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01Net's Fifth Nintendo Article: Iwata On The Ejection Seat

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walking fiend said:
When did they push online to begin with? Your whole argument is out of your frustration with their online system and just expanding it to everything Nintendo does.

They are behind current online curve, but they have improved a lot since GBA to 3DS and from Wii to 3DS and of course from DS to 3DS. You must living in your small dreamland to think that Nintendo is supposed to be the company pushing online technologies while Microsoft has much more human resources and experience for doing so. Nintendo is not a giant software company. If anything has caused them, it is your kind of idea that Nintendo must be pushing online. They are about ideas not merely technologies, but since they wanted to do everything themselves, they just couldn't keep up with infrastructure advancement.

And they are pushing industry. Who introduced touch? who introduced motion gaming? who popularized casual games? Who is going to popularize 3D? Who is making the first stand alone home console? And it is all being done with Iwata as the CEO. before Iwata, who could have even thought of a console such as Wii U?

if you can't see Nintendo pushing things, you are simply blind. They have been pushing industry more than ever.
I don't see where I am frustrated. I'm simply not satisfied with it, because I don't want to lower my standards and start to accept things which are not acceptable in my opinion or even call them a "step forward". I just don't see why they pretend like online is still not a huge deal and merely an option.

Dreamland? How so? They didn't have the infrastructure back then, but still tried and delivered pretty impressive stuff with the Satellaview for example. You don't need to built up the whole infrastructure yourself to offer a great online experience. If you think that, you are the one living in a dreamworld. They have always been exploring technologies and still are. But they are lacking in important areas imho.

Sure, DS was bomb. So was the concept of the Wii in the first place. But now, half a decade later, where are we now? Trying to jump on the 3D bandwagon which most people don't give a flying fuck about. And what gives your blue/red ocean strategy now? Fuck that, those customers are gone. Wii U, their "tablet controller" and the whole concept of it innovative? Not so much. I don't see how they are pushing the Industry with this stuff at the moment and on top of that, they still ignore things which became a standard by now. As I said, Iwata is no Steve Jobs and the 3DS/WiiU are nowhere innovative as the DS/Wii have been. You can call me blind, but you're simply wrong, if you think Nintendo is pushing the industry at this moment with these products/technologies.

BurntPork said:
You mean back when Yamauchi called online gaming a fad?
Doesn't matter. Nintendo's history talks a different language.


Getting back from where I left :

lostinblue said:
We fundamentally disagree. I think the articles are written to be alarming, over the top and the writer/source must be some sort of drama queen. And then there's the stuff that makes absolutely no sense.

And yes, I've read some of the articles (these and the other from yesterday) in french, I'm of latin origin so I can somehow muster my rusty french to the task. If everything fails can at least identify the tone in which this piece of "jornalism" was written.

That explains so much, won't argue with people who can't understand stuffs and think they can identify tone from something they don't get.
Mael said:
That explains so much, won't argue with people who can't understand stuffs and think they can identify tone from something they don't get.
Nice because I didn't want to pursue this sh*t (with you) anymore. I said what I wanted to say about it already and I dislike going on semantic loops.

Nice job for not being classy even on the way out though.


Mael said:
Getting back from where I left :

That explains so much, won't argue with people who can't understand stuffs and think they can identify tone from something they don't get.

Jesus Christ dude!


lostinblue said:
Nice because I didn't want to pursue this sh*t (with you) anymore. I said what I wanted to say about it already and I dislike going on semantic loops.

Nice job for not being classy even on the way out though.
Je comprend juste qu'avec ton piètre niveau de français (tu l'as dit toi même plus haut) tu rajoutes des choses dans l'article qui n'y sont pas. Et on dit que les français sont arrogants!
Sois plus humble, quand on te dit une chose cherche à savoir pourquoi plutôt qu'à te braquer comme un abruti.

Bonne chance pour la traduction, avec ta compréhension tu vas probablement comprendre que je te félicite.


Mael said:
Getting back from where I left :

That explains so much, won't argue with people who can't understand stuffs and think they can identify tone from something they don't get.
Mael said:
Je comprend juste qu'avec ton piètre niveau de français (tu l'as dit toi même plus haut) tu rajoutes des choses dans l'article qui n'y sont pas. Et on dit que les français sont arrogants!
Sois plus humble, quand on te dit une chose cherche à savoir pourquoi plutôt qu'à te braquer comme un abruti.

Bonne chance pour la traduction, avec ta compréhension tu vas probablement comprendre que je te félicite.

Mael said:
Je comprend juste qu'avec ton piètre niveau de français (tu l'as dit toi même plus haut) tu rajoutes des choses dans l'article qui n'y sont pas. Et on dit que les français sont arrogants!
Sois plus humble, quand on te dit une chose cherche à savoir pourquoi plutôt qu'à te braquer comme un abruti.

Bonne chance pour la traduction, avec ta compréhension tu vas probablement comprendre que je te félicite.
See? I understand your tone just right.

No, I won't translate and I didn't read what you wrote as a compliment, because it wasn't.

Thanks for training my piètre niveau de français, though.

Like I said, I'll "humbly" bow my way out of this one; nothing left to be said really.


Mael said:
Je comprend juste qu'avec ton piètre niveau de français (tu l'as dit toi même plus haut) tu rajoutes des choses dans l'article qui n'y sont pas. Et on dit que les français sont arrogants!
Sois plus humble, quand on te dit une chose cherche à savoir pourquoi plutôt qu'à te braquer comme un abruti.

Bonne chance pour la traduction, avec ta compréhension tu vas probablement comprendre que je te félicite.

It's true, your post just proved it :)
My is Mael using all this gifs to express his outrage about our lack of logic and comprehension when he's probably the only one wearing an aluminum conspiracy hat as he types?

The crazy can't see they're crazy I guess.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
AzureNightmare said:
No its made of win because i mentioned cheese and popcorn together in the same sentence.

But the gif I posted.


I'm not giving any more credence to rumors.
I'm not even sure why we pay so much attention to what this site even says.
Can we set a deadline for banning the site if the dual-analog 3DS redesign/peripheral isn't announced soon? Hopefully after next week's conference, but I'd settle for year's end.


MAtgS said:
Those pics are from a couple of years ago, aren't they?
I made that piece of art today. The first pic is from Iwata many years ago when he was at the Square Enix presentation to celebrate the DQX deal when the game was first announced. The second picture is Iwata today at the DQX presentation.


pramath said:
I'm not giving any more credence to rumors.
I'm not even sure why we pay so much attention to what this site even says.
They were believable and sometimes even correct at first, when their sources were obviously just some janitors at Ubisoft or something. But now they claim to have high level inside sources at NCL, and that's very hard to believe.


wsippel said:
They were believable and sometimes even correct at first, when their sources were obviously just some janitors at Ubisoft or something. But now they claim to have high level inside sources at NCL, and that's very hard to believe.
Oh, I remember some of their earlier leaks were very accurate, but since they've been wrong about every single thing since then, isn't it high time that we stop giving this site any credence now?


demonturkey said:
Is the guy on the left the same person in both pictures?
Nope, in the first picture I think it's Nintendo business man, Yuji Horii, Satoru Iwata and Yoichi Wada. In the second picture it's producer Yosuke Saito, Yuji Horii and Satoru Iwata.
Why do people care about what this site reports?

Are we going to start posting VG chartz sales and 9/11 conspiracies next?

Because they got the Vita and Wii U controller specs mostly right, which gives them an automatic veneer of credibility... as long as you toss aside all critical thinking skills and ignore any distinction between the type of sources that could produce that earlier information and the type of source that could produce information about NCL's internal workings and deliberations.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Black Republican said:

The only thing this the 3DS Slider thing could POSSIBLY show is that the 3DS Slider extension was revealed to third parties at some point recently, and that Ubisoft was aware of it.

Unless we're accepting that 01Net has secret NCL ninjas.
DavidDayton said:
The only thing this the 3DS Slider thing could POSSIBLY show is that the 3DS Slider extension was revealed to third parties at some point recently, and that Ubisoft was aware of it.

Unless we're accepting that 01Net has secret NCL ninjas.

For now, yes. But I still have to eat crow.


So, seeing the shit storm with Expansion Circle Pad and MHTriG, ...should we start guessing as to who the next president of Nintendo could be?


sfried said:
So, seeing the shit storm with Expansion Circle Pad and MHTriG, ...should we start guessing as to who the next president of Nintendo could be?
I nominate Hideki Konno because god knows he's gonna need a new job soon.


sfried said:
The 3DS hardware designer? I thought (Minoru) Arakawa would be a better candidate.
Yes the 3ds hardware designer, the man who's probably taking serious heat from just about everyone at Nintendo right now. Who's Arakawa, I'm not familiar with him/her so I don't get the joke if its a joke.


artwalknoon said:
Yes the 3ds hardware designer, the man who's probably taking serious heat from just about everyone at Nintendo right now. Who's Arakawa, I'm not familiar with him/her so I don't get the joke if its a joke.

I believe Arakawa was the guy who lost to Iwata in who would succeed Yamauchi, even though he's married to Yamauchi's daughter (Triple H attempt fail) and he's philosophy is more like Sony/MS when it comes to hardware power.


sfried said:

Jin34 said:
I believe Arakawa was the guy who lost to Iwata in who would succeed Yamauchi, even though he's married to Yamauchi's daughter (Triple H attempt fail) and he's philosophy is more like Sony/MS when it comes to hardware power.

I see, if its true that he advocated for a Sony like approach I'm glad Iwata won. Say what you will about horsepower or the 3ds' current mess, I like Nintendo's approach to innovative and plain interesting hardware.


artwalknoon said:
I see, if its true that he advocated for a Sony like approach I'm glad Iwata won. Say what you will about horsepower or the 3ds' current mess, I like Nintendo's approach to innovative and plain interesting hardware.
Tell that to...uh...the rest of GAF. 'Cause I could see the shit storm keep on rolling after the press conference, with the silly "Stay or Fold" threads.
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