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2015 Microsoft E3 Conference

How many shirts will Phil Spencer wear?

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Permanent Junior Member
Do people seriously not remember BC on the 360? I remember trying to play SSX3 on there and it ran horribly. It's a much better solution to keep/buy native 360 hardware, even with the extra space needed.
I'd just like to say Im getting pretty burned out of the whole same "cartoony cel-shaded" art style being used in stuff like that Rare game, ReCore, etc.


- Cuphead
- BC
- Rare is back to making non gimmicky games, definitely copping the collection
- new controller looks nice
- Fallout mods
- Sony-like direction in expanding first party lineup and easing platform restrictions

- Fable/Forza/Gears/Halo classic Xbox combo didn't do it for me
- Pre-rendered trailers
- Hololens demo was smoke and mirrors with off sync motion control choreography
- The Mojang spokesperson's presentation style was too over the top for me
- Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't demo well IMO
- 3rd party stuff was aiight but nothing big

I'd give this an A. Probably the most excited I've been about Xbox in a long time.

Also thank god there were no children or under employed actors on stage this year.
They chose a really bad part of gears to show off.

Do you really think that they said to themselves, "he, we have a bunch of super awesome looking parts of the game, but let's show em a bad one!"?

Besides, I think Gears 4 looked really cool, next to Forza 6 the only game that makes me want to buy an Xbone.


Solid conference 8/10, Halo 5 looks gorgeous, Tomb Raider looks fantastic, Gears of War looked very meh and Rares game need to see more of.


- Cuphead
- BC
- Rare is back to making non gimmicky games, definitely copping the collection
- new controller looks nice
- Fallout mods
- Sony-like direction in expanding first party lineup and easing platform restrictions

- Fable/Forza/Gears/Halo classic Xbox combo didn't do it for me
- Pre-rendered trailers
- Hololens demo was smoke and mirrors with off sync motion control choreography
- The Mojang spokesperson's presentation style was too over the top for me
- Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't demo well IMO
- 3rd party stuff was aiight but nothing big

I'd give this an A. Probably the most excited I've been about Xbox in a long time.

Also thank god there were no children or under employed actors on stage this year.
Fucking nailed it. Although I wouldn't agree with A, i'd say B simply because there was no 'holy shit/megaton' moment. Otherwise, they did ok.
3.5 or 4 out of 10. Was an incredibly weak conference. At least Peter Moore had a fitted suit, I appreciate that. Good job Peter.

When the biggest news is backwards compatibility for the old Xbox 360, you know you have had a bad conference.

I did expect more, after the way Spencer had been hyping the event and 'more games than ever'. I guess what he meant was now you can play more games on XB1: Xbox 360 games. But come on. Who seriously plays on their 360 if they have a current gen console?
Spencer dropping salt bombs all over this thread
Good guy Spencer


Will be a nice snack for the coming conferences...


@all the people where the Gears Demo was dark

Where did you watch the stream ?

I watched it via my xbox and it was totally fine. I could see everything clearly.
Argh, something is wrong with me. Twitter and /r/XboxOne are gooing over everything. I don't think this was the best thing since sliced bread nor is it 2/10. I am dat jaded gamer now.
4 out of 10...

Most the games shown / announced we already knew about... Gears was very underwhelming..

It seems like they really thought Holo / VR partnerships / Backwards compatibility was going to steal the show and take them over the top..


They needed a "And one more thing.." surprise at the end.

However, I think the new UI stuff being shown later could have that effect... just not the Shenmue 3 announcement I was dreaming of.. lol


When the biggest news is backwards compatibility for the old Xbox 360, you know you have had a bad conference.

I did expect more, after the way Spencer had been hyping the event and 'more games than ever'. I guess what he meant was now you can play more games on XB1: Xbox 360 games. But come on. Who seriously plays on their 360 if they have a current gen console?

I agree, that was the highlight of the show, then I remembered BC on the 360, then they said publisher approval needed, then they showed the gameplay with horrible frame rate. And sadly it's still the biggest news out of the conference. But again, Peter Moore looked great, you can tell he is custom fitted. Makes all the difference.


Spencer dropping salt bombs all over this thread

I mean, I'm an X1 owner, and really liked the first 20 min of the conference. I didn't really like the overall conference. Not sure why that makes me salty lol. "Salt" is the new way to dismiss others opinions as invalid. SMH

I'm glad some really loved the conference though. It feels really good to love an E3 conference overall. I'm sure you guys are super excited. While I didn't really like the overall conference, I am super excited for the Elite controllers + Forza 6 and Halo. Can't wait to try that new controller.


It was devoid of gameplay or what I would classify as good gameplay. Fallout was the best we got, Halo 5 doing a COD impression for most of it. Tomb Raider, Gears of War were so dull. Hololens, who knows, BS meter was high, Rare game possibly interesting. Recore has a nice look to it. BC is an amazing announcement but not for me, new games please. Overall can't deny it's a solid line up but it's disappointing, same old and tired.


I enjoyed it because its E3, everyone is excited and hyped...its really hard not to have a good time with it.

But now that its done and the dust as settled.....I think Microsoft was WAY too safe and it seems everything has a been there done that feel to it. Nothing looked particularly bad, it just looked all too predictable. There was nothing jaw dropping and there is nothing to really critique because all we saw were improvements to the franchises we love.

for me, I think that rare pirates game looked like it has lots of potential and it stood out for its creativity and art style.

Sky Chief

Was the new Gears the last game shown? Any announcements after that? I had to get on a conference call and missed everything after that.


Conference gets a B from me.

  • Recore
  • Backwards Compatibility
  • Lot of games debuting on PC as well
  • Elite Controller
  • Fallout mods

  • TR Gameplay demo (good trailer)
  • Gears gameplay demo (Too dark, too slow and too resident evil in a bad way)
  • CGI reveals for games coming out early next year
  • Misleading HoloLens demo. Not as bad as their previous demo, but still bad
It was a decent conference. Microsoft really needs to diversify their first party lineup beyond Halo, Gears, Forza and Fable though. These games all look fun but its hard to get too excited about these franchises that are in their fifth+ iteration. I know they have some new IP's coming but they were no shows during the conference.

The Minecraft stuff was cool, Cuphead looks amazing, Rare's game looked fun and backwards compatibility was a bombshell I didn't see coming. So there was definitely things to get excited about. But overall too much time was spent on the same predictable games we see every year. 6/10


Hunky Nostradamus

+ Backwards compatibility
+ Recore
+ Gigantic
+ Ashen
+ Beyond Eyes
+ Cuphead
+ Rare collection
+ Sea of Thieves


- Everything else. Vaguely interactive cutscene Tomb Raider didn't impress me. Gears looked like Gears and didn't seem to offer up any new "Next Gen" experience outside of its pretty graphics. Don't care about For(d)za, Fable, the Gears remake, Dark Souls 3, The Division, or Rainbow Six. Fallout 4 looked nice but, like Gears, didn't show me anything new or exciting - just more Fallout. Ditto Halo 5. The Minecraft VR was neat, but still just a gimmicky tech demo that's probably never going to work as shown. The new controller...nope don't care. The regular controller is fine.

I give the Microsoft conference a solid C.


I was excited about BC until I saw the list of currently supported games.

This is going to be another "Barbie horse adventures" situation, Isn't it?


I expected more in terms of games but got other cool stuff like BC and the elite controller.

Actually I just want to play Halo 5 xD

Sony and Microsoft are always really civil when congratulating each other on accomplishments. Though, I wonder if Sony's really thinkin', "Congrats on the show, but come 6pm(PT), we're going to SHOW you how it's done, son!"

In seriousness, the only thing that interested me was backwards compatibility(and how lenient they seem to be with people that own the games). I figured most companies, hell, even Microsoft, wouldn't be above making you pay extra just to buy "another version" of a game you already own...y'know, because they CAN(and get away with it)! Every other game doesn't interest me. Cuphead looks cool, but I'm not interested in a game that's purely based on boss battles in a somewhat platform style(reminds me of Street Fighter 2010, though that had actually somewhat large battlefields to explore).

Meh. Sony next, I guess. No interest in EA or Ubisoft. To me, I'm more interested in what Sony, Nintendo and Square Enix have up their sleeves.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I was excited about BC until I saw the list of currently supported games.

This is going to be another "Barbie horse adventures" situation, Isn't it?

They specifically said that all developers had to do to be added was say they wanted to be added. I think it will fill up fairly quickly.
I felt it was a good 7/10, their main staples all look to be on point, even Fable Legends, which I was very down on after playing it last year. Of the new IP's, Sea of Thieves looks great, but need to see more of Recore to make a judgment, promise is there though. Tomb Raider demo only got interesting at the end of the playable demo, looks really good.
Elite Dangerous being on Preview today had me pumped and I think the feature sounds like it'll be pretty good for Indies to show their wares.

Hardware wise, BC and that Elite joypad are great announcements. As someone who still has his 360 around it isn't essential, but it means I can now free up space on my 360.


When the biggest news is backwards compatibility for the old Xbox 360, you know you have had a bad conference.

I did expect more, after the way Spencer had been hyping the event and 'more games than ever'. I guess what he meant was now you can play more games on XB1: Xbox 360 games. But come on. Who seriously plays on their 360 if they have a current gen console?

And the more I think about it, BC is kind of I dunno.When I hear BC, I think of BC like a complete solution. But really, it's just a digital version of old titles. And how big that list is, really depends on several factors. There is also hurdles like games needing to be approved. SO who knows how big that list will actually be.

Then again, at least the BC program doesn't make you pay. So that is what separates it from other attempts at BC work around's, and is why you can actually call it BC. I can applaud it for that. But yeah. We'll have to wait and see how big the list actually expands. Because it could be like PS Now, where it's a promise for a BC solution, but then ends up being a very limited version of it. MS has a big one up on Sony Now, in that it's digital titles you can DL and keep, and don't have to pay should you own a game that makes the list.
And the more I think about it, BC is kind of misleading. I mean it is and isn't. But when I hear BC, I think it's full BC, or an actual solution to BC. But really, it's just a digital version of old titles. And how big that list is, really depends. There is also hurdles like games needing to be approved. SO who knows how big that list will actually be.

Then again, at least the BC program doesn't make you pay. So that is what separates it from other attempts at BC work around's. I can applaud it for that.

PS now is not just for BC it is a longer term platform.


Solid but unspectacular conference (very similar to the previous two Xbone E3 conferences). BC was a fantastic surprise, Recore is promising based on dev pedigree alone, and MS is absolutely loaded this Holiday season. However, both the Halo and Gears demos were pretty underwhelming; if their big 2 franchises had impressed more it would have gone a long way in making the conference stand out.
Need Forza 6 all up in my shit right now!

Other than that, though, games wise, it was lackluster, but I'm also a PC gamer who will be getting a lot of this on Windows, so I don't ever expect to be completely blown away by the Xbox-only showings.
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