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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.

I got a copy and guys, it is not pretty. I'm playing on a slim and it looks washed out, almost like a switch port. I can't tell how much of the games problems are just related to bugs that affect all versions, but whenever I drive there is slight freezing, and usually the game will freeze randomly while walking around. They definitely decided to take a hit on graphics to get it to run smoothly on base consoles, but there are still noticeable problems and the game looks really rough. And I'm not a graphics guy at all, never have been. But if it's bothering me I can only imagine how others are going to take it.

I'm not saying Cyberpunk is a bad game because what I have played so far it is really good and I can tell there's a lot of promise. But I don't think this game is meant to run on anything less than a PS4Pro/XB1X.
Please,say to me your PS4 version don’t look like this


Please,say to me your PS4 version don’t look like this

This actually looks better than I expected. Still pretty woeful but I was expecting MUCH worse. Both visuals and FPS wise.

EDIT: I retract my first statement, god does this game look and run like shit when you drive at speed on the One S, no wonder CDPR were driving at like 10 mph in the gameplay videos for the Pro and One X.
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I got a copy and guys, it is not pretty. I'm playing on a slim and it looks washed out, almost like a switch port. I can't tell how much of the games problems are just related to bugs that affect all versions, but whenever I drive there is slight freezing, and usually the game will freeze randomly while walking around. They definitely decided to take a hit on graphics to get it to run smoothly on base consoles, but there are still noticeable problems and the game looks really rough. And I'm not a graphics guy at all, never have been. But if it's bothering me I can only imagine how others are going to take it.

I'm not saying Cyberpunk is a bad game because what I have played so far it is really good and I can tell there's a lot of promise. But I don't think this game is meant to run on anything less than a PS4Pro/XB1X.

It's a next-gen graphics engine and architected on the PC. I expected low performance and downgraded graphics on last gen consoles.


It's a next-gen graphics engine and architected on the PC. I expected low performance and downgraded graphics on last gen consoles.
It's times like this when I'm happy to be a day one adopter for the PS5, I'll take any minor coil whine or software bugs for the chance to play this game and enjoy myself without woeful performance and visuals.

I know I could get a PC and have the best experience out there but I've always been a console guy, I work on pcs all day so I like to be able to separate my gaming and working.
Please,say to me your PS4 version don’t look like this

Looks pretty similar to my untrained eyes. Lots of blur/pop in etc.... If anyone here has played Doom on the Switch I would compare it to that. It's incredible they got it running pretty smoothly on the hardware, but they clearly took a lot out of the visuals to get it to that point.

And I know some people are going to say this is hyperbole but honestly, it looks a bit 360/PS3 era at times but almost in an opposite sort of way. The closer you get to things the more they sharpen up but the further away you are the more it gets smeared. But again I'm not a graphics guy so I know people will be able to prove me wrong with technicals specs and whatnot, but I'm just saying what I'm seeing. A big part of it too could be at night time the game looks better because it's dark but during the day a lot of those problems are brought to the forefront.


Looks pretty similar to my untrained eyes. Lots of blur/pop in etc.... If anyone here has played Doom on the Switch I would compare it to that. It's incredible they got it running pretty smoothly on the hardware, but they clearly took a lot out of the visuals to get it to that point.

And I know some people are going to say this is hyperbole but honestly, it looks a bit 360/PS3 era at times but almost in an opposite sort of way. The closer you get to things the more they sharpen up but the further away you are the more it gets smeared. But again I'm not a graphics guy so I know people will be able to prove me wrong with technicals specs and whatnot, but I'm just saying what I'm seeing. A big part of it too could be at night time the game looks better because it's dark but during the day a lot of those problems are brought to the forefront.
Reminds me of GTAV on the PS3/360, a title that was too ambitious for its own good and pushed the consoles to their very limits.
Reminds me of GTAV on the PS3/360, a title that was too ambitious for its own good and pushed the consoles to their very limits.

Yeah I mean it’s nice that it’s available for the base last gen consoles but let’s face it - this was NOT built for them.

EDIT: after watching that one s footage - it doesn’t look... bad? To me? Like maybe I’m a bit more of a casual guy but it kinda seemed fine looking. Lots of pop in, frame rate hitches, etc - but nothing that would actually detract that much for me. Then again I don’t remember thinking GTA V was bad on 360 either so...
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Gold Member
And this game was supposed to release years ago on only last gen systems.

If those videos are representative of the final game frame rate (it's not a gimped upload or stream), it looks like the One S version runs around 15-20 fps.

This game was shown way too early and given what CD wants to do with the game, should never been promoted as a last gen game. The next gen patch isn't even out yet either.

Reminds of Crytek. Every time they showed some awesome looking Crytek game, it releases and those awesome visuals are representative only if you have an uber rig.
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Reminds me of GTAV on the PS3/360, a title that was too ambitious for its own good and pushed the consoles to their very limits.

It's a good comparison and 100% what I believe happened here. Not saying it's a bad game or anything, it's just not meant to run on tech that is 7 years old.

If anyone has a base model and are thinking of upgrading to a revision (pro or XB1X) or next Gen when you can find one, I'd recommend just waiting to play this. You'll have a nagging feeling otherwise you're getting shortchanged on the experience while playing.


It's a good comparison and 100% what I believe happened here. Not saying it's a bad game or anything, it's just not meant to run on tech that is 7 years old.

Agreed. Now what will piss me off is people crying it's unoptimized if it's not running like they want it to run on next-gen consoles or low-mid tier PCs. CDPR has always pushed the envelope on visuals. This will be a game that will probably last the entire generation with only Witcher 4 being released before a new generation of consoles emerge (PS6, XSX2).


Oof, I'm beginning to see why you move at a turtle's pace in this game. That's pretty brutal. Hopefully a day 1 patch clears some of this up for the base console players...
It looks good at the start, then takes a dip off a massive cliff and never recovers.
Yeah, the performance on The XB One S was ROUGH.

Resolution low, framerate low, and the worst part was the world streaming/pop-in. You drive quickly somewhere and hop out of your car to see that everything is still waiting to switch from a low LOD to a higher one, with details popping into existence constantly and right in front of you.

Probably the lack of SSD is the biggest problem.
CDPR said before the last delay that it ran well on PC and XSX/PS5, the last gen consoles had the issues. Wonder if that stuttering and pop-in is the reason for the delay and can be somewhat alleviated by the day one patch. Or the performance issues were way worse and this is the improvement after the delay lol.
Agreed. Now what will piss me off is people crying it's unoptimized if it's not running like they want it to run on next-gen consoles or low-mid tier PCs. CDPR has always pushed the envelope on visuals. This will be a game that will probably last the entire generation with only Witcher 4 being released before a new generation of consoles emerge (PS6, XSX2).

I expect there's going to be a lot of angry entitled whining. They should be thankful CDPR basically delayed the game to get a playable version out so people wouldn't have to drop $400-$600 upgrading to a new revision/console.


The game has been in development since forever. A patch won't make any huge difference.
Im not a developer, but thats not how development works

Watching the The Last of Us documentary, they say thatt hey didnt have a working game 1-2 months before release.

The code in the disc is from October, and it was never meant to be played straight from the disc without the day one patch

So expect some nasty shit from the disc version unpatched


But if you need 40-50gb day one patch how fucked up your game is then? What they where doing then with all those delays? Might just release it half year ago if it still needs day one patches to fix stuff.


Pre patch XB1, I know. But still, wow.

So what is this game doing that it needs to look like crap on PS4/XB1? Compared to like WD Legions, another open world city game. Huge draw distance or something?
Shit when you put it like that. Idk. Unless there are tons of interiors looking at watch dogs I'm kinda perplexed too. When you look at videos of dogs it looks pretty amazing and it's no slouch as far as systems go. Cyberpunks city has got to be more dense and the rpg systems must be taxing
Holy crap, the XB1S gameplay was incredibly bad in the driving section. Walking around it looks okay but the moment you start driving fast it falls off a cliff. No wonder they haven't shown gameplay for any of the base consoles yet 😳.
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But if you need 40-50gb day one patch how fucked up your game is then? What they where doing then with all those delays? Might just release it half year ago if it still needs day one patches to fix stuff.

Maybe it includes higher res textures etc? That shit eats data. Maybe the gold version wasnt optimized enough so they managed to do it and decided to throw back in these bigger assets?
3 More videos of PS5 footage (In French though)

Download (get them while you can) : -

Downloads play better than the streams
This is not bad at all considering it's running the PS4 version in BC mode. The 60fps really helps.


Gold Member
Oof, I'm beginning to see why you move at a turtle's pace in this game. That's pretty brutal. Hopefully a day 1 patch clears some of this up for the base console players...

Looks terrible. Not gonna lie.

You can also see that blue hair and blue pants NPC like five times in 1 minute after parking the car.
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Gold Member
The streets are dead, looks like Night City has been hit by Covid lock downs as well.

Seriously though, this thing needs to run on the 7 year old Xboner so I guess we can't expect too much.

But we can expect it to look better than GTA 5 on Xbox 360, because some sections looks worse.


Gay porn is where it's at.
i am getting some strong watch dogs 1 vibes for the XS stream
Jesus fucking christ it looks bad


I don't think it's entirely accurate to say a Xbox One S version "has" to be shitty simply because it's 7 year old tech. There's plenty of really, really good looking games on the base consoles (Red Dead 2 being the most obvious, i.e. image quality on the 2013 machines is much, much better than what we see in Cyberpunk). But I remember this sort of stuff happening last gen as well, i.e. where cross-gen games on the ps4/One ran like dogshit on the ps360 consoles & looked worse than the full ps360 releases which maximized that hardware years before.

Ooooook, here's a sex scene with Stout. It's ehhh well see for yourself.

edit: changed the link

Reminds me of those shitty sex mods in Skyrim, except the woman (?) in this scene looks like either a dude or a 45 year old ex-hooker.


Just cancelled my preorder after seeing that footage above as I only have a PS4 amateur. I’ll wait for the digital foundry video and impressions from people after the day 1 patch is applied to decide my next move.


Agreed. Now what will piss me off is people crying it's unoptimized if it's not running like they want it to run on next-gen consoles or low-mid tier PCs. CDPR has always pushed the envelope on visuals. This will be a game that will probably last the entire generation with only Witcher 4 being released before a new generation of consoles emerge (PS6, XSX2).
Witcher 3 isn't even that good visually LMAO WHAT!? and it still runs poorly to this day on ps4 pro. They're lazy with consoles and ultimate focus on pc first and foremost.

That guy doesn't ever have games but he always makes videos exaggerating new releases it's funny.

Ok he actually does have the game? But he's still playing a character in this video.

Says the day one patch needs to be major, the latest update didn't solve much. Playing on ps4, says it's worse than bethesda in terms of bugs and glitches
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Looks terrible. But i am not surprised. CDPR never made a great game (No, witcher 3 was just ok and did get overhyped as the latest PC goty to combat the way superior bloodborne. just like any yearly indie "pc goty") . I dont even understand how the developer got this overhyped out of thin air. at least they know how to market a game. instead of wasting millions for tv spots they just pay random youtubers 1-10k instead to shill to their viewers. Cant even wait for DF to say its the "best looking" game on last gen.
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hemo memo

Gold Member
So is there nudity or is censored on some platforms?

I was watching Beyond IGN and the guy who did the review said it is the most adult game he has ever played.

Also the game is rated age 18 and above from GCAM (Saudi Arabia) and age 21 from NMC (UAE). So pretty sure it is the same in term of censorship as Witcher 3 which was done well in my opinion.
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Gay porn is where it's at.
i thought they hired real porn stars for the sex scenes?
shit looks as bad as the Bethesda games mods


Gold Member
From what I've seen from last generation consoles, if the day one patch doesn't drastically improve the game and you don't own a next generation consoles or PC, it'll be a better option to just buy it on PC and stream it through GeForce NOW.


Cyberpunk looks like a ghost town on last gen. Thank god I have ps5, the game on ps5 and series x looks much better and 60fps
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