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2013 Microsoft E3 Conference

I appreciated the focus on games, but as such it failed to sooth any fears I have over the console by ignoring all the DRM controversy. £429 pretty much killed any immediate interest I might of had in the new Halo and Titanfall.

Removal of spacebucks, PSN+ style free games and Twitch live streaming are positives however.

For shits and giggles.


Decent game line-up, they finally make gold not seem like a complete rip-off.

It's almost like waiting for the other shoe to drop to see if Sony is stupid enough to follow the same expensive price point (well Sony IS pretty stupid but not sure if they will follow suit, that's like 50/50).


I'll admit it was a surprisingly good conference, great even...until they announced the price.

I might have been persuaded to descend into hypocrisy at $349, hell even $399, but $499? Not a fucking chance.


Not a single game I cared about and that's being 100% honest, they seem to be pushing the whole "smartglass" thing ....... I'm so over bro shooters it's ridiculous

It seem's all that exist anymore are "bro" military shooters that are geared towards online, and 2d indie platformers, Really want something NEW..... I'm praying the Last of Us delivers what I'm looking for (and yes I know theres violence and "shooting")


Neo Member
Not a single game I cared about and that's being 100% honest, they seem to be pushing the whole "smartglass" thing ....... I'm so over bro shooters it's ridiculous

It seem's all that exist anymore are "bro" military shooters that are geared towards online, and 2d indie platformers, Really want something NEW..... I'm praying the Last of Us delivers what I'm looking for (and yes I know theres violence and "shooting")

B+, which I guess is 8/10.

I liked all the games shown, was really impressed by Ryse, Dead Rising 3 (although I don't particularly like the new look and focus, seems there's less craziness to the gameplay now, which is a shame), Quantum Break and especially Titanfall.

Good conference.

Packed with games, no bullshit! Some nice surprises, but nothing megaton level.

I'm not planning to buy one though, no used games, lame first-party content, and no support from japanese third-parties.
Did we ever find out what Rare we're working on? They're not doing KI.

Kinect Sports Rivals.

The conference wasn't a train wreck, but it wasn't very exciting either, which is bad for Microsoft. The best looking games that had gameplay (MGSV, Titanfall, Witcher, Battlefield) are coming to other platforms or are cross-gen, the more interesting or new ones were just given short teasers with no real info, and some of the games (Ryse, DR3, KI) looked kind of rough and boring. Couple that with that price and the preexisting DRM stuff and it's really hard to be excited.


Conference score: B/B-

-Lots of games!
-I wish there were more live game demos, most were just trailers
-With a lot of the most interesting announcements need more info/video previews (Swery game/Capy Game)

Was most impressed with Ryse: Son of Rome (nice graphics, and I enjoy the scripted stuff. Combat needs work) and Titanfall, even for the latter I'm not really a shooter guy. Probably because they were both actually demoed and exclusives.

Even with a positive conference, not enough to make me want to jump in right now, especially with the internet requirements and cost announced.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot MGS5, which of course looks amazing, and a reason to go next gen (as a MG superfan). I don't think it has any exclusive window or DLC so its not a deciding factor in getting a XB1 over the competition.


I was more impressed then I thought I would be. I was disappointed with no Crackdown but I still think that is being made. I was impressed with such a variety of games.


Neo Member
Mirrors edge 2 shown and confirmed in EA's conference.

For those who wanted to know

I absolutely loved the MS conference! Great games, lots of variety!

It was mental - game after game after game after game a lots and lotssss of exclusives!


Just more of the same... I mean, c'mon... all that was shown as more shooting sci-fi games and some "new" games with "old mechanics" and "open worlds" everywhere.
Most of them with almost no HUD and stuff and a lot of focus at "realtime cutscenes"... oh well, guess what... I don't want to keep WATCHING games and "realtime cutscenes".

This conference just shown what I was expecting to see last years conference...
No new gameplays, few to none innovative games for a not cheap console that not only will cost $499 bucks but it will take every single cent from your pocket through internet and DRM stuff... and what was told about that? What we guessed I should say.

Anyway, it was good to see what the 3rd parties had to show at all... because as the rumors says that Microsoft paid 3rd parties do display multiplatform games only at their conference, we might get an "almost exclusive only" press conference from Sony.

Despite all of that, I just want to see Kaz Hirai on stage! :p

Are you serious? "Old mechanics"?

Can you give me an example of some "fresh mechanics" you'd like to see implemented?


Neo Member
Worried about losing your saved up Microsoft / Bing / Xbox Rewards Points with the change to real world money?

You kinda should be!

Microsoft will graciously grant you a "promotional value" equivalent to your MSP balance once they force the transition to real world moniez. Unfortunately for you, you have to spend those graciously gifted funds within a year or they will expire!

Here are the details:


Obviously I can't open a thread about this as a junior member, but I think it deserves one, cause it's adding injury to insult in face of MS's overall anti consumer strategy.


They didn't redeem themselves, only fanned the flames. Still anti-consumer, still lies upon and deception, now really expensive. #willnotbuyanxboxone


I don't know how someone can be impressed with Ryse. Can people not see beyond the pretty graphics? The gameplay looked abysmal. Dragon's Lair is almost as interactive FFS!


Larry Hryb @majornelson 7h

Kojima on stage now to open the show and announce that the next Metal Gear Solid V is exclusive to #XboxOne

Larry Hryb @majornelson 7h

Correction: MGS V is not exclusive. Sorry about that.


the exclusives:
-Glacius looked somewhat like the character design from KI2.
-Crimson Dragon
-Halo teaser gave me Journey vibes.
-Quantum Break
-Dead Rising 3


-Jago and Sabrewulf character designs did not stick to the spirit of the previous incarnations.
-new 360 mini design can be confusing
-price point $50-$100 too high
-not addressing the big issues DRM, used games, online check ins, kinect always on
-technical difficulties (Crimson Dragon sound, awkward pause before BF4 video)
-Project Spark presentation



Not me. Someone saw the conference who was shitting on Microsoft the whole time and then ordered it anyways. I don't get it.


LOL at the shooter hate, so far on gametrailers they keep showing shooter after shooter on PS4 and the fanboys are lapping it up.

The comments on the feed are a disgrace.

XBOX, shows shooters = only shooters lolol XFAIL etc etc

PS4, shows shooters = wow amazing, go home xbone

LOL at the shooter hate, so far on gametrailers they keep showing shooter after shooter on PS4 and the fanboys are lapping it up.

The comments on the feed are a disgrace.

XBOX, shows shooters = only shooters lolol XFAIL etc etc

PS4, shows shooters = wow amazing, go home xbone


I saw a lot of non-shooters too, which I like:
Quantum Break
Project Spark
Forza 5
DR 3


Worried about losing your saved up Microsoft / Bing / Xbox Rewards Points with the change to real world money?

You kinda should be!

Microsoft will graciously grant you a "promotional value" equivalent to your MSP balance once they force the transition to real world moniez. Unfortunately for you, you have to spend those graciously gifted funds within a year or they will expire!

Here are the details:


Obviously I can't open a thread about this as a junior member, but I think it deserves one, cause it's adding injury to insult in face of MS's overall anti consumer strategy.

This is not really an issue


I was actually fucking impressed by this. On total blackout all day and got home from work, and watched it. God damn that was solid. I feel conflicted cause i really hate the DRM.
I was actually fucking impressed by this. On total blackout all day and got home from work, and watched it. God damn that was solid. I feel conflicted cause i really hate the DRM.

They hit the gaming notes right

They forgot to get the console notes right :(

Why couldn't they just to with one-time online activation with like a monthly check. Sell used games by removing them from your library. I would have been sold with those DRM requirements.


I was impressed by the graphics in quite a few games shown. If this is what the Xbox One is capable of then I'm not worried by all those people who point to the PS4 as having better hardware.


I'm a die-hard Nintendo fanboy and I have to give MS props for a fantastic show. Phantom Pain and Titan Fall are the first two games to sell me on next gen. Both of those titles look phenomenal.

Loved that it was just about the games.

Loved the next gen focus on open worlds, and really loved the various games coming in @ 60fps like Forza, Battlefield, Titanfall & Halo. Also pretty awesome that all multiplayer games get dedicated servers now, if I'm parsing their cloud pr bullshit correctly. That's been a long time coming.

Battlefield 4 (@60fps!) looks like everything I could ever want in a modern military shooter. Seriously, I just don't see how COD or anyone else can hope to compete in that space. System seller for me.

The Titanfall (@60fps!) trailer was meh, but holy shit the gameplay looked like incredible fun. Hopefully Halo (@60fps!) & Destiny & Killzone ShadowFall can step it up with the future combat, because it too looked like a system seller to me.

Intrigued by Below (loved S&S), curious about Quantum Break & Ryse (which looked gorgeous) and really curious about the Black Tusk cyberpunk-looking IP.

$499 isn't what I wanted to hear, but I'd rather that than some subsidized contract bullshit. I'll deal.

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Still, I've got real concerns:

Xbox Live Gold - what's the next iteration get me? They've got to step it up with PSN+ in the game. Giving away current 360 games is definitely a step in the right direction.

Kinect - Sucks, but if I've read their pr correctly it seems I can disable the "always listening" mode, I can disable any sharing of data, and I can do everything manually if I want. So if I can effectively kill it, I don't care. Still, I'd like more details.

DRM - Their bizarre physical-as-digital model wouldn't affect my current gaming habits, but the 24 check in thing might. I need more clarity on this before I could ever pull the trigger.

Now I gotta catch up on the other conferences. Too bad NeoGaf is functionally useless. Hope Sony really brings it tonight, they've got an incredible opening to set themselves apart.

Videogame Christmas has begun!
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