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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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Hard to say but price wasn't their only issue. The biggest one still is mindshare and well... the PS4 is still more powerful despite price parity. If anything the XB1 should be cheaper.
Agreed. It's way too early to call it for PS4 for the generation winner, but it's gonna take more than the recent changes to change the tide for Xbox One in NA. Certainly a step in the right direction for Xbox, though.


Hard to say but price wasn't their only issue. The biggest one still is mindshare and well... the PS4 is still more powerful despite price parity. If anything the XB1 should be cheaper.

This is what I was thinking. It really ought to have dropped to $350 or so.

I was sure that it'd be $400 with Kinect.
I don't think it will change anything. The machines are so identical now. Who gives a shit. Just get the one that has better hardware.


Unconfirmed Member
It is still possible. But I don't think MS has done enough. They have less powerful hardware. And they look desperate with all these 180's. They still have to win the mindshare back somehow. I don't see them doing that so far.


7million sold vs 5 million shipped

The gap isn't wide.

Got it.

To be fair, considering the number of consoles a popular system can sell per quarter in the later stages of its life, I think it's pretty silly to assume a ~3 million or fewer gap alone would determine the outcome of a generation. It's certainly a sign of the direction of things though. The global figure also isn't necessarily indicative of NA performance.


Gold Member
I don't think so, even without kinect the xbox One got worse performance in gamming that the PS4...

The exclusive games are what must equal the performance disparity.


No, but I could see this turning into a SNES vs. Genesis situation over the course of the gen if MS remains aggressive like this.


Games will be the determining factor. We have a pretty good idea of what MS is doing this holiday . Assuming H2A is a faithful remake and Halo 5 knocks it out of the park then yes I see MS reclaiming its title as the console of North America.
Agreed. It's way too early to call it for PS4 for the generation winner, but it's gonna take more than the recent changes to change the tide for Xbox One in NA. Certainly a step in the right direction for Xbox, though.

Honestly, I don't think it is.

WW, PS4 has got it in the bag considering how the PS3 still managed to outsell the 360 even when it had a massive lead in the US and UK.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Let us see how Halo, Gears and Fable do. It is possible.

Franchise fatigue had already set in with Gears by the end of the 360's lifetime; Halo 4 killed a lot of the interest in that series; Fable, I dunno, how well did 3 sell?

MS need to invent more 'killer' games or move in the direction of Sony with many more games with more sensible sales figures. Those three aren't going to cut it.
No, PS4 still has better press, it's a better value, and it'll run all the biggest games better and with better graphics (CoD, BF, AC, etc). They've also got Destiny and Watch Dogs marketing locked down.

The only way MS is able to surpass the PS4 in NA is with a Halo 5 release this year. At $399, they'll be able to keep up a lot better though. Still, outside NA, and the UK they're dead. No matter what MS does, their install base will likely be halved, at best, compared to the 360.


Maxis Redwood
Nope. Public mind share has already been set for this generation. You've got to make a strong first impression, and MS failed in every regard in that matter while Sony nailed it. Even now there isn't parity... you're paying the same price for hardware that has a clear power gap.


Regardless, the PS4 with a camera and PS+ is still cheaper than an Xbone with Kinect and Live. Sure the Titanfall bundle was a cheaper bundle, but nobody jumped on that except for a few, as stated by other users. We'll see what this newly reformed Microsoft will do...


No. In March, Xbone was 449 at most places with Titanfall and Kinect, and PS4 was still ahead by 60k.

This. I don't think there's pent up demand due to high price. I just don't think people want one. Maybe they can make something happen at E3 but that's assuming Sony doesn't obliterate them again this year.


It's up to the games. Next month should be great for both parties.

I bought an Xbox One back in November, but returned it after realizing there wasn't anything I really wanted to play - at least not at that moment or coming too shortly after launch. Quantum Break was all I was looking forward to on the exclusives front, and that hasn't even been dated. (Below, too, but we all know it's timed. PC version is already announced.) So why spend $500 then? Good thing I returned it, because I'm stoked for Sunset Overdrive and now I can play it for much cheaper.
If they win this E3, I believe there's a chance of that.

The question is, how could they possibly win against a possible Project Beast + TLG + Uncharted reveal? I just can't think of any game MS could show off that would garner more hype than the above. And they've already squandered the impact of their price drop and Gold Paywall removal.
There are still 4 very important points of differentiation (according to Yusef Mehdi):

1. Exclusive games
2. Xbox Live
3. TV pass through, snapping
4. Kinect (just because it isn't included anymore doesn't mean you can't go out and buy one)

These may just give Microsoft the edge they need to win back their home turf.
It depends how much the brand has been damaged by early policies (DRM / always on / kinect) and a high price, as well as the perception of it 'struggling' and being less powerful.

The US is hard to judge as the 360 was massive there and now with a like for like price and the promise of some big Xbox favourites such as Gears and Halo in the pipeline, I can certainly see MS managing to compete again. Time will tell.


No. Sony still outsold MS a whole month of XBONE being available for around $400-450 everywhere AND with their big title release.

clearly price wasn't/isn't the only issue.

Good point. During march, you could pick up an Xbox one with kinect and titanfall for about £10 more than a PS4. And I think in the US there were similar discounts and bundles? Yet PS4 still outsold it in NPD


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
The question is, how could they possibly win against a possible Project Beast + TLG + Uncharted reveal? I just can't think of any game MS could show off that would garner more hype than the above.

lol is this sarcasm? I can not tell.
Price parity should help in the short run but it's all about the games. X1 is still the lowest performing out of the 2 and it's been proven with the resolutiongate shit. But as a serious question, didn't someone at MSFT mention that if they took out the kinect, the price of the X1 would be less then $399?


The $399 announcement probably hurt the rest of May sales since it's for June.

Definitely. But they would probably rather take the hit than deal with more unhappy customers.

As for the topic, no it won't. Fact is there is not a single thing MS can do to beat the PS4 outside of giving these things away.

Far too much bad PR. The casuals haven't forgotten yet, Microsoft.

Casuals don't seem to be as insulted as hardcore IMO. I'm a pretty heavy basketball fan, and most casuals who only really play 2K, Madden and shooters on sports forums seem to just discuss how sites like Neogaf feel about MS policies more so than actually taking a stance in the discussion.

They pretty much just feed off mindshare. So if mindshare says its getting better, they'll follow suit.

Mr Bigglesworth

Neo Member
It's possible, considering that Microsoft definitely has deep enough pockets to fund whatever number of exclusives they feel like.

But I would never consider purchasing one after all of my 360 hardware failures. Even my original Xbox was one of the unlucky few that had a faulty power cord that eventually fried the console. Xbox as a brand is tainted for me.


I think it will definitely be a big help for Microsoft in North America to make it much closer of a race. There are plenty of people still out there from last generation who just want to stay in the Microsoft ecosystem that don't necessarily pay close attention to things outside of price that I'm sure will help this.
I think they will. Its not $100 more and it doesn't have Kinect. 2 birds with one stone. Now they just need the software for this fall and Sunset Overdrive looks like a good start.


Honestly, I don't think it is.

WW, PS4 has got it in the bag considering how the PS3 still managed to outsell the 360 even when it had a massive lead in the US and UK.

It seems as though your evidence doesn't match your assertion? Unless you're assuming brand matters more than the actual libraries of the systems, I'd say precedent for a system catching up after being heavily outsold isn't the best case to make for a system not being able to catch up after being outsold during the launch window.


Nope, Sony got this now.

I think MS saw that the userbase gap was only going to grow more and more as the gen went on... in Sony's favor.

Now with a Kinect-less SKU they can help ensure that gap stays a little smaller, perhaps. But Sony is still going to lead.
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