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Which of your favorite games have/haven't been remade/remastered?

(if you're going to post anything along the lines of "why ask for remasters when you could get a new game?", save it please)

So the other day my friend texted me this image from his collection:


and it got me wondering just how many of my favorite games have and haven't ever been remade or remastered. What do your lists look like?

Here's what I got.

Have gotten remastered or remade:
  • Pokémon Gold and Silver versions (though the remakes could probably use remakes themselves)
  • Pokémon Red (the remakes DEFINITELY could use remakes)
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Halo 3: ODST
  • BioShock
  • Borderlands 2
and apparently that's it, and some of those could be remade again or use more extensive enhancements (I certainly wouldn't say no to ODST: Anniversary). As it turns out, most of my favorite games haven't gotten updates:
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy *
  • Halo Reach (come on 343i, I don't want to wait 4 more years T_T)
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee (though Smash 4 means this one isn't a huge deal for me)
  • Rogue Squadron 2 (*cries*)
  • Gears of War 3
  • Dead Space
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • Four Swords Adventures (a port or sequel would have been a perfect proof-of-concept for Wii U, come on Nintendo! My GBA ext. port doesn't work anymore T_T)
  • actually just a whole bunch of Nintendo games lol
  • Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition **

* I know someone might argue MPT is a remaster of some sort, but since it's just alternate controls with some bonus unlocks (and it's actually missing some small graphical effects) I'm not gonna count it.
** Ok I know this one is super specific and kind of cheating, but man, can't I play RE4 in HD with Wii controls? :(

There's several other smaller games too, but none of them have a prayer of being remade and several probably wouldn't benefit greatly anyway (like, a bunch of GBA games that I don't even know how one would "remaster", not that I'd say no to an attempt though), so I won't even bother with them.


Xenogears. And it's a game that could legitimately benefit from a remake. Faster text speed, skippable cutscenes, fleshed-out second disk, improved translation (not that the original was that bad)... etc.


Chrono Cross... would love to see how those pre-rendered backgrounds would look with updated character models today.

Legend of Dragoon

Phantasy Star Online has had multiple versions released / expending on the game in the past but nothing recently. I'd LOVE for a remake of the original keeping the combat the same and the looks of the areas but using today's tech for improved visuals. Even a remaster of the OST would be interesting too.

Mother 3 would be nice seeing on consoles for us Western folks who haven't got an official release (and because the game was originally intended to be on consoles to begin with).


God Hand HD

I want a updated version of Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4 on PC most of all. I have the original versions but even with mods they are still annoying. Really wish Konami would let GOG fix them up but with the source code issues who knows.


Pretty easy list if you are a hardcore Nintendo fan :

All Smash Bros
Mario Galaxies
Battle Circuit (and pretty much every good beat em up except Turtles in Time reshelled)
Zelda Minish Cap
Pretty much every kirby game that I like
Every Donkey Kong game that I like

I like lots of Nintendo games and Nintendo remasters and remakes are basicaly Metroid 1, Mario till 64 and 3d zeldas.


Resident Evil 2 - is getting a remake treatment
Metal Gear Solid 4 - never going to happen
Resident Evil 4 -proper remake, not another port. Never going to happen
Resident Evil 3 - I have some hope, maybe as a doc expansion for REmake 2
Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask- Got a great remake
Metal Gear Solid 3- The dream is dead
Silent Hill 2 - lol

Off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm missing a lot. It's pretty late, and I'm sleepy.


I'd love any of the Dragon Quest games to get a PS4 level remake, V and VI could look amazing in the style they are giving XI
the have nots:

Super Mario 64
Dynamite Cop/Die Hard Arcade
Primal Rage
Dynamite Heady
Road Rash
Viewtiful Joe
The Suffering
Sunset Riders
Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
Freespace 2
Zombies Revenge
Eternal Darkness
Panzer Dragoon
Virtua Fighter 4 Evo
Skies of Arcadia
San Fran Rush: 2049


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Halo Reach
Mass Effect Trilogy
Turok 2-3/Rage Wars
Modern Warfare 2
Gears 2-3
Wave Race
Rogue Squadran II-III
Killzone 2-3
MGS1 (would like the rest as well)


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I don't think it warrants a remake. Part of the reason I love it so much is the artstyle, and there's not a whole lot that can be done in that department. I'd want any remaster to be sprite-based.

Same goes with Super Mario World.
Xenogears. And it's a game that could legitimately benefit from a remake. Faster text speed, skippable cutscenes, fleshed-out second disk, improved translation (not that the original was that bad)... etc.

its my top answer.
sadly i dont believe xenogears will ever resurface

also i need xenosaga trilogy and all 7 .hack games
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