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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’



The Olympic black power salute has endured as one of the most iconic images of protest in the history of the US. The athletes caught hell for it afterward then.

Smith and Carlos were largely ostracized by the US sporting establishment and they were subject to criticism. Time magazine on 25 October 1968 wrote: "'Faster, Higher, Stronger' is the motto of the Olympic Games. 'Angrier, nastier, uglier' better describes the scene in Mexico City last week."[17][18] Back home, both Smith and Carlos were subject to abuse and they and their families received death threats.[19]

You have racists and assholes like Trump and tommi Lauren saying there's a time and place to protest. They want it to be invisible and inoffensive to their delicate sensibilities. Basically Kapernick's protest was even more effective than I'm sure he ever imagined. Moral of the story is just like the "black power" salute at the Olympics, if white people are pissed then you're probably doing it right.


I love LeBron

his team is in Ohio too and he still always spits that truth whenever he can
Love him too.

To be fair though, I live in Akron and Akron and Cleveland are pretty damn liberal places. Sometimes I even forget that a lot of Ohio is backwoods fuckville.
Eddie Vedder, Roger Waters, and Pharrell in concerts over the weekend. Vedder actually did it in Tennessee no less




I'm getting tired of seeing the argument of "the flag represents the military" and how kneeling disrespects those that served appear in every discussion. If that was true (it isn't), then why do so many veterans respect and support those that kneel?


Had a huge fight with my parents about this last night. Was genuinely shocked at how angry this has made them (the kneeling, that is). They're usually very calm and collected, and while they're conservative I've never really seen them get particularly weird about patriotism. They also really dislike Trump.

At a certain point I just had to focus them on why this whole thing made them so angry in the first place. They really think that a lot of racial issues are just being blown up by the press to cause more chaos/sell papers.



Good Lord at this. This is a fucking sports show? This doesn't exist in the news media, and it's on a sports show? On Fox Sports no less? Nobody yelled over each other, they asked insightful questions, there was deep analysis of current racial issues with real conversation from multiple (non-Jeffrey Lord) perspectives.

"Stop telling me people died for a piece of cloth."



Good Lord at this. This is a fucking sports show? This doesn't exist in the news media, and it's on a sports show? On Fox Sports no less? Nobody yelled over each other, they asked insightful questions, there was deep analysis of current racial issues with real conversation from multiple (non-Jeffrey Lord) perspectives.

"Stop telling me people died for a piece of cloth."


It's usually not that good, but Sharpe has made good political statements like that in the past. Often times it is just both of them screaming at each other though, albeit over sports.
I think the more damning aspect was that we didn't elect Trump, we overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. It was the Electoral College that elected Trump, when the precise reason why that institution was created in the first fucking place was to prevent someone like him from be elected to office. The system is completely broken and the Republicans have figured out how to take advantage of it, and it's worked twice now.

Honestly, "overwhelmingly" is being a little too kind.

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote.

That's only a difference of 2.86 million votes. Electoral college or not, this absolute moron got 63 million people to vote for him. And now he's giving the country speeches from the White House. Donald Trump. delivering speeches. from the White House.


I'm getting tired of seeing the argument of "the flag represents the military" and how kneeling disrespects those that served appear in every discussion. If that was true (it isn't), then why do so many veterans respect and support those that kneel?

Because the individual men and women who comprise the military are considered above reproach in our society. Any issues one has with the veneration of the military as a whole notwithstanding, every halfway decent person in this country can agree on respecting and supporting The Troops: your friends, relatives, neighbors, etc. who enlisted and serve.

By invoking the military, i.e. The Troops, you can position those who stand opposite to them as opposite to something you can't be against in our society.

That's all it is. A means to winning an argument by painting the other side as anti-Troop.

Might as well say the other side hates babies: it's the same rhetorical device and logic used for the same purpose.
Lebron just said in his press conference on ESPN that if you voted for Trump you made a mistake.

Nice to hear, but mistake isn't the right word. Many of his voters actually voted for him BECAUSE of his racism. They screwed up and screwed our country, but things have gone exactly how they wanted in the era of Trump. Make America white again.


The weird thing is that Trump turned this into a pro-trump v. anti-trump thing when that's not what this is about at all. It's kinda frustrating.


Aaah yess. Lets all reminisce the days when facebook was used exclusively by teens and college kids doing quirky quizzes and poking each other. Ever since your moms and dads joined the platform it turned into a disgusting amplifier of racist, right-wing fake nonsense.

When I was in college in 06 it was mostly used for banging other college students
Had a huge fight with my parents about this last night. Was genuinely shocked at how angry this has made them (the kneeling, that is). They're usually very calm and collected, and while they're conservative I've never really seen them get particularly weird about patriotism. They also really dislike Trump.

At a certain point I just had to focus them on why this whole thing made them so angry in the first place. They really think that a lot of racial issues are just being blown up by the press to cause more chaos/sell papers.

Everyone in the country grew up with their own life experiences that shaped their beliefs and opinions - its OK to listen to them and why they feel the way they do, no need to get into a huge fight because they have opposite beliefs then us. Like you said, they really dislike Trump - but they have strong feelings about respecting the flag. That's OK for them to feel that way. Talk to them, but most importantly Listen to them - learn why they feel the way they do. They have their own life experiences and they were raised in a different world then you were. Arguing and fighting with those that feel differently then us is not the way to go about any of this.


It's manufactured nationalism and the easiest cheap pop. The anthem, the flyovers, the vets getting a round of applause, all of it. Kaepernick's protest has further exposed it for what it is.

I'd love for all the people complaining about "keeping politics out of sports" to explain just what exactly the U.S. military has to do with sports, like, at all. They have their tentacles spread throughout all of sports, but where's the connection? Based on the responses from those upset at the protests, the association between American sports and American nationalism has become almost Pavlovian in nature.

Yup. Anyone who says "keep politics out of sports" has obviously never watched the Super Bowl. Watching as a non-American, the Super Bowl is embarrassingly jingoistic. Forget the famous ads that run during it, the show itself is like a low key advertisement for the military-industrial complex.


Had a huge fight with my parents about this last night. Was genuinely shocked at how angry this has made them (the kneeling, that is). They're usually very calm and collected, and while they're conservative I've never really seen them get particularly weird about patriotism. They also really dislike Trump.

At a certain point I just had to focus them on why this whole thing made them so angry in the first place. They really think that a lot of racial issues are just being blown up by the press to cause more chaos/sell papers.

I know how you feel...

After seeing the pic of the kneeling vet...From a close relative...
the Vet is a PRIVATE citizen who, no doubt, admirably served our country, and can speak his mind as he sees fit (save any violations to the law or the contrary)...my beef is with these PUBLIC figures (spoiled rotten, arrogant, disrespectful, wife-beating) football players who should simply shut the f&$% up and just do what they are (very well) paid to do--play the game.

If they desire to protest, by all means do so--protest to your hearts' content. Protest is a good and necessary thing--done in the proper way. However, when they step out on to the field, they are no longer PRIVATE by PUBLIC citizens. In the immortal words of Spicolli, "this is OUR TIME"....

After the game, before the game, at home, in the market square (maybe even go over to the Vets house during the week)---protest until you can't protest any more...but PLEASE
not during OUR time

So I responded...
You're right, the last thing I want is a spoiled rotten SOB on his knee while I'm watching my game...thank god that Tebo is no longer in the NFL. He should've kept his religion to himself...He can pray in church, at the market, or before the game (maybe even at his house)---he can pray until he can't pray anymore but please not on OUR time!

My response didn't go over well.
Yup. Anyone who says "keep politics out of sports" has obviously never watched the Super Bowl. Watching as a non-American, the Super Bowl is embarrassingly jingoistic. Forget the famous ads that run during it, the show itself is like a low key advertisement for the military-industrial complex.

Everyday Americans are too dumb to pick up on these "high concepts" it seems

I feel like my country is brainwashed
They are doing it in support of the one guy that stood with his hand on his heart, fyi.

I know, but with the way jersey sales work in the NFL, it's not like he's really making any additional money. You don't get paid based on your specific jersey sales. All that money is pooled together and split up. And the NFL still makes bank off of it, so how are you protesting when you're still giving the organization you're protesting money? It's like when Trump supporters "protested" Starbucks last year by asking for their name to be written as "Trump" as a protest against the company.
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