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American Gods |OT| You Had Me At Bryan Fuller - Sundays on Starz


As an actual Irish person I feel uncomfortable with
them putting a red wig on Emily Browning and painting freckles on her face (never mind her bad accent, but that's par for the course when non-Irish actors play Irish characters)
. It was a nice surprise to see
Fionnula Flanagan in this. At least she demonstrated a proper country accent and put the faux-Irish accents of Schreiber and Browning to shame


I liked this episode. I thought
Emily's Irish accent was fine
, I mean I'm not
Irish so I don't really have much experience in what it should sound like to be more authentic
but it didn't bother me too much. I was iffy on
her playing Essie before the episode, but I think the parallels between Essie and Laura when in conjunction with Sweeney worked pretty well
. I was worried that *book spoilers* -->
Sweeney would meet the same fate that he does in the book but thankfully he survived, though I suppose it's still possible next season because Shadow hasn't been to Cairo to meet Jacquel & Ibis yet.

RIcky's unbuttoning is good, but damn if Pablo isn't hot too. I have a thing for tall dudes though.

Also, why is Techno Boy everywhere when we've seen him in what, 2 episodes?

Orlando Jones has done a lot of press for the show too and Mr. Nancy has only been in one episode so far,
though he'll be in the finale next weekend.

I think Bruce Langley (Technical Boy) has been doing a lot of press because this is like his first big break. I don't think he's done anything else major like this so he probably goes to everything they ask him to.
So THIS is how this is several seasons. I'm cool with it. Like the world enough for it to have "filler" world building episodes. We may even get whole episodes about gods not even mentioned in the book at some point.


Thought this episode, especially the soundtrack, was fairly awful. Overall I'm excited for the finale, and it has encouraged me to start reading the book (which is fantastic).


Orlando Jones has done a lot of press for the show too and Mr. Nancy has only been in one episode so far,
though he'll be in the finale next weekend.

I think Bruce Langley (Technical Boy) has been doing a lot of press because this is like his first big break. I don't think he's done anything else major like this so he probably goes to everything they ask him to.

REALLY? I thought Orlando had been in a lot more. It just feels like it, I don't know why. Of course his one huge scene was a HUGE scene, so it makes sense.

Good on Mr Langley though for this being his big break. I got to the part in the book last night where they introduce him. He's a bit different in the book than he is in the show, but I like both versions.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I wasn't feeling this one. Good moments here and there, but it was like hitting a brick wall while running to the season finale.


semen stains the mountaintops
While I really liked this episode, it's a bit odd that this would be the penultimate episode since it didn't advance the story much.


Yea - really liked it and Mad Sweeney, think he's one of the best the show focuses on. Wish we'd had a bit more of him then Essie, but still good.

It's only 8 episodes this season???


Solid episode. Possibly my favorite, actually.

When this was first rolling, I was really curious how they'd do the "Coming to America" stories, and the Essie story was the big one on my mind, just from the sheer scale of it. It's such a huge, epic story, back and forth across the ocean, lots of ups and downs. Honestly, you could make a movie out of that story alone.

They made a lot of tweaks here (making her Irish rather than Cornish and tying Mad Sweeney into it), but I think it was mostly a good call, and let them justify spending the entire episode on it. I even liked Browning here despite not caring for her much as Laura - a lot less dialogue, I suppose? And most of it was just telling stories to little kids, which, you know, isn't the biggest hill to climb.

But yeah, the ending, when they both sort of commiserate - living the life they were dealt, with all the good and the bad - was one of my favorite bits in the book, and it was translated beautifully here.

The main story with the whole ice cream truck thing I could take or leave, but man, that twist... between that and the whole killing Vulcan thing, they are NOT shy about playing that "Wednesday is kind of awful" card.


Really liked it. I think the show's at its best when it's exploring its world's mythology as opposed to the main narrative putzing around trying to keep things obfuscated until the finale. Like, between this and all the other openers we've seen this season, I feel like a loosely interconnected quasi-anthology style might've made for a better show, even if it strayed far from the book.
Really liked it. I think the show's at its best when it's exploring its world's mythology as opposed to the main narrative putzing around trying to keep things obfuscated until the finale. Like, between this and all the other openers we've seen this season, I feel like a loosely interconnected quasi-anthology style might've made for a better show, even if it strayed far from the book.

Definitely, I like the main plot but these short stories have been the best part of the show by far.
I think this recent episode is more of what people expected from a show about "American Gods."

If they did stories like this, in conjunction with moving the main story faster, it'd be great.

As it is, this season feels like there's too much filler; with Bryan Fuller being too self-satisfied with his own aesthetics.
Haven't seen the new episode yet, but I must say the show is slowly losing me. I don't know, I just feel like they are stretching the story too much. There is too much Laura. I don't need a Leprechaun and Laura side plot.
Wow, halfway in and this episode is a flaming bag of poo.

I love me a side story or two, but shit had to be well-written first.

Let's see if it can grab me by the end of this interminable hour.


semen stains the mountaintops
So, I thought that Sweeney was spawned in America, but he was in Prison in Britain, so does that mean he sailed over to America? Or does each time people create a Leprechaun it will always be someone that looks and sounds just like Sweeney?


So, I thought that Sweeney was spawned in America, but he was in Prison in Britain, so does that mean he sailed over to America? Or does each time people create a Leprechaun it will always be someone that looks and sounds just like Sweeney?

I think he crossed over to visit believers in the Americas.

I get the whole parallels thing but it was a little jarring to have
Emily Browning doing dual roles (one with an accent)
. I get that Laura's been learning to progressively be less of a shitty person over time but I have to wonder if there's gonna be a major turning point for redemption or if it's all gonna be gradual.


So, I thought that Sweeney was spawned in America, but he was in Prison in Britain, so does that mean he sailed over to America? Or does each time people create a Leprechaun it will always be someone that looks and sounds just like Sweeney?

There are "versions" in whatever country they are "taken" too.

Ireland would still have their original Leprechaun.

Also hence why there is a Mexican Jesus and a Black Jesus and a White Jesus etc


semen stains the mountaintops
There are "versions" in whatever country they are "taken" too.

Ireland would still have their original Leprechaun.

Also hence why there is a Mexican Jesus and a Black Jesus and a White Jesus etc

Yeah, but he was in a London prison, and he was taking her milk, so it's to be assumed that Sweeney started off in London because of other believers. So why is he now in America? Like, the Jesus stuff makes sense because multiple groups pray to their version of Jesus, so in America there are now a bunch of Jesus running around, so by the same logic, the Sweeney we saw in London shouldn't be the same one we saw in America, since America and London should've created their own versions, like how you say there's one in Ireland.

I assume he just left London, but that seems to go against the whole idea of there being multiples of the same god for each country, since that would imply America doesn't actually have their own leprechaun, since he came from London, and now Britain doesn't have one.


Yeah, but he was in a London prison, and he was taking her milk, so it's to be assumed that Sweeney started off in London because of other believers. So why is he now in America? Like, the Jesus stuff makes sense because multiple groups pray to their version of Jesus, so in America there are now a bunch of Jesus running around, so by the same logic, the Sweeney we saw in London shouldn't be the same one we saw in America, since America and London should've created their own versions, like how you say there's one in Ireland.

It probably isn't. If there's still a Mad Sweeney in America, there's definitely still a Mad Sweeney in Ireland. But the one in America has all the memories of the one in Ireland.

I would imagine something like a branching path, where the new version is manifested with all the history of the old, while the old still hangs around in the old world. I don't think it would make much sense for a blank slate to be manifested when people are praying to the same gods they always have.


semen stains the mountaintops
It probably isn't. If there's still a Mad Sweeney in America, there's definitely still a Mad Sweeney in Ireland. But the one in America has all the memories of the one in Ireland.

I would imagine something like a branching path, where the new version is manifested with all the history of the old, while the old still hangs around in the old world. I don't think it would make much sense for a blank slate to be manifested when people are praying to the same gods they always have.

If that's the case, then that adds a whole new level of fuckery to how gods are created.


I figured this would be a divisive episode after I saw it. It's probably not an episode I'd want to rewatch but I enjoyed it. It's not the most exciting back story but I think Essie's story was always much needed because it's another way of showing how people brought their gods to America. Changing it from Cornish Jack to Mad Sweeney was a good move too.


Really liked the episode.. but I didnt get it. What was sweeney visiting the lady at the end for, was he working for that death guy? and why was that apprentice writing about it.
That was a lovely episode.

Really liked the episode.. but I didnt get it. What was sweeney visiting the lady at the end for, was he working for that death guy? and why was that apprentice writing about it.

He took his follower to her afterlife.

The guy is writing stories about how people brought their gods to America. This is how Mad Sweeney came.
I liked that, and I like how they kept the essence of Essie's story. I'm not sure how I feel about changing the subject to Sweeney though. It totally works for him and the overall narrative, but I'm a little bummed it means we won't get that story, as I enjoyed the stories of some of the random gods that don't feature elsewhere in the book. I'm a little torn. It works well, but I'm sad at what was given up to make it happen. What was given up was small potatoes in comparison, but it makes the world feel a little smaller. They could have created a new story for Sweeney and left the Essie story for later.

I won't lie - it still ended up being very touching though. That final conversation Essie had in the book was one of my most remembered parts and I'm glad they did it justice.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
episode was very chill, I enjoyed it
surprising for a penultimate episode though


I'm really enjoying Ricky's unbuttoning habits during this recent promo tour.

both he a tech boy look so much better with that hair
Best episode yet for me, loved it.

It's a shame they changed the story from the book from a Cornish girl and her pisky (I'm from Cornwall, so I'm biased) to an Irish girl and her leprechaun. Didn't matter in the end though, worked out to be my favourite episode so far.
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