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Yoichi Wada: Final Fantasy Versus XIII not cancelled

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Show me some actual footage, then we'll talk "Not cancelled".

You're suggesting they're flat-out lying by releasing a statement saying it's not cancelled? If so, what's the point in putting all your faith in "actual footage"? Hell, if they're intention is to indefinitely string fans along with planned vaporware that is intended to lead to nothing from the get-go, they can even build a fancy playable demo for you that has nothing else built for it outside of what is presented.

If you don't believe SE when they say something isn't cancelled, then everything short of actually owning the full game can be a lie potentially.


Pretty much confirmed from what he said on Twitter just now. He laughed about the rumor and then went on to say they finished a regular meeting on the game, saw some towns presentation and whatnot.

Just one -tiny- thing here with putting this much faith in this statement : When a CEO of a listed company makes a statement to dispell news that could potentially negatively affect the companies stock price - or a statement that allows the company to work to their timelines and not be drawn out by the press - it's not uncommon for there to be elements of untruths.

see also : Miyamoto's comments on 3DS.

I do find it fascinating : i had hear that Wada was pretty hands on - but for the CEO of a company to attend regular update meetings? You'd think that would be ceded to someone else.


Just one -tiny- thing here with putting this much faith in this statement : When a CEO of a listed company makes a statement to dispell news that could potentially negatively affect the companies stock price - or a statement that allows the company to work to their timelines and not be drawn out by the press - it's not uncommon for there to be elements of untruths.

see also : Miyamoto's comments on 3DS.

I do find it fascinating : i had hear that Wada was pretty hands on - but for the CEO of a company to attend regular update meetings? You'd think that would be ceded to someone else.

What do you think he does all day sit in his office and play golf? Why would he not check in on games the company is working on and specially something as big as that?

Also shot outs to more of the prove it crap.

"We really want this game we are super hype for it, let's act all pissy and mad when we cant get anything about it. OMG THE GAME IS DEAD SQUARE IS HOPLESS THE WERE ARE MY BISHES FUCK YOU SQUARE NEVER BUYING AGAIN." "No guys it's not I just came from a meeting" "omg omg it's not dead!? Wait maybe it is still OMG OMG I'M HAVING MIXED FEELINGS"..... "LOL PROVE IT SQUARE I DON'T TRUST YOU"

It's like watching kids in highschool fall in and out of love mood swings and all.


What do you think he does all day sit in his office and play golf? Why would he not check in on games the company is working on and specially something as big as that?

He's the CEO! I'm saying it's surprising that he attends regular update meetings because CEO's tend to be busy as hell running the company.

It's like watching kids in highschool fall in and out of love mood swings and all.

Just for the record - i have -zero- interest in FF13Versus. I'm just here for the drama and free popcorn overspill.


He's the CEO! I'm saying it's surprising that he attends regular update meetings because CEO's tend to be busy as hell running the company.

Would a "regular meeting" once a month be that big of a deal? I mean even if it's once a month or every other month. It's still a regular meeting for them if they do it always in that time frame :p


Would a "regular meeting" once a month be that big of a deal? I mean even if it's once a month or every other month. It's still a regular meeting for them if they do it always in that time frame :p

I get the point but, yes, i still think it's surprising for the CEO to be quite that hands on. Obviously it's different from company to company and, as i say, i've heard before that Wada is extremely hands on.


Crystal Bearer
I get the point but, yes, i still think it's surprising for the CEO to be quite that hands on. Obviously it's different from company to company and, as i say, i've heard before that Wada is extremely hands on.

You should see him at E3, lol


You should see him at E3, lol

i have seen him at TGS :p But again - that'S a banner event where a CEO has to do his stuff - it's not so much i doubt the hands-on-ness - i just have my doubts about the content of his statement. And that leaves me (no one else) at a strange impass :

A games site i don't care about put out a statement about a game i don't care about then the CEO made a statement i don't fully believe to negate the news i didn't care about.

.... i have to ask myself.... why am i in this thread?!? I *promised* myself i'd stay out of this thread. </nearestavailableexit>
I get the point but, yes, i still think it's surprising for the CEO to be quite that hands on. Obviously it's different from company to company and, as i say, i've heard before that Wada is extremely hands on.

You're making some broad assumptions about the purpose of the meeting. It could have been, for all you know, a regularly scheduled update meeting with all department execs (i.e. his direct reports) showing what each of their departments are working on. A few screenshots of versus 13 before moving on to soemthing else and there you go


You're making some broad assumptions about the purpose of the meeting. It could have been, for all you know, a regularly scheduled update meeting with all department execs (i.e. his direct reports) showing what each of their departments are working on. A few screenshots of versus 13 before moving on to soemthing else and there you go

Once we are into "For all you know about this meeting he tweeted about" i think we are all into realms of our own interpretations of what is going on.

For me : we are into realms of "Well, that's convenient giving FUCK ALL info for years!" and i put zero credance in what Wada , as CEO of a listed company who would have a negative share price impact from confirmation of a cancelation, says.

I will go on record and say i think the statement is pure and simple bullshit - but that's not just for reasons of this.

I wouldn't put any stock in Wada's statements at this point - nor Kotaku. the truth is somewhere between the two and i'm sure all will become clear at TGS. If it doesn't? Well - people can draw their own conclusions ... or we'll go through the merry dance again.


I do find it fascinating : i had hear that Wada was pretty hands on - but for the CEO of a company to attend regular update meetings? You'd think that would be ceded to someone else.

Or maybe something big is happening, like polishing up the game, talking about final ideas, an appearance in september?

I mean doesn't he have a job to do?


What do you think he does all day sit in his office and play golf? Why would he not check in on games the company is working on and specially something as big as that?

Also shot outs to more of the prove it crap.

"We really want this game we are super hype for it, let's act all pissy and mad when we cant get anything about it. OMG THE GAME IS DEAD SQUARE IS HOPLESS THE WERE ARE MY BISHES FUCK YOU SQUARE NEVER BUYING AGAIN." "No guys it's not I just came from a meeting" "omg omg it's not dead!? Wait maybe it is still OMG OMG I'M HAVING MIXED FEELINGS"..... "LOL PROVE IT SQUARE I DON'T TRUST YOU"

It's like watching kids in highschool fall in and out of love mood swings and all.
Sounds like an annoying girlfriend.


Or maybe something big is happening, like polishing up the game, talking about final ideas, an appearance in september?

I mean doesn't he have a job to do?

i've already said what i think is happening previously - and i agree - but let's see what happens at TGS.

In all - it's all good - as i say , i'm not much of an FF fan, i've not been much of a versus fan but the whole drama has -at the very least- made me look at the games and the series again. A large style reveal at TGS would potentially reignite some interest. So i think all in all , regardless of Kotaku, response from SE, etc then PR has done a good job in riding out the milage from what has happened.


°Temp. member
I still believe it's in development, I just hope it comes out during the part of the ps3's life span where I haven't already mostly moved on to ps4 lol


I get the point but, yes, i still think it's surprising for the CEO to be quite that hands on. Obviously it's different from company to company and, as i say, i've heard before that Wada is extremely hands on.

He certainly has a personal passion for the work, even though lots of people give him shit how S-E is doing. He once made a long rant on twitter talking about The Last Remnant as a game, not as a product or something his company made. It was really interesting because it was clear that he actually played the game and he liked it a lot, and he also acknowledged that it was a hard sell in the market. He's definitely not a suit who doesn't know anything about gaming.
He certainly has a personal passion for the work, even though lots of people give him shit how S-E is doing. He once made a long rant on twitter talking about The Last Remnant as a game, not as a product or something his company made. It was really interesting because it was clear that he actually played the game and he liked it a lot, and he also acknowledged that it was a hard sell in the market. He's definitely not a suit who doesn't know anything about gaming.

Can you link to this rant, or a translation of it? Sounds quite interesting.


He certainly has a personal passion for the work, even though lots of people give him shit how S-E is doing. He once made a long rant on twitter talking about The Last Remnant as a game, not as a product or something his company made. It was really interesting because it was clear that he actually played the game and he liked it a lot, and he also acknowledged that it was a hard sell in the market. He's definitely not a suit who doesn't know anything about gaming.

there was nothing glib about what i posted - it was true to the letter. As you know , i have a mild insight into this and i've heard many many people mention that he is -incredibly- hands on.

It just amazes me that a CEO has that much dedication.

That said - i'm still 99% sure the "Just out of Versus meeting" tweet was bullshit but hey. ;)

Again - everyone with any connection to Wada has nothing but praise for him, so i'm perhaps being unfair but .... hey. I posted what i think is going on and i stand by that.
He certainly has a personal passion for the work, even though lots of people give him shit how S-E is doing. He once made a long rant on twitter talking about The Last Remnant as a game, not as a product or something his company made. It was really interesting because it was clear that he actually played the game and he liked it a lot, and he also acknowledged that it was a hard sell in the market. He's definitely not a suit who doesn't know anything about gaming.

I think he made similar passionate comments about Nier, too.


Crystal Bearer
Small update, but Shinji Hashimoto, the game's producer made a couple comments on the game today - if there needed to be further confirmation the game was in development.

Nothing new but, "First and foremost it is important to bring out Versus. Versus is turning out to be incredibly amazing," as an indication somehow of how much the game has progressed according to the original poster who was around for this special guest chat Hashimoto went to.
Small update, but Shinji Hashimoto, the game's producer made a couple comments on the game today - if there needed to be further confirmation the game was in development.

Nothing new but, "First and foremost it is important to bring out Versus. Versus is supposed to be incredibly amazing," as an indication somehow of how much the game has progressed according to the original poster who was around for this special guest chat Hashimoto went to.
You know what be nice? A new trailer, screenshots, ANYTHING to show their 'progress'.


Small update, but Shinji Hashimoto, the game's producer made a couple comments on the game today - if there needed to be further confirmation the game was in development.

Nothing new but, "First and foremost it is important to bring out Versus. Versus is supposed to be incredibly amazing," as an indication somehow of how much the game has progressed according to the original poster who was around for this special guest chat Hashimoto went to.

Does that mean it's become SE's top priority project? Please let it mean that
"supposed to be incredibly amazing" doesn't inspire much confidence (although the quote probably loses something in translation)

Quote reads like they've given up on what the game is supposed to be are are just trying to get the game out at this point. Not that I blame them of course, but if you've taken this long might as well take as long as you need to get it right


I really believe this game cut all ties from 13 and is just being prepped as 14 or some sort of really big non numbered game. Also the exclusivity has to be out the window at this point.
Of course 'secret' implies you have something to hide.

Jawmuncher said:
I really believe this game cut all ties from 13 and is just being prepped as 14 or some sort of really big non numbered game. Also the exclusivity has to be out the window at this point.
You mean XV?
If anything, it's certainly their most secretive project... possibly ever?

So what is the consensus of this game appearing at TGS, even behind closed doors?

I'm mildly interested in the game but I for one can't get hyped on a game that shows nothing. The gameplay trailer that was shown last year(?) was pretty cool.

Edit:Seems like it was january 2011. What the hell lol!
I going to buy this on Day 1, all the previous trailers have been simply amazing. Probably the best character art in RPG I have ever seen.


Small update, but Shinji Hashimoto, the game's producer made a couple comments on the game today - if there needed to be further confirmation the game was in development.

Nothing new but, "First and foremost it is important to bring out Versus. Versus is supposed to be incredibly amazing," as an indication somehow of how much the game has progressed according to the original poster who was around for this special guest chat Hashimoto went to.

hype + 10
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