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Why do people edit their posts to respond to later posts?

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Along with avatar quoting and hiding 'jokes' in spoiler tags, it's some of the most egregious behavior here on NeoGAF. You're all lucky I'm not a mod.
"So it doesn't look like you're spamming the thread"-??

What the hell? Who fucking cares, people acting like they're double posting. Make a new post to upkeep the threads continuity! Reading a quoted post that is below the post accomplishes two things:

A) No one is going to fucking read it, especially the person you quoted. Why would they scroll up and check if whoever quoted them versus checking the latest posts?

B) Throws readers off. It sends me scrolling back up to see when I missed said post, until I give up and continue, only to see it like 10 posts later on the next page or something. FFFFFFFFFffff-!!!

Annoying as hell.

Is this so bad?

Yes it is. If you even happen to read this.


I only ever notice this on the first page of threads, where some users adjust their prominent posts with clarifying quotes from other users. That, or it's a thank you to a post directly below it. Is it really that widespread?


Replying to anything more than a minute old is so out of fashion. I'm always looking towards the future, so I can't bother my self with those of you who are stuck in the present time.

*waiting for posts after mine to reply*

I always figured that people who quote posts after theirs are trying to create paradoxes or ripples in the space-time continuum.

Oh no, someone's on to my real goal.
I suppose that's me assuming everyone uses gaf like I do. By that I mean everyone searches for when they were quoted via the search function. That way I can see if anyone was interested in having a discussion with me and so on

How does that work? I only got verified last week or so and still don't know how the site works fully now that I can actually respond and not just be a lurker anymore. Been wondering if there was a way to see who quoted me.


It's really weird seeing people do that because this is the only forum I've been to where people will edit their posts to respond to something that they see later on.


I only edit if a post is above that one because responding to posts made between posting with new posts is unwieldy and doesn't keep the natural flow of the thread.


As long as the post they edit in the reply to is close by, it's ok (albeit pointless). If it's on another page or something, that's kind of obnoxious.
I do it when it's a post right below mine, usually when it's just a quick response to their response. Some people here are touchy about every little thing, it's like ocd land up in GAF world. Maybe I should create a thread about it.
I don't know, but it should be bannable.



I do it when it's a post right below mine, usually when it's just a quick response to their response. Some people here are touchy about every little thing, it's like ocd land up in GAF world. Maybe I should create a thread about it.


Just look at that "will you marry" thread lol
How does that work? I only got verified last week or so and still don't know how the site works fully now that I can actually respond and not just be a lurker anymore. Been wondering if there was a way to see who quoted me.

Go to the search icon in the upper left of neogaf [the magnifying glass], then type your username into the search box, select [show posts] instead of [show threads] and view everyone who has ever quoted you


posting on contract only
I do it when it's a post right below mine, usually when it's just a quick response to their response. Some people here are touchy about every little thing, it's like ocd land up in GAF world. Maybe I should create a thread about it.

I just want attention. :(

Go to the search icon in the upper left of neogaf [the magnifying glass], then type your username into the search box, select [show posts] instead of [show threads] and view everyone who has ever quoted you

Man I chose a horrible username.
Man I chose a horrible username.

Yeah if your username is a common word, it's difficult to see who quoted you :\

Even searching by something like "[QUOTE=temp;" doesn't work because of how neogaf's search function works. Not sure if there is a method to force the search function to look for exact matches only


I vote it should be bannable.

On second thought, I don't agree.

But then again maybe it would be for the best to keep opinions consistent right?

Edit 3: Nah fuck it, call the police. I'm editing forever
Another valid reason is to respond to multiple people if you created the thread. You're not supposed to create a thread and create 10 posts for 10 different responders, but if you respond to one person and then another post comes up that is related to your response, then it's better to edit your response and respond to both at once.

OP, you had to have know that people are going to do it in this thread just to mess with you, right?


One reason it can be useful sometimes, is to get around the 'one post every 60 seconds' thing. If you're chatting in a thread, and something else you want to responds to pops up seconds after you were typing your post then you can just edit in a response really quick.

Granted, there's also the option of having some patience and just waiting 60 seconds.


but if you respond to one person and then another post comes up that is related to your response, then it's better to edit your response and respond to both at once.
No it's not. That person you replied to is not going to look above his post to find a reply! Madness.
I'm with the rest, ban em! :)


To avoid double posting.

I've done it to avoid double posting.

Another valid reason is to respond to multiple people if you created the thread. You're not supposed to create a thread and create 10 posts for 10 different responders, but if you respond to one person and then another post comes up that is related to your response, then it's better to edit your response and respond to both at once.

OP, you had to have know that people are going to do it in this thread just to mess with you, right?

I don't think you guys are undstanding what OP is talking about. It's not about quoting more then one person in the same response, no. It's about quoting someone who posted after you did. There is literally no way of double posting in this situation.


I hate this too. I also dislike people using actual quotation marks to quote people instead of using the BBCode quote. Both make it fucking hard to follow a conversation.
OP thank you for making this thread. Damn everyone who does this, annoys me to no end.
If I make a post and see a few posts down someone has said something I want to respond to, I make a new post.
If I make a post, and I see a few posts up someone has said something I want to respond to then I edit...Unless I'm on mobile, then its just easier to double post.

Slightly off-topic, but theres one mod that always "quotes" posts instead of actually quoting a post, and I've always wondered why. I think its Tekno something or another, I can't remember at the time.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Editing your post to quote a later post in the thread kinda defeats the purpose of a chronological message board.

Stop doing it people.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Really terrible practice. Let's just delete outright any posts we see that do this.
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