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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.



The stunning range of Veronica Cartwright.

Edit: To be fair, she's much better than Noomi Rapace in Prometheus, but that's not saying much.

no one said anything about STUNNING RANGE blah blah blah. no one was TERRIBLE in Alien. stop with the dramatics is all.


Anyone in a position to confirm the janky AI in the latest vids is down to difficulty? It's the bit of mud on my diamond that I'm struggling to get off!


Veronica Cartweight's performance in Alien is literally the worst in all of cinema.



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Veronica Cartweight's performance in Alien is literally the worst in all of cinema.

er. No. She looked terrified in the movie. A character who was falling apart. She played it very well.
In Alien chestburster scene her reactions are real not faked :D

They never expected so much gore and blood spraying everywhere since no one was told how will it happen :)

You can watch making off this scene in Alien Anthology.


Anyone have more details on the crew expendable thing/dlc? is it that you can replay a part of the movie or is it intergrated in the normal game?


So how often are the alien encounters. I can't imagine playing it if every 2 sec im having to sneak around

If you already feel like that I think you're going to have a hard time liking this game.

I don't have the game though, so I'm not sure. It just seems like such an integral part of the game and the way it is marketed.


Unconfirmed Member
Well I folded and pre purchased on XB1, I'm not even a big fan of survival horror games but LOVE the Alien series (Alien being my favourite). Kudos to the team behind this, looking really great and nice to see an Alien game which is not balls to the wall running and gunning.
Correct the original idea for Alien - put into a mural that wasn't really used and a scene that was ultimately deleted - was Egg to facehugger to chest burster to adult that implants victims who turn into eggs completing the cycle.

Although arguably not cannon I also remember an interview where Scott noted in his view the Alien only had a short time active, like certain insects, and that by the end its already nearing the end of its short life which is why it finds a hidden spot in the shuttle and is initially slow to attack Ripley. It had implanted others that would create eggs and therefore its cycle was over.

As all of this either wasn't included or not made explicit Cameron was able to introduce the Queen. A move that arguably made the Alien just a little too familiar to certain insects but did give him both "something new" and a heck of a good climax to his movie.

I just wish that rather than the lame termite egg sack they'd gone for a much more bio-mechanical egg laying machine design with the Queen attached in a similar way to the final film. I always felt that aspect of the Queen was a bit of a let down and too much of a deviation from Gieger styling. Probably budget and time were the causes but given Cameron designed a pretty damn good Geiger like Queen it's a pity he didn't extend the effort to the egg laying too.
Couldn't agree more, while I enjoy Aliens it's more of a Vietnam War movie in space (as one reviewer put it). Alien is a masterpiece.


So how often are the alien encounters. I can't imagine playing it if every 2 sec im having to sneak around

Could be as often as they like, I just hope the game does not scream it from the top of the mountain when it is going to happen. Outlast had that problem... "Oh, it's an arena like area, the bad dude will show up and I will have to collect 4 things and sneak/run from him"


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Could be as often as they like, I just hope the game does not scream it from the top of the mountain when it is going to happen. Outlast had that problem... "Oh, it's an arena like area, the bad dude will show up and I will have to collect 4 things and sneak/run from him"

Oh i don't think there's any possibility of running away once the alien sees you, going by all the GIFS and videos lol.
Not typically interested in first person horror games like Outlast or Amnesia but my love for that first Alien movie is strong enough to make me go for it.

I am a little worried the game is going to become frustrating with all the instant Alien deaths, hopefully the other encounters really mix things up.
Not typically interested in first person horror games like Outlast or Amnesia but my love for that first Alien movie is strong enough to make me go for it.

I am a little worried the game is going to become frustrating with all the instant Alien deaths, hopefully the other encounters really mix things up.

My concern too. I still tempted between this and evil within


Unconfirmed Member
Aliens is such a perfect companion piece to Alien it's not even funny. The two films complement each other so well.

You want a terrible Alien movie, look no further than Prometheus. What a piece of shit.

Prometheus is an Engineer movie, not an Alien movie.
Agreed, Prometheus right now is a terrible prequel to the Alien story however I believe that Pometheus 2 could tie it together very well. At the moment though it's a movie about the Engineers, not the creature in Alien.
Not typically interested in first person horror games like Outlast or Amnesia but my love for that first Alien movie is strong enough to make me go for it.

I am a little worried the game is going to become frustrating with all the instant Alien deaths, hopefully the other encounters really mix things up.

I am not a fan of games that you feel really hopeless or the enemy is overpowered but hey this is Alien. It might make a difference

My concern too. I still tempted between this and evil within

I think I will end up buying/playing both


Cameron based his script on theatrical cut and chose to alter the implied lifecycle to include Queen hence disavowing any notion of Ripley finding Dallas cocooned: in short as far as Aliens is concerned that never happened and when she says "no" it's accurate.

Even Scott says the dire tors cut is really a curio for fans not the definitive cut: that remains the theatrical cut.

But if you really want to rabbit hole it, the alien in Alien is a different creature than the "made it my own" Cameron version. (and Giger's is much better looking)
I am not a fan of games that you feel really hopeless or the enemy is overpowered but hey this is Alien. It might make a difference

That's what I'm hoping for.

Interested to see the breakdown of difficulty modes (are there any?). I want the game to be tense and exciting but dieing every couple of minutes from colliding with an unstoppable force could replace all that with frustration.


Kinda getting into an Alien kick. Original movie trailer would have been cool to see in the theaters. The Prometheus trailer that recreated it got me so hyped (full movie wasn't too bad but it didn't live up to the hype).

Love the use of the siren ques in both trailers.
I feel like that is a shot of person about to lose it. Job well done
er. No. She looked terrified in the movie. A character who was falling apart. She played it very well.
Yep, I didn't think she was bad at all.


Some french woman is streaming on live from playstation right now!

her name shows as SCHUMIone

Watched her for like 30 minutes, and no sign of the Alien anywhere. Seems like there will be moments of downtime and it's not all just hide and seek. Unless it was the very beginning of the game or something..
Ever since I read previews a few months ago I have been way more patient waiting for the final verdict. Hearing that someone out ran the alien in one area, goes through a door and the alien was right in front of him? Smells funky to me. Will stay optimistic on it until I know for sure.
You don't see it? When you see him readying its arm to grab, the Alien was a good few feet right before going towards the player instantly.

It leaps towards the player--that's what makes it look like it teleports. However, it clearly comes from the left side of the screen, behind the corner.
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