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VG247 "Fallout 4 looks more and more like a recycled Fallout 3"

Man, I'm so fed up with this whole graphics BS.

If a game's quality was based on graphics alone, The Order 1886 would be the Best game of all time, but we all know................that game is FAR from the best.

Graphics isn't what makes a good game.

Games like The order 1886 and mine craft proves that.


I can understand the Graphics thing. That's the one thing people can expect to change, underlying systems? Hell no, but graphics could be something, still silly to expect any change from Bethesda but I won't say it's an unreasonable desire.


And the ugliness is not just about graphical power either, the game has ugly aesthetics, the scenery is ugly and the characters look like mannequins. It's like their art design/concept team are not really artists at all. I see indie games with better aesthetics and better looking characters. Why they refuse to improve this aspect of their games is frustrating. Either they don't realize it or they don't care.

And I actually like the aesthetics. It seems to fit the whole 50's post nuclear apocalypse theme well. I was glad to see it still looks the same wise (art wise).
I ate up Fallout 3. Loved it. Bought Fallout New Vegas, and (unlike most people it seems) it just felt like the same damn thing again. Like a direct continuation. I was bored and put it down after an hour and never went back.

I'm really hoping there is something new here. I'm going to be collecting bottlecaps and encountering wasteland punks again while hacking odd robots and 60's/90's terminals? Mutated things too right? Radscorpions? Please no. I want to believe Bethesda. I want to believe there is more to Fallout 4 and that I'll be hooked again!


Damage feedback is still as bad as before.

People can take a machine gun bullet to the head and not even flinch ? WTH ?

Like pretty much every video game? When was the last time you shot one bullet at a video game character and saw them flinch
The problem is that FO3 is already ugly as hell. If Fallout3 looked good or even decent, no graphical upgrade wouldn't be a big deal for me.

And the ugliness is not just about graphical power either, the game has ugly aesthetics, the scenery is ugly and the characters look like mannequins. It's like their art design/concept team are not really artists at all. I see indie games with better aesthetics and better looking characters. Why they refuse to improve this aspect of their games is frustrating. Either they don't realize it or they don't care.

On the one hand, Fallout 2 was a recycled Fallout 1 and it was the GOAT.

On the other hand, they are recycling Fallout 3, so.. yeah..
The problem is that FO3 is already ugly as hell. If Fallout3 looked good or even decent, no graphical upgrade wouldn't be a big deal for me.

And the ugliness is not just about graphical power either, the game has ugly aesthetics, the scenery is ugly and the characters look like mannequins. It's like their art design/concept team are not really artists at all. I see indie games with better aesthetics and better looking characters. Why they refuse to improve this aspect of their games is frustrating. Either they don't realize it or they don't care.
But it doesn't look like Fallout 3. Why is everyone taking this article as gospel instead of looking what it actually looks like from the gameplay videos they provided? It looks more than serviceable especially for what it's doing.


Can anyone summarize? I don't feel like watching a long video and would've preferred text to skim through.

-Perks are based on special and upgradable
-He loves the environments and the way it looks
-Shooting looks vastly improved
-Battles feel much larger and more emergent
-Lockpick and terminal minigames are the same
-Radial menus for weapons and stuff
-Looting streamlined/Dog can do it for you
-Crits trigger special attacks/animations
I feel like melee combat has been horrible since... I don't know, I only started playing Bethesda games since Oblivion, but it's basically run backwards, spam and circle a bit.
Feels the same in every one of their games since Oblivion.
DerZuhälter;174382989 said:
I feel like melee combat has been horrible since... I don't know, I only started playing Bethesda games since Oblivion, but it's basically run backwards, spam and circle a bit.
Feels the same in every one of their games since Oblivion.

This was also being discussed in the "Oblivion: Worst sequel ever" thread, but basically Bethesda's response to (unfair and unbased) criticism towards the RNG melee system in Morrowind was dumbing it down to the point it's boring as fuck..


Looked fine to me. Environments have been upgraded, models not so much. I don't expect Witcher graphics because I expect this to be probably the biggest game I have ever played.

Having said that, I haven't seen what VG247 have.

J 0 E

With what I've seen of Fallout 4 I don't need VG247 to tell me if it's an improvement or not, it is on a lot of ways.


Neo Member
I've already pre-order the Pip-Boy edition. I'm not really deterred by this. I think it still looks like a really good game despite its similarities to fallout 3 or lack of ground breaking graphical quality
1 -Wait 6 months after release
2- Check top mods in mod community that "fix" the game
3- Buy game, download mods, enjoy

Launch-day Fallout / Elder Scroll games are pretty much alpha builds as far as I'm concerned.


But they are better for those things than any other RPG I've played. Well, except writing ;) ).

I think a lot of Bethesda haters aren't looking for what Bethesda provides in their games. Bethesda games are the closest I see to having a live action game that mimicks more D&D style playing. Where you decide what your character is doing and you have freedom to pick what her/his approach is and the computer is the DM and gets to say whether it works, whether it is possible (it's not an option, you can't do that). It's D&D for when you don't have others to play with or a person to run the game. Kinda like turn based games are (or many) except Bethesda is the only one that seems to try to make it more live action. So taking it from having to roll dice to see what happens to seeing what happens in real time.

Man, this is tough reading this. =/
From the link in the OP, it seems like they just had complaints about the graphics and not enough "fizz" in the demo room.

How does this equal a "recycled Fallout 3"?

EDIT: and when did Fallout 3 become a terrible game on the internet?

(even though I do like New Vegas more)
...you really need to play more RPGs from the last 30 years to get some perspective.

The King of RPGs has spoken!

Seriously though, If you're gonna bother replying to dude at all you should at least criticize him with something a little more meaty and worthwhile than this shit.
I can't be a hypocrite of the FO visuals because when Elder Scrolls VI drops I'll be all over that like white on rice; with it's janky animation, broken quests and all that.

Nobody honestly plays Bethesda games for the graphics but it would be nice if they could improve their engine in the near future.
Well I personally thought that was a given. That's not necessery a bad thing. It's how they use their assets. I hope F4 turns out to be great, but I hold my horses with this one until first reviews hit.
Well I personally thought that was a given. That's not necessery a bad thing. It's how they use their assets. I hope F4 turns out to be great, but I hold my horses with this one until first reviews hit.

This is probably an honest truth. Broadening the scope is an iteration and you have to recycle stuff if you want to make it bigger in a limited amount of time. The same thing happened with Fallout 2 and the result was a remarkable game, so I don't think judging the game on recycled assets or how far the graphics progressed is fair.

That said, like the above poster notes, FO3 had numerous other problems than graphics and simply broadening the scope will not make it any dearer in many respects, so I will also exercise caution before buying..
...Still gamebryo, huh? I can't say I understand the appeal. It may have been the best engine for open world once, but that title is losing meaning as time goes on and zones in games get bigger, even if the game doesn't call itself open world.


This is what I'm worried about. I can still enjoy a refined Fallout 3 but... I don't know, I was expecting something a little more than I don't know how to articulate. Maybe it will click once it's actually out.


Hmmm it's going to be a wait and see on this title for me anyway as Bethesda also don't have the best record for non buggy software and after seeing the Witcher 3 and the bugs and updates for that it seems a smart move.

RPG style games suffer most for this stuff and so, I'll be waiting to see whether it's worth jumping in yet.


Gold Member
What I cant understand is why Bethesday seemingly refuses to change the blocky animation. Ubisoft changed the character animations in almost every fucking AC but characters in Beth RPGs still move just as blocky as in Oblivion (probably Morrorwind as well but I haven't played that)....

It's pretty embarrassing. And I'm saying this as someone who loves their games.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Never get why people moan about graphics but happily play mine craft or games from 80s or 90s. Irs clearly not the graphics but the art style
There are a LOT of things about Fallout 4 which worry me, it being too Bethesda isn't really one of them. I mean, I'm not a giant fan of their stuff but I know that I can buy a GOTY edition of their games and mod the shit out of them. As for whether they could hand the reigns over to Obsidian for Fallout 4.5, that would be great but Chris Avellone left the company. So the person overseeing the best things about New Vegas, the writing and quest design, wouldn't be involved.

Don't misunderstand me, I'd definitely be up for it. Josh Sawyer took the fairly shitty mechanics Bethesda built Fallout 3 upon, and made them sparkle; though it's definitely arguable that he took a lot of inspiration from incredible mods like Fallout 3 Wanderer's Edition. However, Avellone's writing and design have always been the rock on which Obsidian games were built. I'm genuinely unsure if they'll be able to recover from his departure.


Well, I'm...ok with that? I like the Fallout world so a improved 3 is ok.
An improved NV would be glorious though.
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