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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Will I still get the Uber achievement if I replay the game starting with Chapter 1 in chapter select rather than starting a whole new game? I wanna benefit from my 200 health + all perks and work on the armor upgrades.


Will I still get the Uber achievement if I replay the game starting with Chapter 1 in chapter select rather than starting a whole new game? I wanna benefit from my 200 health + all perks and work on the armor upgrades.
Some people claim you can just play the last chapter on Über and still get the achievement.


To those that have finished the game. Just got to
the moon.
Will I miss any must play moments if I don't finish it? Plan to trade this game in tomorrow. Thanks.

Best FPS right along with FEAR, Half Life 2, STALKER, Bulletstorm, Shadow Warrior, and Metro games. Some of those games don't even have as well-executed gameplay or not as great storytelling.

I didn't like Bulletstorm at all. I felt I was wasting a tremendous amount of brain cells as I played through that game. It was a brain dead shooter


I really enjoyed this. If it wasn't so big it'd probably have a permanent place on my hard drive. The gunplay is great. Every weapon feels really satisfying to use. Headshots are satisfying, they don't feel random like some games. The story is a bit ridiculous, a little serious for such an over the top game, but it doesn't get in the way too much outside of a few gratuitous sex scenes that they absurdly try to play for romance. I wish there was more time spent outside on the moon. A real firefight could have been fun.

Sometimes traversal can be a chore. I found myself getting caught up on things from time to time. If that were more fluid I really wouldn't have any major complaints. Everything else is pretty minor. A few times I felt like the difficulty ramped up out of nowhere and the recharge mechanic wasn't very well balanced. For me the laser weapons became a game of waiting for recharge or running back to a charge point that really changed the flow of the gameplay.


Will I still get the Uber achievement if I replay the game starting with Chapter 1 in chapter select rather than starting a whole new game? I wanna benefit from my 200 health + all perks and work on the armor upgrades.

You only have to beat the last chapter on Uber to get the Uber achievement. I did it myself. :)


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Anyone have any tips for beating the 2nd phase of the final boss on uber. I have been at it for HOURs and none of the YouTube videos help worth a lick. Between the flames and his guns doing mega damage I have no chance. I always seem to run out of ammo.


I didn't like Bulletstorm at all. I felt I was wasting a tremendous amount of brain cells as I played through that game. It was a brain dead shooter

Most creative shooter last gen. If you were playing it as a normal shooter you were just playing it wrong. Nothing more satisfying then chaining a whole level.


I'd be in the dick
Convinced two of my friends to buy this. I can't wait to hear what they think of it.

I really love this game. It's such a smartly designed and well executed game through and through.


The more I play that game the more I love it. Seriously amazing game.

The gameplay is a ton of fun but for me the highlight is the way they present the story and the cuscenes.

Stuff like the cutscenes where
you fly out in the helicopter (with the music) or when BJ spells out Da'at Yichud...
So good!
This game is fucking awesome. Easily my favorite game this year so far. I can't believe how underrated it is.
Why do you guys think reviews weren't positive?? Those game reviewers seem to be a bunch of journalists with no gaming experience, look at Watch Dogs, I bet will get 8s and 9s even thought not looking so hot as it looked in 2012


I'd be in the dick
Why do you guys think reviews weren't positive?? Those game reviewers seem to be a bunch of journalists and not real gamers, look at Watch Dogs, I bet will get 8s and 9s even thought not looking so hot as it looked in 2012

Reviews weren't bad, pretty good actually. Mostly in the 8 range, IIRC. I think this game just really appeals to a certain type of FPS fan that is highly represented on GAF. There's fantastic gunplay, long single player, exploration, and a well executed story. I know it feels like a game that was specifically made for me based off of everything I want in an FPS.
Most creative shooter last gen. If you were playing it as a normal shooter you were just playing it wrong. Nothing more satisfying then chaining a whole level.

Yep. Bulletstorm is definitely in the top 10 best FPSs of all time if you play it as intended.

It's a shitty to say to people "you're playing it wrong" but it's true in Bulletstorm's case.


For me it feels like a mixed between Rage and Singularity...two games I loved and were mostly ignored or bashed by the gaming press.
Reviews weren't bad, pretty good actually. Mostly in the 8 range, IIRC. I think this game just really appeals to a certain type of FPS fan that is highly represented on GAF. There's fantastic gunplay, long single player, exploration, and a well executed story. I know it feels like a game that was specifically made for me based off of everything I want in an FPS.
Did you play it on ps4?? If so how does it look?


I'd be in the dick
Did you play it on ps4?? If so how does it look?

I did.

Some of the later chapters look pretty good due to art style but the first few are pretty ugly. That's the only negative I have for the game. That said, performance is perfect. Not a dropped frame anywhere and no tearing.
And finished.

Damn, what a fantastic game. Easily one of the most enjoyable games of the year so far with a decent story to boot too with some great voice acting and characters.

The gunplay. Goodness, what to say about this that hasn't already been said. It's amazing. So damn satisfying gunning down fools. Duel wielding shotguns is now a requirement for every single shooter from here on out. Just an incredible sense of unstoppable power when you unleash those bad boys.

I felt the end battle was a little lacklustre though, could and really should have been so much more.

Anyway, now the wait begins for some meaty DLC. I hope we get both pre and post game content. Would love to play as Ramona...


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Anyone have any tips for beating the 2nd phase of the final boss on uber. I have been at it for HOURs and none of the YouTube videos help worth a lick. Between the flames and his guns doing mega damage I have no chance. I always seem to run out of ammo.

Anyone? I am absolutely at my wits end. My OC nature is compelling me, but my sanity is leaving me as a consequence.


No matter what I pick in the options menu subtitles appear for all dialogue. On the PS4. Anyone else run into this?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I'm glad this game is getting the recognition it deserves on GAF. At least with something like Spec Ops, I understood the high 70s reviews, the gameplay was average and the story was exceptional, but Wolfenstein delivers on all fronts.

I just don't know what they want out of shooters.

One thing for sure is it does its goddamned job as a fantastic shooter and the added bonus is the interesting antagonists.


Got the PS4 version from a fellow GAFer, can't wait to get my copy in the mail.

It's been years since I wanted to legit sink my teeth in a solid FPS like that.

Last time was Metroid Prime, actually. :lol


PS4 is crashing (and deleting my save file!) every time I reach the (end-game spoilers)
final boss? Not sure if it's final, it's the brain inside the robot. I open the screen door, get knocked into the next room, and the game crashes

Tried twice, lost my save twice. I can restart the final chapter, but I'm not doing it a third time. Oh well.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
As ludicrous as the notion is, do you ever get a silencer for the sniper rifle? It's not that I even need them to remain unaware that someone is shooting them from somewhere, but when you kill someone from the shadows 500m away and everyone instantly knows your exact position and hit you with spray fire when it was a challenge to get them yourself, that is the not-good kind of old school. It really makes the sniper rifle nothing more than a fight initiator because you'll have half a dozen enemies in your face within 5 seconds. Bad sign when the pistol is the best sniper rifle in the game.
PS4 is crashing (and deleting my save file!) every time I reach the (end-game spoilers)
final boss? Not sure if it's final, it's the brain inside the robot. I open the screen door, get knocked into the next room, and the game crashes

Tried twice, lost my save twice. I can restart the final chapter, but I'm not doing it a third time. Oh well.

That sucks, you're right near the end too.

Perhaps try reinstalling the game?


Why do you guys think reviews weren't positive?? Those game reviewers seem to be a bunch of journalists with no gaming experience, look at Watch Dogs, I bet will get 8s and 9s even thought not looking so hot as it looked in 2012

It's kinda fucked up that if a game is not getting 85% plus reviews it is seen as not so great right? Guess we can thank reviews for that. All in all the reviews are quite positive, but the scores seem a little low. Not that scores aren't silly and arbitrary to begin with.

I am a good 7 hours into the game right now and I love it. I am most surprised to find myself digging the story and characters. I knew the game play was gonna be solid, but I actually care about my team and the story. It really pulls off some of the emotional moments that other games like shove down our throats. Fuck those fetch quest though. Seriously, what the hell.


I am not getting any gibs or gore besides burned corpses and bullet holes...
I have the uncensored version for sure (PC) Anyone knows what's up with that?


I was stuck for a while on the checkpoint where you have to steal
the train...
until I realized I could just run to the objective and exit the level. I'm glad they don't always arbitrarily force you to kill everything to move on. By the time the third robot thing came I was always low on health strafing around crates Kraftwerking away but always slipped up and died.

I'm in the next chapter now a few checkpoints in. Shrapnel shotgun shells are amazing.
Anyone? I am absolutely at my wits end. My OC nature is compelling me, but my sanity is leaving me as a consequence.

Is your machine gun with rocket launcher fully upgraded ?
And your health ? You can upgrade it up to 200 points.
Did you pick up all the ammo/health/armor before jumping in the hole ?

Don't use any rockets before that fight and you should have 30+ rockets. Then just jump in and dual wield rocket launcher. You only need 15+ hits and that's it. I was surprised at how easy it was to kill him.


I am not getting any gibs or gore besides burned corpses and bullet holes...
I have the uncensored version for sure (PC) Anyone knows what's up with that?

During the game you'll get perks that increase the chances of dismemberment, probably down to that and you'll start seeing it more later on.
Finished the game last night. I have to say, this is currently my sleeper hit of the year. Surprised on how good of a game it was.

The writing, a bit pretentious at times, was superb. The graphics were great, the gameplay was simple yet fun, and the length was just right.

Here's to hoping more games like this come out!


Just finished mere moments ago. The last boss is a bit of a fucker (and I've still got to beat him on Uber, welp) but it didn't hurt my enjoyment one bit. Gonna probably play through again on Easy to mop up collectibles and stuff, get the perks before going back to the last level. What a great game. The song that plays during the penultimate chapter is AMAZING.
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