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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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They have a better chance now, but price was far from their only issue. The brand has taken a hit and the PS4 is turning into the cool one to own, like the 360 was last gen. Nothing they can do about the power differences, either.


Well, they've gotten it down to a point where it'll be much more dependent on the games. So if they can deliver on that front, it's possible.


If price were the issue, wouldn't last month with tons of cuts, deals, and bundles have put the XB1 ahead?

Dropping kinect was a mistake, imo. Now all you've got is a less powerful console for the same price. At least with Kinect, they had something to differentiate themselves.
They can now make it a fight purely on software, so their chances are definitely a lot better. But E3 will show us the way in the regard. It's not too late to turn things around right now, one good holiday is all they could need, it was a very good move to make at any rate.
Nah, I don't think it's enough. Imo, they should have lowered the price to $349.

It's more powerful than the Wii U($299), but weaker than the PS4($399). $349 would've been the sweet spot.
I really don't think so. There's not even a real price cut, you're paying less and getting less. You're also paying equal to the pS4 and getting a weaker console. They needed the cut and should've kept the Kinect. Much more appealing then. If retailer-cut TF bundles didn't do it, this won't.


I don't think so.

Some people didn't buy it due to price (and still won't). Some didn't buy due to the policies and "plan" that Microsoft had, and may/may not buy one down the road. Not all gamers are attracted by Microsoft's exclusives and lack of support for older hardware once the generations switch.

There are a lot of factors, price was one.


XBO + Kinect + Game = 450$
PS4 stand alone 399$

PS4 won.

XBO stand alone 399$
PS4 stand alone 399$

Lost a lot value than March bundle.
I think the Xbox One might get a big push this christmas once Halo is out. And there are other great games this holidays and now with the kinectless SKU I think it will do okay. But I don't think MS can overtake Sony in America that fast.


The price was just announced; it's not easy to predict how the market will react

I can see their numbers rising with some good marketing and big announcements - this E3 will be super important for MS and the future of Xbox One, and remember: we are talking about Microsoft here. They will open that wallet wide open if necessary, which is why I expect some big megatons at their show
I believe it will end up passing PS4 in the US eventually, seeing as the 360 destroyed the PS3 here. I'm sure some of those will convert to PS4, but not all of them.

Now the rest of the world? Not a chance.
Probably. Most people only care about the price (and games of course) and by being the same price only games will matter. "Enthusiasts" know that PS4 is superior in terms of hardware but "normal" folks don't really fucking care about that and since the price is the same now, it might allow them to overtake in the long run. Having this Kinect-less Xbox this soon was important.


I kind of doubt it at this point. Maybe if they dropped the price earlier but now the PS4 is kind of known as the best choice for a next gen console.

And I imagine that most people still care and hear about the graphical differences between the PS4 and Xbone, which are still pretty substantial.
I think in the US/UK it will be a close battle. Price was a major issue and it's now gone. Games are still paramount and stuff like CoD, Halo and Gears still have major pull with the potential Xbox userbase.

I think even though MS is behind at the moment it's not behind majorly and could easily catch up. As the price reduces and 360 owners look to upgrade, the XBone becomes a much easier choice for them.

So to answer the question, I do feel it will happen. Sony still has a lot of work to do to convert 360/previous PS users to PS4 as opposed to the XBone. They'll now have to work that much harder to do so. It's not going to be handed to them on a plate anymore with the price side of things.


I don't see it happening at all. I can imagine a nice jump in sales, but there isn't a good way to outpace the growth PS4 has had. I already know a lot of people switching over already, or planning to when they have cash, because their friends already have. That includes mine.

Who knows though? I might get one now when I have extra cash around. Not a bad console from what I've tried by now.
No, its kinda hard to turn the tide once the ball starts rolling. Yeah, they are the same price now, but more people have the ps4. Most people will want to game with their friends. Also, PS4 is more powerful, and its showing. So if your on a limited budget, but know the differences in terms of performance you'll probably go with the PS4. Also, game development takes a long time. I imagine that a lot of third parties are leading on the PS4 at this point. They wont change that mid development, and I also hear that Sony's tools are just better. So yeah, Im under the impression that Sony has captured the hearts of minds of both devs and consumers. The One probably wont catch up. that doesnt mean it wont be a good system, I plan on buying one for exclusives though.


Do you guys think that price parity will help MS overtake Sony in NA in the months to come or is the PS4 value/momentum still strong enough to keep pulling ahead in sales?

I think that being the same price as the PS4 will give them a nice boost, but it will not be enough to surpass it. I only see the Xbox One pulling ahead in NA if it's sold cheaper than the PS4.
Why ? Sony offers the better COD's Battlefields and AC's along with every other multiplatform game, and people know this.


Gold Member
Not now. Maybe not even 2014 or 2015.

This was only one of many steps they needed to take. The next step is games. They need to parade out showstoppers and show major progress on their typical beloved franchises (Halo, Gears, and to a lesser extent, Fable). They need to show new exclusives, keep the hype train rolling for niche exclusives like Sunset Overdrive, and hook people with software they absolutely want but can't get anywhere else. I also think they need to 180 on their Parity Clause for id@Xbox.

They have a fighting chance to regain North America over the long term of this generation but it will require making several baby steps over the remainder of this year and into next.


Just based on this decision alone, I'd say no. Market perception is important, though they're in much better shape this week than last. They've also shown at least one great-looking upcoming title. All other things being more or less equal, games will attract players.

It's also very early in the running to assume things will change, in the absence of data to the contrary.


Who knows. If they do some crazy marketing for next call of duty and show off halo 2 anniversary and early development for halo 5 they can probably get some of the xbox live gamers to transfer over.

Also can't wait to see whether halo 5 will be releasing this year or not. I said it definately wouldn't release this year and had people down my throat. Hopefully i'm right.

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Probably. It was going to be close anyway as more shooters come out and more of the Halo/Gears/CoD crowd started taking the next gen plunge as that's a big chunk of the 360 user base.

Getting price equivalence will make it less likely for those 360 gamers to jump ship to PS4, and thus gives them a better chance of winning NA.
I wonder how many people still think you can't play used games on Xbox.

That could still be a factor.

Probably just as many people that didn't know there was a time when it was said that it couldn't as well.

I don't see Xbox 1 overtaking Sony in NA, but this will definitely help tighten the gap.

For now at least, things may change radically over the new few years. You never know.


No mainly because the mainstream has been pushed to back ps4 and more people jumping ship early on and passing the word on to friends bout jumping ship

It will be a close battle tho regardless which is for the best.


The worst mistake in a business is not having a strategy, not knowing in what direction you want your product to go in. MS lost thei goal with all the changes since the launch!

A pricedrop wont change a bigger problem they have
i think there is certainly a chance MS could catch up with sony at some point in the future, like what the ps3 did last gen, but a price drop a couple months after launch and a new halo later in the year isn't going to make up for a couple million sales difference.
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