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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.

I'm not that excited for the game but this leak is insane, with almost everything crucial about the plot spoiled, right?

Sony is gonna have to do some really serious stuff to remove this from the internet, and fast. On Twitter there's a lot of pics related.

Btw, I thought the game wasn't ready, that means devs are responsible? Oh man, this is f up lol

I feel for the company.
Why are you focused on race so much when the leaks are more anti-Christian and possibly anti-heterosexual if anything? This like bringing jalapenos to a pickle concert :pie_thinking:

We all know that Christian badys will be desplayed as white. There cannot be a black bad guy these days. How about you play a little Far Cry 5 tell me then how many black people you shot.

edit - you may wanna watch that one ...

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Gold Member
What is this recent shtick with killing off established characters?
First they murder John Connor in the Terminator Dark fate opening scene.
Now this.

Is this part of symbolizing that the patriarchy has to die or something?
Terminator had a good reason. To reset the story and not talk about John Connor every movie.

TLoU2 is only in its second story. Who knows why they decided to kill off people fast. But got to say, the plot twist (if this whole Abby thing is true) is a good idea...... as long as you're a gamer who doesn't like Joel ad Ellie and want them to live forever.
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Terminator had a good reason. To reset the story and not talk about John Connor every movie.

TLoU2 is only in its second story. Who knows why they decided to kill off people fast. But got to say, the plot twist (if this whole Abby thing is true) is a good idea...... as long as you're a gamer who doesn't like Joel ad Ellie and want them to live forever.
Well I like John Connor and I like Joel and Ellie. I guess I loose.


'Cicle of vengeance'.

I'm not following? She kills Joel. In front of Ellie, no less. Ellie was up for the surgery, and took no part in being rescued/killing the surgeon. She shouldn't want vengeance upon Ellie at all. It's not like Ellie was the be all and end-all of humanity's saviour either, there were plenty of people before her who got operated-on and no vaccine/cure was able to be synthesized out of the bain goo.

Unless you mean Ellie then wants revenge against Abbey for Joel's killing? And we just happen to play the end from Abbey's perspective, and 'she' views Ellie as bad, rather than Ellie actually being bad?


I'm not following? She kills Joel. In front of Ellie, no less. Ellie was up for the surgery, and took no part in being rescued/killing the surgeon. She shouldn't want vengeance upon Ellie at all. It's not like Ellie was the be all and end-all of humanity's saviour either, there were plenty of people before her who got operated-on and no vaccine/cure was able to be synthesized out of the bain goo.

Unless you mean Ellie then wants revenge against Abbey for Joel's killing? And we just happen to play the end from Abbey's perspective, and 'she' views Ellie as bad, rather than Ellie actually being bad?

Remember Last of Us? Joel travel with Ellie and kill a bunch of people in process. So, in Last of Us part 2 Ellie will travel and kill a bunch of people in process, maybe 'Addey' kid/son in the process? (remember the first scene of Last of Us?). Seeking for vengeance always kill someone other people love and care. Never. End.
Cicle of vengence.
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I was slowly coming around to TLoU II lately, it sucks it was delayed. But damn if these leaks haven't actually peaked my interest. I'd love it if they decide to go ahead and try releasing it sooner rather than later, a digital first rollout might be a good #StaytheFuckHome move too.


Is this stuff about the last half of the game being with another person true?

If so, that's an interesting idea, but they chose the worst game to use it; Joel and Ellie have a huge fanbase...
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Gold Member
We all know that Christian badys will be desplayed as white. There cannot be a black bad guy these days. How about you play a little Far Cry 5 tell me then how many black people you shot.

edit - you may wanna watch that one ...


I'm not religious, but it seems in the media anytime Christians are shown it's all Whites! And they are always portrayed as bible thumpers, there's a church scene, they wear necklaces with a cross on it etc.... Full tilt.

Who knew there's no such thing as Black, Brown or Yellow Christians! lol
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Gold Member
I'm not following? She kills Joel. In front of Ellie, no less. Ellie was up for the surgery, and took no part in being rescued/killing the surgeon. She shouldn't want vengeance upon Ellie at all.

Assuming that Ellie survives because she has nothing to do with vengeance?

Makes total sense. Joel's brother is catch to lure Joel. Joel meets up with Ellie so they could save him. In the end both die, only Ellie survives because "she has nothing to do with her vendetta".

And what happens next?

Unless you mean Ellie then wants revenge against Abbey for Joel's killing? And we just happen to play the end from Abbey's perspective, and 'she' views Ellie as bad, rather than Ellie actually being bad?

What if and only if what happened to Ellie again happened to Abby?

Abby kills Joel in front of Ellie. Ellie, in her process of vengeance, leaves Dina and do the same with Abby: kills someone important in front of her eyes.
Explains the transition between Ellie flashback and then playing as Abby for no reason.
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Is this stuff about the last half of the game being with another person true?

If so, that's an interesting idea, but they chose the worst game to use it; Joel and Ellie have a huge fanbase...

I think the intention is remove Joel "out of the way". A lot people are gonna be so pissed if true lol
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They've made the same mistake as The Walking Dead creators, i.e. ignore the setting (zombies or clickers are all replaceable & interchangeable "monsters") & focus solely on "humans will behave shitty when sh*t hits the fan". It's cliché, tiresome & old news.

It's like when Glenn's eyeball popped out of his head in The Walking Dead. It caused some social media firestorms for five minutes... & then everyone decided the show was nihilistic to the point of parody (Carl's death etc. emphasized this) & people realized there was no point in caring anymore.

TLOU has always been a human drama at its core though. The setting is there to give context and ground that story around certain themes.

I don't know if Naughty Dog did in fact make the same mistakes, especially when all we're getting are footnotes in the form of leaks and snippets. You're making a comparison to the Walking Dead, which had several seasons to lay out its storytelling. Some of the previews and leaks I've seen so far would indicate that characters have more depth than just being shitty, at least imo.
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Gold Member
Is this stuff about the last half of the game being with another person true?

If so, that's an interesting idea, but they chose the worst game to use it; Joel and Ellie have a huge fanbase...
You never know.

Maybe game delay was to rework the entire game.

I hinted at this weeks ago, and someone responded it's too late to rework voice acting and storylines. Maybe. If this game gets delayed a long time, it has more to do with reworking the story IMO than a delay due to coronavirus and disc pressing.


I loved the first game when it came out. Was super hyped about the sequel. Saw reee thread about leaks blowing up then went into the thread here. First couple pages didn‘t spoil anything outright. I should have gotten out to not get spoiled, but my ass of course had to continue through the pages and boom I read what happens in a split second by glancing at a post without spoiler tags. xD

I thought my reaction would be me being super mad at myself for ruining the game, but no, I felt nothing. Surprised myself with that.

Guess it being one of them Last Jedi SUBVERSIONS, was to be expected and I don‘t care anymore. I will of course play the game to see the wholy story, and I loved the gameplay of last of us way more tha Uncharted for example. Especially now that we barely get good high budget stealth games it is a must play for me, but good thing that I don’t have to dodge spoilers everywhere anymore and can just relax, lol.

Oh, and not have to spend 70 bucks at launch.
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We all know that Christian badys will be desplayed as white. There cannot be a black bad guy these days. How about you play a little Far Cry 5 tell me then how many black people you shot.

edit - you may wanna watch that one ...

Shouldn't your issue be with them painting Christians as the bad guys in general, rather than if they're black Christians or white Christians? And what about Christians who aren't black or white?

Your angle on this is weird, dude.


That's not even the half of it.

The woman in the second trailer is Abby, she's the daughter of a surgeon you kill in the first game and you play as her in the first part of the game. She's the one who kills Joel.
Bwahahaha! Someone DM me the death scene please!!


Gold Member
Edge for the sake of edge.

Druckmann furiously rubbing one out to how great he is. A random daughter of a random surgeon? xD
If you want to see an implausible plot, read the final episode plot of the tv show Broadchurch (season 1) to find out who the killer is. Make note the killer is shown once a show with seemingly zero weirdness or plots revolving around him. While the 5-6 other suspects have oodles of probable causes. Yet somehow the guy who is invisible all 8 episodes is suddenly the killer in the final 20 minutes of the season.

And even dumber, there's not even a chase scene or thrilling capture.

The killer gives up and let's the detective capture him in a shack by turning on a phone's GPS signal leading to his location. No fight or anything. He simply says "I'm tired of running".

Ya, that's ending.

It was so stupid, I didn't bother watching season 2 and 3.

You could have solved it if you were clever enough to take the info in maybe episode 4 (father beat up kid) and somehow assume the best friend's dad used that to be father figure and assault him.

Another reason for the the dumb ending is because all show the lead detective says don't trust anyone. You never know who it'll be. The female partner disagrees. Turns out the main detective was right and you can never be sure, and was right that it was her own husband who was the perv killer...... "well, you can never be sure who it is!"
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I was slowly coming around to TLoU II lately, it sucks it was delayed. But damn if these leaks haven't actually peaked my interest. I'd love it if they decide to go ahead and try releasing it sooner rather than later, a digital first rollout might be a good #StaytheFuckHome move too.
Ok, PNJ.
I've seen a lot of the spoilers and my initial thoughts is: how bland. Feeling a bit too safe and boring, and not feeling like there's any brilliance of writing.

Of course, that might change, even cliches and boring elements can work well depending on the execution. The Last of Us has always been a story about human relations and the human existence, meaning that it's overall not about the setting itself, as it's about the character interactions. Still, it's a bit disappointingly safe. It's seemingly (what was hinted as) Kill Bill Vol 3 or Battle Royale 2, with a twist of MGS2 (except not as interesting).
I do think it's interesting that they move the story away from Ellie and Joel, which is something I think also is kinda good. "The Last of Us" and not "Joel & Ellie". Honestly my thought originally was that "The Last of Us" would work like how "Final Fantasy" works, being self-contained titles. My imagination before TLoU2 was announced, was that TLoU2 would be placed a bit in the future, in space, as part of the human exodus from planet earth due to some sort of disaster, whether environmental or otherwise, following some of the settler planets. Even if it kept the same setting, I imagined they'd mostly focus on a new set of survivors, while keeping some information about Ellie and Joel in various notes.

I think there's a lot of people focusing on unnecessary things, like whining about how Dina looks. I wouldn't say she looks ugly, just ordinary, and she's supposed to be a character in the story, not necessarily some glorious idealized character or attempt at titillation. Or focusing too much on the christian cult thing, which I think is an utterly boring choice but it's not bad as long as it's not taking too much focus from the human aspect. Or focusing too much on realism, considering that in gameplay Joel does some pretty ridiculous shit and women can indeed beat up men depending on the circumstance. That's not to say that it might be far too unrealistic for the game depending on the circumstances (but Ellie at least has been shown using weaponry, tactics and speed to make up for strength difference).
But TLoU was never about "cycle of violence", so that message utterly falls flat. It's trying to play up the revenge story cliché, but utterly failing at having any connection at all. Kill Bill is literally a revenge story, but self-contained, whereupon Kill Bill vol 3 as the idea was, intended to be a commentary on that.
It'd make more sense if you started off as Abbie, rather than thinking switching her in later. Switching her later seems like an attempt at a cheap plot twist. Starting Ellie off with a revenge story is also a terrible way at treating her character, which had so much potential from the first game. Still, perhaps its execution is better than the trainwreck the concept seems at the moment.


Abbey looks like a trans-woman that has not transitioned yet.
Makes sense as it is probably difficult to find surgery or meds in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I actually look forward to this game (for all the wrong reasons, but the coming shitstorm is one of the reasons.)
How woke is this.
You play as a trans-woman and first murder this cis white straight man.
Then you spend the entire game to track down and kill this lesbian terf.

Woke. The Game. This looks awesomely woke. People are going to go completely mental. I love it.
Shouldn't your issue be with them painting Christians as the bad guys in general, rather than if they're black Christians or white Christians? And what about Christians who aren't black or white?

Your angle on this is weird, dude.

maybe you misunderstood me or my english is off.

not i have an Problem with any race.
but the SJW tend to act like to be white is already problematic.
is or was that not obvious?

and yes i think it is is problematic put christians in a bad light.

but the narrative in the leak is not about christians in general but like a radical extraordinary hatefull splinter group of them.
and they are - suprise suprise as far as we know - all white.
just as in Far Cry 5. And THAT is the first racial issue.
Not me pointing it out!
If so, that's an interesting idea, but they chose the worst game to use it; Joel and Ellie have a huge fanbase...
That's why it's good though, in this consuming product era when everyone is like "Haha I love these characters 😊😊" thinking their strive and attempts for a tomorrow are easy and it's all MCU shit Druckmann said "Naw fuck it. Good people die. Anyone can die." It's fiction that challenges you, and more a creative one rather than to sell more t shirts.


But TLoU was never about "cycle of violence", so that message utterly falls flat. It's trying to play up the revenge story cliché, but utterly failing at having any connection at all. Kill Bill is literally a revenge story, but self-contained, whereupon Kill Bill vol 3 as the idea was, intended to be a commentary on that.
It'd make more sense if you started off as Abbie, rather than thinking switching her in later. Switching her later seems like an attempt at a cheap plot twist. Starting Ellie off with a revenge story is also a terrible way at treating her character, which had so much potential from the first game. Still, perhaps its execution is better than the trainwreck the concept seems at the moment.

Dude... spot one. Totally agree with you in that part.
maybe you misunderstood me or my english is off.

not i have an Problem with any race.
but the SJW tend to act like to be white is already problematic.
is or was that not obvious?

and yes i think it is is problematic put christians in a bad light.

but the narrative in the leak is not about christians in general but like a radical extraordinary hatefull splinter group of them.
and they are - suprise suprise as far as we know - all white.
just as in Far Cry 5. And THAT is the first racial issue.
Not me pointing it out!

But we already know this is SJW's M.O, so why need to state the obvious? If you find ways to counteract them that doesn't fall into their talking points they lose control of the narrative. That's what I'm sort of hinting at.


Gay porn is where it's at.
I think the intention is remove Joel "out of the way". A lot people are gonna be so pissed if true lol

if this whole shit is true, this Abby character literally
kills both Ellie and Joel, arguably one of the most beloved characters last gen, AND YOU PLAY AS HER FOR HALF THE GAME

all i am gonna say this this, neil got some massive fucking balls

if this whole shit is true, this Abby character literally
kills both Ellie and Joel, arguably one of the most beloved characters last gen, AND YOU PLAY AS HER FOR HALF THE GAME

all i am gonna say this this, neil got some massive fucking balls

That are going to get chopped off the moment the game comes out.


if this whole shit is true, this Abby character literally
kills both Ellie and Joel, arguably one of the most beloved characters last gen, AND YOU PLAY AS HER FOR HALF THE GAME

Abby really kill Joel, but 'you' control 'Abby' and kill Ellie as a boss fight, so is a worst sittuation than Joel death.
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No kidding.

Half of them are scenes of Ellie and Dina going through serious lesbian dialogue. And I thought TLoU was supposed to be a gritty game about surviving against zombies and insane thugs. You'd think if anyone was in a wacky world like that, you'd be spending your time finding food and safe houses.

The first game was a full on character driven experience, what would make you think the second one would be any different? Or is your issue because Ellie is a lesbian, and therefore would obviously be having lesbian dialogue with the lesbian girl she appears to be in love with?
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