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A New Graphical Benchmark - The Order 1886

Conveniently leaving out that's like the only section like that in the game and its at the end.

I think we already covered that. Try and keep up Peter


Personally I think Ryse looks better, both on console and PC. It runs at a higher resolution too, and the environments are a lot more dynamic.

Ha. I love these driveby's. Nice try buddy
Pretty sure he's using on of the pistols that kills instantly, the game switches targets automatically whenever a target dies during that mode. I wish it was like MP bullet time as that would be interesting.

Yeah, they should've gone with a system like RDR's if they didn't want to give us complete control over black sight.

Still, it's a nice addition to the pretty awesome gunplay that The Order offers.

Ah okay, I was gonna say, the gifs I'd seen looked impossible to me, as the aiming was occurring at breakneck speed. The grenade flip reminds me of Vanquish. I think that and MP3 are my two fave TPS. I replayed MP3 recently and while the constant cutscenes annoyed me, the gunplay was still so damned satisfying. Really hope Remedy returns to it


You can switch targets but I don't think he's doing it manually in that slip and he's still using an instakill pistol.

There's no exactly a lot to handle in that clip. Just the same generic enemies that we fight throughout the game. That second clip also isn't free form either, the dodge roll there is purely contextual.

Wait.. The dodge is contextual too?

... I'll be taking my leave now :l


Personally I think Ryse looks better, both on console and PC. It runs at a higher resolution too, and the environments are a lot more dynamic.

1600x900 is not higher res than 1920x800

it's less pixels and sub-native. GJ on your math though?

Anyway I wish the actual game part was good because I wanna see these great visuals on my plasma. Maybe redbox or when it's $10 in the B/S/T thread

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's just got a lot going on what does the enemies being generic have to do with anything? Thats a odd critique, the only reason its in there is you have the environment being destroyed all around you a high enemy count, 4 ai counterparts with insane lighting and particle effects going on. Don't be obtuse.
For the second clip I just meant free form in player movement, weapon change up and tactics. The two biggest oddities to me in the combat are no dive roll and that cover to cover movement is so odd.
How, besides the two instances of glass breaking the only thing that's happening is you shooting enemies. The environment isn't being destroyed. It should've been after they were advertising those soft body physics but that seems to have been mostly removed altogether. If the chandeliers reacted to the grenade and chips were flying off the wall then i'd be impressed.

Wait.. The dodge is contextual too?

... I'll be taking my leave now :l
If an enemy throws a grenade at you the game gives you an X prompt for the dodge roll.


Personally I think Ryse looks better, both on console and PC. It runs at a higher resolution too, and the environments are a lot more dynamic.

1600x900 is not higher res than 1920x800

it's less pixels and sub-native. GJ on your math though?

Anyway I wish the actual game part was good because I wanna see these great visuals on my plasma. Maybe redbox or when it's $10 in the B/S/T thread

Also, pixels are upscaled. No pixel density 1 : 1 like in The Order. Technically is 1080p in 21:9 aspect ratio.
How, besides the two instances of glass breaking the only thing that's happening is you shooting enemies. The environment isn't being destroyed. It should've been after they were advertising those soft body physics but that seems to have been mostly removed altogether.

Man Crossing your killing me. How about this.
Stuff is blowing up, dudes are getting shot around you and it just looks awesome. Does that help?

Like I said earlier I hope the soft body physics return in the form of fully destructible environments since the devs were aiming to do that. Even the weapons seem made to effect the environment like the Thermite and Air Shot.
It's undeniable how graphics this good can really immerse a player in a game. Shows just how important visuals are to the medium.

This game blew me away a lot more than Gears did back in the day, hell I was more impressed with Oblivion. MGS2 is probably the biggest jump but this game isn't far behind, I didn't think that would be possible anymore.

While U4 is going to look great, I would look to SSM and Guerilla Games at the best chance of topping this. It's not just a technically superb game but they perfected the art style and world cohesion, the amount of "subtle beauty" in the game is staggering if you really take the time to dissect the levels.

Definitely worth a playthrough for that reason alone, plus its really fun and easy to pick up and play, unlike a lot of other games I've played recently.

If I'm ranking console games on their purdyness, I'd say The Order > KZ SF > > DC > RYSE > I: SS


1600x900 is not higher res than 1920x800

it's less pixels and sub-native. GJ on your math though?

Anyway I wish the actual game part was good because I wanna see these great visuals on my plasma. Maybe redbox or when it's $10 in the B/S/T thread

I think even 10 is too expensive for this ahem 'game'. Wait for PS plus edition. Probably will come in 2 years.


I'm not really a fan of the heavy post processing. In this case, I don't think the game would look better without it, but I hope the next "Graphical Benchmark" has clean IQ and doesn't need to hide its graphics behind black bars and grain.
It does look pretty for sure, yet I don't feel as taken aback by the whole picture as I was when I first booted Unity maxed on PC. To me scope is a part of the total package, and world scale feels agonizingly small in this game. Yes I understand they're different games, yet one thing that kept me from feeling really immersed in Order was how lifeless the world felt when exploring the in between combat sections. NPCs that stand still, shops you can't enter, it kind of feels like the stage of a movie set.

On paper it is absolutely one of the prettiest games I've seen, but I feel the lack of more exploration in the world (again, not expecting this to be open world) kind of diminishes the impact visually for me. I can certainly enjoy smaller environment games, the recently released White Night is a good example. Simple black/white color palette with moody atmosphere, what draws me into that world more is it feels like each area/room has an identity. I don't really get that from The Order. I don't expect that from an action game either, but I still don't feel as immersed. A better comparison in terms of time period/locale would probably be Dishonored. That game oozed a vibrant, living world full of atmosphere to explore, and had an identity all its own. Order feels like the pretty girl that doesn't have anything interesting to say.


Aye. Arent FC3s irradiance probes awfully similar though?

What do you find to be so unplausible about the area lights in kzsf? Or how does the order do volumetric spot light casters "right?"

Well, with irradiance probes you can calculate the indirect light on the fly. You lit the scene in real time once you have done the rest offline, instead KZ SF also use lightmap and light probes are not updated at the runtime.

The non PBR part of the area light in KZSF is the fact that they only work with Phong model for the specular part and not the GGX which is the main spec BRDF in Shadowfall, but i did like seeing real time area light in a games nonetheless (iirc the only one besides Crysis 3).

For the "volumetric done right" part i was only referring in a non technical manner at the way the light scatters and its falloff that just seems right to me :D

Sorry for my english, it's not good :(

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It does look pretty for sure, yet I don't feel as taken aback by the whole picture as I was when I first booted Unity maxed on PC. To me scope is a part of the total package, and world scale feels agonizingly small in this game. Yes I understand they're different games, yet one thing that kept me from feeling really immersed in Order was how lifeless the world felt when exploring the in between combat sections. NPCs that stand still, shops you can't enter, it kind of feels like the stage of a movie set.

On paper it is absolutely one of the prettiest games I've seen, but I feel the lack of more exploration in the world (again, not expecting this to be open world) kind of diminishes the impact visually for me. I can certainly enjoy smaller environment games, the recently released White Night is a good example. Simple black/white color palette with moody atmosphere, what draws me into that world more is it feels like each area/room has an identity. I don't really get that from The Order. I don't expect that from an action game either, but I still don't feel as immersed. A better comparison in terms of time period/locale would probably be Dishonored. That game oozed a vibrant, living world full of atmosphere to explore, and had an identity all its own. Order feels like the pretty girl that doesn't have anything interesting to say.
You literally just articulated perfectly why I wasn't super impressed or immersed during my playthrough.


Game is absolutely stunning. I also enjoyed the gameplay, and don't really care if I'm in the minority. The story was gripping, the voice acting was terrific, it all left me wanting more.

Got the platinum today.



I'd give that to Unity PC at this point. Nothings doing as much as that game. Open world with a ton of npcs and amazing environments and all that. The tight linear corridors with a couple npcs from the Order just don't impress me as much as that game. Now if we're not talking about the most technically advanced, but only what looks the best then I'd have to probably give that to the Tex Murphy remake.



Game is absolutely stunning. I also enjoyed the gameplay, and don't really care if I'm in the minority. The story was gripping, the voice acting was terrific, it all left me wanting more.

Got the platinum today.


Yup same here.
The game worked perfeclty for me as an interactive movie.
The graphics made it a lot easier to really immerse myself in the movie feeling


See the thing is, graphic benchmark doesn't not mean performance benchmark. Graphics in a game is the result of a long work done by a lot of people. Details, precision, art direction.. All those things..

We're in 2015 and people still confuse graphic and tech.

What is amazing in 2015 on gaf is people claiming it is possible to benchmark art direction...
Speaking of benchmark automaticaly imply tech (in this case graphic one) because you can't bench subjective thing.
And no, tech of what this game even if looking really really good is not so impressive (linear corridor, half baked , no so dynamic when it come to physic,ect...)
It does look pretty for sure, yet I don't feel as taken aback by the whole picture as I was when I first booted Unity maxed on PC. To me scope is a part of the total package, and world scale feels agonizingly small in this game. Yes I understand they're different games, yet one thing that kept me from feeling really immersed in Order was how lifeless the world felt when exploring the in between combat sections. NPCs that stand still, shops you can't enter, it kind of feels like the stage of a movie set.

On paper it is absolutely one of the prettiest games I've seen, but I feel the lack of more exploration in the world (again, not expecting this to be open world) kind of diminishes the impact visually for me. I can certainly enjoy smaller environment games, the recently released White Night is a good example. Simple black/white color palette with moody atmosphere, what draws me into that world more is it feels like each area/room has an identity. I don't really get that from The Order. I don't expect that from an action game either, but I still don't feel as immersed. A better comparison in terms of time period/locale would probably be Dishonored. That game oozed a vibrant, living world full of atmosphere to explore, and had an identity all its own. Order feels like the pretty girl that doesn't have anything interesting to say.

That was really well explained and I can completely see where your coming from but it does emphasize that the world "feeling" alive is playing a huge impact in your judgement. I don't have any qualms calling The Order out on all the things it isn't but visually I can objectively say it looks a fair leap ahead things like Unity which honestly looks like a natural progression from Black Flag. I think Dishonored is a perfect example of what your talking about because even though it wasn't a really impressive game visually it still had amazing atmosphere because the whole world told a story.


Aother thread on The Order's graphics. This is why I keep saying the graphics are overrated. It's blurry and grainy, it's brownish grey and it runs at less pixels than 900p. It's also very confined and linear. Some people are calling the graphics 'clean' and saying the IQ is great.

I'm glad other people seem to think the same. I feel like I've been taking crazy pills when reading comments on this game's graphics.


The amount of blurr all over the screen and the film grain ruin everything. I will admit there were times where the game looks stunning as you progress but then the blurr and grain comes back and it's back to square one.

Best place to see this effect is right at the beginning while on the roof.


Personally I think Ryse looks better, both on console and PC. It runs at a higher resolution too, and the environments are a lot more dynamic.

No, it's not on console. Also, Ryse has lots of framerate issues sometimes dropping down into the late teens.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
That was really well explained and I can completely see where your coming from but it does emphasize that the world "feeling" alive is playing a huge impact in your judgement. I don't have any qualms calling The Order out on all the things it isn't but visually I can objectively say it looks a fair leap ahead things like Unity which honestly looks like a natural progression from Black Flag. I think Dishonored is a perfect example of what your talking about because even though it wasn't a really impressive game visually it still had amazing atmosphere because the whole world told a story.
Black flag's character models are so far behind Unity's it's astounding. Only area where black flag has the edge is the weather tech because it's set in the Caribbean. Everything else got a pretty major visual bump.


Before it was Ryse and now this. I bet if I get my hands on the game I will be disappointed like I was when I bought Ryse on pc to see for myself. If theirs any blur or grain filter on 1886 that automatically disqualifies the game from being good looking to me.
Black flag's character models are so far behind Unity's it's astounding. Only area where black flag has the edge is the weather tech because it's set in the Caribbean. Everything else got a pretty major visual bump.

Yeah but its an expected bump and when I played it on PS4 it seemed like where the series should be on a next gen console. It didn't wow me at all.
Seriously I know I keep coming back to this but go and download the gamersyde video of Unity on max settings. There is nothing amazing going on there.


It trully is a beautiful game, but it's about as interactive as cutscene. I mean I'm trying to like the game but it's 2015 and I can't even shoot through glass in this game. Water doesn't ripple either and light sources cannot be disabled. Almost zero dynamism in this game. I think this needs to be addressed first.

(I have mixed feelings overall about the game. The story is melodramatic, pacing is bad, characters and relationships are badly built up, cutscenes are all over the place and some of them are just plain ridiculous.

They want the player to feel the tension in the game but it's just isn't there, nor you can feel the stakes. It's kinda like with Destiny. You're fighting for a world that you don't know. Things get a little better towards the end, when we have to fight in the catacombs though, I mean it gets a bit more exciting. IMHO it's clear what RAD has to do with the sequel. Hire a proper writer and director. That's all. It's all right if you want to make a heavily cinematic game, but if as a writer/director you have inadequate skills than you shouldn't direct a movie either. RAD please hire a professional writer, director!

It's fair to say that there's one thing they've nailed. Atmosphere. Some of the areas in the game are just hauntingly beautiful.)
Agreed, Jaw dropped many a time while playing it, I feel the audio helped the visuals somewhat in the immersion, Especially through headphones. Really felt and nailed the london vibe from back then.


On console, without a shadow of a doubt. As an overall package it's just insane. IQ, framerate, tech wizardry. The only thing I think comes somewhat close, is Driveclub, in certain situations. Though the AA in 1886 is streets ahead. I really like the visuals in Unity, very impressive, but held back from being in the top tier by the framerate and various tech issues such as pop-in and the screen res. I love the facial tech of Ryse and I:SS, so this is one area i'd like the 1886 sequel to improve on.


You didn't have fun even with stuff like this?


and THIS!

Have you played it? The IQ doesn't look low at all.

Oh man imagine if grenades in games had more realistic physics and blast radius. Air detonated grenades would be awesome. would have sent pieces of glass everywhere for even more shrapnel
Yeah I don't know how they could. It just looks so much better than everything else.

I don't think they will be able to based on the scope of the game. People need to keep in mind that The Order is tightly controlled and contained. Much smaller levels, and very linear. This allowed them to push the graphics really far in certain areas. Its smaller in scope then even the previous two Uncharted games, and UC4 is supposed to be much more open then in the past. Then again ND are a bunch of gods among men, anything is possible.

My bet is that they will meet The Order visuals, but not exceed them, but at the same time have a lot bigger levels and environments with more variety, essentially surpassing RAD on a technical level.


It trully is a beautiful game, but it's about as interactive as cutscene. I mean I'm trying to like the game but it's 2015 and I can't even shoot through glass in this game. Water doesn't ripple either and light sources cannot be disabled. Almost zero dynamism in this game. I think this needs to be addressed first.

(I have mixed feelings overall about the game. The story is melodramatic, pacing is bad, characters and relationships are badly built up, cutscenes are all over the place and some of them are just plain ridiculous.

They want the player to feel the tension in the game but it's just isn't there, nor you can feel the stakes. It's kinda like with Destiny. You're fighting for a world that you don't know. Things get a little better towards the end, when we have to fight in the catacombs though, I mean it gets a bit more exciting. IMHO it's clear what RAD has to do with the sequel. Hire a proper writer and director. That's all. It's all right if you want to make a heavily cinematic game, but if as a writer/director you have inadequate skills than you shouldn't direct a movie either. RAD please hire a professional writer, director!

It's fair to say that there's one thing they've nailed. Atmosphere. Some of the areas in the game are just hauntingly beautiful.)

We're only discussing GFX in this thread fella. OP for that stuff.


Agreed, Jaw dropped many a time while playing it, I feel the audio helped the visuals somewhat in the immersion, Especially through headphones. Really felt and nailed the london vibe from back then.

Yeah the music was fantastic, as was the audio. There was only a couple of instances when I thought they had set the reverb levels wrong for the reflectivity of the environment
That was really well explained and I can completely see where your coming from but it does emphasize that the world "feeling" alive is playing a huge impact in your judgement. I don't have any qualms calling The Order out on all the things it isn't but visually I can objectively say it looks a fair leap ahead things like Unity which honestly looks like a natural progression from Black Flag. I think Dishonored is a perfect example of what your talking about because even though it wasn't a really impressive game visually it still had amazing atmosphere because the whole world told a story.

Well one area I think Unity excels at is character models/animation. It's certainly a progression from Black Flag, but the subtle attention to detail with facial animation is some of the best I've seen. I think Ubi's capture solution and animation is definitely a step up from The Order's, and that's another reason I didn't sink into the story as much. Character models certainly aren't wooden, but they didn't give me a feeling of life with the performances in the same way Unity did, or something like TLoU. It's getting to the point where you can really see the "actor" behind the performance and that's pretty exciting for narrative in games.


I'd give that to Unity PC at this point. Nothings doing as much as that game. Open world with a ton of npcs and amazing environments and all that. The tight linear corridors with a couple npcs from the Order just don't impress me as much as that game. Now if we're not talking about the most technically advanced, but only what looks the best then I'd have to probably give that to the Tex Murphy remake.


LOL Wat, Tex Murphy is real actors overlaid on a 3D environment


I don't think they will be able to based on the scope of the game. People need to keep in mind that The Order is tightly controlled and contained. Much smaller levels, and very linear. This allowed them to push the graphics really far in certain areas. Its smaller in scope then even the previous two Uncharted games, and UC4 is supposed to be much more open then in the past. Then again ND are a bunch of gods among men, anything is possible.

My bet is that they will meet The Order visuals, but not exceed them, but at the same time have a lot bigger levels and environments with more variety, essentially surpassing RAD on a technical level.

You know. I think they'll close.....during the more....linear moments, interiors, alleyways, interiors, but as much as I rate ND, there's something RAD have crafted here that just....bonkers! The detail is just...staggering. Scene density I've never seen anything like it. Even little things like seeing actual interiors looking through windows, even though said interiors are off limits.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yeah but its an expected bump and when I played it on PS4 it seemed like where the series should be on a next gen console. It didn't wow me at all.
Seriously I know I keep coming back to this but go and download the gamersyde video of Unity on max settings. There is nothing amazing going on there.
Come on now.

This is Black Flag

This is Unity, the addition of PBR, sub surface scattering etc makes a major difference in every aspect of the graphical fidelity.


You must have had some very high expectations if this is what you were expecting from a next gen open world game.


I did, but that discounts it completely from the discussion anyway

How? I gave my answer as the most technically impressive and just the most impressive. If we're talking about technical achievements then Unity by far is more impressive. If we're not talking about the underlying tech then Tex Murphy.
I absolutely agree. I finished the game yesterday and today (after watching some Jackie Chan movies) I wanted to play Sleeping Dogs again, and while I thought that game was gorgeous before (PC) it doesn't look good at all after playing The Order.

I was "Everything looks terrible, what happened?".


I agree with OP, and I must say, watching videos of it really doesn't do it justice. Seeing it running is really something else, and you never quite get used to how it looks, you get jaw drops on a regular basis up until the very end.

I saw all the gameplay demos prior to playing it (and copiously shat on them publicly on this very forum, by the way), but seeing them in person was really something else, visually speaking only of course (they were exactly the same any other way).


Definitely the most visually impressive video game I've ever played, not least because it puts so much emphasis on IQ. Even some of the very best games on the market still have issues with aliasing, pop-in and other visual artifacts that remind you you're playing a game; stuff that wouldn't be acceptable in say, a pre-rendered CGI film. In The Order, I don't remember noticing anything of the sort besides the occasional clipping issue.

Incidentally, I can't believe the loading times on this game. Less than 5 seconds is staggering regardless of what kind of genre or visuals you're aspiring to, so how this game pulls it off is an absolute mystery to me.
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