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Yakuza 5 releasing DECEMBER 8, 2015


Watch the recap movies of Y1-3, play Yakuza 4 and you should be done just in time for Yakuza 5. Yakuza 1 and 2 are sort of difficult to track down for PS2 last I heard. There is a Yakuza 1 Remaster coming (hopefully to the west) aswell.

That would be the perfect opportunity to re-introduce the series in the west but i don't think Sega gives a shit anymore. Unless Sony takes initiation (again).

Really hope their sales expectations for Y5 are in check.
The Sega Blog has posted an update regarding the status of Yakuza 5 for the PlayStation 3. An exact release date isn’t available yet, but the company is shooting for a November release. To be more specific, Sega is saying, “mid-November.”

Sega also offered an explanation as to why Yakuza 5 doesn’t have a firm release date yet. It’s due to some localization issues. The translation seems to be done, but the insertion of text is causing some troubles. Sega needed to address some bugs that manifested and had to dig into the source code to make sure the English text could appear properly in place of Japanese.

I can't seem to pre-order the game. Bah!


That said, a friend of mine said they were having issues buying anything from the store right now. Can anyone else corroborate this?


I can't seem to pre-order the game. Bah!


That said, a friend of mine said they were having issues buying anything from the store right now. Can anyone else corroborate this?

Kinda OT, but I've been having serious issues with my card and the store this week. I have three ghost transactions pending on my bank statement from Sony for $0, I'm assuming from the times I've tried to make a purchase and failed. But last night I was able to buy the latest Rocket League DLC without any problems. Those $0 pending transactions are still there though, I'll probably have to call them about it.


Man, that release timing is terrible. Clearly West is not intrested in Yakuza since they didn't buy it on PSN for PS3 during the month when major AAAs are releasing. Sigh....

At least the movie recommendations were great, loved Yojimbo and Sonatine.
If the ending is as awesome as 4, then I may not wait for it to go down in price.

Any reports as to whether or not this game is as crazy as the last? I need to fill my HEAT gauge.


Fantastic news for fans, but perhaps not the best time for sales.

They need to market the game a little.

A nice trailer and articles for people new to the series.

Marketing it as a JRPG may also help.
It's like Sega wanted to ensure minimal sales so they don't ever have to localize another Yakuza game again.

Would you have preferred it if they left untranslated Japanese text in?

Fantastic news for fans, but perhaps not the best time for sales.

They need to market the game a little.

A nice trailer and articles for people new to the series.

Marketing it as a JRPG may also help.

Sega has been releasing marketing videos and articles - at least I've seen several go up on the Playstation Blog. Having Yakuza 4 be a PS+ title was also a good move. I don't see how marketing it as a JRPG would be useful; while the series does have RPG elements, it's not what people think of when they think of "JRPG" and the moniker doesn't have any particular cache.
Buying on launch. Won't play until Fallout 4 or PDAN are done with. (Most likely PDAN.)

Not the best idea for a release date, but this really is a case of beggers can't be choosers.


Glad this wasn't pushed back to 2016 or something weird. Very excited! Fingers crossed we get PS4 Yakuza in the future as well.
It's like Sega wanted to ensure minimal sales so they don't ever have to localize another Yakuza game again.

Yeah this timing is just abysmal. What little extra sales they might have gotten are just out the window now.

"I'm not dying yet. There's a whole bunch of people I have to kill first."

Well, looks like I know what I'm rewatching tonight. Question is, should I make it a double feature with Sanjuro as well.
It's like Sega wanted to ensure minimal sales so they don't ever have to localize another Yakuza game again.

Feels like they do this a lot to this franchise.

Yakuza 2 was up against Rock Band and Pokemon
Yakuza 3 was up against Final Fantasy XIII, SFIV, Pokemon and Assassin's Creed II


Then Sega will put it out on November 10th, then be like, "Well, everyone apparently wanted to play Fallout 4 instead, so I guess absolutely no one is interested in a localized Yakuza 6."


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
realistically, unless you live in the UK, you've been able to buy this game (at a 15% discount) since August. and it's digital only. and last gen. so it's overreacting to suggest it's "up against" Fallout 4.


realistically, unless you live in the UK, you've been able to buy this game (at a 15% discount) since August. and it's digital only. and last gen. so it's overreacting to suggest it's "up against" Fallout 4.

Very good point. I don't think the date makes much difference honestly. Glad it's coming


People whining about November as if September or October would have been any better. The last "dead" month was August. It's also the fifth entry in a franchise that's releasing digitally on PS3, pretending that competing releases are going to have a meaningful impact (especially ones with questionable core audience cross-over) is laughable.


still need to finish yakuza 4. only played until you get to play the 3rd character, am i far off the end? :3


GAF is the perfect place to get some momentum for this title.

Once the release date is set we should work on raising some awareness on what people are missing out on.


I can't take this on D1, but I'll take it for sure. Just completed Dead Souls and it was awesome, now I only miss Yakuza 3.


Just finished Yakuza 3 a few minutes ago. Still have to play 4 but I'll buy this at release to support more Western localizations of this series.
To all of the guys that can't play it right away or don't have the system anymore but still buying this game to show their support, you guys are awesome. Thank you.
Glad we finally got an update and it's totally understandable issue (plus I imagine the restructuring/relocating didn't help either). Have my copy pre-ordered and totally looking forward to finally playing Yakuza 5 in English (and English Yakuza in general).
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