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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

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Too many CG trailers but the conference met my expectations.

I'm really surprised they showed gameplay for Gears this early.


Neo Member
Imho it was a good show but for me as RPG/Adventure fan there wasn't a game that would convince me to buy a XBoxOne.

I give MS 7,5/10.


My impressions:

Halo 5 looks okay, squad commands don't seem to amount to much. Plus having a squad isn't what I want in Halo, I always loved the fact you were a one-man army against insurmountable forces.
CGI trailer for Recore, new IP is good, a nothing CGI trailer, bad
Backwards compatibility is a megaton, good move
Forza 6 looks brilliant, as to be expected really. Turn 10 are so consistent.
Odd Fallout 4 segment, literally the same demo as at Bethesda. Took up way too much time for a mods announcement, while obviously cool.
The Division looks nowhere near as good as when it was unveiled, predictable I guess
Rainbow 6 Siege, need to see more at Ubisoft's conference specifically the campaign
Nothing trailers for a bunch of indies, Cuphead looks brilliant though
Early Access - Fuck off
Good showing of Rise of the Tomb Raider, nice get for Microsoft this year
Rare Collection is amazing value but I personally would have wanted a lavish remaster of a single property instead
No Banjo Threeie - Fuck
Sea of Thieves is a fucking MMO
Valve VR partnership outta nowhere
Magical tech on show by Hololens for Minecraft, is it legit though?
Gears of War Ultimate. No gameplay, why? Should have showed it off since people can play the vanilla version due to backwards compatibility.
Gears 4 - what a weak demo, incredible how much they fucked this one up. Dark as fuck, couldn't see anything, tedious gameplay that only got half-interesting in the last 30 seconds. Trying to recapture the horror vibe of the original is most welcome, but they did a horrible job showing it off to the world.

It wasn't a bad show, but I really thought Microsoft would go all out this year and they didn't. The presentation seemed disjointed with the momentum and atmosphere of the room being sucked out of the room with the Fallout 4 demo and indie segments. A lack of gameplay for many titles was conspicuous too.
It needed something more.

Not bad but deeply underwhelming. 6/10

I wonder if this is happening over at Sony right now:
"I'm not gonna lie. I remember exactly where I was," Rohde told Ars. "We were in press conference rehearsals last year. We had a feeling they were going to come in at $499, but we weren't sure. So yeah, we were dancing in the aisles and high-fiving. It was great. Anyone that came in on an interview, it didn't matter what the question was, I could always just answer it with $399. It was the answer to every question."
Yeah, and look how they are now...

Joke aside: Problem is that I lost any faith in exclusivity announcements until it is first party. Started with mass effect, limbo and bioshock, but it is getting more and more ridiculous. Tomb raider is by far the most cringe worthy try to date.
And so I would not be too surprised if we even see Cuphead on other consoles, let's say, 6 months after Xbox release.

They are doing amazing , not sure what your point is.
It was solid, only bad part is that Halo 5 looks awful.Still looks generic and uninspired,don't get that specific hyped feeling i used to get with Halo 2 and 3.


Didn't watch it, but the announcements were pretty good. Especially Dark Souls 3, Rare 30 and BC.

Still doesn't convince me to buy a X1 tho


I didn't think much of the conference, because I don't own an Xbox. But I think it was a decent conference on an objective level. The stuff that caught my attention was in the first 20 mins.

I don't own an Xbox One and I'm still not getting one (even with the mod support on Fallout). My Xbox game changer is going to be Quantum Break. Love Remedy.

But as I said I think MS's head is in the right place. They are making good moves lately.


It was okay. The highlights for me were the indies, Recore, and the Xbox One backwards compatibility.

yeah recore looked intriguing, the best game out of the conference.

PS. If anybody from the previous hololens thread still thinks the hololens demonstrations are real and not staged then look no further than the drag gesture which starts going backwards before his hand does.


That was a great conference. The Xbox from 2 years ago and today's Xbox are two completely different platforms. Focus on exclusives, Indies, services like EA Access, Hololens, Oculus support, Win 10, Backwards (freaking) compatibility. Everything is meshing together. Much like their original vision, but implemented the right way. Really love the direction they're heading under Phil. Definitely a solid "A" showing.


If you like MS first party MS checked all the boxes Gears, Halo and Forza. BC is nice for me but was immediately made moot by the Rare collection, which is a good thing since I like updated versions of games. I'll also get the pro controller for my PC

All the new announcements could be cool if they become reality and not just stage demo magic.

6/10 but 10/10 in presentation and segment pacing. 0/10 for Gears4 gamma.


It seems to me that Halo 5 new MP mode is a blast! That alone made my E3 day!!

I have watched nothing else but this and Gears demo (that I also liked a lot). At home I'll watch the show on youtube and Sony's conference!
Overall I'd give this conference a B or 7.5/10

There were some amazing Megatons.
B.C. The list is small just know but I hope they do their upmost to get all games on the console. I don't know how difficult it will be to get say all the Calls of Duty MW on the service etc.

The Rare collection is ace. Not played most of them so looking forward to it.

ReCore looks like it could be amazing and very interested in it.

Cuphead and Indies look fantastic.

New Controller looks sweet.. Make it in White to match my console…

Halo 5 looked meh. Sorry but I wasn't taken by it. The new MP mode looked awesome fun however.

I am disappointed the new Rare game in Multiplayer only… I would love that game as a single player experience.

Gears of War 4 looked good, but my stream was going in to low quality.

So far Bethesda is still top, but they had Fallout and Doom4.

Sony will have a good conference I don't doubt that, There were some great Megatons here.

Hololens… Looked fun but it will not take off imho…
Holens is cool in my head, but I'm hesitant. I feel like it could be just kinect/milo 2.0. If it's really implemented well ... awesome! But I'll believe it when I see it.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Not that I'm the person MS wants to wow as a PS/Semi PC owner, but that show did absolutely nothing for me. The biggest announcement was the BC stuff IMO. Too bad this wasn't there at launch.
I was totally expecting a Banjo game going into this... why do I do this to myself. :p Inafune game, but CGI. They really should have had Scalebound here. I wasn't impressed.

Backwards comp was a holy shit moment till they announced only 100 games at launch. Still great but less impact.

They really should have. A big new action game from Platinum is more exciting than probably anything they showed at the conference.


Overall I'd give this conference a B.

There were some amazing Megatons.
B.C. The list is small just know but I hope they do their upmost to get all games on the console. I don't know how difficult it will be to get say all the Calls of Duty MW on the service etc.

The Rare collection is ace. Not played most of them so looking forward to it.

ReCore looks like it could be amazing and very interested in it.

Cuohead and Indies look fantastic.

New Controller looks sweet.. Make it in White to match my console...

I am disappointed the new Rare game in Multiplayer only… I would love that game as a single player experience.

Gears of War 4 looked good, but my stream was going in to low quality.

So far Bethesda is still top, but they had Fallout and Doom4.

Sony will have a good conference I don't doubt that, but if the Backward compatibility is implemented well and the Fallout mods, then it may take a real Megaton to be better.

Fallout mods is a nice feature but I imagine there is going to be some curation since mods do lead to performance issues and consoles are not flexible in this sense.


Now that I'm home I can comment better.

Halo 5 stuff blew me away. I have to give it to 343. Campaign wise this game is gonna be interesting as hell.

Recore looks interesting as hell too.

Backward compatibility is a total HELL FUCKING YEA Moment!!!

Rare collection for 30 bucks is a must buy.

Gears 4 was a giant meh. Didn't care for what they showed at all.

Gears remaster however though is a must buy.

Rare pirate game looks to have a ton of potential. Look forward to seeing more of this.

Overall it was a damn huge turn around from the last several years.


I think it was a really strong show, i dont have a Xbox One myself but Microsoft really hit the sweet spot with this conference. A solid 7. It was short of dead moments, just game after game. Some great announcements, like backward compatibility (light), Fallout 4, The new Rare game, Gears 4 and Forza 5. Also pretty amazing indies Microsoft have, Cuphead looks like a game of the show contender. Didnt like the Tomb Raider demo, it was awful. Overall i think its missing a big game.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
This conference was a deja vu. For years I've been waiting for one title to get me into the XBox excitement. And I still feel less interested by this console than the other two.

7/10, because it was a good conference for fans (and Cup Head was so good).

I hope for much more from Sony and Nintendo.


I think Microsoft held a good presentation. I don't personally care about either Gears of War, Halo or Forza (that car thing was stupid), but they did show some good stuff. Unfortunately, I feel like most of the new game announcements were trailers with little to no gameplay involved. Boring. Add to that the gameplay they showed was not too exciting, because it was mostly for sequels that play more or less like the previous installment.

The hololens was pretty cool, not sure I want it, but if it works that we'll in our own living room, that's freaking awesome. It's a neat piece of technology.

That pirate game from Rare looked pretty interesting and I'd play it. The Rare Collection would also be a must buy, did I own a Xbox One. Last, but not least, backwards compatibility. That's really amazing. Even though it seems like the games that can be played are limited, it's still a killer feature.

Edit: the elite controller blew my mind! That's so cool.
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