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Am I in the forever friend zone?





I have many friends who are into me but are in my friendzone. I don't know how to deal with that. They always offer their help and so on, but I feel bad for accepting.

One time, one of them was drunk, and I received a message from him confessing his love. I didn't know what to do, but he told me he was drunk and he didn't mean it.

What should I do? I like them as friends, and I have fun when I hang out with them, but I don't want to hurt them...

Also, OP is her friend and he should accept he's not going to be with her.

If you are sure be honest with them if they get over it they stay your friend and in the future you will laugh about it with them. And otherwise you mght get cut out of their life (that's their loss tho). Anyway if they ever do a move try to be honest don't be too harsh but just say the truth.

They can move on then otherwise they might keep trying because you have not told them clearly how you feel about it.

Some people use dumb reasons like i am not ready for a relationship blabla but that just makes the situation worse imo. That's why being honest is the best just not too harsh ofcourse and please not put them in public shame like some of the posts here lol:p you might lose a few friendships and maybe laugh about it later with them when they are over their feelings.
Literally my cousin.

I remember telling my homegirls, If I pay for a vacation for a woman, she already knows what's up. LOL They laugh, and agreed with me.

I'm somewhat joking, but then I'm not, but then again i don't hang around women that i want more from, and she doesn't; yet alone pay vacations for them.

This is why you should never pay too much attention to girls, and you should try to make them chase you. Make yourself always available and you're only devaluing yourself to them.

There's obviously more to it than this, but this isn't that crazy of a statement.


I remember telling my homegirls, If I pay for a vacation for a woman, she already knows what's up. LOL They laugh, and agreed with me.

I'm somewhat joking, but then I'm not, but then again i don't hang around women that i want more from, and she doesn't; yet alone pay vacations for them.

I just feel bad for him because it seems like it's a mix of mid-life crisis, desperation, and depression as well as he's like twice the age of her.
I just feel bad for him because it seems like it's a mix of mid-life crisis, desperation, and depression as well as he's like twice the age of her.

I don't think depression had anything to do with it. Desperation? Sure, although the guy probably doesn't view it like that. But as i've said before, it usually occurs with a woman out of the guy's league and the guy having money and trying to leverage that in his favor to "win" her over. As much jokes that can be made about those type of situations, the reality is sometimes it works. Although it's never a good basis for a relationship. Everybody usually ends up miserable. Plus I think the worst thing for a guy to experience is being in a relationship where HE KNOWS the only reason she's with him is for his money.


I don't think depression had anything to do with it. Desperation? Sure, although the guy probably doesn't view it like that. But as i've said before, it usually occurs with a woman out of the guy's league and the guy having money and trying to leverage that in his favor to "win" her over. As much jokes that can be made about those type of situations, the reality is sometimes it works. Although it's never a good basis for a relationship. Everybody usually ends up miserable. Plus I think the worst thing for a guy to experience is being in a relationship where HE KNOWS the only reason she's with him is for his money.

Very true and I really do think he's starting to become aware that the money is a huge reason why she's with him at the moment. The only reason why I mentioned depression is because he literally goes from super happy to "please kill me" on social media like almost daily. But it could for some attention, I dunno, I try not to really get into it with him.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I remember trying to get with this one girl all throughout high school. My friend was trying to help me at first, but eventually he just got so fed with my ineptness with relationships. (I was super awkward and had yet to get a girlfriend, still have never had one to this day) that he decided to ask her out himself. As his friend, I was okay with it, but personally, I was a little bit jealous. Luckily for me at that time, he was shot down and friendzoned super hard. They remained friends all through to the end of high school while he found a girlfriend somewhere else, and I was still trying to profess my love for this one girl, which pretty much just extended to giving homemade Valentines gifts. I really didn't know what else to do, but I had figured that my last resort would be to ask her to junior prom. What could possibly go wrong??? Long story short, I got shot down and learned she was going with some senior from some neighboring county's high school. At that point, I was just so tired of the whole thing that I just gave up. So throughout senior year, I just focused on myself and applying to colleges, and everything was alright. Then suddenly the next summer, it turns out that this girl broke up with this other guy and began dating my best friend, which they are still doing so to this day, which shows that as I managed to sink even deeper, my friend managed to break the bounds of the illustrious friendzone and do what he's been meaning to do for a long time.
As a gay man that's exactly how I get along with women. Winks, kisses across the room, I love yous, emotionally there for one another.

She gay friended you.
For those of you just joining us...

Ah, it feels like ages since I've been able to share a tale of fine misguided obsession with you also-fine NeoGAFfers.

This story begins with our OP, WaterAstro, detailing his months-long not-romance with a woman he felt inclined to assist in her burgeoning career. You see, WaterAstro was quite familiar with how difficult it can be to get a start in his field, so he was very eager to help this young lady with anything she might need... And on an unrelated matter, WaterAstro would like to plow this woman... Again, totally unrelated to all the interest and help... Just a coincidence.

Astro sought advice from NeoGAF, to determine if he managed to find himself in the dreaded friendzone; but, he also wanted to be clear that both he and his unwitting protege are good, platonic friends, who genuinely care and want to support the other. Now, most would tell you that if such a thing were true then this whole "friendzone" matter wouldn't even need to be asked, since typically real friends get along just fine without constantly worrying about fucking one another. But WaterAstro assured us that he was on the level, and he's helping her just because of how good of friends they are. As evidenced by their engaging of good, platonic friend activities, such as.... holding hands... and telling each other that they love one another.

... Maybe they're from one of those countries where friends kiss each other when they meet up or somethi-- and, nope, looks like he's Canadian... Well, then....

GAF was adamant that the OP was setting himself up for a lot of pain and embarrassment, to which WaterAstro was quick to hurl back a slew of "lol"s and dismissals. He claimed that the majority of GAF's advice was terrible, and that he'd only be listening to the "good advice" of the few who understood his position and urged him to stay the course.

I'm not following the advice about leaving the situation.

I will follow the advice about asking her again, but not right away because I'm personally not interested in the relationship too. My wording is making everyone misunderstand that I'm strung on her hoping for something more where I'm just observing that her behavior seems more personal than a friend should be.

Just a thought appeared in my head, and relationship GAF thread is funny sometimes, so I decided to post.

He continued to express that he wasn't hung up on the fact that she shot him down before, and was just wanting to help out a good friend. He totally didn't care whether or not she wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not at all. None whatsoever. That's why he posted the thread and kept bringing it up. To make YOU all look foolish. Not him. No sir. He's the mature one here.

She turned me down, after a while, I refocused myself into just helping her. Maybe there is no zone now. I have no idea.

Definitely not caring about that relationship.

I can find woman like her if I wanted to. I just met her coincidentally, and things seem to work out.

They're true friends.

Yes, except I'd tell her to cut out the hand holding and going out with me too much.

Best buddies. Good pals.

You know what would be even more funny since everyone laughed at that "I'll be happy for you if you find a boyfriend." I'll get into a relationship discussion with her and say something like, "I don't think we'll ever be in a relationship" and see how she reacts. XD lol

Thick as thieves, those two.

Finally, WaterAstro met up with his own Alisoun (That's a Canterbury Tales reference; that makes this whole thing classy) and laid everything out. How they were both good friends... How he was helping her along... How he wanted to bang. All of it.

But then, much to GAF's surprise, something amazing happened--...!

LOL What the hell is this still doing on first page.

Alright, here's the update. I listened to the GOOD advice about asking her again. I had the chance to as we went out for dinner after working with her most of the afternoon. I brought up the time I asked her out and asked if her feelings changed.

She said yes. She never thought about relationships seriously until she felt my dedication towards helping her with her life. She got to know me a lot better since she turned me down, and she wants me to be in a relationship, however, she doesn't feel confident in herself when it comes to a relationship where we would live with each other if she isn't making good income.

I told her that her money doesn't matter me, and that I'm going to help her no matter what kind of relationship we're in. She's still not comfortable being unable to share in the expenses, but she really likes our time together because it's giving her a lot of confidence and morale to work hard, so I told her that we can stay the course and keep doing what we're doing.

I guess I shouldn't say I'm not interested in a relationship with her, rather I should just say I stopped thinking about it in order to focus on helping her. Seems like our relationship built anyway, and I'm pretty happy with how things are right now. I don't think asking really made any difference, but it was nice to know.

Anyway, you funny gaffers with some good advice and mostly bad advice, you all made an interesting thread out of this situation. Keep it up.

--Oh, wait. No it didn't. Exactly what everyone would have expected happened.

Well, that's that, really. WaterAstro continues on being best good buddies with this lady with whom he totally doesn't care about being intimate... unless of course she changed her mind, then he'd totally be down-- Un-...unless she was just kidding, in which case he was just kidding too. Haha. ;)

There were a few other small developments with other users having their own drama, which you can go searching for yourself. The rest of the thread was filled with people sharing humorously cringeworthy examples of similar situatio-...


Godspeed, WaterAstro.

I'm Lionel Mandrake. Good night.


For those of you just joining us...

Ah, it feels like ages since I've been able to share a tale of fine misguided obsession with you also-fine NeoGAFfers.

This story begins with our OP, WaterAstro, detailing his months-long not-romance with a woman he felt inclined to assist in her burgeoning career. You see, WaterAstro was quite familiar with how difficult it can be to get a start in his field, so he was very eager to help this young lady with anything she might need... And on an unrelated matter, WaterAstro would like to plow this woman... Again, totally unrelated to all the interest and help... Just a coincidence.

Astro sought advice from NeoGAF, to determine if he managed to find himself in the dreaded friendzone; but, he also wanted to be clear that both he and his unwitting protege are good, platonic friends, who genuinely care and want to support the other. Now, most would tell you that if such a thing were true then this whole "friendzone" matter wouldn't even need to be asked, since typically real friends get along just fine without constantly worrying about fucking one another. But WaterAstro assured us that he was on the level, and he's helping her just because of how good of friends they are. As evidenced by their engaging of good, platonic friend activities, such as.... holding hands... and telling each other that they love one another.

... Maybe they're from one of those countries where friends kiss each other when they meet up or somethi-- and, nope, looks like he's Canadian... Well, then....

GAF was adamant that the OP was setting himself up for a lot of pain and embarrassment, to which WaterAstro was quick to hurl back a slew of "lol"s and dismissals. He claimed that the majority of GAF's advice was terrible, and that he'd only be listening to the "good advice" of the few who understood his position and urged him to stay the course.

He continued to express that he wasn't hung up on the fact that she shot him down before, and was just wanting to help out a good friend. He totally didn't care whether or not she wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not at all. None whatsoever. That's why he posted the thread and kept bringing it up. To make YOU all look foolish. Not him. No sir. He's the mature one here.

Definitely not caring about that relationship.

They're true friends.

Best buddies. Good pals.

Thick as thieves, those two.

Finally, WaterAstro met up with his own Alisoun (That's a Canterbury Tales reference; that makes this whole thing classy) and laid everything out. How they were both good friends... How he was helping her along... How he wanted to bang. All of it.

But then, much to GAF's surprise, something amazing happened--...!

--Oh, wait. No it didn't. Exactly what everyone would have expected happened.

Well, that's that, really. WaterAstro continues on being best good buddies with this lady with whom he totally doesn't care about being intimate... unless of course she changed her mind, then he'd totally be down-- Un-...unless she was just kidding, in which case he was just kidding too. Haha. ;)

There were a few other small developments with other users having their own drama, which you can go searching for yourself. The rest of the thread was filled with people sharing humorously cringeworthy examples of similar situatio-...


Godspeed, WaterAstro.

I'm Lionel Mandrake. Good night.

Lol this is amazing but we need part 2 where you give mini talks about the Arcs that happened in the thread.

We anime now!
I remember trying to get with this one girl all throughout high school. My friend was trying to help me at first, but eventually he just got so fed with my ineptness with relationships. (I was super awkward and had yet to get a girlfriend, still have never had one to this day) that he decided to ask her out himself. As his friend, I was okay with it, but personally, I was a little bit jealous. Luckily for me at that time, he was shot down and friendzoned super hard. They remained friends all through to the end of high school while he found a girlfriend somewhere else, and I was still trying to profess my love for this one girl, which pretty much just extended to giving homemade Valentines gifts. I really didn't know what else to do, but I had figured that my last resort would be to ask her to junior prom. What could possibly go wrong??? Long story short, I got shot down and learned she was going with some senior from some neighboring county's high school. At that point, I was just so tired of the whole thing that I just gave up. So throughout senior year, I just focused on myself and applying to colleges, and everything was alright. Then suddenly the next summer, it turns out that this girl broke up with this other guy and began dating my best friend, which they are still doing so to this day, which shows that as I managed to sink even deeper, my friend managed to break the bounds of the illustrious friendzone and do what he's been meaning to do for a long time.

You got over it though right?


Man that story is sad. I don't see how dudes blow money on chicks for years that never sleep with them. You think it'd take a few months for the message to sink in. If you're willing to blow money get someone who'll sleep with you for that.

Some dudes are desperate as fuck and think buying gifts and handing out money is a sure way to get laid. I posted years ago in a thread where the OP was asking for advice on someone who worked in a cafe and whether she liked him or was just being friendly/doing her job etc, that my now ex-GF used to receive gifts and money from guys at her workplace, which was a cafe in an industrial area. When she was making coffee she'd chat to customers(which of course is how I ended up dating her) but some guys took her friendly chat the wrong way and thought the fact she initiated conversation with them meant she wanted to fuck them, of course.

Every Valentine's day, the cafe would be filled with balloons and presents all for her from random dudes she wouldn't look twice at in a dating sense. One customer went overseas and came back with a bunch of gifts for her, one of which was a book. When she got home and opened the book up there was $1000 cash inside it. I can't even remember half the other stories but they all reeked of desperation and she never dated anyone who just straight out bought her gifts and tried to give her money. Even after we started dating and she told these guys she had a boyfriend, it didn't stop them buying her shit. It's like they were infatuated with her.

Oh shit, Mandrake. Legendary thread.


For those of you just joining us...

Ah, it feels like ages since I've been able to share a tale of fine misguided obsession with you also-fine NeoGAFfers.

This story begins with our OP, WaterAstro, detailing his months-long not-romance with a woman he felt inclined to assist in her burgeoning career. You see, WaterAstro was quite familiar with how difficult it can be to get a start in his field, so he was very eager to help this young lady with anything she might need... And on an unrelated matter, WaterAstro would like to plow this woman... Again, totally unrelated to all the interest and help... Just a coincidence.

Astro sought advice from NeoGAF, to determine if he managed to find himself in the dreaded friendzone; but, he also wanted to be clear that both he and his unwitting protege are good, platonic friends, who genuinely care and want to support the other. Now, most would tell you that if such a thing were true then this whole "friendzone" matter wouldn't even need to be asked, since typically real friends get along just fine without constantly worrying about fucking one another. But WaterAstro assured us that he was on the level, and he's helping her just because of how good of friends they are. As evidenced by their engaging of good, platonic friend activities, such as.... holding hands... and telling each other that they love one another.

... Maybe they're from one of those countries where friends kiss each other when they meet up or somethi-- and, nope, looks like he's Canadian... Well, then....

GAF was adamant that the OP was setting himself up for a lot of pain and embarrassment, to which WaterAstro was quick to hurl back a slew of "lol"s and dismissals. He claimed that the majority of GAF's advice was terrible, and that he'd only be listening to the "good advice" of the few who understood his position and urged him to stay the course.

He continued to express that he wasn't hung up on the fact that she shot him down before, and was just wanting to help out a good friend. He totally didn't care whether or not she wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not at all. None whatsoever. That's why he posted the thread and kept bringing it up. To make YOU all look foolish. Not him. No sir. He's the mature one here.

Definitely not caring about that relationship.

They're true friends.

Best buddies. Good pals.

Thick as thieves, those two.

Finally, WaterAstro met up with his own Alisoun (That's a Canterbury Tales reference; that makes this whole thing classy) and laid everything out. How they were both good friends... How he was helping her along... How he wanted to bang. All of it.

But then, much to GAF's surprise, something amazing happened--...!

--Oh, wait. No it didn't. Exactly what everyone would have expected happened.

Well, that's that, really. WaterAstro continues on being best good buddies with this lady with whom he totally doesn't care about being intimate... unless of course she changed her mind, then he'd totally be down-- Un-...unless she was just kidding, in which case he was just kidding too. Haha. ;)

There were a few other small developments with other users having their own drama, which you can go searching for yourself. The rest of the thread was filled with people sharing humorously cringeworthy examples of similar situatio-...


Godspeed, WaterAstro.

I'm Lionel Mandrake. Good night.

The Man has spoken. Ya done goofed OP.

edit: "she doesn't want a relationship until she has her career going" is she does not want a relationship with you.
whenever a woman says that ask her "okay so lets just fuck and be acquaintance"

if she says no to that, too
you have your answer

This right here is golden. I have used this with success a few times. I mean really what do you have to lose?


Some dudes are desperate as fuck and think buying gifts and handing out money is a sure way to get laid. I posted years ago in a thread where the OP was asking for advice on someone who worked in a cafe and whether she liked him or was just being friendly/doing her job etc, that my now ex-GF used to receive gifts and money from guys at her workplace, which was a cafe in an industrial area. When she was making coffee she'd chat to customers(which of course is how I ended up dating her) but some guys took her friendly chat the wrong way and thought the fact she initiated conversation with them meant she wanted to fuck them, of course.

Every Valentine's day, the cafe would be filled with balloons and presents all for her from random dudes she wouldn't look twice at in a dating sense. One customer went overseas and came back with a bunch of gifts for her, one of which was a book. When she got home and opened the book up there was $1000 cash inside it. I can't even remember half the other stories but they all reeked of desperation and she never dated anyone who just straight out bought her gifts and tried to give her money. Even after we started dating and she told these guys she had a boyfriend, it didn't stop them buying her shit. It's like they were infatuated with her.

Oh shit, Mandrake. There you go.

To be fair it sometimes is but if it doesn't work with one person move along and try someone else. Eventually someone will bite. Now whether you'll want that kind of relationship is a completely different matter. But yeah it is tiring when a smile and a nice conversation equals to some people that = Totally DTF. It's bizarre. It's only creepier when you try to correct that assumption and get a super hostile response in kind so you stop correcting people and then get accused of stringing people along despite never ever giving any encouragement to that behavior it's the most frustrating thing.

Man all of that is just so sad. If I get rejected like that I move along (granted I probably get discouraged too easily but I'd take that over people clearly not getting the hint). There's so many other people you could meet and click with rather than keep running into a brick wall with this person who doesn't want you like that? And I don't blame anyone for accepting such gifts because hey if you're gonna be dumb enough to put money in my pocket for something you're never gonna get go ahead but I mean damn they (The gifter not the one receiving them) could have some self respect.
what about my membership? I've been on this forum for two years (and even more before getting my registration approved).

Gratz, you understood my joke.

The problem with your attitude is: You're not even willing to try to accept someone elses opinion on it. You're so entilted to your "feminism is warranted" stance that you're not seeing how far these humans went.

When feminists start being triggered by a name or just a couple kissing in public (see here) or by just saying hello to them (here), you know they're not right in their mind. And these are not just some rare cases as you say. It happens frequently to the point of it being just a cult, think Gamer Gate.

But yeah, let's agree on the point: If you're a white male and educated, you're a misogynist. Which is why I don't even bother replying to this thread anymore. End of story. This is stupid beyond belief.
Is linking to this toxic crap and parroting their beliefs actually allowed?

Ploid 3.0

It hurt reading that, get out of the spell and go put your time into finding someone. As long as you're being there for her emotionally and for help you are spending time making no progress with anyone else. It's ok to be her friend, but don't let her use up all of your time.


LOL What the hell is this still doing on first page.

Alright, here's the update. I listened to the GOOD advice about asking her again. I had the chance to as we went out for dinner after working with her most of the afternoon. I brought up the time I asked her out and asked if her feelings changed.

She said yes. She never thought about relationships seriously until she felt my dedication towards helping her with her life. She got to know me a lot better since she turned me down, and she wants me to be in a relationship, however, she doesn't feel confident in herself when it comes to a relationship where we would live with each other if she isn't making good income.

I told her that her money doesn't matter me, and that I'm going to help her no matter what kind of relationship we're in. She's still not comfortable being unable to share in the expenses, but she really likes our time together because it's giving her a lot of confidence and morale to work hard, so I told her that we can stay the course and keep doing what we're doing.

I guess I shouldn't say I'm not interested in a relationship with her, rather I should just say I stopped thinking about it in order to focus on helping her. Seems like our relationship built anyway, and I'm pretty happy with how things are right now. I don't think asking really made any difference, but it was nice to know.

Anyway, you funny gaffers with some good advice and mostly bad advice, you all made an interesting thread out of this situation. Keep it up.

So nothing has changed and she's still stringing you along saying she's "not ready".

You'll meet her boyfriend next month.


For those of you just joining us...

Ah, it feels like ages since I've been able to share a tale of fine misguided obsession with you also-fine NeoGAFfers.

This story begins with our OP, WaterAstro, detailing his months-long not-romance with a woman he felt inclined to assist in her burgeoning career. You see, WaterAstro was quite familiar with how difficult it can be to get a start in his field, so he was very eager to help this young lady with anything she might need... And on an unrelated matter, WaterAstro would like to plow this woman... Again, totally unrelated to all the interest and help... Just a coincidence.

Astro sought advice from NeoGAF, to determine if he managed to find himself in the dreaded friendzone; but, he also wanted to be clear that both he and his unwitting protege are good, platonic friends, who genuinely care and want to support the other. Now, most would tell you that if such a thing were true then this whole "friendzone" matter wouldn't even need to be asked, since typically real friends get along just fine without constantly worrying about fucking one another. But WaterAstro assured us that he was on the level, and he's helping her just because of how good of friends they are. As evidenced by their engaging of good, platonic friend activities, such as.... holding hands... and telling each other that they love one another.

... Maybe they're from one of those countries where friends kiss each other when they meet up or somethi-- and, nope, looks like he's Canadian... Well, then....

GAF was adamant that the OP was setting himself up for a lot of pain and embarrassment, to which WaterAstro was quick to hurl back a slew of "lol"s and dismissals. He claimed that the majority of GAF's advice was terrible, and that he'd only be listening to the "good advice" of the few who understood his position and urged him to stay the course.

He continued to express that he wasn't hung up on the fact that she shot him down before, and was just wanting to help out a good friend. He totally didn't care whether or not she wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not at all. None whatsoever. That's why he posted the thread and kept bringing it up. To make YOU all look foolish. Not him. No sir. He's the mature one here.

Definitely not caring about that relationship.

They're true friends.

Best buddies. Good pals.

Thick as thieves, those two.

Finally, WaterAstro met up with his own Alisoun (That's a Canterbury Tales reference; that makes this whole thing classy) and laid everything out. How they were both good friends... How he was helping her along... How he wanted to bang. All of it.

But then, much to GAF's surprise, something amazing happened--...!

--Oh, wait. No it didn't. Exactly what everyone would have expected happened.

Well, that's that, really. WaterAstro continues on being best good buddies with this lady with whom he totally doesn't care about being intimate... unless of course she changed her mind, then he'd totally be down-- Un-...unless she was just kidding, in which case he was just kidding too. Haha. ;)

There were a few other small developments with other users having their own drama, which you can go searching for yourself. The rest of the thread was filled with people sharing humorously cringeworthy examples of similar situatio-...


Godspeed, WaterAstro.

I'm Lionel Mandrake. Good night.

Quoting for new page.
For those of you just joining us...

Ah, it feels like ages since I've been able to share a tale of fine misguided obsession with you also-fine NeoGAFfers.

This story begins with our OP, WaterAstro, detailing his months-long not-romance with a woman he felt inclined to assist in her burgeoning career. You see, WaterAstro was quite familiar with how difficult it can be to get a start in his field, so he was very eager to help this young lady with anything she might need... And on an unrelated matter, WaterAstro would like to plow this woman... Again, totally unrelated to all the interest and help... Just a coincidence.

Astro sought advice from NeoGAF, to determine if he managed to find himself in the dreaded friendzone; but, he also wanted to be clear that both he and his unwitting protege are good, platonic friends, who genuinely care and want to support the other. Now, most would tell you that if such a thing were true then this whole "friendzone" matter wouldn't even need to be asked, since typically real friends get along just fine without constantly worrying about fucking one another. But WaterAstro assured us that he was on the level, and he's helping her just because of how good of friends they are. As evidenced by their engaging of good, platonic friend activities, such as.... holding hands... and telling each other that they love one another.

... Maybe they're from one of those countries where friends kiss each other when they meet up or somethi-- and, nope, looks like he's Canadian... Well, then....

GAF was adamant that the OP was setting himself up for a lot of pain and embarrassment, to which WaterAstro was quick to hurl back a slew of "lol"s and dismissals. He claimed that the majority of GAF's advice was terrible, and that he'd only be listening to the "good advice" of the few who understood his position and urged him to stay the course.

He continued to express that he wasn't hung up on the fact that she shot him down before, and was just wanting to help out a good friend. He totally didn't care whether or not she wanted to be in a relationship with him. Not at all. None whatsoever. That's why he posted the thread and kept bringing it up. To make YOU all look foolish. Not him. No sir. He's the mature one here.

Definitely not caring about that relationship.

They're true friends.

Best buddies. Good pals.

Thick as thieves, those two.

Finally, WaterAstro met up with his own Alisoun (That's a Canterbury Tales reference; that makes this whole thing classy) and laid everything out. How they were both good friends... How he was helping her along... How he wanted to bang. All of it.

But then, much to GAF's surprise, something amazing happened--...!

--Oh, wait. No it didn't. Exactly what everyone would have expected happened.

Well, that's that, really. WaterAstro continues on being best good buddies with this lady with whom he totally doesn't care about being intimate... unless of course she changed her mind, then he'd totally be down-- Un-...unless she was just kidding, in which case he was just kidding too. Haha. ;)

There were a few other small developments with other users having their own drama, which you can go searching for yourself. The rest of the thread was filled with people sharing humorously cringeworthy examples of similar situatio-...


Godspeed, WaterAstro.

I'm Lionel Mandrake. Good night.

This... is just beautiful
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