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Zombi - Pure Survival Horror is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU Port]


Wow this snuck out under the radar. Tempted but will wait for Steam Winter sale or something. Never played the WiiU version because the gamepad gimmicks were a turnoff.
Nuuvem usually requires using some sort of VPN trick in order to get their deals, at least from NA. They're a Brazilian company, and as such typically only offer their deals to Brazilians.

they've recently started being a lot more restrictive on what does and doesn't need VPN to see
they've recently started being a lot more restrictive on what does and doesn't need VPN to see

They've probably received a lot of heat from publishers threatening to pull out as getting deals on Nuuvem got more and more popular. The Nuuvem GTA V PC deal is probably the straw that broke that particular back.


PSHash for turn OFF UI, buttons and minimap over Gedosato

injectPSHash f063c277
injectDelayAfterDraw true


CA makes my eyes hurt.
Oh my god... I hate to buy digital games on consoles so freaking much!!

20 hours and I'm still 19GB of 22GB download for application data!!

Unbelievable :/

I'm so angry now...


2 hours into PC version. Already on third survivor, haha. The first one had a bunch of great loot in the pack, but then the second one died before I could get to him and I lost it (I assume it's a one shot thing like Souls games). Bummer.

I'm enjoying it. The game reminds me a little of Alien Isolation. Super tense, taking it very slow.

Any tips? Every time I get a good ammount of loot I return to the safe house to store it, heh. Also, any reason to keep the cricket bat in my bag if I got a shovel, which is more powerfull?

I was so thankful the game wasn't cheap in the
first turret section. The entire time I was praying they wouldn't throw a zombie right behind me while I shoot the others.


2 hours into PC version. Already on third survivor, haha. The first one had a bunch of great loot in the pack, but then the second one died before I could get to him and I lost it (I assume it's a one shot thing like Souls games). Bummer.

I'm enjoying it. The game reminds me a little of Alien Isolation. Super tense, taking it very slow.

Any tips? Every time I get a good ammount of loot I return to the safe house to store it, heh. Also, any reason to keep the cricket bat in my bag if I got a shovel, which is more powerfull?

I was so thankful the game wasn't cheap in the
first turret section. The entire time I was praying they wouldn't throw a zombie right behind me while I shoot the others.

For some stupid reason, you can't put the cricket bat into the storage box.

You'll get a bigger bag soon, so I'd store the shovel (and any flares/small health items) until you get it. You won't need them for the time being.


I couldn't resist the temptation to buy the game, as I've been wanting to play it ever since it was released on Wii U. Love the visual style and atmosphere. The game feels much more oppressive compared to Dead Island. You can't just take hordes of zombies like you could in the resort island, although I managed to put a small horde of half dozen zombies to final rest. I must say though, that the mentions about John Dee and Enochian writings seem pretty off in this context.

So, do you revert to the last save point when killed, or start all over with a new character?


I couldn't resist the temptation to buy the game, as I've been wanting to play it ever since it was released on Wii U. Love the visual style and atmosphere. The game feels much more oppressive compared to Dead Island. You can't just take hordes of zombies like you could in the resort island, although I managed to put a small horde of half dozen zombies to final rest. I must say though, that the mentions about John Dee and Enochian writings seem pretty off in this context.

So, do you revert to the last save point when killed, or start all over with a new character?

A new survivor and you can hunt down your Zombie corpse to find stuff.


PSHash for turn OFF UI, buttons and minimap over Gedosato

injectPSHash f063c277
injectDelayAfterDraw true


That would be good for a hardcore run.

Has anyone experienced this crash on PC? Quoting myself.

Not sure if this is happening to a lot of dudes but I've had a game crash on the PC version. My first survivor died (stupidly due to unavoidable fall damage when you're running through that tower aided by the sniper chick) so I play the second survivor and get fuel for the generator. Every time I get the medicine in the Nursery and the cut-scene plays where you fall through the floor into the basement, the game crashes to desktop.


2 hours into PC version. Already on third survivor, haha. The first one had a bunch of great loot in the pack, but then the second one died before I could get to him and I lost it (I assume it's a one shot thing like Souls games). Bummer.

I'm enjoying it. The game reminds me a little of Alien Isolation. Super tense, taking it very slow.

Any tips? Every time I get a good ammount of loot I return to the safe house to store it, heh. Also, any reason to keep the cricket bat in my bag if I got a shovel, which is more powerfull?

I was so thankful the game wasn't cheap in the
first turret section. The entire time I was praying they wouldn't throw a zombie right behind me while I shoot the others.

Pretty sure that you can find your shit no matter how many times you die. You just have to remember the approximate area where your survivor died to find them as a zombie and take back your stuff.

The big punishment for death is being sent on a long roundabout side quest.


I watched a bit of this on twitch last night, reminded me of condemned... But not as good.

Better than Condemned. In Condemned you're just tazing and clubbing your way through the entire game. This has all kinds of fun tools and weapons for you to find. Its much better.


Better than Condemned. In Condemned you're just tazing and clubbing your way through the entire game. This has all kinds of fun tools and weapons for you to find. Its much better.

Not a very convincing argument. You can reduce any game to "just doing x". For the record, I've played both and find them equally good for different reasons all together.


Not a very convincing argument. You can reduce any game to "just doing x". For the record, I've played both and find them equally good for different reasons all together.
Well I'm not really trying to sell the game so play it or don't, I don't care. He compared it to condemned, and I had a quick thought on that.


Is this like a more linear experience or will you find big open areas to explore as you wish?

Honestly, it's very linear. It has the appearance of being like a Souls game but it's more Metroidvania where the world is interconnected, but you cannot go wherever you want and complete whatever mission. If you have one mission, you have to complete it. Even if you were on a completely different mission with a survivor and they die, the new survivor will have a different mission.


I saw a comparison earlier that showed the BOB zombie with missing shirt textures on the PS4 or Xbox version. Here is what I saw on my Xbox. Texture seems present to me.

The game seems fine to me.

Also, for some reason I died during the prologue BEFORE the title shows up. Haha (I've been through it ok before) When you die there it goes to the title and you wake up as a new survivor. Thought that was funny.
This port is a lot of fun. ZombiU is my favourite wii u game and this has not disappointed me. Couple frame rate dips I can live with, I haven't really noticed. Bugs can be frustrating too. But it's all about the atmosphere, and the game play is straight up my alley.
I'm really surprised how much fun I'm having in this... So far the game is a solid 7 or 8, don't understand why some reviews gave it 4 or 5!

Maybe I need to finish the game first to kinda understand?

I'm only 4 hours in.
I'm really surprised how much fun I'm having in this... So far the game is a solid 7 or 8, don't understand why some reviews gave it 4 or 5!

Maybe I need to finish the game first to kinda understand?

I'm only 4 hours in.

If you like it, you'l keep liking it. Some reviewers just didn't gel with it


Does downsampling using Gedosato screw up mouse movement on menu screens for anyone else? In-game action works fine, but checking inventory or even selecting to quit is impossible, as if mouse range is limited to a small box for some reason. Had to switch to my Dual Shock. Game is still fun, I actually prefer it without the gamepad but the mini-map isn't mini at all and needs to be.

Is there any way to get back the "dirty" filter? Odd choice to remove it entirely. I thought it really helped enhance the mood.


I've played it for about 90 minutes on PS4 now, and I think the port is totally fine. Happy with it so far.

This game still rules
Ya, I'm up to the entrance of Buckingham Palace on PS4 right now (can't go further because it's only 80% loaded) and it's been pretty decent.

Game does rock, though.
Better than Condemned. In Condemned you're just tazing and clubbing your way through the entire game. This has all kinds of fun tools and weapons for you to find. Its much better.

Better than Condemned? Noooo way.

It's a good game, but Condemned was a really good early 360 title.

2 hours into PC version. Already on third survivor, haha. The first one had a bunch of great loot in the pack, but then the second one died before I could get to him and I lost it (I assume it's a one shot thing like Souls games). Bummer.

I'm hoarding health like I do in a lot of games, even though there's quite a bit of it to find. I have several med packs in my inventory at all times, and hate using them, which results in deaths.

I'm probably on survivor four or five because of this. It was almost all preventable. But I'm about 1/2 way through, and did get recognition for getting a survivor score over 2000 - so it's not like I'm doing badly.


Man, they could have at least added a couple of new attack animations for the new weapons. They don't even seem that much stronger either. And since you can't get rid of the cricket bat, you might as well stick with it.

So, yeah, a nice little addition to the game, but ultimately pointless.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, they could have at least added a couple of new attack animations for the new weapons. They don't even seem that much stronger either. And since you can't get rid of the cricket bat, you might as well stick with it.

So, yeah, a nice little addition to the game, but ultimately pointless.

What? This seems pointless. :S


Un Rama
difficulty achievements dont stack...when will developers stop this madness

Just finished this now and goddamn it. I don't want to play easy mode. It's going to be brutal enough trying to get through survivor.

Damn this game is good though. I hope this does well enough for Ubi to consider doing something with the IP.
I've already beaten this game on Wii U, and have a big backlog. I don't have the interest in replaying it on easy, nor do I feel like bothering with survivor. So I'll be moving on, and will maybe revisit it down the road in a few years or something.
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