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The state of NeoGAF

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That's your defense for that behavior? Men will be men?

It's not like Evilore regretted his actions, he doubled down on them in the forum. From his side this wasn't a drunken mistake, it was something positive, something he prided himself in.

It is not a defence...one it is acknowledging that there different severities of action in the 'real world'. I mean I have had my butt grabbed by girls/women before...with no context...as in people I didn't even have a chance to talk to...I am in no way condoning that behaviour, I think he was a fucking idiot in the case with the Spanish girl...but I don't think that was criminal...Not at that level at least. But it does illustrate that he is clueless with women. I also believe that drink makes people of both sexes stupid in many scenarios, but that doesn't excuse certain actions at all.
Please ban this account. I've taken care of what I need to here and don't want it hanging around and I'd rather not have to post porn to get my ban.

Later gaf.


That's something I like on reddit. Mods can toggle their mod color on when they say something in their position as mod and otherwise can just post as normal users. If something like that could be implemented that would be nice. That way they can still have their opinions and be taken accountable for their mod actions. That's the general thing. Make mods accountable.

Is being a mod on NeoGAF a paid job? I imagine it could be, I mean the site isn't hurting for money, is it?

If this is the case, you could hire someone to be a forum-police exclusively, and not participate in any of the conversations.
There are some Gaffers that mostly lurked. I don't think it's right to dismiss people solely on their post counter.

Wanna play the internet rep game? Try my post counter.

Yes, I'm aware. My point was that the community is shifting now to be represented by those that had previously mostly lurked. People who talk about the "good ol' days" of NeoGAF before movements like GamerGate were shut down and removed. Those who came into this thread armed with talking points and phrases ripped straight from less reputable sites. They've always been GAF members, but are just now feeling emboldened now that EL's dirty laundry has been aired and given the seal of approval.
He left the shower when asked. When did he sexually assault her against her will? Anyone with as lick of commonsense can see this is an overblown nonstory.

Ok Formula. Are you a bot? Because the responses you are giving to me, are barley responses to anything at all I am asking. It seems as if you are purposely ignoring reasonable requests or debate and instead are focused solely on attacking this woman.

You keep saying that she was ok with it, because she got into bed afterwards with him, while he was naked.

I want you provide citation and unless you don't this is all you will see in response from me from now on.


Understand that this is me trying to be polite right now. Because right now it looks like you have a vendetta against this woman.


A severly nuetered OT/OT-Community is going to be interesting to see, I think this might be the end for me on GAF because OT was the thing that made tgis site standout for me, from all the other Gaming Forums.

Goodluck & Goodbye.


Neo Member
Pretty sure he was cast in a no budget film which she was directing. That probably eliminates sexual harassment from the equation and leaves indecent exposure as the only applicable charge.

However, both the alleged victim and purported perpetrator have substantial hurdles to overcome in terms of credibility.


One of the things I have found interesting is the rise of posters on other sites discrediting gaf and its entire user base. It's a shame to see the reputation get eroded as Gaf was/ hopefully is a place where sexism/ racism/ discrimination is not acceptable. Making it a much much nicer community than many out there on the internet. It almost feels like it's being attacked by those with agenda's who want to make people with those values look bad.

Neogaf isn't a blog for one person, it's a community of thousands, hopefully the recent events don't make the internet in general a less tolerant place.
We're a message board in the end. Yet so many who never set foot here had something to say. Kept watching us.

In the end, we're just a message board, an island connected to a topic that many are not involved with...yet they never cease to keep watching us...


No it not okay, but she was not disturbed or put off by it. She even admits she had a sexual relationship with him later.

She said she gave him a second chance. That does not mean the slate is wiped clean or even she doesn't get to change her mind over the original thing.

She changed her mind over the original thing obviously. Or it stayed with her and got more fucked up the more she thought about it.


The moment you give into dissent any discussion becomes a cesspool. I do not care about the opinions of the alt-right or gamergaters and I'm hopeful that the majority of NeoGAF feels the same way.

See... thats the thing here. You casually throw the "alt-right" thing... as if you know who people are here and what they believe and how they act in their lives.

Just like that. Casually. Hell, we could be disagreeing about the details, but who cares. "alt right".

Alt rights everywhere...

You are not doing anything good. You are actually making things worse.


Man those suicide threads are still coming in how out there, a mile a minute. Must be somebody's full time job right now to keep that stuff tidy. I know gaf hates the term "virtue signaling" and think it's solely an alt-right concept. But that concept does a pretty damn good job of describing what all those LOOK AT ME ban requests look like.

But oftentimes... the disagreement to the consensus was racist, sexist, etc.

Sometimes. Not usually. The bar for "racist/sexist/misogynist" around here was so low sometimes that it might as well have been on the floor, or under the floor.
My ban request withdrawal from the previous page:

Eh, don't ban me yet, actually. I want to see where this all goes. I don't want people to think I believe the accusations OR the response. I don't know the truth certain enough to cast blame on any party, but I also don't have any stake in protecting someone I don't know personally. For all I know, he could be a terrible person who treats women deplorably while trying to draw attention away from the issue. On the other hand, the accusations could be false, and the situation got so overblown that this guy is struggling to make things right. It's not impossible for a scorned lover to try and damage someone's reputation; it's happened before.

If it is proven that the accusations are true, then I'm out, of course.


All the more reason to make a statement quickly and take control of the situation before it got larger.

But that would have required some forward, critical thinking, and I think that a specific someone might not have the requirements for that.

Its easy to sit here all high and mighty and say he should have done this or that. Realistically its a lot more complicated than that and a lot of other factors come into play.

The simple fact is he said he was going to make a statement, unfortunately the children on this site had a tantrum and threw their toys out of the pram. Leading to the site crashing and being taken down delaying the statement. Posting spam and raging along with assigning guilt probably didnt help either.

A statement has been made, it took a little longer than what it should have, but guess what thats on you and people like you.
Wienstine was harassing women who did not feel the same way. This is thing you people are failing to see in this case. She admits she liked him before the shower incident, and after was not disgusted he had exposed himself to her. She later jumped into bed with him and felt those parts he exposed to her ( this is the reality) and you people need to stop overreacting to things you read on the internet or hear from others

The hilarious part of this is, 2 weeks ago if this topic was about a random game developer, this post would have 100% gotten you banned for victim blaming.


Please ban this account. I've taken care of what I need to here and don't want it hanging around and I'd rather not have to post porn to get my ban.

Later gaf.

You were and are one of the best people I met here. See you on Twitter.

Is being a mod on NeoGAF a paid job? I imagine it could be, I mean the site isn't hurting for money, is it?

If this is the case, you could hire someone to be a forum-police exclusively, and not participate in any of the conversations.
I mean, maybe? Does banner advertising actually make that much money anymore?

Yes, I'm aware. My point was that the community is shifting now to be represented by those that had previously mostly lurked. People who talk about the "good ol' days" of NeoGAF before movements like GamerGate were shut down and removed. Those who came into this thread armed with talking points and phrases ripped straight from less reputable sites. They've always been GAF members, but are just now feeling emboldened now that EL's dirty laundry has been aired and given the seal of approval.
The reason why so many with small post counters post here is simple because many of those with big counters left for Reset or waiting out or are busy saving old posts and threads before it all comes down again. Not mention the amount of veterans who previously were culled for random stuff.


Felium Defensor
My heart is conflicted. My alliance is to the community and the good people that made this place special for me. I wonder what will be left of it after the dust settles and will it ever be the same(?)
This recent gaf shitstorm hit harder than expected because this is my only home on the internet. Still so bummed out man. :(

An allegation of sexual misconduct has been made against me by an ex. It's not true, the individual making the accusation isn't credible, the story doesn't reconcile logically with the facts, and there's plenty of evidence and witnesses to corroborate that. It'll be a process.

All allegations of this nature are serious, of course. I first got word of it on Wednesday when a screenshot of a Facebook post was handed to Voat. I immediately talked with my mod team about the contents of the screenshot and clarified that it was baseless and explained some of the details concerning my former associations with her, and tried to ensure any concerns from the team were addressed fully and transparently to everyone's satisfaction. On Thursday I heard that she had deleted the accusation from Facebook, and wasn't entirely sure how to proceed from there or how this would all play out in the public space at that point. Then, Friday morning, the screenshot made its way to NeoGAF and chaos ensued.

I was in the process of writing a statement that entire day to address formally address the allegation, but the community had erupted in a flash that morning. While the moderation team was trying to restore the peace, accusations and threats concerning the screenshot started shifting to them as well by association with me, and I was asked by my team to do something to fix things and get the heat off of all of them at least. I was beyond exhausted by that point, though, stretched too thin in the time since the post had first appeared and seeing unprecedented events unfold on NeoGAF. I was slow and weak. I failed to handle it quickly enough and let the team down. Before I could finish a statement and get it out there, understandably some mods hit their emotional limit, expressed concerns about the community coming after them, and decided to leave. A few people resigned, and many more quickly followed for similar reasons, citing stress and harassment. The site started breaking under load spikes leading up to the first resignations, too, and then flatlined altogether, so issuing a statement at that time on NeoGAF itself became impossible for the time being, and my attention shifted toward the moderation team's future.

Since that whole mess, lasting from Friday morning through Saturday, before we formally went offline for maintenance and repair and restructure, we've just been trying to figure out the best course of action for NeoGAF going forward. And as stories began being published by various outlets, I issued some comments to the press, since everything coming out was proving to be sensationalized, opportunist, and unprofessional.

We've all become increasingly stressed and weary this year in ways even I'm not accustomed to by now, and discussions on heated news, political issues, and social issues on the off-topic side of the site have become areas no one has wanted to moderate in the open for fear of backlash or just general exposure to the inevitable toxicity. I've gone in there myself to take the heat, since it's very much my responsibility to do so before anyone else's, but there's been little headway, mostly just more anger and resentment and a lot of bans. I don't think this necessarily reflects on our community; more so the tone of the entire internet this year with regards to heated issues.

That's all going to inform the way forward for NeoGAF as we refocus on what the main goals are supposed to be for the site. The mod team will talk about more specifics on what that will entail below.

One last thing. The NeoGAF mod team is here for this community; all of you. You have no obligations to respect me or believe anything I say about my personal life one way or another, but if you're going to be here and participate on NeoGAF, respect the mod team by following the rules and behaving. The team is diminished at the moment and the folks who stuck around care very much about this community and its future. Be considerate of them. That's non-negotiable.


What's weird is there are a ton of people coming out of the woodwork that I don't recognize. I've been on GAF every day for like 5 years now, and I've never seen more people that I don't "recognize" than I do now.

I have had this same feeling through the day, I don't know if is because now all the people who held a grudge towards parts of the community feel emboldened by the decision of many members to leave and the nuking of Off Topic, also the lax moderation there is right now, the only people getting banned are the ones posting against Evilore meanwhile a lot of shit posting is going unchecked.
Man those suicide threads are still coming in how out there, a mile a minute. Must be somebody's full time job right now to keep that stuff tidy. I know gaf hates the term "virtue signaling" and think it's solely an alt-right concept. But that concept does a pretty damn good job of describing what all those LOOK AT ME ban requests look like.

why would anyone want to "virtue signal" using a completely anonymous account on a video game website


Fuck me, what a cop out.

In other words, you think it's true but you're going to ignore it? Therefore pretty much enabling such behaviour and giving it a free pass?

Another case of people's inability to paraphrase and read between the lines...welp,
you have my attention: I never said or implied that the accusations are true. Please go through my recent post history to find your evidence. Even if it is true, you know what: I don't care. Let me repeat that: I don't fucking care. Read my post again. Evilore isn't my familiy, my teacher, my boss, my Jedi-master...I'm not part of something, no community, no philosophy, no political agenda. I'm a visitor to this board. Hate/condemn me if you want for ignoring an incident involving this one person I can write a one line bio about. Things like that happen all the time, but they have never have been a part of my life. BUT, I feel free to say at least: you who feel the need to make this world a better place just by being oversensitive -Intermission: no clear evidence have been brought up against Malka yet- go on. I choose to live my life the way I want and you're free to do the same.


The smartest thing to do would have probably been to hand the reigns to someone else, no? Like, step aside from all "day-to-day" operations and have someone else be the 'face' of gaf? Atleast in the interim while the allegations are worked through?
No, because GAF has been my place for community discussion since 98. Evilore could've handled this situation with dignity and maybe made moves to move on, for the sake of the community.

Feel free to come join resetera with the rest of the decent community.

Can pm you details if you want. Site going live in a day or so.

Maybe, but I won't leave nor take the opportunity to seek attention.

By posting you're inherently seeking attention. Go back to skulking around and not posting.

Old Empire.

Ok Formula. Are you a bot? Because the responses you are giving to me, are barley responses to anything at all I am asking. It seems as if you are purposely ignoring reasonable requests or debate and instead are focused solely on attacking this woman.

You keep saying that she was ok with it, because she got into bed afterwards with him, while he was naked.

I want you provide citation and unless you don't this is all you will see in response from me from now on.


Understand that this is me trying to be polite right now. Because right now it looks like you have a vendetta against this woman.

I have a vendetta against this woman? Why would i? I just don't understand how a woman can have a sexual relationship with a guy she thinks harassed her? Would she even bring this up if they still met up with him today, still talking? She sounds to me like a woman who craves attention? She not a woman who was truly abused emotionally and physically abused by a man, Read the horror stories of women who are in bad relationship and you understand the differences.
No, because GAF has been my place for community discussion since 98. Evilore could’ve handled this situation with dignity and maybe made moves to move on, for the sake of the community.

OK. I was just appreciating the moderation team and whoever is working to guide the site through this right now and you called me out.
The moment you give into dissent any discussion becomes a cesspool. I do not care about the opinions of the alt-right or gamergaters and I'm hopeful that the majority of NeoGAF feels the same way.

What are you talking about? Without differing opinions it ceases to be a debate. I'm sure the people you speak of couldn't give two shits about your opinion yet you seem to think it important. I don't have an agenda either way but there were way too many people in OT who were of the opinion that anyone who disagreed with them were flat wrong and should be outed and ridiculed. The fact that Boogie apparently received threats from a fucking mod about destroying his career doesn't surprise me one little bit. That was the atmosphere in OT.


I don't about all of the crap being talked about here but Dennis needs to become a moderator for this place to be restored to it's proper order.
The smartest thing to do would have probably been to hand the reigns to someone else, no? Like, step aside from all "day-to-day" operations and have someone else be the 'face' of gaf? Atleast in the interim while the allegations are worked through?

Narcissists tend not to find any fault among themselves. The act isn't the problem, it's that people are talking about it. So, stop people from talking about it and everything is "fixed".


The moment you give into dissent any discussion becomes a cesspool. I do not care about the opinions of the alt-right or gamergaters and I'm hopeful that the majority of NeoGAF feels the same way.

Here we go again with the black and white thinking. How would you know who is alt-right or a gamergater? Because they don`t agree with a certain viewpoint you can instantly lable them?

I lean towards the left on almost all of my viewpoints but I encounter a lot of extreme ideas from the left that I cant agree with. Does that make me alt-right? Well it was enough to get temp banned here or have a raging tornado of anger fueled posts come at me that I cant respond to without the situation escalating.


What NeoGAF is about to become, is something that won't be safe for minorities, including racial and sexual minorities. This is very sad, because GAF has been one of the very few forums where talking about minority issues has been at least possible. Where discussion of sexual harassment has been possible, without fear of constant victim blaming.

But no more, it seems :(. Just today has proved how bad things are going.

Please ban me, and delete my account if possible. Retire Evilore.
What's weird is there are a ton of people coming out of the woodwork that I don't recognize. I've been on GAF every day for like 5 years now, and I've never seen more people that I don't "recognize" than I do now.

A lot probably left when the Inquisition started to take form .
I don't about all of the crap being talked about here but Dennis needs to become a moderator for this place to be restored to it's proper order.

here here, why did he get banned again?

Also audioboxer. That guy had the ability to articulate my thoughts in a manner which i never could. My most quoted gaffer. Let's get him running the joint

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Please ban this account. I've taken care of what I need to here and don't want it hanging around and I'd rather not have to post porn to get my ban.

Later gaf.

I don't understand why some members feel the need to throw their arms up and announce to the world that they want to be banned and are leaving. No one cares. Leave. BUH BYE!
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