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Tripwire: Next-Gen Console Hardware a ‘Major Generational Leap’, We’re Excited About It


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

While interviewing Tripwire Interactive (Red Orchestra, Killing Floor, Rising Storm) CEO John Gibson about the upcoming 'SharkPG' Maneater, Kai got the following comment about next-gen consoles.
Without giving away anything I'm under NDA with, I think they're a major generational leap.
Some of the things that people are talking about like SSDs, well, people tend to think about faster GPUs and faster CPUs, but 5200 RPM hard drives are terrible with long load times. We have an open world game like Maneater and it means we can only have the shark move so fast because other things can't stream in in time. It really opens up what you can do with the game. The other things like the faster GPU and CPU, those things are great too, [and] more RAM. All of those things are a pretty big generational leap. I'm really excited about what we'll be able to do with our current and our upcoming games on new hardware.


"We have an open world game like Maneater and it means we can only have the shark move so fast because other things can't stream in in time. It really opens up what you can do with the game."

And this is why the Xbox Series X is gimped by the "must also work on Xbox One decree". With one hand devs are being given freedom to open up and do more with games, but with the other they're being told they aren't allowed to because it must also run on a seven year old potato.


"We have an open world game like Maneater and it means we can only have the shark move so fast because other things can't stream in in time. It really opens up what you can do with the game."

And this is why the Xbox Series X is gimped by the "must also work on Xbox One decree". With one hand devs are being given freedom to open up and do more with games, but with the other they're being told they aren't allowed to because it must also run on a seven year old potato.
That's only for Microsoft's own games though, and for like a year or two.

Obviously Microsoft are doing it so that Gamepass doesn't lose its main feature on Xbox One while most subscribers are still on that console, and so they can promote Xbox One based Xcloud with new 1st party content over the next couple of years. I don't think Microsoft actually believes that having to scale to really old and really weak hardware isn't going to affect design, it's just PR.
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That's only for Microsoft's own games though, and for like a year or two.

Obviously Microsoft are doing it so that Gamepass doesn't lose its main feature on Xbox One while most subscribers are still on that console, and so they can promote Xbox One based Xcloud with new 1st party content over the next couple of years.
MS won't be the only ones doing cross-gen games.
I reckon Ubisoft will do cross-gen as usual and so will EA.


MS won't be the only ones doing cross-gen games.
I reckon Ubisoft will do cross-gen as usual and so will EA.
Oh, for sure there will be a good amount of cross gen for at least a year from a lot of 3rd parties. However, I meant the "decree" part is only for Microsoft's own games, and I really don't see Ubi or EA not releasing any next gen only games for two whole years.



While interviewing Tripwire Interactive (Red Orchestra, Killing Floor, Rising Storm) CEO John Gibson about the upcoming 'SharkPG' Maneater, Kai got the following comment about next-gen consoles.

Guys u can now move faster through the same boring towns with 4k textures. Truly revolutionary.

Dude could just make you know PC games oh wait. Mind blown rofl.
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Gold Member
I assume they mean visually, because I have a feeling that actual games won't change much.

Yeah, the homogenization of creativity, er um, the (AAA) business will probably continue to steamroll along.

That's not to say that there are no great games to play. For me, it's always best to mix things up. Different genres, different eras/gens(old/new), AAA/indie/low-budget, mainstream/hidden niche/experimental, etc.

The industry has such incredible diversity and quality if we don't pigeon hole ourselves into a narrow focus.
Not one game the last 7 years provided anything in terms of game play innovation. The narrative switching a few years back(graphics and power) was all done to hide that fact. The games being released in the next 3-5 years will be nothing but the same thing we have been getting, with just another shiny coat of paint. In fact i would say games, especially the 'named' devs. all have taken steps back. More power means nothing when it is still left trigger, right trigger, hey go get this quest. Im still waiting for actual consequences, it was discussed before last gen and still nothing.


They should try and make a proper sp tactical shooter with actual MISSION DESIGN !

I know it seems to be such an reprehensible concept for so many devs. Instead it's...lets just blind them with shiny graphics, so they don't realize how boring and bare bones our games are.
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"We have an open world game like Maneater and it means we can only have the shark move so fast because other things can't stream in in time. It really opens up what you can do with the game."

And this is why the Xbox Series X is gimped by the "must also work on Xbox One decree". With one hand devs are being given freedom to open up and do more with games, but with the other they're being told they aren't allowed to because it must also run on a seven year old potato.

Again, there is no „must always work on Xbox one decree“.
third party devs can do whatever the fuck they want.
Stop spreading FUD


HolyTruth, the decree is indeed for first-party only, the 15 dev studios that make up Microsoft Game Studios. I'd rather it didn't but sadly it does exist. Read up on studio head Matt Booty's comments.

Rat Rage

Gold Member
I have never been LESS excited about "NEXT GEN". Every generation after the PS2 I've seen less innovation, less genre variety, less creativity and a lot more bullshit shoehorned into games (microtransactions, huge patch downloads, loot boxes, to name af few).

Likewise I have never been less excited about graphics. Everything looks like the same shit made with Unreal Engine 4. I don't expect anything to change with PS5 and XBoxSX. If anything, it's gonna get worse and even more boring. AAA gaming as become a joke long ago. Yet, games produces with huge budgets are the only thing that will legitimise PS5 and XBoxSX, because they are in a vicious circle of huge budget not allowing them to produce mediocre, generic games that might looks good the the average person. Yet, even the average person will probably be underwhelmed by next generations visuals, because you not only are diminishing returns real (and have been for a long time), but also because you can't put a generational-leap of graphics power into a 500 dollar box. PS5 and XBoxSX are not gonna look better than anything that ALREADY out on PC. Faster load times may be nice, but that won't save those "next gen" consoles from being "more of the same" and therefore "boring" and already obsolete when they release.


I have never been LESS excited about "NEXT GEN". Every generation after the PS2 I've seen less innovation, less genre variety, less creativity and a lot more bullshit shoehorned into games (microtransactions, huge patch downloads, loot boxes, to name af few).

Likewise I have never been less excited about graphics. Everything looks like the same shit made with Unreal Engine 4. I don't expect anything to change with PS5 and XBoxSX. If anything, it's gonna get worse and even more boring. AAA gaming as become a joke long ago. Yet, games produces with huge budgets are the only thing that will legitimise PS5 and XBoxSX, because they are in a vicious circle of huge budget not allowing them to produce mediocre, generic games that might looks good the the average person. Yet, even the average person will probably be underwhelmed by next generations visuals, because you not only are diminishing returns real (and have been for a long time), but also because you can't put a generational-leap of graphics power into a 500 dollar box. PS5 and XBoxSX are not gonna look better than anything that ALREADY out on PC. Faster load times may be nice, but that won't save those "next gen" consoles from being "more of the same" and therefore "boring" and already obsolete when they release.

One thing next generation can definitely improve on is level of detail and draw distance.
Draw distance and LOD, especially on consoles, are abysmal. Also some actual texture filtering for consoles and 32x AF for PC would be nice :)
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