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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

How many shirts will Phil Spencer wear?

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Any word on game streaming to W10? I figured it would be in preview by now considering W10's July release.

I'm guessing later tonight with the Xbox Live at E3 thing with Major Nelson.

It's crazy to think we'll have another conference in early August with Scalebound, Quantam Break and Crackdown
And the more I think about it, BC is kind of I dunno.When I hear BC, I think of BC like a complete solution. But really, it's just a digital version of old titles. And how big that list is, really depends on several factors. There is also hurdles like games needing to be approved. SO who knows how big that list will actually be.

Then again, at least the BC program doesn't make you pay. So that is what separates it from other attempts at BC work around's. I can applaud it for that.

While it isnt perfect, I will take free limited BC over no BC any day. :)


The hell...



PS now is not just for BC it is a longer term platform.

Sure. And I guess like MS BC, we'll have to see how it expands over time. I def agree that it's not fair to compare the two 1:1, as Sony Now is trying to be something much bigger. And MS attempt at BC, is trying to specifically give people a solution to 360 BC.

So you are right, PS Now wasn't touted as the solution for BC.

While it isnt perfect, I will take free limited BC over no BC any day. :)

Totally. As an X1 owner, this is nothing to complain about. It's awesome. I'm just speaking in terms of the conference, and my perception of what it was. But ignoring all that, purely as a feature, it's great. I love how MS keeps working hard to improve the X1 platform.
Anyone else excited for the announcements at their Xbox Daily later today?

Enhanded UI for the xbox one! More info on the GOW Beta and some more ish. another 60-90 minutes of xbox goodness!!!

Solid show, but no real surprises except for Hololens and BC that blew me away. Didn't see that one coming.

Would like to see more of Indies: Below, Inside, The Mollases Flood / Flame in the flood etc.
I've been thinking about getting an Xbox One for a bit. I tend to want to own all the systems.

Having watched the conference...meh.

I Can play a shooter (Halo), or a shooter (The Division), or a shooter (that CG trailer with the robotic dog...it appears to have some type of shooter mechanics possibly), or a FTP shooter.

Halo 5 looked fine, I guess. I've played all the Halo games, but I'm not a huge fan of them. Looked good enough, though.

The only thing that made me go "Wow" was "Cuphead." I love retro animation, and that game made me drool at the mouth. If I had a PC that I could play it on, I'd go that route.

I do think it's a bid deal that there was on CoD at the Microsoft conference. With Treyarch making this years CoD, and especially with it being BLOPS III, you can't call it anything but a loss for the Xbox brand. (Regardless of how you feel about CoD.)

Plus, everything that looked good to me is multplat anyway. (I must have PvZ: GW2).

If I had to rate it, I'd say 6/10. The first half was good, but then it completely lost itself halfway through.


Gold Member
It was ultimately a solid conference, but it missed any big surprises which is what I watch E3 conferences (well, except backwards compatibility which is not a big feature for me) unless I am forgetting about one. Although it was always going to be difficult after Fallout 4 yesterday.

Best moments
* Backwards compatibility
* Rare Replay
* Indies
* ReCore
* Minecraft HoloLens

Middling moments
* Halo 5: Guardians
* Rise of the Tomb Raider
* Fallout 4 mods
* Elite controller
* Forza 6
* Sea of Thieves

Worst moments
* Gears 4 reveal
* Overall pacing of the conference

I'd give it an 8/10 (maybe a 7)
I feel like the entire conference was propped up a bit by the backwards compatibility announcement. The Gears 4 reveal might be the worst modern AAA game reveal I can think of to be honest.


What was this? We argued/couldn't decide. I said MMO, mate said 4 player co-op. Is there a link to more info?

This is what I couldn't really figure out. There was nothing "very Rare" about that game. It looked nothing like something Rare would make. It made me a little bit sad because it made it clear old rare is dead and run by somebody pushing them towards "social multiplayer" games. Same reason MS turned down rime. I hope BK is at gamescom but now I'm not so sure if it's even happening.


We're giving ratings?

I'd go 5/10. Probably the best Xbox conference I've seen, to be honest. It gave me the things I expected but didn't actually want (Halo, Forza, Gears, Fable) but I can't realistically deduct points for that. It started strong with backwards compatibility and Recore (despite it being a CG trailer it still builds genuine interest based on pedigree) but quickly slipped into the same old, same old with the multiplat stuff. Mod support announcement for Fallout is awesome, but it will be heavily moderated and the same support is 99% likely coming to PS4 since they didn't tout it as "only on Xbox" like they did/do with everything that is. The new Tomb Raider looks like it'll be exactly like the old Tomb Raider so my interest level is null.

Letting the indies shine was brilliant and they all showed excellently -- especially Cuphead and MS knew enough to ride that hype. Unfortunately, it all hung under the cloud of the infamous parity clause that MS had a huge opportunity to kill then and there but failed to. Incredibly smart of MS to have the Dark Souls 3 reveal trailer at their conference as it helps to quiet the "Souls is a PS franchise" hyperbole. And finally, hololens... where was the gameplay potential? It was just some dude watching as someone else played the game. They should've showed him actually building something without a controller. Impressive tech demo, but it'll likely come with a big pricetag and they've done nothing but show me that it has even less utility than a Kinect.


Sure. And I guess like MS BC, we'll have to see how it expands over time. I def agree that it's not fair to compare the two 1:1, as Sony Now is trying to be something much bigger. And MS attempt at BC, is trying to specifically give people a solution to 360 BC.

So you are right, PS Now wasn't touted as the solution for BC.

PS Now is a terrible alternative to actual BC. :( XB1's BC may be limited but it's so much better than the previously non-existent BC that we had. I'd do the macarena in public if Sony announces BC (limited or otherwise) somewhere down the line.


Solid show, no real letdowns, but no real bombs too. New rare game came closest i guess (not counting bc and early access). Never had any affinity with Gears though, so maybe that one counts for some. (Though i did not find it all that spectacular. Same old gears but shinier)

But i am confident my xbox one will see some action the coming year. Fella has been neglected recently.
I thought it was all over once they announced BC; Sony can't top that AND they still had games to show.

Then, they showed the games and completely underwhelmed. Nothing really mind-shattering, nor unexpected. BC alone made it a B, an underwhelming Gears reveal and a good Rare compilation keep it there.


Dinner done and 7/10 for me.

solid show, that started stronger than it finished. Loved to have seen a bit more from Forza, hope TR is, like they teased, a bit more puzzle than adventure game. Some cool indies, holo-lens looks promising, but like something that's still far far away.

But like most off MS nowadays, they are talking a bit to much to the core for my liking. Get confident that your core will be/is already on-board and start focusing on some new things for next years E3.




Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I am surprised that there was no Assassins, and no new SKU (limited edition I mean)

Last year they announced White Sunset and AW collectors edition console.

This year not even Halo console.


Backwards compatibility.
Halo 5
Rare Replay

Sea of Thieves
Tomb Raider
The car

BC is a great annoncement, but there were no good game announcements. We already knew about Halo 5 for a while, and the Rare collection is just a port of older games. Recore is a maybe, but we need to see more.

Very lackluster in content this year, so I'd give it a D rating


I wish they just showed us a glimpse of Crackdown 3. I'm guessing it's not ready.

Phil has made it clear that they made the decision to have significant conferences at both e3 and Gamescom, as opposed to throwing all of their eggs in one basket like they typically do for e3. Alongside Crackdown, Scalebound and Quantum Break - Phil has said that there will be major announcements.
I was at work when watching this, but just realized there was not ONE Call of Duty related news... it was just a wide variety of games and gadgets, and they didn't disappoint. I'm even more surprised seeing Dark Souls announced, I was under the impression it appealed to the Playstation audience.

Hopefully the backwards compatibility doesn't blow up in their faces, as well as the modding on Fallout 4, and Rare finally going back to making games instead of Kinect throwaways, Minecraft on smartglass, all of it was probably the best they've had in years. It has me a bit worried how Sony is going to top it, even of that rumored FF7 remake was true, it's going to take a few megatons to break even.

However, we all still win... the only real loser here is our bank accounts.


There were some great moments, but it has ultimately failed to meet my expectations. Not really because the stuff that was shown, but by the presentation, it was kind of meh.

Backwards compatibility is good and hololens was really great though.


One word: solid.

+ Backwards compatibility - finally!
+ Gears 4 looked amazing
+ Recore looks exciting
+ Ashen looks charming
+ Forza 6 - just want it
+ Rare Replay - most of them I haven't played

- Halo 5 - I'm sure this will be good in the end, but the trailer didn't excite me one bit
- Rise of the Tomb Raider - likely another good game, but they didn't sell it this time
- The Division - looks nice, but I am getting allergic to the bombastic one liner action games
- HoloLens Minecraft - Come on. Remember Milo?
- And I would've liked a surprise at the very end...

? Sea of Thieves - I haven't made my mind up about this one yet.
? Elite controller - if only the "elite players" buy it, will the developers even care to utilize it?
i give that conference a c+

+ backward compatibility
+ new controller
+ gears of war beta available today
+ ea access free for 1 week
+ fallout mods thing

- every demo shown, all look super scripted and boring
- indies
- rare new game, wtf
- hardly any exclusives
Ryan McCaffrey from IGN gave the conference an 'A'. Seems like a nice guy, but holy shit does he come across as a biased fanboy with some of the things he says.


listen to the mad man
Halo 5: 5/10. I'm not really someone who follows the Halo franchise. I know it's big for Microsoft. What looked good here was the rich dark purples and the overall visual design, which reminded me positively of Halo ODST, which I did enjoy. The demo was significantly too long and showed mostly something that looked a lot like every other Halo thing ever. I didn't really get any moments that said "this is something new". Warzone looked fine but I can't say I really understand what it was all about--is it just branding for the new multiplayer mode suite?

Recore: 8/10. I'm disappointed this was just a CG trailer, especially because it is releasing so soon. But the pedigree looks good to me (Armature's sub-par execution so-far notwithstanding) and the concept sounds cool. I hope this get good support and exposure before launch. MS's best content is always their second-tier stuff, like the Mistwalker games and Crackdown, so I really like that they did this.

Xbox 360 BC: 9/10. Obviously we need to see execution to know for sure, but this checked (almost) all the boxes. It works with discs. It works with downloads. It doesn't require technical effort on the part of publishers. Compatibility will be high at launch. They don't expect you to buy more. I thought this announcement was good because it led into a bunch of the "we'll give away the last gen version for free" offers later in the conference, which was a neat way to capitalize on the feature. The one downside is that publishers have to approve BC, which I think offers them a monetary incentive to extort people. Like, will MS allow Gears of War 1 to be BC? Will publishers de-approve BC for products as they announce HD remakes?

Elite Controller: 8/10. This thing looked slick and massively overengineered. Paddle shifters! Replaceable components! You can tweak all the sensitivity curves! I'd like one of these for PC as I prefer switch sticks to the Sony layout, personally. I suspect the price is going to be through the roof though, maybe $80-100.

Fallout 4: 5/10. I gave this a 10/10 at the Bethesda conference. Here we saw an abbreviated recap, more of the same. Todd talked for too long. Mod support is pretty cool, I'm glad they're doing that, although I'm wondering how they'll handle mods that can't technically work on Xbox One (stuff that requires gigabytes of extra RAM, for example). Which makes me wonder if their modding support is narrower in general. Fallout 3 is a cool thing to throw in.

EA Access: 0/10. EA Access is probably a good product for people who like EA's lineup. I generally don't. I was a bit confused about their free offer: EA Access is normally $5/month, but for the next week it's free, but only if you have Xbox Live Gold, also after the week you lose access to the games? Titanfall is a big get, but as I understand it it's difficult to find games in most non Last Titan Standing modes at this point.

PvZ GW2: 2/10. The CG trailer looked very CGlicious. I didn't play the first game. It looked super interesting to me but the iffy news about microtransactions, the weird platform strategy, and EA's Origin stuff on PC made me hold off. Then I heard the game was going to go F2P, then it didn't quite, but then it was on EA Access. Just generally I felt like there was never a good time for me to jump in. Since I didn't play the first game, I don't know what I want out of the second game. The trailer looked kind of lame; stuff going bonkers everywhere. I hope PopCap gets a chance to get back on track going forward, but I am increasingly convinced that will not be possible.

Forza 6: ? I went and made breakfast, I don't really play non-arcade driving games.

Dark Souls 3: 3/10. The CG looked okay, I guess. I'm way behind on the series. Knowing it's annualized at this point makes me less enthusiastic about it. I'm sure it will turn out well. I guess big titan boss monster things look neat.

The Division: ? I stopped paying attention, this game looks like bad ubidesign.

Rainbow Six Siege: 8/10. Still looks good, looks like a really fun game design, excited it's coming out this year, we only got a quick look this time. The BC freebie offer is neat.

Gigantic: 3/10. The visuals looked great, but then when it obviously became yet another same-old MOBA, and the fact that it's launching on Windows 10's App Store (which if it's anything like Windows 8's App Store is just going to be filled with f2p junk) is not inspiring. Hope it turns out well.

Early Access on Xbox: 8/10. This is definitely a good program. Charla is perceptive to note the rise of this category on PC and want a piece of the action. The games they announced as early participants are good choices. Compelling a demo to make people more comfortable with their purchase is a great idea... but only serves to call my attention to a) the fact that EVERY download on Xbox Live had a demo last gen, and b) that Steam now allows refunds while consoles don't.

Tacoma: 5/10. Loved Gone Home, looking forward to this, the actual clip was less interesting.
Ashen: 8/10. Looked very appealing, will definitely follow up on this.
Beyond Eyes: 7/10. Reminded me of The Unfinished Swan with more watercolour. Great stuff.
Cuphead: 9/10. Every time we see it it looks amazing, can't wait to get my hands on it.
Ion: 5/10. I had no interest in DayZ or Rust. This seems to be DayZ in space. Good for Dean, I hope he does well. Didn't do anything for me.

Tomb Raider: 6/10. The game looks beautiful. I did actually like the original, which I 100%ed. I look forward to playing this. The demo was kind of dull, more of the Uncharted-style "you barely make the jump" "you barely outrun what's chasing you" "the ground collapses at just the right time" stuff. It's so blasé at this point. I have a lot of confidence the game will turn out well, but the demo didn't do anything for me.

Rare Replay: 10/10. Great price, great content, about time. Very interested in if there's anything not included besides DKC1-3 and DKR and Goldeneye. Very interested on if it's PC or only on Xbox One. Very interested in knowing if this means Rare stuff won't be BC on Xbox One. Fatboy Slim was a great choice.

Sea of Thieves: 10/10. Looked spectacular, great concept, and even as an MMO I bet it's going to play pretty well as a conventional game. This is the best thing I saw at the conference.

Fable Legends: 5/10. Looks like they maybe changed the focus of the game since last we saw it? Trailer was dull and cliche. Will try for PC when it comes out, hope the F2P design does not undermine the series' world design or humour. Seriously interested if "Windows 10 exclusive" means "Windows 10 app store" or "Game services on Windows 10"

VR/Hololens: 5/10. They didn't say much about the Valve deal so I have nothing on that. HoloLens Minecraft looked like a really amazing demo but not a game. The guy "playing" on HoloLens sort of just moved around the map and did some very basic voice controls. You clearly wouldn't build stuff in Minecraft using this. But what a parlour trick, seriously cool.

Gears of War 1 HD: 5/10. I would rather the existing Gears of War 1 HD be put back on sale. Gears 1 is a great game, and I hope I replay it some day. The multiplayer was fun too, so that'd be cool to have back.

Gears of War 4: 0/10. I posted my thoughts in the Gears 4 thread. This is just about the worst demo you could possibly do for what I'm sure will be a great game. Barely visible, fucked up gamma ramp, bad animation, poor models, iffy textures at points, tearing, and... the actual content didn't really look interesting. This was supposed to be the first taste of the next generation of a really great series, and I didn't see it here.

Overall I thought the conference was well paced and just about everything they showed seemed OK. Nothing was egregious, anyway, except the bad Gears 4 demo. Would like to see more. Hope they show a new Twisted Pixel game sometime during the week, as they've been silent for a long time. I feel a little bit better about Xbox One thanks to the BC and the generally good trajectory they've taken resolving their issues. I don't feel any better about my concerns about MS's PC support. They keep saying they're going to demonstrate their support, and they keep doing the same token stuff they did during the period of time that they admit their support was inadequate during. Recore looked cool and I'm so excited to see Rare does something fresh!


? Elite controller - if only the "elite players" buy it, will the developers even care to utilize it?

Devs don't need to do anything to utilise it, it's all on the players side. It's basically just a standard controller with a bunch of customisable features such as button remapping.


ID@Xbox trailer have lots of interesting game.

Overall, this conference give me vibe of "secure that Xbox 360 user base"
Lots of franchise xbox fans love, BC, good pace.

But they really choose bad segment for gameplay demo on Halo, Gears and TR.
A good sign to me that MS have been humbled by their fuck ups and are back on the right track now. Hopefully in 2016 they'll have even more exclusives, which is what I want.

Quality show from top to bottom I say.
Despite a lack of "wow" announcements, I thought it was a really solid conference. I particularly liked the focus on 2015 games for the most part, instead of lots of vague "coming soon" announcements, although I can understand why some are disappointed.

As others have mentioned, the BC announcement is pretty big, despite the initial limited scope. Ever since the embarrassment of E3 2013, MS has generally been trying to play catch-up with the PS4, and this was the first time they've lead rather than followed. Not only that, with Sony's focus on BC through PS Now, they may genuinely struggle to counter this in the short term.


The show started strong, but quickly petered out.

Too much CGI trailers and not enough gameplay.

Ended the show with a boring as fuck demo of Gears 4

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