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Wonder Woman has surpassed Suicide Squad and BvS domestic Box Office



Lol get back to us when a DC movie makes a billion.


Very well done to Patty Jenkins, it was a great movie (except for that third act!)

This just puts a magnifying glass on how badly they fucked up BvS. That movie should have been a huge blockbuster given Batman AND Superman were in it.

Please don't fuck up Justice League.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm so sick of people saying they are.

Most disappointing films? A stretch but okay. Worst? Megan Is Missing is far worse. Worst third act of any film I've ever seen.

How hard is it to fill a grave for fuck sake? Last ten minutes kill an already atrocious film completely.

There are a lot of bad movies that are bad for various reasons, so it's hard to rank the absolute worst, but I think it's fair to have BvS is in the discussion. BvS has a lot of really, really bad things going for it, but also a few decent things that other worst movie ever contenders don't have.

Like Battlefield Earth is about as nonsensical as BvS and has no redeeming qualities, but at least it doesn't stuff trailers to other movies in the middle of it.


As someone who has stanned Wonder Woman as a character hard on these forums for years, I'd just like to say this has all been extremely vindicating.
As someone who has stanned Wonder Woman as a character hard on these forums for years, I'd just like to say this has all been extremely vindicating.

Indeed. I went into WW with modest expectations, both on quality and how it'd perform in the box office. Happy to have been wrong on both counts as it greatly exceeded those expectations.


Wonder Woman was decent but it's third act was kinda weak. BVS's first act was butchered but picked up near the end. CW is graded on the Marvel curve, because I have literally pointed out the logical inconsistencies in CW to show how Zemo's plan is purely predicated on luck, or how people let more egregious shit slide in CW .
Well deserved. A lot was riding on this movie and I'm glad it surpassed expectations.

Wonder Woman was decent but it's third act was kinda weak. BVS's first act was butchered but picked up near the end. CW is graded on the Marvel curve, because I have literally pointed out the logical inconsistencies in CW to show how Zemo's plan is purely predicated on luck, or how people let more egregious shit slide in CW .

DCEU community thread get ya mans


Edited for clarification. They've never had a DC movie hit a billion without Nolan.

Oh boy, Bleepy bringing out his charts.

Hey I can back up anything I say. Not my fault that pointing out that whilst Lex plays an active role in all the machinations going on in the film (he actively manipulates the Sebators, Bruce, Clark, the Press, Wallace and the public) whilst Zemo just gets lucky with the Bucky and Cap beef. Or how Captain America's motto might as well be with Great power comes no accountability doesn't make me wrong just you guys are too busy laughing at Tony Stark's jokes that you ignore he recruited a 15 year old boy to fight against Super Soldier's and assassins and gave him an armour that barely protects against black eyes whilst incendiary devices, bullets, cars and fuel tanks fucking fly. Forgive me for paying and calling things to attention.


Hey I can back up anything I say. Not my fault that pointing out that whilst Lex plays an active role in all the machinations going on in the film (he actively manipulates the Sebators, Bruce, Clark, the Press, Wallace and the public) whilst Zemo just gets lucky with the Bucky and Cap beef. Or how Captain America's motto might as well be with Great power comes no accountability doesn't make me wrong just you guys are too busy laughing at Tony Stark's jokes that you ignore he recruited a 15 year old boy to fight against Super Soldier's and assassins and gave him an armour that barely protects against black eyes whilst incendiary devices, bullets, cars and fuel tanks fucking fly. Forgive me for paying and calling things to attention.

No but see it's the UN. The UN.


Edited for clarification. They've never had a DC movie hit a billion without Nolan.

Oh boy, Bleepy bringing out his charts.

"DC movies haven't ever made a billion with a few exceptions."

Also, all comic book movies have thus far been awful bar Spider-Man 2, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. The rest are all the worst films I've ever seen.


This is good but I feel like WW should have surpassed SS and BvS much earlier, given that WW is critically acclaimed and the latter two were considered complete shit by critics and audiences alike.
Nope it's not, they are terrible and deserve all the criticism they get. Just like Wonder Woman is a good movie and deserves the praise it gets.

It absolutely is hyperbole. The "worst movie ever made" isn't a Hollywood blockbuster that came out in the last few years. I've sat through at least three Christian propaganda flicks for the sake of making (hopefully) entertaining threads, and as awful as they were--far worse than the last two DC movies--I still wouldn't consider them "the worst movies ever made." They're hot garbage, but I've seen worse.

This type of hyperbole fucking sucks. Movies can be good, they can be bad, and they can be REALLY bad. That doesn't translate to "the worst movie ever made."


Edited for clarification. They've never had a DC movie hit a billion without Nolan.

Oh boy, Bleepy bringing out his charts.
Oh, I see we're going for the nolanverse goalposts now. Nevertheless the movies opened with a DC logo you bitches


love on your sleeve
Makes you wonder if Whedon/WB is frantically editing Justice League to frame as much of it as possible around WW. I know I would.

I wouldn't. Batman's box office ceiling is still way the hell higher than Wonder Woman.

Not gonna lie, kinda disappointing worldwide. :/

It's headed for ~$775m. Again, check those expectations. They aren't any female led action movies doing better than WW overseas outside of Force Awakens and that's obviously a special case.


Wonder Woman was decent but it's third act was kinda weak. BVS's first act was butchered but picked up near the end.

Come on, I agree the third act of WW took a dip but BvS was awful all the way through, to say it improved toward the end is hardly praise.


lol @ marvel sweating

BvS will never stop being hated on because it's a piece of shit, and it's not going to look any better just because we've cleaned it off our shoes.

Glad to see Wondy showing the boys how it's done: make a good film. I'm so tickled at the performance.

this, all day this - so happy to see WW do it, movie deserved it more than MOS, BvS & SS combined
Hey I can back up anything I say. Not my fault that pointing out that whilst Lex plays an active role in all the machinations going on in the film (he actively manipulates the Sebators, Bruce, Clark, the Press, Wallace and the public) whilst Zemo just gets lucky with the Bucky and Cap beef. Or how Captain America's motto might as well be with Great power comes no accountability doesn't make me wrong just you guys are too busy laughing at Tony Stark's jokes that you ignore he recruited a 15 year old boy to fight against Super Soldier's and assassins and gave him an armour that barely protects against black eyes whilst incendiary devices, bullets, cars and fuel tanks fucking fly. Forgive me for paying and calling things to attention.

The difference is that Marvel's movies are intentionally campy and successfully & actively suspend your disbelief, while DC's films are intentionally dark & brooding; The world of BvS demands its audience to take it seriously, thus the many plotholes and absurd moments in the film are criticized much more harshly.

Kid Ying

What a shame. BvS Will still be number one worldwide, but it doesn't really matter. The dcu Will follow the WW trail, unfortunately.
Hey I can back up anything I say. Not my fault that pointing out that whilst Lex plays an active role in all the machinations going on in the film (he actively manipulates the Sebators, Bruce, Clark, the Press, Wallace and the public) whilst Zemo just gets lucky with the Bucky and Cap beef. Or how Captain America's motto might as well be with Great power comes no accountability doesn't make me wrong just you guys are too busy laughing at Tony Stark's jokes that you ignore he recruited a 15 year old boy to fight against Super Soldier's and assassins and gave him an armour that barely protects against black eyes whilst incendiary devices, bullets, cars and fuel tanks fucking fly. Forgive me for paying and calling things to attention.

The only lucky thing in Zemo's plan is he never realized that Bucky was responsible for the death of Tony's parents (which in conjunction with the 5 super soldiers is exactly why he was asking ex-soldiers of Hydra why Mission Report: December 16th, 1991 was so important and secretive). Every single step of his plan has been about trying to manipulate both Rogers into saving Bucky, and the Sokovia Accords team into taking Bucky and fighting each other. The Mission Report tape was the straw the broke the camel's back and a surefire way to make sure that the Avengers will remain fractured for the foreseeable future. Cap isn't about no accountability, but he doesn't want accountability without failsafes in place to make sure that he can't do his job. He's witnessed Hydra infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. and that's made him question allegiances and agendas. He's making a fair point about the potential of corruption.

Compare that to Lex's plans which were not only inefficient, but also ridiculously convoluted and redundant. He goes through all of this nonsense in Africa when public perception was already mixed on the arrival of Superman (dating back to the events of Man of Steel), so Luthor added nothing there. Don't even get me started on thinking that bullets was enough for people to think that Superman would be framed for such a dumb plan. He then tries to "manipulate" both sides when the thing is that he never did any manipulating (even with all his nonsense to get Batman mad, Batman doesn't even start fighting, it's Lex who forces Superman to go fight in order to save Martha). Batman already had a negative perception of Superman and was preparing to take him down. Lex literally spelled it out to Superman that he had to go fight Batman or else his mom would die. That's about as "manipulative" as Trump shitposting about reporters on Twitter.

So many posters have mentioned this in so many threads and you refuse to be fair in your analyses. That's on you, don't try and fool everyone that you're "paying and calling things into attention." What bullshit.


Please don't fuck up Justice League.

still having a hard time mounting any optimism there

What a shame. BvS Will still be number one worldwide, but it doesn't really matter. The dcu Will follow the WW trail, unfortunately.

ill never understand this mentality

like i'm a huge daredevil fan but i didn't need the netflix show to admit that the affleck film was ass, nor would i have wanted later marvel films to follow what was so clearly a broken, awful template


The difference is that Marvel's movies are intentionally campy and successfully & actively suspend your disbelief, while DC's films are intentionally dark & brooding; The world of BvS demands its audience to take it seriously, thus the many plotholes and absurd moments in the film are criticized much more harshly.

Maybe, if you pad that shit out with jokes you won't notice most of the arguments are nonsense and how much of the plot moves due to luck or makes no sense. Even today, I can ensure I don't get get a response from people about CW by just asking them, if Iron man was so concerned with the Sokovia accords why did he recruit someone barely old enough to shave let alone sign a contract.

Edit: Maybe I am a contrarian but I think stuff like the Daredevil movie was actually decent.


It's not a zero sum game ... They can both be equally successful. I hope they are. I'd love for both companies to make awesome movies, then everyone wins.

Wonder Woman's performance will end up being pretty similar to Iron Man 1 domestically if you adjust up Iron Man to account for the lack of 3D and premium screens back in 2008.

If we compare superhero films to the average gross of wide releases within their year of release, Wonder Woman is the 4th most popular superhero debut ever at the time of her release. The list would go Batman 89 -> Spider-Man -> (big gap) -> Iron Man -> Wonder Woman.

With Iron Man and Wonder Woman being nearly equal as I said.

The Dark Knight was the most abnormally large superhero film for its year of release by a good margin. After that was The Avengers. Then Batman 89 and Spider-Man.


Edit: Maybe I am a contrarian but I think stuff like the Daredevil movie was actually decent.

it's not the worst, i thought affleck was fine as matt & wasn't the problem but it's busy and just a mess overall, captures so little of the actual character for fans & i don't see anyone but them caring about all the crap they were throwing (kingpin, elektra & her death, bullseye etc). the director's cut helped a bit but still pretty not-so-great overall


This movie was genuinely great and deserves everything it's getting. I am worried though that all the good will generated with this character will be ruined in Justice League. I'm worried they are going to make her character dark and brooding in JL just like Snyder did with Superman. She wasn't in BvS enough to have a clear and fully realized interpretation of the character. But now Snyder can do whatever he wants.
It absolutely is hyperbole. The "worst movie ever made" isn't a Hollywood blockbuster that came out in the last few years. I've sat through at least three Christian propaganda flicks for the sake of making (hopefully) entertaining threads, and as awful as they were--far worse than the last two DC movies--I still wouldn't consider them "the worst movies ever made." They're hot garbage, but I've seen worse.

This type of hyperbole fucking sucks. Movies can be good, they can be bad, and they can be REALLY bad. That doesn't translate to "the worst movie ever made."

i fell asleep during the lex luthor bullshit after paying 25$ imax seats

bvs is the worst movie i paid movie theater money for, easily


Unconfirmed Member
Wonder Woman was decent but it's third act was kinda weak. BVS's first act was butchered but picked up near the end. CW is graded on the Marvel curve, because I have literally pointed out the logical inconsistencies in CW to show how Zemo's plan is purely predicated on luck, or how people let more egregious shit slide in CW .

What's so bad about
Diana's realization of humanity's inherent evils by learning of Ares's true nature, and her realization of humanity's inherent good through Steve Trevor's sacrifice
? I thought it was a very good way to wrap up the story. The only problem was the Ares character and fight was a little bland, which is a problem for most final bosses in super hero movies. That alone makes it a step down from the mostly flawless first two acts, but doesn't make it weak overall.

BvS had a terrible last act. Superman's sacrifice had no emotion to it at all. The whole Lois spear bit was a frustrating waste of time. Doomsday is basically a random thing added just to have a big final fight while the main villain of Luther mostly disappears altogether. But yeah, I guess I agree what came before that was somehow even worse.
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