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2 Men Use Girl as Human Shield, Father Guns Them Down

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I get that this is a meme, but how is it any different than saying "JEWS" in response to something. For a forum that is supposed to be as accepting and non-offensive as possible, every time we have a thread involving firearms it's "murica, redneck, southern, hick etc" all over the place.

Am I the only person that sees the irony in this?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I get that this is a meme, but how is it any different than saying "JEWS" in response to something. For a forum that is supposed to be as accepting and non-offensive as possible, every time we have a thread involving firearms it's "murica, redneck, southern, hick etc" all over the place.

Am I the only person that sees the irony in this?

Oh, he's just being a wiener.
I get that this is a meme, but how is it any different than saying "JEWS" in response to something. For a forum that is supposed to be as accepting and non-offensive as possible, every time we have a thread involving firearms it's "murica, redneck, southern, hick etc" all over the place.

Am I the only person that sees the irony in this?

I've noticed it too but...

It's cos we're the top dogs so it's like little kids taking a jab at dad.

I get that this is a meme, but how is it any different than saying "JEWS" in response to something. For a forum that is supposed to be as accepting and non-offensive as possible, every time we have a thread involving firearms it's "murica, redneck, southern, hick etc" all over the place.

Am I the only person that sees the irony in this?

Right wing folks have thicker skin so it doesn't bother us.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Good for them, but I hope people don't start imitating this. A lot of people could end up trying it and shooting family members by mistake.


Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/


Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

We weren't there...perhaps he felt this wasn't a situation where the suspects intended on letting them live.

Adam Blue

Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

Police are just as human as a father. If the father feels he could save his daughter, he will. I mean, it's his freaking kid. I have training in that area, but I also don't have any guns in the home.
Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

And if "What they want..." includes your daughter, son, wife, or mother? Why would you give the benefit of the doubt to the types of people who are willing to commit home invasions/robberies?
Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

Yea let them take anything they want, and run the risk they take your daughter too. Let cops handle it, it's just as likely to put her in danger. We can go on an on about what ifs, the fact of the matter is he had a gun and did the right thing.

In all seriousness I'm glad no innocents were hurt.

Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

That's always an option. And if your family is safe and secure and you hear someone rumbling through you shit then by all means stay put and call the police. Stuff is insured and can be replaced.

But at the point where someone is assaulting your child you have to make quick choices. What happens when you comply and they decide they want a few warm minutes with your daughter/wife? Sometimes people need to fight back.


Good for them, but I hope people don't start imitating this. A lot of people could end up trying it and shooting family members by mistake.

Well their homes would first have to be invaded by an armed thug(s) holding their family member as a human shield to recreate the scenario, so there probably won't be a statistical spike.

The story reminds me of something I saw at the range last weekend. Middle-aged guy was there with his wife, had a .357 revolver and a 9mm with them. He was shooting a pretty consistent 5" grouping at 7 yards. Not gonna win any prizes with that, but competent for self defense. His wife was randomly spraying bullets into the dirt about 5 yards in front of her (flinching and pushing the pistol downward in anticipation of recoil). There was no unsafe handling going on, but she never improved even the slightest. I hope she gets some more practice.

Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you're free to handle it as you see fit. The way I see it, anyone who would perpetrate a crime in this way has already shown that the life of others doesn't mean shit to them. To believe they're just going to take a few items from around the house and leave peaceably is foolish.



Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

So basically these guys grab the daughter hostage in the driveway to get into a house with a family and you think they came for only material possessions? People looking for stuff break into empty homes.

Maybe you should watch this.



Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

How do you know what their intentions were? One assailant already had a murder charge and there have been plenty of home invasions that have resulted in deaths to people who fully complied. A guy and his wife were beaten with clubs last week not ten minutes from here and the guy died on the scene. It's not really an isolated incident.

Good for them, but I hope people don't start imitating this. A lot of people could end up trying it and shooting family members by mistake.

Seems to happen lot already. There's a subreddit for gun use (and misuse) for self defence which seems to have a lot of examples.


I'll let others judge for themselves, but personally I'd like to have a room I could retreat to to blockade the door while I retrieve a gun from a safe and call the cops and hope they don't come through the door.


Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

Your suggestion is a gamble too...


I'll let others judge for themselves, but personally I'd like to have a room I could retreat to to blockade the door while I retrieve a gun from a safe and call the cops and hope they don't come through the door.

What would you do if your daughter was held captive outside of your panic room?
It's the latter, which is some bullshit.

i'm going to assume it's either a racial stereotype or gun owner stereotype with a dash of religious stereotyping.

but c'est la vie!

It's from a creepy father/daughter purity vow thread. There was some hilarity.

just saw the thread. yup kinda cringy. still scratching my head as to it's inclusion here and how it doesn't sound like some sort of commentary on the victims.
Jesus. Did the man have any training? I mean I guess you have to have some familiarity when you can pull something like that off but whoa.

I mean, I can't say he was wrong, and I can't say he was right....I don't think this is black and white. Part of me thinks he's irresponsible for shooting in a situation like that, another part of me says "god damned right, he did what any parent with the capability to do so would."

All told, I think it's important to highlight that these stories don't seem to be the norm, I do not encourage people to make fast decisions like this. I can't sit here and judge him though. From his statement, he doesn't seem like some shoot from the hip hero that will jump over to the NRA waving his gun and yelling "FREEDOM 2ND AMENDMENT WOO."

I hope that everyone involved, the families of the criminals, and the children come through this. I really do.


theres something i need clarification on.
Did the assailants use the woman as a shield and WHILE they were holding her up.. he sniped them?



What would you do if your daughter was held captive outside of your panic room?

I don't have a daughter and live alone, which is why I said I'd let people judge for themselves, because every situation is different and people should have some realistic understanding of their capabilities and the consequences of something going wrong.


Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

They held a gun to a 17 year old girls head. I would say that makes it a life or death situation.


Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

Yeah, because no one has ever been raped or murdered in a home invasion, ever.
Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

*laughs hysterically*
You really don't know what a life or death situation is, do you?
But it's alright because YOU HATE GUNZ
Whatever your position on home defense is, the father/mother should be held accountable (and I don't mean a slap on the wrist) for shooting through a neighbor's window - whether that was intentional or not.


Whatever your position on home defense is, the father/mother should be held accountable (and I don't mean a slap on the wrist) for shooting through a neighbor's window - whether that was intentional or not.


edit: btw, if the stray bullet did end up hitting someone, the suspects would have been the ones held accountable, hence the murder 2 charge on the suspect that got away.
Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/

So you just hope for the best that these guys aren't going to rape/kill the girl your wife and you? I don't know how someone can let that happen if he has the capability to stop the situation dead, particularly with the tactical advantage of seeing the abduction in the driveway. Besides, turns out that yes, at least one of these thugs had a history of pulling the trigger on someone. if a gun is pointed at my daughter, it already is a life or death situation.

On the shooting, I'm guessing the father had a good angle as they were entering and not a head on encounter with the girl directly between? Interested to see a reenactment.
Jesus H Christ. You let them into your house and take whatever they want then let the police deal with it, what in the heck must be wrong with you to start a gunfight with your children in the middle over some material possessions? This wasn't a life or death situation until they made it one.

#1 priority is ensuring the safety of your children, grabbing a loaded gun is anything but that. :/
I can tell that you've been in the same situation and have done exactly what you wrote. The cops came to your rescue and apprehended the bad guys shortly after. You took your family to Disney World the very next day to celebrate.


Care to explain your position intelligently, or do you lack the capabilities?

You suggestion that they be held liable for anything other than breaking the window was laughable, so he laughed out loud. Would you mind clarifying you position on what is a slap on the wrist?
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