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15th Anniversary of Gran Turismo Europe: Invite to GT6, [Make A New Thread]

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I hope they bring back the older F1 cars, like the MP4/4 or John Players Special Lotus. I loved the older F1 cars in GT3.

Anyone think we'll be getting any special item in GT5 tomorrow?

Would be nice to get a special edition 15th anniversary car or something.

It would be great if they did something for the anniversary tomorrow. But some how I would forget to check into GT5 just like I do for every one of my birthdays. :(

He was just saying why they were toned down.
So many stuff to comment on since last night... and why am i doing this? Because i got the itch and i feel like i need to talk about my favorite game.

The people who think this is going to be a PS4 game after that Drive Club announcement are foolish. From a marketing standpoint, who is going to buy Drive Club with a goliath GT PS4 game on the horizon?

I´m giving up on the PS4, with a sad face, but the real question is not this one. If you have a GT game ready for this year, why the hell is Drive Club releasing at the same time? THEY should be the ones taking a step back.

It´s insane to think that a game like GT has to take a step back not to hurt a new IP, when logic says that the new IP should be the one accomodated/pushed back.

No it was a disappointment all around when it came out.

Yep, it took me a while to sink in, but the reviewers were right. Outside of the driving, it was a bit of a mess.

Drive Club is also apparently more arcadey. I'd rather have GT6 on my PS4 then.

I feel kind of bad for Drive Club. Yes they are going to have the early PS4 adopters who want a racing game, but for people on the fence I'm sure there is a group of people who are going to say "why would I buy a new console for Drive Club when I have GT6 on a system I already own." It will be interesting to see the graphical difference of the two.

Which is why i don´t buy the "GT can be on PS4 otherwise it will hurt Drive Club". Well, if a GT game is coming at the same frametime, guess what, it will hurt no matter what. Actually, it could hurt more being on PS3, because in the PS4 some people like myself would double dip, if they are on different systems, people might not even do that.

Yeah, navigating the menus was a chore with all the loading, even though it's improved with patches there's still too many menus you have to go through to get what you want.

The gameplay however was amazing from the start, once you were on the track there wasn't anything better, especially round the Nurburgring with changing time of day.

100% true and it sounds crazy. Driving is sublime, everything else seems just weirdly put togheter.

But there are dedicated rally and dedicated NASCAR games that do it all better, and far more comprehensively. What's the point of half-assing them in GT5 when there are other core parts of the game that could have benefited from the resources? It's like drag racing in Forza: half-assed and pointless because of it.

Not in GT´s way. The whole idea was to have those disciplines done in a GT way. It´s not about technichal things, they could have done it right with different design choices. That´s why we were frustrated and asking for more. However, i´m not too confident on them getting it, because rally is in GT since 1999 and they still don´t have a clue on how to do it.

GT5's career mode was atrocious. That shit needs some serious overhaul.

The grinding made it unbearable. I don´t even like to remember how bad it was for me to complete b-spec and to collect all the cars. It´s something i don´t want to do it even again, in fact, i won´t do it in GT6 because for me it was 3-4 wasted months when i should be enjoying the game.

It took me 4 months to find that McLaren F1 LM on the used lot. I don´t want to go through this ever again. If the game tries to simulate real life, do it with the cars, if you want to buy a car, you get the money, and look for on the place that´s selling it. You don´t wait for to magically appear one the only dealer that exists. That´s a gamey aspect that GT doesn´t need it.

Said it before, will say it again. GT6 carrier mode needs to be like TOCA Race Driver. I'd like to feel as though i'm progressing through a racing career instead of just grinding to make enough credits to buy new vehicles.

Like Toca but more refined and in depth, because Toca was a series of one or two races that kept changing with a weak story behind it. The concept was OK, but they didn´t developed well. Kaz already said he wants more humam drama, so maybe they are looking into this.

Hell, just give us online championships, with levelling up, rankings and stuff and we won´t need much of a carrear mode.

This is true. Overtaking from the back of the pack in 3-5 laps has it place in special events but the core career should be real races with qualification, practice etc with 10+ laps per race.

I have no faith in a new A Spec. GAF online league day one though.

It should be more hardcore, no doubt, but i have a feeling they dumb it down because of the majority of the players.

The GAF league is the only answer for this.

My predictions

Ps3 only
350+ cars
Premiums only
8 all new tracks
All classic GT tracks
Point to point courses
Improved track creator
10 new photo locations
New paint chip system
October release date

GT7 coming along nicely for PS4
Wont take as long to develop as gt5
Demo being worked on for launch window (ala gthd)

PS3 only
400 premium cars
All tracks from the prologue weather screen
Some classic tracks return
Track creator improves, but still has weird flaws
Tuning improves, but no proper livery editor
More options online, finally the leaderboards are present
GT Academy plays a much bigger role on the game

GT for PS4 will release when it´s ready, they won´t say when, but it´s holidays of 2016. Until them, there´s a demo and GT academy to help our starve for a next gen game.

I've never understood the whole "Don't have rewind because it's unrealistic!".

Yeah, because hitting a wall at 200mph and driving away like nothing happened is totally realisitc *Eye roll*

Rewind is a progression of the restart button. In fact, if we´re really hardcore, in GT Academy they shouldn´t allow restarts, to better prepare the young drivers to what they in for in real life. If the car is damaged or the lap is bad, go back to the pits. It would annoy people for sure, but it´s more realistic and it would reduce reckless driving a bit.

And how about abolishing ghosts there? Some people wouldn´t have a clue on how to race if it wasn´t for the chasing ghosts... i don´t think it´s helpful for GT Academy.

So, in the regular game, rewind is to me like restart. Use it if you want it. Sense of pride? That´s easy for them, put a lot of trophies online, and them people can be show offs for achieving such stuff, like "place in the top 10 of a time trial competition" Gold Trophy.

That´s a real dick-waving trophy.


Getting exciting! I think it will be a great day...Some will be happy, some not so. Can't please everyone. I'm still sticking with my prediction of GT6 demo at PS4 launch and full game to release fall 2014.
I love that one... much more realistic than most of pre-calculated ones.

Problem with GT5's damages was that you needed to spend hours raming walls to finally see some serious visual damage.

You don´t. Set up damage to heavy and hit anything. Boom, damage does it´s part and you are out of the race until you pit. That´s the whole point of us asking for damage in a GT game, ever since the first one. They done it better than i expected and it´s a shame it´s not praised because the visual representation is bad.

It's okay. But like you said, it took me about ten minutes of crashing to get it like that.

It should look like that on the very first impact.

Again, it does affect the racing, under the right settings, in the first hit. Have you guys not raced in the Nurb with heavy damage at all? Don´t you guys know how much that changes things?

It´s a shame because it´s a sim game and we are always asking them to be more hardcore, more sim, sim sim sim is all i hear.

Then when they implement something like this, that only helps in the sim department, people bitch about it because the eye candy is not there.

I don´t get it, and i don´t like that we, as a group, are sending this message to PD. It might make them scale down on damage just to show more dents and scuffs.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Which is why i don´t buy the "GT can be on PS4 otherwise it will hurt Drive Club". Well, if a GT game is coming at the same frametime, guess what, it will hurt no matter what. Actually, it could hurt more being on PS3, because in the PS4 some people like myself would double dip, if they are on different systems, people might not even do that.

I just can't agree with this.

GT6 on the PS4 would completely kill off Drive Club.

Drive Club getting to be the marquee racer on the new platform means a lot of folks buying a PS4 will check it out when they simply would have never even looked at it if GT6 was out on the same day.

I'd honestly be stunned if GT6 is also on the PS4. Pretty disappointing that it looks like there is no GT Vita game, I really thought that was going to happen shrug.
I just can't agree with this.

GT6 on the PS4 would completely kill off Drive Club.

Drive Club getting to be the marquee racer on the new platform means a lot of folks buying a PS4 will check it out when they simply would have never even looked at it if GT6 was out on the same day.

I'd honestly be stunned if GT6 is also on the PS4. Pretty disappointing that it looks like there is no GT Vita game, I really thought that was going to happen shrug.

I don't see how GT6 coming out 2014 will cannibalise a launch game. Surely 1 year is enough and DC is not even a sim.
I wonder if they will have playable demos at this thing.

A few ps3's set up and you can drive whatever this years GTR is called around silverstone.

I just want to know if they fixed the chase camera. (means nothing since it was fine in early GT5 demos but "fixed" later on for some reason)


Junior Member
I wonder if people's expectations are just too high lol..?

I've seen some 'predictions' around the net and let me tell ya, people's lists would be hard to achieve on next gen hardware and 5 years dev time let alone 3 years on PS3 tech.

Temper dem expectations me thinks.
Man I am worried. If this is a ps3 exclusive then it basically means the death of gran turismo. It would be so disappointing I got no words for it. I don't think drive club can replace the franchise.
Man I am worried. If this is a ps3 exclusive then it basically means the death of gran turismo. It would be so disappointing I got no words for it. I don't think drive club can replace the franchise.

It won't mean the death of Gran Turismo, Sony's biggest PlayStation franchise, and Drive Club was not developed to replace GT. What the hell?
Man I am worried. If this is a ps3 exclusive then it basically means the death of gran turismo. It would be so disappointing I got no words for it. I don't think drive club can replace the franchise.

A little bit exaggerated don't you think? On top of that Drive Club is a launch game comparable to the RIIIIIIDGE RACERRRR launch titles in my opinion. Just a nice little racing game to show off the potential of PS4.


Driveclub is not a replacement, GT on PS3 isn't an issue for me, it gives them a strong existing userbase, and it means they have more time to develop on PS4, which I am sure they have been doing since PS4 specs and kits were available!
Can't wait for the hype when it will be close to release, the hype for GT5 on neogaf and gtplanet was amazing. Trailers, rumours, leaked copies in the Czech Republic, sogood.gif

Mobius 1

Maybe it's just a matter of giving Polyphony more time to do it right this time.

Release GT6, which really will be a Gt5 spec III, son the PS3. And continue to polish the PS4 beast for a few more months.

It would not take much to fix what was wrong with GT5 on the PS3. And Polyphone has been listening. It could be something special.

Edit - forgive the typos, smartphone posting.
I think it would be more of a, "death of GT franchise" if they released another half finished mess like GT5 on the PS4. If the franchise finally shows some ambition outside of gfx fidelity, it will be fine, regardless if it is PS3 only.


Man I am worried. If this is a ps3 exclusive then it basically means the death of gran turismo. It would be so disappointing I got no words for it. I don't think drive club can replace the franchise.

The PS3 has over 77 million units sold if that's where the money is that's where it will go.
As much as I would love GT6 on my PS4 this holiday season I'll still have my PS3 and it isn't going anywhere for a few years.


Jordan from GTPlanet:

Formal presentations begin at 4pm BST (Silverstone time). Not sure if I will be able to live blog this now due to embargo restrictions but I will find out for sure later.

I did confirm we will be getting hands on time with a game, so I will be trying to get footage for you guys.

GT6's platform is still the big secret here.


Man I am worried. If this is a ps3 exclusive then it basically means the death of gran turismo. It would be so disappointing I got no words for it. I don't think drive club can replace the franchise.

Would be very surprised if that happened, I'm sure most will appreciate it coming to a console that they already own ( I know I do).


This year and 2014 are going to be incredible from a reaction standpoint. I can see it already. Death of Gran Turismo? People are going insane already.

Also, Drive Club is an obvious move to make. To release something like that when the system is established would be a much higher risk. Releasing it early, when people are picking up new IPs, and showcasing it in that manner alongside a brand new console enables you to get solid sales, and potentially long-term success if it manages to gain traction and build a fanbase.


Jordan from GTPlanet:

Formal presentations begin at 4pm BST (Silverstone time). Not sure if I will be able to live blog this now due to embargo restrictions but I will find out for sure later.

I did confirm we will be getting hands on time with a game,
so I will be trying to get footage for you guys.

GT6's platform is still the big secret here.

what game is that??!1
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