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Will we ever see Stefanie Joosten (Quiet from MGS5) in another videogame?

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The whole awkwardness about the scene made me feel that it was more about "first love" than sexuality. Honest. Now if they started making out, then it'd be different. If it was shown that that wasn't the first time together, that would be different. Like I've said, the best analogy I can make is an updated version of My Girl with zombies. I don't see displays of sexuality on either.

I think you might be mixing up the words "sexy" and "sexual." You're trying to say that Ellie isn't sexy and that Quiet is. That would explain why you think Ellie's sexuality is disgusting and Quiet is a sexual character?


I think the whole point of Ellie is that her sexuality shouldn't be a big deal. And it isn't. It's a big deal as a role model? Yes. But over analysing like this is just kinda disturbing in my book. Maybe I'm just too old. But I digress. Have fun.

Ban Puncher

I meant actual examples. Because it's hard to gauge talents based off of films with premises like this:

But those are the actual examples. Literally.

The Internet Movie Database (abbreviated IMDb) is an online database of information related to films, television programs and video games, including cast, production crew, fictional characters, biographies, plot summaries, trivia and reviews, operated by IMDb.com, Inc., a subsidiary of Amazon.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I follow NeoGaf for quite some time, but is it normal when someone tries so hard to hijack a thread and make it about himself/herself? Don't mods take action on this? Because by Odin's beard, it's tiring, jarring and disturbing.
How am I making the thread about myself? This seems like a really desperate attempt to not refute the point.

And no, I don't think Druckmann would be okay with his character being over analyzed like this.
It's not an over analyzation. It's the most simple handling of the subject matter ever in terms of storytelling, but praised not only because video games generally handle the subject matter of sexuality poorly, but a lot of media in general. On top of that it's showing LBGT sexuality, yet for some reason you can't fathom the thought and keep making excuses despite the orgy of evidence making a blatant statement.

Don't think discussing the sexuality of an underage kid (regardless the sexual preference) is cool either.
Do you not think that teenagers have sexuality? There's a difference between portraying sexuality and objectification of a woman. Ellie is an example of the former, Quiet is an example of the latter right down to quite literally having silver and golden skins. Ellie's sexuality is portrayed by showing that she is a homosexual.

I get that Ellie is an exciting character and very positive for LBGT players, but seeing her sexuality over analyzed like this. Ugh. Just ugh. Do we have ignore functions here?
Read above.

The "kiss was pure"? Dear god, what nonsense is that? It was two youngsters who are attracted to each other kissing for the first time. It was a moment of gay affection between two gay or bisexual characters.

And why can't adults discuss a fictional teenagers sexuality in the context of "does the narrative portray her as gay?" Just talking about what the kiss means in the context of "potrayals of gay characters" isn't creepy. It would be disturbing & creepy only if you are all


when you see them kiss. >_>; Acknowledging their relationship & actions as gay is not wrong in any way. It's much more creepy that you think there's some "pure" kisses or whatever silly shit you believe in.
She could be the most talented woman in the world, but none of that was displayed in MGSV.

Some of y'all just have a crush. Nothing more.

So true. The thirst is real.

You cant tell me the shit load of people who follow her on the internet is because she is such a great actor.


Just because she enjoyed portraying the character doesn't make Quiet any better as a character. She is unarguably a horribly objectified character only meant for titillation by the people who created her (and a useful tool from a gameplay POV). Nothing more.

And lol at "any display of sexuality". That wasn't a "display of sexuality", it's pure objectification. Bayonetta is a better (though not perfect) example of a sexy character who isn't just an object of Kojima's jacking off sessions.

I'm not saying it does, but I'm questioning the hostility some have to any single square inch of skin on display. Some people really do take it so far it's not simply not personally enjoying any sort of nudity or sexual display, but ferocious projection onto the whole world and anyone around them. It verges on shaming, hence why I and others prod them to question how do you behave/think around actual women who do not think like you. Some might, but others, Joosten clearly being one, do not feel as aggressively adamant that skin and nudity is always something to scorch the earth around.

There is no moral or definitive arbitrator on display of sexuality. Unless you personally want to tell anyone who has cosplayed as Quiet and felt empowered/sexy that they are internalized mysognists and wrong to feel they're displaying sexuality. The gaming industry has problems with respect, aggression, sexism and behaviour. I said as much in that post I asked Crossing to read. The gaming industry does however also have issues with some male gamers acting like they control women and are the assigned arbitrators of any sort of depiction of the female body/nudity/skin/sexiness. The biggest difference between Bayonetta and MGS5 is Kojima tried to make up an excuse for Quiet. He instead should just have been honest, he wanted to create a character like that for a display of sexuality and to cater to a male audience.

I wonder if some of you go as finger wagging to females who enjoyed reading 50 shades? I recommend men especially read these two articles before acting like they have all of this sussed out




I think you might be mixing up the words "sexy" and "sexual." You're trying to say that Ellie isn't sexy and that Quiet is. That would explain why you think Ellie's sexuality is disgusting and Quiet is a sexual character?

I don't think Ellie and Riley displayed sexuality like Tracer and her girlfriend did on the Overwatch comic. I think that displays of sexuality with LBGT characters like Tracer and her girlfriend that I don't recall the name is important and welcome to the gaming community. But I also think that over analyzying the sexuality of a scene that is basically a kiss between two underage kids is just one step too far. It would be a step too far regardless of the sexual orientation of the characters involved, especially how delicately it was handled on Left Behind. That's my 2 cents.

If the context was different and it was shown that Ellie and Riley were actually in a secret relationship for some time and there was a level of intimacy implied, it would be different. You might have a case for discovery of sexuality there on Left Behind. But the over analyzing of that with underage kids seem wrong to me. Hence my "My Girl" analogy. Basically, their scene wasn't a display of two characters actually making out, like say Zombieland with the girl that the main character is infatuated with before she turns. There wasn't a sense to me of actual display of sexuality, but display of first love in a very fucked up world. That's just my take on it, no need to crucify me for that and I don't want to take part on making this thread about the guy/girl hijacking this thread any longer.



Woooow. God damn this game!!! I feel like we'll never see a game with this level of detail ever again, its expensive and unsustainable . Just this tiny detail must've cost alot to tune, test and animate, and MGS5 is filled with these. It doesnt offer any additional gameplay value but does boost player appreciation tremendously, i can see players in awe and financiers in shock lol.

MGS5 is a treasure. Thank you Kojima

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'm not saying it does, but I'm questioning the hostility some have to any single square inch of skin on display.
Because you're completely missing the point.

Some people really do take it so far it's not simply not personally enjoying any sort of nudity or sexual display, but ferocious projection onto the whole world and anyone around them. It verges on shaming, hence why I and others prod them to question how do you behave/think around actual women who do not think like you. Some might, but others, Joosten clearly being one, do not feel as aggressively adamant that skin and nudity is always something to scorch the earth around.
Already addressed this ITT.

There is no moral or definitive arbitrator on display of sexuality.
Yes there is, this is why critiques and standards exist. Hence the reason why the rape scene in 13 Reasons Why is incredibly disturbing and hell even nightmare inducing compared to the one in MGSV.

Unless you personally want to tell anyone who has cosplayed as Quiet and felt empowered/sexy that they are internalized mysognists and wrong to feel they're displaying sexuality.
Name examples of this hypothetical because you keep talking about cosplayers being harassed for dressing as Quiet.

The gaming industry has problems with respect, aggression, sexism and behaviour. I said as much in that post I asked Crossing to read. The gaming industry does however also have issues with some male gamers acting like they control women and are the assigned arbitrators of any sort of depiction of the female body/nudity/skin/sexiness. The biggest difference between Bayonetta and MGS5 is Kojima tried to make up an excuse for Quiet. He instead should just have been honest, he wanted to create a character like that for a display of sexuality and to cater to a male audience.
Bayonetta is also an example of the creator making excuses. The main difference between them is that Bayonetta has one line mentioning that she enjoys sex. But that doesn't stop the camera from ogling her even when she's in mortal danger. Quiet doesn't have anything resembling a display of sexuality and this is coming from someone who literally has a thread about the risky sex i've had.

The point of will Stefanie Joosten appear in another videogame?
Based on her "incredible talent" that many don't feel that she has based on the three factors you conveniently ignored.
I think the whole point of Ellie is that her sexuality shouldn't be a big deal. And it isn't. It's a big deal as a role model? Yes. But over analysing like this is just kinda disturbing in my book. Maybe I'm just too old. But I digress. Have fun.

I don't know how old you are, but yes I can confirm that this hangup is 100% yours. You're calling it "over-analyzing" when the creator of the character himself has clarified that yup, she's super gay, all day. There's nothing more to analyze here. Even if you weren't sure about her sexuality before, you can read Druckmann's words, go back and play the game again, and view those ambiguous scenes freshly in that context to understand his intention and what he was going for. Ellie wants to fuck Riley. This isn't complicated.

Ban Puncher

Woooow. God damn this game!!! I feel like we'll never see a game with this level of detail ever again, its expensive and unsustainable . Just this tiny detail must've cost alot to tune, test and animate, and MGS5 is filled with these. It doesnt offer any additional gameplay value but does boost player appreciation tremendously, i can see players in awe and financiers in shock lol.

MGS5 is a treasure. Thank you Kojima

1040+ hours logged. What a delightful romp.

Based on her "incredible talent" that many don't feel that she has based on the three factors you conveniently ignored.

I ignored the premise of the thread?



Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Woooow. God damn this game!!! I feel like we'll never see a game with this level of detail ever again, its expensive and unsustainable . Just this tiny detail must've cost alot to tune, test and animate, and MGS5 is filled with these. It doesnt offer any additional gameplay value but does boost player appreciation tremendously, i can see players in awe and financiers in shock lol.

MGS5 is a treasure. Thank you Kojima

I ignored the premise of the thread?

No. The points I and others made. Which are summarized in this post:

Do you have another example of her "acting prowess" that we can talk about? Because as I and others have said, nothing about MGSV really reflects on her talent as an actress, if anything it hinders that notion altogether because of the following factors
-the script of the game
-the character she played
-the scenes she had to work with

Just linking to the IMBD page without any video examples doesn't count.


I don't know how old you are, but yes I can confirm that this hangup is 100% yours. You're calling it "over-analyzing" when the creator of the character himself has clarified that yup, she's super gay, all day. There's nothing more to analyze here. Even if you weren't sure about her sexuality before, you can read Druckmann's words, go back and play the game again, and view those ambiguous scenes freshly in that context to understand his intention and what he was going for. Ellie wants to fuck Riley. This isn't complicated.

I don't think you can confirm anything. Neither that Ellie wanted "to totally fuck" Riley. Hell, in my relationships especially at that age I don't think that "totally fuck" was what I had in mind, especially before actually knowing how it was like. I don't think that "totally fuck" was what Druckmann implied either. And it's kind of telling that just because a character is homosexual you think that "totally fuck" is what they are thinking. Like Solo would say: that's not how sexuality works.
The problem with Quiet isn't the outfit or her design, it's

1. The lies they made up as an excuse
2. The way they employ the camera when it's her
3. The shit she's made to do
4. The fact that she doesn't talk much isn't inherently an issue, but compounded with everything it's a bit eh

And I mean


How does this make sense? She gets up and sits down, and the only thing she accomplishes is showing you her boobs and butt.

Also lol this thread, people saying Ellie's not gay? Jesus. The amount of hoops that needed to be jumped through before it's okay to say a character's gay. I swear if she got married to a woman in TLOU2, "but there are straight people who get into same-sex relationships, this could be that you don't know"


Because you're completely missing the point.

Already addressed this ITT.

Yes there is, this is why critiques and standards exist. Hence the reason why the rape scene in 13 Reasons Why is incredibly disturbing and hell even nightmare inducing compared to the one in MGSV.

Name examples of this hypothetical because you keep talking about cosplayers being harassed for dressing as Quiet.

Bayonetta is also an example of the creator making excuses. The main difference between them is that Bayonetta has one line mentioning that she enjoys sex. But that doesn't stop the camera from ogling her even when she's in mortal danger. Quiet doesn't have anything resembling a display of sexuality and this is coming from someone who literally has a thread about the risky sex i've had.

Based on her "incredible talent" that many don't feel that she has based on the three factors you conveniently ignored.

Care to explain your feelings on romance novels ogling stereotypes and sexual fantasies for women? Again, I'd suggest you read those psychology today articles on why sexual depictions aimed at men tend to be visual. You don't need to enjoy them if they do not work for you but the science is there as to why when content is made primarily for the benefit of men it is visual stimulation. Such as your Bayonetta camera angles.

Now if you want to argue there is too much of it in gaming, or some of it is misplaced, okay, but reading lots of your posts on GAF it appears you just have a problem with it fullstop. Even if it's in a game that doesn't pretend to be anything other than targeting the male market on sex appeal.
Care to explain your feelings on romance novels ogling stereotypes and sexual fantasies for women? Again, I'd suggest you read those psychology today articles on why sexual depictions aimed at men tend to be visual. You don't need to enjoy them if they do not work for you but the science is there as to why when content is made primarily for the benefit of men it is visual stimulation. Such as your Bayonetta camera angles.

Now if you want to argue there is too much of it in gaming, or some of it is misplaced, okay, but reading lots of your posts on GAF it appears you just have a problem with it fullstop. Even if it's in a game that doesn't pretend to be anything other than targeting the male market on sex appeal.

That's a really roundabout way to come up with the explanation for why T&A is so prevalent. More likely and more sensible an assumption is that developers are often men, and are a lot better at catering to other men.
I always took the Ellie thing as her being confused about sexuality in general, which makes sense, as the game is set in a practically post apocalyptic world that probably doesn't really have many set rules/concepts on sexuality any more.

I don't think she's confused about being gay (I definitely don't think it's a case of she's probably straight or at least bi-sexual but just experimenting), but I think she's just a kid who has grown up in a world without labels on sexuality. I think it's more the bond that the two had that was the key factor of their kiss, not sexual attraction. If Riley was a boy I'd expect that they would've still kissed. There's an air of naivety and innocence about their kiss.
She probably will appear in future kojima titles. She is a model so a game that focused entirely on her looks (with bigger breasts, because kojima) was great for her exposure.

But it's impossible to gauge anything about her skills other than good looks by playing the game. So yeah, wanting more joosten is because of her beauty rather than anything else

But hey, if we can get nude norman reedus, maybe nude stefanie is in the books for death stranding!!

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Care to explain your feelings on romance novels ogling stereotypes and sexual fantasies for women?
A different situation altogether that hilariously even at the worst of times does a better job of displaying sexuality and being less misogynistic than Quiet.

Again, I'd suggest you read those psychology today articles on why sexual depictions aimed at men tend to be visual. You don't need to enjoy them if they do not work for you but the science is there as to why when content is made primarily for the benefit of men it is visual stimulation. Such as your Bayonetta camera angles.
You're basically saying that women don't like the male form. Males can be objectified. In fact, they're often objectified in the romance novels that you are for the same reason women are objectified in media targeting males.

Now if you want to argue there is too much of it in gaming, or some of it is misplaced, okay, but reading lots of your posts on GAF it appears you just have a problem with it fullstop. Even if it's in a game that doesn't pretend to be anything other than targeting the male market on sex appeal.
You should try re-reading my posts then.

I always took the Ellie thing as her being confused about sexuality in general, which makes sense, as the game is set in a practically post apocalyptic world that probably doesn't really have many set rules/concepts on sexuality any more.

I don't think she's confused about being gay (I definitely don't think it's a case of she's probably straight or at least bi-sexual but just experimenting), but I think she's just a kid who has grown up in a world without labels on sexuality. I think it's more the bond that the two had that was the key factor of their kiss, not sexual attraction. If Riley was a boy I'd expect that they would've still kissed. There's an air of naivety and innocence about their kiss.
Ellie is gay. No confusion, no ambiguity, no experimentation. She's straight up a homosexual.


That's a really roundabout way to come up with the explanation for why T&A is so prevalent. More likely and more sensible an assumption is that developers are often men, and are a lot better at catering to other men.

That is part of my point. What I take a bit of challenge with is people who act like ALL of it is immoral or problematic, no matter what. Especially when the accusations follow like running water of all the isms/ists and variations of shaming anyone who doesn't fall in line.


Between the unironic lauding of Quiet's character to "pure kisses" and "well nothing in the game said Ellie was gay..." this thread has crossed the event horizon of stupidity.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
That is part of my point. What I take a bit of challenge with is people who act like ALL of it is immoral or problematic, no matter what. Especially when the accusations follow like running water of all the isms/ists and variations of shaming anyone who doesn't fall in line.
You should probably reflect on the fact that you called me sex negative for critiquing Quiet despite me praising the sex scenes in Wolfenstein which feature literal nudity and you know....actual sex. I don't think you know what sex negative is. If anything, this industry is full of sex negativity considering that some pubs literally mandate that characters aren't allowed to have male romance interests because it might turn off male gamers. Quiet is never actually allowed to display sexuality, rather she's "allowed" to be ogled at by the camera even at the worst of times.
Between the unironic lading of Quiet's character to "pure kisses" and "well nothing in the game said Ellie was gay..." this thread has crossed the event horizon of stupidity.
I tried following those quotes back to the origin of why Ellie and Riley are in this thread and I blacked out both times I got to the start of it.


I'm not saying it does, but I'm questioning the hostility some have to any single square inch of skin on display. Some people really do take it so far it's not simply not personally enjoying any sort of nudity or sexual display, but ferocious projection onto the whole world and anyone around them. It verges on shaming, hence why I and others prod them to question how do you behave/think around actual women who do not think like you. Some might, but others, Joosten clearly being one, do not feel as aggressively adamant that skin and nudity is always something to scorch the earth around.

There is no moral or definitive arbitrator on display of sexuality. Unless you personally want to tell anyone who has cosplayed as Quiet and felt empowered/sexy that they are internalized mysognists and wrong to feel they're displaying sexuality. The gaming industry has problems with respect, aggression, sexism and behaviour. I said as much in that post I asked Crossing to read. The gaming industry does however also have issues with some male gamers acting like they control women and are the assigned arbitrators of any sort of depiction of the female body/nudity/skin/sexiness. The biggest difference between Bayonetta and MGS5 is Kojima tried to make up an excuse for Quiet. He instead should just have been honest, he wanted to create a character like that for a display of sexuality and to cater to a male audience.

I wonder if some of you go as finger wagging to females who enjoyed reading 50 shades? I recommend men especially read these two articles before acting like they have all of this sussed out


I have no problem if some women enjoy Quiet and want to cosplay as her. That's their choice. The only problem with 50 Shades I have is that it's just total & utter shit & very problematic when it comes to aspects of BDSM & consent. Otherwise I have no problems with soccer moms enjoying BDSM. Go sexual awakening!

Quiet is still shitty as a fictional character. As a fictional character in a visual medium, it's not like she is some independent actual human being who decided to be that way. She's an utterly non-sensical character who was designed with the sole purpose of titillation. It wouldn't matter if Kojima was open about it. In the context of MGSV, she doesn't fit no matter how openly intentionally Kojima made her a sex object. MGSV tries to portray itself as a somewhat serious, grounded(-ish) game with some serious topics like child soldiers & war. A stripteasy-dancing, ass-into-your-face-thrusting, barely dressed female character doesn't fit that scenario. Ever. They'd have to make it totally non-sensical like Senran Kagura for her to make any sense.


You should probably reflect on the fact that you called me sex negative for critiquing Quiet despite me praising the sex scenes in Wolfenstein which feature literal nudity and you know....actual sex. I don't think you know what sex negative is. If anything, this industry is full of sex negativity considering that some pubs literally mandate that characters aren't allowed to have male romance interests because it might turn off male gamers. Quiet is never actually allowed to display sexuality, rather she's allowed to be ogled at by the camera even at the worst of times.

Because I do not see every depiction of camera angles, nudity or overt posing as a problem. Every depiction of sex in the real world isn't two people in the dark in the missionary position with the lights off. For someone above who claimed they create topics about what they get up to sexually I don't know why you can't accept sexuality is a broad spectrum of display.

Not everything humans enjoy has to be romance. Hence why I tried to push you into the books scene, because even there everything isn't romance. Some of it is simply sex for sex sake to stimulating desires.

I wonder if you actually think you were being clever and not just shitty

The fact that we are talking about how you see a display of sexuality on two underage kids sharing their first kiss makes me cringe. It's creepy. And I'm done with that

Don't claim your judgemental bullshit on me. Druckmann is the creator of the character and if she says that she's gay, then she's gay. But IN GAME there's nothing saying that she is gay or not. Hell, if Riley was a boy instead of a girl that wouldn't be a confirmation that Ellie is heterosexual either. The girl in My Girl could grow up to date only girls or boys and girls for all we know.

I don't see Ellie and Riley first kiss as a homosexual / gay kiss just like I don't see My Girl's first kiss as a heterosexual kiss. It felt more pure than that to me. If that wasn't the intention that Druckmann was going for it, I don't know. But I do think that the kiss was pure and moments away of actually becoming a display of sexuality. That's my take on the subject. The fact that grown ups are talking about Ellie's sexuality is kinda disturbing and I'm just dropping out this topic altogether.

Feel free to keep hijacking this thread.

tfw the homophobia is so strong that 2 girls kissing totally doesn't mean they're gay at all nuh-uh. "more pure" give me a fucking break. Being gay is impure then I guess? You might wanna think on this shit you're saying some more my dude
She spoke like 4 sentences and it was not that good in my opinion. I highly doubt another studio will cast her for an important character, maybe for a cameo or something.

I don't want to be harsh on her, it's great she tries a lot of stuff and this game gave her the opportunity to act and even sing. In my opinion, MGS V was a talent revealer for none of the actors and specially not her.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Because I do not see every depiction of camera angles, nudity or overt posing as a problem.
This is likely down to you being the target audience of all the fuckery that is Quiet.

Every depiction of sex in the real world isn't two people in the dark in the missionary position with the lights off.[ For someone above who claimed they create topics about what they get up to sexually I don't know why you can't accept sexuality is a broad spectrum of display.
Probably because Quiet is an incredibly poorly written character who doesn't display sexuality whatsoever, this isn't sexuality:

Not everything humans enjoy has to be romance.
Quiet's last monologue is literally about her having feelings for the player.

Hence why I tried to push you into the books scene, because even there everything isn't romance. Some of it is simply sex for sex sake to stimulating desires.
I read books and watch films dude. It's why I critique games so hard is because they're so far juvenile in comparison, especially Quiet.


tfw the homophobia is so strong that 2 irls kissing totally doesn't mean they're gay at all nuh-uh. "more pure" give me a fucking break. Being gay is impure then I guess? You might wanna think on this shit you're saying some more my dude

Homophobia?! Really?! Alright, I'm reporting this and demanding action from the mods. I'd love to see where anything I've said displayed ANYTHING close to homophobia.

When I said pure, I meant that their kiss wasn't from a place that looked like sexual attraction just like the scene in "My Girl". Both scenes are pure in my opinion. And if anyone here felt offended I'd REALLY like to first apologize and people twisting my words truly piss me the hell off. You don't ge to accuse me of homophobia without actually proving it, sir.


Because I do not see every depiction of camera angles, nudity or overt posing as a problem.
Quiet isn't "every depiction", it's easily one of the worst cases of objectification in the history of gaming (excluding games that are purely for titillation like Senran Kagura, hentai visual novels & such).


Kojima would be foolish not to let her appear in Death stranding. She speaks English and Japanese so she can connect the western and Japanese audiences. She also seems to be just genuinely excited to work on games


Gold Member
A scene can be incredibly tense and desperate without also being "exciting" It absolutely is depicted as a tonally intense situation
she's literally killing herself by speaking.

Poor excuse. You know what's a good talent for actors, being able to hide and/or emulate accents. A shit ton of people didn't know John Boyega was from England until they heard him in interviews as an example.

You sure his excuse is poor? This game is Japanese, what makes you expect a normalized American accent from her?
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