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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


If this is actually true it sounds like a pretty interesting turn of events, certainly more than I'd give Naughty Dog credit for in the past. I don't get it why are some people saying this is shit.

I still haven't seen any other leaks corroborate that christian cult rumor.
The curious thing is that the post is from 22 days ago.
Here's the link.
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Gold Member
Its just hilarious that after the dozens and dozens of people that Joel has killed the way they finally take him out is at the hand of some teenagers XD. The story sounds so retarded lol.
Most games are dumb this way, but at least in RPGs and fantasy worlds of magic and fireballs, any Harry Potter kid can kick ass.

In The Last of Us, it's supposed to be a modern day gritty game with real people and guns.

And somehow teenage girls who initially had zero training in anything can morph into military vets beating up mobs of grown men and zombies.

I know it's a video game, but c'mon.


Off course
Joel gets beaten up by a woman ...

What a proof to confirm that this game is only a tool of LGBT / SJW propaganda
No proof was needed. Below is the only proof that was ever needed.
If this is actually true it sounds like a pretty interesting turn of events, certainly more than I'd give Naughty Dog credit for in the past. I don't get it why are some people saying this is shit.

I still haven't seen any other leaks corroborate that christian cult rumor.
It's not the story they wanted. That's why, people think a happy ending should exist in a world like this? Fucking hell. The world is full of suffering and when logic and law is thrown out the window only chaos and revenge exists. Dunno how it's presented but damn.


Oh dear.

Hope the career suicide is worth it if that's the case.

If you look at those spoiler, maybe they give us a hint. In the end of day, both politics from left and right will be triggred by this game.
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Gold Member
Off course
Joel gets beaten up by a woman ...

What a proof to confirm that this game is only a tool of LGBT / SJW propaganda
He loves SJW stuff.


Druckmann is a regular advocate of gender equality in video games, citing Anita Sarkeesian as an influence;[64] he presented the Ambassador Award to Sarkeesian at the 2014 Game Developers Choice Awards,[65] and regularly advocated her projects.[66] Throughout the development of Uncharted 4, Druckmann was influenced by concept artist Ashley Swidowski to include more female characters in the game. "She is constantly challenging me and pushing for diversity in our cast", he said.[58] Upon focus testers' criticism regarding the inclusion and portrayal of female characters in Uncharted 4, one of whom was forced to leave due to an outburst, Druckmann expressed "Wow, why does that matter?".[64]

Similarly, Ellie of The Last of Us was initially received negatively in early focus tests. Druckmann is proud that Ellie is a "strong, non-sexualized female lead character", and hoped that other developers would take similar approaches to characters without fear of unpopularity.[3] Druckmann and Straley were surprised by some of the backlash in regards to gender roles in The Last of Us, although Druckmann noted that "the more progress we make, the more those problems stand out".[67] He declared it a "misconception" that female protagonists hinder game sales,[68] evidenced by the success of The Last of Us.[67]


He loves SJW stuff.


Druckmann is a regular advocate of gender equality in video games, citing Anita Sarkeesian as an influence;[64] he presented the Ambassador Award to Sarkeesian at the 2014 Game Developers Choice Awards,[65] and regularly advocated her projects.[66] Throughout the development of Uncharted 4, Druckmann was influenced by concept artist Ashley Swidowski to include more female characters in the game. "She is constantly challenging me and pushing for diversity in our cast", he said.[58] Upon focus testers' criticism regarding the inclusion and portrayal of female characters in Uncharted 4, one of whom was forced to leave due to an outburst, Druckmann expressed "Wow, why does that matter?".[64]

Similarly, Ellie of The Last of Us was initially received negatively in early focus tests. Druckmann is proud that Ellie is a "strong, non-sexualized female lead character", and hoped that other developers would take similar approaches to characters without fear of unpopularity.[3] Druckmann and Straley were surprised by some of the backlash in regards to gender roles in The Last of Us, although Druckmann noted that "the more progress we make, the more those problems stand out".[67] He declared it a "misconception" that female protagonists hinder game sales,[68] evidenced by the success of The Last of Us.[67]
Anita Sarkeesian as an influence?
Jesus Fucking Christ, even Bioware employees didnt want her on the studio giving "advices"


It's not the story they wanted. That's why, people think a happy ending should exist in a world like this? Fucking hell. The world is full of suffering and when logic and law is thrown out the window only chaos and revenge exists. Dunno how it's presented but damn.
Yea I don't understand what outcome would even give people closure. The world of TLOU is obviously very violent and lawless, as much as any other post-apocalyptic world.
Druckmann has been emphasizing themes of revenge and cycles of violence in past interviews so players should anticipate that central characters could potentially die.
Expecting a "happy" ending would seem a bit naive tbh
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Gold Member
i don't think you people get it at all, Neil is literally out here playing 5d chess on both SJW and the anti SJW crowds lolz

Which might explain a bit of lore about the leaker.

You see, if the ending is true...then the angry employee probably didn't wanted Ellie to be a boss(in this case, a baddie).
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Yea I don't understand what outcome would even give people closure. The world of TLOU is obviously very violent and lawless, as much as any other post-apocalyptic world.
Druckmann has been emphasizing themes of revenge and cycles of violence in past interviews so players should anticipate that central characters could potentially die.
Expecting a "happy" ending would seem a bit naive tbh
I don't care about "happy endings" I love Halo Reach, but this just sucks, really bad, it doesn't have anything to do with it being sad or whatever, it just sucks
iam actually happy about those leaks. And the leaker who caused it should be blessed. A true act of mercy. That foreseeable stupidity about white toxic men and overpowering females nned to be out there before the games out.
I would not expect the TV Show to be a normal Series either. With all we know now about SJW and Naughty Dog they will use it as an Vehicle for basicly every leftist Agenda out there. Namely rape culture, toxic white men, white is enemy..
Story ? who needs that nowadays ? Just fill in all those Agendas but, important : Use the following schematics:
Most powerfull Character needs to be a black female.
second most powerfull needs to be a white woman.
a black male can be powerfull - but he can only be stronger than white mans.
White males will be either strong and bad or if they are actually good they need to be the "victim" of their groups banter all the time or they can be a funny clown wich nobody takes seriously.


Gold Member
I feel they've riffed off the question as to why killing the surgeon was mandatory and how people wanted a choice in the first game.

Feels like they're trying to force a connection too much in order to reference one of those 'thought provoking' non choices.

It might be done well but seems a bit 'point horror' or emerging YA author. Have to wait and see.
Game looks stunning. Animations are top notch. As for the plot, what matters most is the execution. Perhaps they can pull it off. Or perhaps they won't. I don't know.

(imagine CP2'77 leaking as well. They will ramp up security)
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The subtitles are in portuguese but that doesn't mean the leaker is brazilian.
I got the impression it was portuguese from Portugual because of the following text: "Reprisar cena".

Portuguese brazilian never match with 'real' portuguese brazilian mind you. Most of the translation are half ass and I have experience on that. 'Reprisar cena' could be either a portuguese Portugal translation or either a shit BR translation.


Yea I don't understand what outcome would even give people closure. The world of TLOU is obviously very violent and lawless, as much as any other post-apocalyptic world.
Druckmann has been emphasizing themes of revenge and cycles of violence in past interviews so players should anticipate that central characters could potentially die.
Expecting a "happy" ending would seem a bit naive tbh

They've made the same mistake as The Walking Dead creators, i.e. ignore the setting (zombies or clickers are all replaceable & interchangeable "monsters") & focus solely on "humans will behave shitty when sh*t hits the fan". It's cliché, tiresome & old news.

It's like when Glenn's eyeball popped out of his head in The Walking Dead. It caused some social media firestorms for five minutes... & then everyone decided the show was nihilistic to the point of parody (Carl's death etc. emphasized this) & people realized there was no point in caring anymore.
iam actually happy about those leaks. And the leaker who caused it should be blessed. A true act of mercy. That foreseeable stupidity about white toxic men and overpowering females nned to be out there before the games out.
I would not expect the TV Show to be a normal Series either. With all we know now about SJW and Naughty Dog they will use it as an Vehicle for basicly every leftist Agenda out there. Namely rape culture, toxic white men, white is enemy..
Story ? who needs that nowadays ? Just fill in all those Agendas but, important : Use the following schematics:
Most powerfull Character needs to be a black female.
second most powerfull needs to be a white woman.
a black male can be powerfull - but he can only be stronger than white mans.
White males will be either strong and bad or if they are actually good they need to be the "victim" of their groups banter all the time or they can be a funny clown wich nobody takes seriously.

Why are you focused on race so much when the leaks are more anti-Christian and possibly anti-heterosexual if anything? This like bringing jalapenos to a pickle concert :pie_thinking:


Fuck this story, if true.
  • I'm going to hate-play this single player for the advancements in enemy AI/movement combat. Then bin if off.
  • Fucking ruined Joel's story from TLOU1.
  • Fucking ruined Ellie's character by making her involved in cheating/into the dirty mistress. And later, it seems, compliant in dating Dina whilst Dina pregnant with Jessie's kid? So just another 'strong and brave' women out for herself against the normal society rules for decent behavior under the guise of standing-up to the status quo, then? WTF? Yas Queen... Fuck Off.
  • Fucking ruined a great gameplay engine, cause i don't think people are gonna want another TLOU without Joel or Ellie, and threw-away a stand-out PlayStation mascott figure in Ellie.
Abbey's motivation doesn't even make any fucking sense, Ellie was up-for the surgery and was unconcious the entire time that she was being rescued - how is she supposed to be evil?

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Gold Member
It's going to be interesting for a lot of players to potentially play most of the game as someone they probably dislike. The big emotional hit has already happened for Abby and we've lived it as Joel.

Without the reliance on melodrama, it's going to be interesting to see how they get players to warm up to her.


What is this recent shtick with killing off established characters?
First they murder John Connor in the Terminator Dark fate opening scene.
Now this.

Is this part of symbolizing that the patriarchy has to die or something?
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