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2013 Microsoft E3 Conference


Neo Member
I'm happy for Killer Instinct and VERY happy for Witcher 3 (which I'll get on pc though) but.... besides Dark Souls 2, where are the Japanese developers!?

TRios Zen

Games-wise I think this was a pretty good conference. I liked that they made it clear they are supporting the 360, I like that they focused purely on games and I think some of what they showed holds promise/looks interesting. There were no kids on stage, and no Kinect-only games.

No, Fall Out 4, Crackdown 3 or Alan Wake stopped it from being a GREAT conference for me though. So pretty good, but not great IMHO.

I think the price-tag is high, particularly given the bad press they've gotten lately. IF Sony comes in at the same price and similar DRM, I think most folks would call that a win for the PS4 as it appears to be the stronger baseline system. IF they come in cheaper, or with less restrictive DRM, I think that MS is going to have a hard time selling this in equal amounts as the PS4.

Dude Abides

I saw nothing worth paying $500 for, putting up with DRM bullshit, and paying for online. If they didn't have stupid Kinect in there they could probably charge less.
D4 from Swery is the only thing that really caught my attention. Maybe Quantum Break too but not really sure what it is yet. MGS5 should be cool as well I guess but that'll be on PS4 too. $500 is quite a bit though. This will be maybe a year 1 or 2 purchase. I would've been excited about Halo 5 but Halo 4 was such a disappointing piece of garbage that I lost interest in the series completely. Now looking forward to Sony's conference.


I think the overall visual fidelity of these titles are better than we expected.

And it is really a good show, although no sound for Crimison Dragon(LOL)


The DRM stuff is a dealbreaker for me, and now the price is a double deal breaker, but even so, the conference itself was pretty darn good.

There were some interesting games. Dead Rising looks pretty neat. Project Spark looks very intriguing, although I'm not sure how it actually works. The Panzer Dragoon-style game from the original creator was a surprise. Forza sounds interesting with the automatic AI creation and sharing thing. The Mech stuff in Titan-Fall looked neat, though the rest of the game was about as generic as you can get, at least in terms of the way it seems to play. Ryse looks good except for the actual combat system which looked like the worst thing every created.

Luckily, Some of the best games they showed (mgs and witcher) weren't exclusive, but from a marketing perspective it was smart of them to get the stuff into their conference.

Graphics were good on everything. I'm not sure if I felt any kind of next-gen wow factor, but I felt the same way about the PS4 stuff I've seen. I'm definitely feeling some diminishing returns overall from this coming gen, and and this conference has mostly solidified that opinion.

Basically, I said "wow" on multiple occasions, but I'm still saying "wow" to current-gen games, and even some last-gen games. Some of the PS4 stuff might've looked a little better than the best exclusive xbone stuff, but it is too close for me to be sure.

[tried to post this earlier but GAF went down, so if it actually posted, forgive the double post]



OMG, LOL, That's awesome!
Everything I was interested in was not exclusive and even if it were, I am not supporting drm and online checking, not to mention the $500 price tag lmao, yeah not touching this system even at half that price.
Best conference in a while!
They delivered nothing but great looking games and all haters can complain about is price.
It's not even a PS3 situation ($599 with a crap lineup), and people are crying foul. So funny.

It's 2013, step your pockets up at least a LITTLE bit. I paid $400 for the 360 when I had a part time job...no reason I can't pay 1 extra Benjamin for new tech as a working adult.

Day one, easily.


I'm a little confused as to why folks believe that PS4 will not have some form of DRM.

It's publisher driven (EA, Ubisoft, Activision) due to the huge used games market which they see as lost sales.

How would you not expect a similar system in place on PS4? I don't know in what form it could be but people's reactions as though Sony isn't going to have this is astounding.

The way it is executed could be the same or less intrustive... it's a wait and see kinda thing, right?


I'm a little confused as to why folks believe that PS4 will not have some form of DRM.

It's publisher driven (EA, Ubisoft, Activision) due to the huge used games market which they see as lost sales.

How would you not expect a similar system in place on PS4? I don't know in what form it could be but people's reactions as though Sony isn't going to have this is astounding.

The way it is executed could be the same or less intrustive... it's a wait and see kinda thing, right?

From what we know Sony has basically confirmed that they don't have any kind of mandatory online policy, and without mandatory online, Publishers are limited in what they can do. You could have online passes, but that's about all, unless there is some unknown technology that they're putting into the ps4.

Basically, MS has engineered their console to make it easier for publishers to put DRM in place. Sony has not, based on what we know so far.


From what we know Sony has basically confirmed that they don't have any kind of mandatory online policy, and without mandatory online, Publishers are limited in what they can do. You could have online passes, but that's about all, unless there is some unknown technology that they're putting into the ps4.

Basically, MS has engineered their console to make it easier for publishers to put DRM in place. Sony has not based on what we know so far.
I was not aware of this; I stand corrected. Thank you!

I'll be interested to see how Sony counter price, etc. tonight.


the little kid in me thinks maybe sony willl have a drop the mic moment with $400 and/or no DRM (the latter being far less likely) or both.

Can you imagine if they did both of those things? The good will earned from the core audience/gamers/forum types would be so extreme, the disparity of good will between Sony and MS so extreme -- you have to wonder if you can't put a dollar value on that type of good will.

That said, the boring adult in me is saying Sony will come in at $450 to $500 and have the same DRM.


Incredible fucking conference. Really can't understand how anyone couldn't be happy with that. Game after game after game. Varied genres and ideas (Sunrise looks fucking incredible and I can't wait to see some gameplay). Don't see where the "too many shooters" thing is coming from.

You people are insane.



I absolutely loved the gameplay footage of Dead Rising 3, up until the point where he called a fucking air strike on a city full of zombies. That sense of empowerment isn't good for a zombie game, in my opinion.
It was an okay conference. They didn't do anything to dissuade people's fears about DRM at all and the price is high. It was a solid 7/10 or B- conference. Definitely better than anything from last year except Ubisoft's showing.
I appreciated the focus on games, but as such it failed to sooth any fears I have over the console by ignoring all the DRM controversy. £429 pretty much killed any immediate interest I might of had in the new Halo and Titanfall.

Removal of spacebucks, PSN+ style free games and Twitch live streaming are positives however.

For shits and giggles.

oh shit

Gaf bringing the gifs haha. Good work, man.

The Cowboy

I just can't get over the £429/499 Euro, add in the live cost and just WOW!.

Through out I was actually quite happy with what they had shown (MGS5 & Project Spark being the 2 main ones I liked), but as soon as I heard the words $499, 499 Euro and £429 I was just shocked. $499 I can maybe understand, but when you take into account a few things won't be working outside of the US at release (and may never come across fully) its just amazing to charge so much more outside of the US (even when you factor in VAT etc).


Nose how to spell and rede to
Very unimpressed by graphics gameplay and glass. All the "unique" features seem half baked, gameplay seems the same, graphics look similar just that they'll be able to run at higher frame rates.

I was most impressed by Below and (some of) the other smaller scale titles.

But man Halo made me cream. I knew it from the second I saw the sand. Reminded me of the Halo 3 bubble shield teaser. So good.

Hate to think I won't play it, at least for a while.

Also, MGS V massive damage to Sony!
I'm impressed with the conference, and much more than I assumed I would be. Ryse looks like Gears of Wars with swords (awesome), Dead Rising 3 looked very interesting, Forza 5 is mine day one, and I'm excited to see what Kinect Sports ends up like (loved the original). That's a pretty solid group of launch titles, and Halo and TitanFall are looking great for the future. I'm heading to Gamestop to pre-order after work.


Incredible fucking conference. Really can't understand how anyone couldn't be happy with that. Game after game after game. Varied genres and ideas (Sunrise looks fucking incredible and I can't wait to see some gameplay). Don't see where the "too many shooters" thing is coming from.

You people are insane.


Don't stress out, man! Just sit back and enjoy the DRM'd shooters. Let these casuals play their used, multi-genre games without compulsory online and cloud servers.


Neo Member
Just more of the same... I mean, c'mon... all that was shown as more shooting sci-fi games and some "new" games with "old mechanics" and "open worlds" everywhere.
Most of them with almost no HUD and stuff and a lot of focus at "realtime cutscenes"... oh well, guess what... I don't want to keep WATCHING games and "realtime cutscenes".

This conference just shown what I was expecting to see last years conference...
No new gameplays, few to none innovative games for a not cheap console that not only will cost $499 bucks but it will take every single cent from your pocket through internet and DRM stuff... and what was told about that? What we guessed I should say.

Anyway, it was good to see what the 3rd parties had to show at all... because as the rumors says that Microsoft paid 3rd parties do display multiplatform games only at their conference, we might get an "almost exclusive only" press conference from Sony.

Despite all of that, I just want to see Kaz Hirai on stage! :p
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