution option added to options menu (start screen options menu only) Try lowering this to improve memory on lower ram systems and improve performance on lower end cards.
Fixed issues with taking bombs from inventory
Birds now spawn feathers when killed
Day counter now starts at 0 from when you first wake up in plane
Improved cave items/layout and lighting
Fixed lizards & birds vanishing when close to edge of screen
Rainbow will be forced off now if night time
Enemies will now push past bloody table instead of getting stuck
Improved look of dead
Fixed some missing sound effects, improved night time sound effects


Is this at a point where it's worth picking up? Or is it still too barebones and buggy to enjoy?

I tried the game yesterday (first time since release, bought it to support the devs) and I was stunned by how good it looked and how cool it is going to be. But frankly, I am still waiting, and will most likely wait until at least 1.0 before I properly play it. It is not (obviously) polished enough to be comfortable for me.


I tried the game yesterday (first time since release, bought it to support the devs) and I was stunned by how good it looked and how cool it is going to be. But frankly, I am still waiting, and will most likely wait until at least 1.0 before I properly play it. It is not (obviously) polished enough to be comfortable for me.
So you probably wouldn't recommend it at full price right now? I'm trying to decide between this, Insurgency, or maybe something else if anything else catches my fancy by the time i buy.

I just thought, it would be really cool if you could somehow manipulate the natives into following you. Become like Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. It would have to be really difficult, and probably an endgame scenario, but it would completely change the game. It wouldn't even be mandatory, but assimilation could be an option alongside escape, survival, maybe a few other options.


so I'm thinking they shouldn't have released this on early access so early. I really think devs should have a lot of gameplay functions before putting it on EA because coupling that with cool trailers full of stuff we can't play for years is annoying. this game has a lot of potential still, though. Would love a console version but it looks great on my pc even though it was lagging last time I played it. Any substantial patches or word on co-op?
Haven't played this game for three months and jumped back in today to check out the alpha 7 update. Got to say the game still looks and sounds pretty great in most cases and it's definitely a little more polished. It's still Early Access though and I got pretty burned out on it last time so that's why I took a break. That's the problem with Early Access, getting burned out on a buggy version of the game before it releases can definitely be a negative thing. Taking a break and coming back to it helped keep it fresh with the content and updates they've rolled out over the last few months.


Just grabbed this in the sale...fuck me it's atmospheric.

Still a bit hard to figure out (I cooked some lizards but they vanished?) but when a "girl" decided to get a closer look at me I shit myself!


The Forest just received a massive update. End Night Games upgraded to Unity 5 along with a host of other changes.


Version 0.16 Changelog:

New options menu setting ‘Render Type’ will allow you to switch between new deferred renderer(recommended for modern computers) and Legacy renderer (recommended for older computers)
Full pbr shaders on all items. Reworked most textures to fit new lighting.
Reflection probes added.
New ocean shader (work in progress)
Better bow aiming - sight added to bow. bow tracks better with camera view when aiming up and down. Looks better now when viewed by another player
Animals will now attempt to dodge trees, obstacles and other animals
Fixed rebreather’s air resetting to 0 after loading a saved game
(Multiplayer) Reworked the network prioritization algorithm to provide more relevant updates of remote entities to players (Smoother, less jittery enemies)
Upgrade balance: Inverted bonus curve, it now goes from small (10%) to big (100%)
Fixed booze upgrades still not showing up for some weapons
Added a small outline to chat text to make it visible in bright lighting conditions
Fixed issue preventing to lock floors/roofs on multiple walls on the same height level
Grabber system now turned off when in in inventory/book/pause menu or while placing a building (ie, placing a building near water will no longer trigger drinking)
New snapping grid gizmo to help with manual placing of experimental floors & roofs (tip shows the current lock position and is big enough to be seen from either side of a wall)
Experimental Roofs now snap back to closest edge on current support (ie the wall you’re putting it on)
Goose simulator added. Geese will now fly between lakes and swim around acting like geese
Fixed Bon Fire not lightable
Fixed flying food on rock fire pit
Fixed burn lizard scale
Added generic meat burnt
Fixed drying generic meat
Fixed Treehouse + Treehouse Chalet floor not buildable
Deer will now drink at lakes
Fixed issue where deer would run right through trees!
Dead birds now have a chance of spawning feathers when hit
Revamped cooking to allow eating burnt food but with far lesser gain
Player will now see himself briefly dragged away into a cave when knocked out but not killed.
New art added: Improved airline foodcart
Fixed bug where climbing rope for first time would sometimes cause it to release right after climbing
New trees! New bark and leaf types.
New billboard system with lit billboards and rotation
Unity 5 reflection probe system added
New clouds/sky
All shaders switched to use new unity pbr
Dirtied up and improved regular enemy textures
New pbr skin shader!
In game controls remapping, both in Title & Main scene options
Falling particle leaves now accumulate on ground
Fixed logs flying up into air when trees were cut
Fixed physics on some trees not colliding with terrain when falling
New art added: dead small trunk
Graphics options: added rendering patch selection
Graphics options: added new setting to turn off sunshine occlusion
Graphics options: added new setting to tune Level of Detail
Graphics options: SSAO setting now also changes sample count
Graphics Settings now properly show the saved preset name after restarting the game
Graphics Settings: Renamed “Laptop” level to “Ultra Low”
Fixed survival book entries not clickable on occasion
New art added: new version of plane food! plane tray, styrofoam cups and trays
New bushes- replaced 2 of the worst looking bushes with new type
New lake shader added! reflective and with murkiness
New dead trees! Better textures and models, and now all cuttable!
Better shark ragdoll
Jump animation added to player
New combat move - Flying axe attack. Attack downwards with axe while jumping to perform a powerful ground chop.
When falling from high up, player will briefly stumble to his hands and knees
You can now cook arms and legs (and … eat them - but you probably shouldnt)
Dead trees replaced and now cuttable!
New log type for buildings that matches carried log
(audio) New player sounds!
(audio) New female skinny audio!
New blueberry bushes!
New multiplayer octree based priority calculation
New art: Re-done plane seats
Fish and sharks are now also in multiplayer games!
Touch bending grass added! enemies, rabbits, animals and player will now slightly rustle the grass as they move through it (this is a first pass at this, next version will include better bending)
You can now climb fishing stands
Experimental Walls now block AIs (mutant & animals) from going through it
Fixed fire particles staying up after cutting down a burning tree
New world art: cliff wall variations.
Lighter now stays equipped when exiting/entering ropes
Added some additional optimizations and memory tweaks for 32bit machines that have less than 4gigs of usable ram
Fixed molotov fire never shutting down


Does this have a timeframe for leaving EA? I've been curious about it for a while but am pretty wary of Early Access. (As cool an idea and as valuable a tool as I think it is, my gaming time is woefully limited so I want to spend it on finished games.)
Just got this game last night. I'm on day 10 now and haven't seen a single enemy or cave anywhere. I've traveled a lot too. Its great building stuff but I'd like to actually see these cannibals. Nothing at empty campsites either.


Just got this game last night. I'm on day 10 now and haven't seen a single enemy or cave anywhere. I've traveled a lot too. Its great building stuff but I'd like to actually see these cannibals. Nothing at empty campsites either.

I dont have the game but as far as I know there is a "peace" mode where they dont attack you where you only have to survive alone on an island. Maybe you chose that?


You can now cook arms and legs (and … eat them - but you probably shouldnt)

Loving those update notes!

Been wanting to pick this up since early access was announced but would rather experience a game like this for the first time when it's finished. I grow impatient though and the version number suggests this game is still years away. Anyone reckon I should take the plunge now or is it still too rough and ready?
Anyone still playing this? How has it progressed since launching EA? Would it be worth getting during the Summer Sale (mainly in terms of current status)?

Also any thoughts on how this compares to Stranded Deep?


I always loved the survival aspect of Minecraft, but I want to try something new. The Forest looks good, but a lot of people are saying ARK is the new best survival game. This one is much cheaper right now though. Is it worth the current Steam summer sale price?


This is meant to be coming to PS4 right... one day?

Yes, though I suspect the devs want to get the PC version almost complete before they release anything on PS4. It's a fantastic game for something in Early Access, but still needs a lot of polishing before it's ready for a final release.
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