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The Order 1886 at PSX - Impressions, Gameplay, etc.


I remember the first time I played FF8 and marveled at the CG cutscenes, wondering if entire games would ever look like it.

It appears we have arrived at this point.


Ultimately this game will be judged on its story, replay value, and if its more than just cover shooting for 10-12 hours. I'm a sucker for a story driven game so I'm already in, I just hope there's enough of it and the game is fun to play. This setting has SO MUCH potential... please be amazing!


Wait...didn't gametrailers die or was that another website?

They laid off a bunch of people, but they didnt die.

You could be thinking of rev3games.

Great preview! I hope we see more of the demo. Or better yet, i hope we get a chance to play it (not holding my breath though).


Here are my guesses on story:

The Blackwater does cause the Knights to change into something. Possibly vampires.

It is slowly revealed that, far from fighting the good fight, The Order are pawns of the ruling class who are using the Lycan threat as a means of oppressing the masses.

At least one major NPC character will turn out to be a werewolf.

Galahad & Isabeau are clearly a 'thing' from the clip shown at the panel. Maybe she turns wolf and Hdlahad is bereft and has to kill her or his mentor.


At least one major NPC character will turn out to be a werewolf.

Galahad is the werewolf and after a few chapters the player can switch between shooter ("normal" Galahad") and killing everyone with claws (werewolf galahad).

Like Altered Beast, only better and with guns.
I just watched the video on GT. I get the impression the game is not using SSR but rather a similar way of doing reflections for dynamic characters like you see in Remember Me.



Ιs there anywhere an updated list with all the confirmed information/gameplay mechanics included in this game?

For example are there customizable weapons?

Would love to see a list with all confirmed features.


Just went through this thread and man, so much negativity in the beginning compared to now. Game looks good. Had no opinion on it until this past weekend.


I thought these guys had a fantastic showing. The way The Order: 1886 has been handled in terms of promotion, through no real fault of the developers, has been pretty terrible. It took an entire event and extensive hands-on a few months from release, but at least there are much better impressions getting out there about the game. I've been excited about this for a long time now, so it's great to see others feel more enthused about it.


This game looks fabulous. The atmosphere, the setting, I love the van Helsing esque vibe. I love these types of games. This will be one of the first games I'll play when I het a ps4 in the future.
I'd rather the members of The Order did not turn out to be 'vampires', but that does kinda make sense in the context that the Blackwater heals them and makes them live for hundreds of years. Wasn't there a rumour that Galahad was the original Galahad from the King Arthur legends, which could make him anything up to 1200 years old. I wonder if they'll reference any of the other knights or Arthurian legends like Pendragon, Lancelot, Tristan, Merlin, Mordred, etc.
I'd rather the members of The Order did not turn out to be 'vampires', but that does kinda make sense in the context that the Blackwater heals them and makes them live for hundreds of years. Wasn't there a rumour that Galahad was the original Galahad from the King Arthur legends, which could make him anything up to 1200 years old. I wonder if they'll reference any of the other knights or Arthurian legends like Pendragon, Lancelot, Tristan, Merlin, Mordred, etc.

The other mustached knight is Perceval.


Ιs there anywhere an updated list with all the confirmed information/gameplay mechanics included in this game?

For example are there customizable weapons?

Would love to see a list with all confirmed features.
The health regen system is a hybrid as well. There are a certain number of hits from which you can recover by simply hiding from sight. But if you cross that threshold, you will go down on all fours. The only way then is to crawl slowly to cover and use backwater, which works like a medkit. You can easily get killed once you have been downed, so you need to crawl to the nearest cover ASAP. There is a QTE to rapidly press X to bring him back up after healing, which also works well, because the situation is tense as it is. It really added that sense of urgency.

Black sight works like bullet time (it has a limit, but I didn't get to push it) and sort of auto locks on to enemies and you flick with the analog stick. But it still gives you freedom to do head shots by aiming post lock-on. Helps conserve bullets, I suppose. From the demo it seemed like it was limited to pistols.

Also I'd urge everyone to take a closer look at Gears of War and then look back at our cover system. While we love GOW and used that as a starting point, we did do some subtle but significant changes.

Our cameras are much closer, much more saving private ryan feel. In our game, when you're in cover, it looks and feels like you are in cover. We have a peek mechanic, where you can look over or around cover to get a better view (just stick in said direction), this is to help offset that your visibility is hampered while you are in cover.

Also we have a soft cover mechanic (that kicks in once you have entered cover), similar to The Last of Us in that once in cover you can just move/stick off without needing to hit the enter cover button -- which can allow for smoother transitions when shifting sides or just going in and out quickly.

We went with a hybrid system as we wanted to preserve the ability to quickly scramble into cover via a button press (something you can't do in The Last of Us) but once in it's super easy to shift/change cover.

Stealth kills aren't difficult to execute (though the AI is a bit wonky), and they aren't achieved simply by moving behind an enemy and hitting a certain button. Rather, you have to time your stab with an on-screen, QTE-like prompt. I especially dug how as I drew towards my targets, my character slowly reaches for his blade, as if he knows exactly what's going to happen. That was a very nice -- albeit small -- touch.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Man it's really refreshing to see positive impressions about this game. I was getting it day 1 anyway just for the amazing setting and aesthetics, but it's good to know the game got better since its last showing.
I'd rather the members of The Order did not turn out to be 'vampires', but that does kinda make sense in the context that the Blackwater heals them and makes them live for hundreds of years. Wasn't there a rumour that Galahad was the original Galahad from the King Arthur legends, which could make him anything up to 1200 years old. I wonder if they'll reference any of the other knights or Arthurian legends like Pendragon, Lancelot, Tristan, Merlin, Mordred, etc.
Galahad is the third galahad in their ranks if I remember it right.the original order is indeed come from arthutian legends
From what I understand about the backwater is that it doesn't make them immortal but it gives them a much longer lifespan as well as instant regen. Vampires are supposed to live forever so I don't think the Knights are vampires.


Once in the ballroom, Galahad takes cover on a balcony overlooking a dignitary or two. Guards are posted all over the room, but some of them appear to be rebels in disguise. After identifying which ones are real and which are not, the action begins, and I finally get some sort of free reign in shooting things. It’s…fun! The shooting action is entertaining, tight stuff, mostly made fun through the punchy weight of the weapons. Popping heads with the sniper rifle is satisfying, as is the thundering, slow machine gun that feels like you’re powering heavy bits of metal into enemy faces. The incendiary shotgun I thieved from a corpse was just ridiculous, filling the screen with a phosphorous smoke. Probably not the smartest weapon to use on a gas-filled dirigible, but I digress. Galahad is able to use a Blacksight ability to slow time down, essentially a sort of bullet time.
I’ll be honest though; the cinematic letterbox presentation doesn’t really do it for me, and I worry a little that the game will struggle to find that perfect balance between its action, and its interactive fiction. Much of it seems to be about pushing forward and pressing buttons in time, interspersed with great action, and getting the mixture perfectly balanced is not going to be easy. Regardless, the demo left me excited, and wanting more. I want more of that incredible ambience, that phenomenal lighting, and those jaw-dropping graphics. I want more of that action, more of those weapons and more of the story.

I could just do with a little less of a directed experience.


I thought these guys had a fantastic showing. The way The Order: 1886 has been handled in terms of promotion, through no real fault of the developers, has been pretty terrible. It took an entire event and extensive hands-on a few months from release, but at least there are much better impressions getting out there about the game. I've been excited about this for a long time now, so it's great to see others feel more enthused about it.

Could not agree more.. So looking forward to this superb game.

Both the visuals, premise, style and design along with vampire mystic mixed with the lycans just really appeals to me.

The flow of positive news and previews now from sites and gamers is really exciting too see, some decent PR was all that was needed it seems.
Going off the "uniqueness" discussion last page, I don't think a game really needs to be unique to do well so much as it needs execute on what it's trying to do properly.

We've had plenty of games this year that didn't bring much new to the table gameplay wise but were met with critical success (SoM, FC4 etc).


I am honestly surprised no1 has filmed the entire thing yet.

We have bits and pieces of cameras but we should have something coplete by now no?


Wouldnt it be awesome if the order people turn out the be vampires?

That would be good actually. Instead of a crusade for good it's just an ancient battle for domination. I don't think any game devs we have right now are able to display this level of imagination/story-telling, certainly not any western ones.
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