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Andrew House: PS4 sold through 2.1 million units worldwide as of 12/1, 700K in EU/AU


From Google:
"Sony expected to sell 6 million units by the fiscal year ending in March 2007.[17] Only 3.68 million were sold, falling short of that mark."

I think they'll hit that 6 million figure this time round.
700k across both Europe and Australia? I expected more, which pretty much says to me that Sony undershipped and just can't manufacture the consoles quick enough. I suppose that's a good problem for them to have though, as long as PS4 demand doesn't drop off.


Felium Defensor
iPhones sell like 5 million in one hour. This is a sign that console makers need to step up their game.
Good point playboi, you tell em how to do it BIG. Shoot for the stars! You should become their next CEO with amazing insight like that. ;P


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
We can expect Nintendo to cook system sellers and drop the price to a mass market level, which will give it a chance to reach 2nd place WW.

Ps4 is now sure to be the big winner this gen and I don't believe much in MS chances. They may do well in the US, but less than the 360. And they will do far worst in all other regions.

Considering the alternatives, their price point is insane.


From Google:
"Sony expected to sell 6 million units by the fiscal year ending in March 2007.[17] Only 3.68 million were sold, falling short of that mark."

I think they'll hit that 6 million figure this time round.

Kutaragi was raving mad those days. Not only that they would have problems to find so many people to buy expensive console, but they did not have a slightest chance to manufacture that many consoles. Bluray drive was expensive and very hard to produce.


700k across both Europe and Australia? I expected more, which pretty much says to me that Sony undershipped and just can't manufacture the consoles quick enough. I suppose that's a good problem for them to have though, as long as PS4 demand doesn't drop off.

Yeah, me and another GAFfer were debating this yesterday. The demand is there, at least in Europe. It seems like Sony are relocating PS4's to Europe in response to the demand.

Perhaps there's another 150k unit sales left in Europe before the years end.
I don't want to get into the politics or reasons, but the opposite is true if anything is. Japanese racism in China is one of the strongest forms of racism I've seen anywhere in the industrialized world.

This is true. Years ago I lived with a Chinese student at uni. We were close, and he says this exists, for what it's worth. Have no idea how that would affect sales, mind.

Just want to share some point of views over these.

Is there inherent racism towards Japanese in China? I hate to stereotype, but yes, to an extent. It's something cultivated through decades of conservative upbringing that's very insulated, and creates negative perceptions of external cultures, with Japan being the main perceived negativity. And it's something that won't go away anytime soon, given how China's culture works.

But at the same time, it's not as bad as it sounds. There's an inherent racism against the Japanese in a very broad context, but it doesn't extend down to consumer lifestyles in very clear form. Japanese products do decently well in China, and there still exist a perception that Japanese and Western products are of a higher quality compared to local products.

It took a national agenda with the whole Senkaku/Diaoyu islands territorial dispute for there to be an active 'backlash' and 'racism' against Japanese automakers, which even after all that craziness, Nissan, Toyota and Honda still sell well in Japan. A lot of damage, but it's still doing decently well.

IMO, there wouldn't be a backlash against PS4 unless an agenda is raised about the matter.



Some Xbox guys would love that PS4 died too.

Leaving fanboyism aside, don't you think that it is actually better for the industry that PS4 'wins'? I mean, Microsoft has almost a complete monopoly on PC gaming and on top of that they are selling games on Xbox One. If you ask me, that really sucks. Why would I have to own Microsoft's unstable and highly overrated platform to run my favorite PC games? Thats why I think, PS4 should sell more, way more units than Xbox One. Otherwise its a monopoly again. Also, I'm exited to see how SteamOS evolves. I'm going to be one of the early adopters for sure. I'm a linux user myself and IMO, PC gaming deserves better than what Microsoft offers with Windows. At least Sony uses its own proprietary OS...
He's way off on God of War. Never did those numbers in the past and is in franchise fatigue + story dead-end mode now.

Uncharted he's probably right.


GoW 3 was 5M. Ascension didn't do that well, but neither did Judgement, both are around 1M. Those are the flukes in my mind, no reason to assume that if the install base is there it won't hit those numbers again.

So no, you are wrong. But by all means just continue to spew bullshit, it's amusing.

Halo 4 still outsold every PS3 title including the CODs

More bullshit. Halo 4 was in the 4-5M range, which means Uncharted and God of War, and not close to GT.
Again, if you really dig deep, the exclusives even out for both sides.
700k for Europe? Not that impressive considering expectations of some here.

Just shows you how much more important the US market is relative to the rest of the world. I expect Microsoft to have had monster Black Friday in the US.

Again, all of these early sales are pretty worthless in the long run. Both Xbox and PS4 have a LOT of early adopters- we'll see where the platforms go.
We can expect Nintendo to cook system sellers and drop the price to a mass market level, which will give it a chance to reach 2nd place WW.

Are you talking about WiiU? That is insanely wishful thinking. WiiU is already dead in EU, almost dead in JP and barely alive in US. Yes, the only territory for the WiiU to sell is the main battleground between PS4/Xbone. Mario 3DW already failed to make any impact, only SSB and MK8 left. If those 2 still fail to help WiiU then it's time for Nintendo to quit the race.
X1 is definitely not doomed, who ever says so is just hating or a fanboy. X1 will have a great generation regardless if they are 2nd place. They will have some "must have' games for sure..it's a great platform with a lot of good things going for it. I plan on getting an X1 some time down the road myself for its exclusive games. I just really hope they pick up the pace with exclusives which i have a feeling they will..especially the point you made about the pressure coming from Sony it will force MS to push much harder to keep up. I expect MS to pick up the pace..I really do, well they are going to have to if PS4 keeps the momentum it has already built up.

It really isn't going to catch on with the mainstream at £429 though. And absolutely no way is that going to happen if there is a rival product selling for £350.

This is what people are overlooking when they blurt out the 'oh but MS will be fine' line, with sales close enough to the PS4. That is not going to happen at the current price points.

MS are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They can either cut the RRP significantly very soon (in March or April), forcing them to eat losses and add more fuel to the fire that the Xbox division is a loss-maker and needs selling off. But they will get close enough to PS4 sales.

Or, they can continue trying to advertise the XB1's value proposition with Kinect at the current price, but sit with a 1:3 market share, at best.
I'm really interested to see how this story plays out into June of next year. Not sure if software is there to sustain demand.
That are really nice sales numbers. But for people like me without a preorder its extremely hard to get your hands on dat brand new smexy ps4....
My shop here in holland told me maybe(a big maybe) christmas, otherwise its going to be around march 2014....
Thank the gods for GT6, or else i would go mad...
Not sure if software is there to sustain demand.

You mean the same thing everyone's been saying about the PS4 launch?

That there are nogaems, and it's all cross-platform games that no one in their right mind would buy a new console for?

Even though the best selling games for the 'new consoles' are said 'cross-platform' games like Ghost, BF, FIFA, Madden, etc?

The software is there, it's not just exclusive software.


Leaving fanboyism aside, don't you think that it is actually better for the industry that PS4 'wins'? I mean, Microsoft has almost a complete monopoly on PC gaming and on top of that they are selling games on Xbox One. If you ask me, that really sucks. Why would I have to own Microsoft's unstable and highly overrated platform to run my favorite PC games? Thats why I think, PS4 should sell more, way more units than Xbox One. Otherwise its a monopoly again. Also, I'm exited to see how SteamOS evolves. I'm going to be one of the early adopters for sure. I'm a linux user myself and IMO, PC gaming deserves better than what Microsoft offers with Windows. At least Sony uses its own proprietary OS...

You seems completely forget what happened to the start of PS3 when PS2 was kind of monopoly in the console gaming industry. Without MS/360, people had to purchase PS3 with 599 price tag for longer period because it is your only choice.


Junior Member
700k for Europe? Not that impressive considering expectations of some here.

Just shows you how much more important the US market is relative to the rest of the world. I expect Microsoft to have had monster Black Friday in the US.

Again, all of these early sales are pretty worthless in the long run. Both Xbox and PS4 have a LOT of early adopters- we'll see where the platforms go.

I really feel Sony is being very aggressive in America this time with PS4 against Xbox because Xbox is such a strong product in N.America. Sony is smart in going after that market first and foremost...they already know they have all of Europe. Yeah i know it sucks for people in EU wanting a PS4 but business is business and Sony is doing what it has to do to topple Xbox in all regions.
I don't know how much of Wii audience still wants a new console, maybe you are right on that, but I don't see how PS4 can crush Xbox One like you believe.

It is cheaper and is launching at the same time across the world. That alone is worth a 30-40m swing from Xbox to PlayStation.

I dont think that we will se PS2-like domination of PS4 in this generation. Xbone is a good device whose problems can be fixed if MS is willing to eat some money.

There seems to be zero appetite within MS to fund another big loss leader to try and dominate the living room. Senior MS management seem to have realised the real battle lies in tablets and smartphones where they are being beaten comprehensively by Apple and Android.

I'm more interested in the 400K additional to NA. When did THAT happen? The machines are hard to find...

Not again :\

Around 50k will be for Latin America. After that, I expect pre-orders are still being filled so I doubt very many of the further shipments actually went on general sale.

Agreed on the second point, the market should not reward failure, a PS2 style beatdown will serve consumers better than consumers rewarding MS for being cunts. It will make MS (or whichever company replaces them) less complacent next time and we will have a real battle on our hands. If consumers reward Microsoft's complacence then it sends a message that the shit they pulled is fine and they are welcome to try again next time. That is something we must avoid, and going by the mindshare, buzz and initial sales, I am confident that the market is going to react properly and we are heading for another PS2 style generation.

Just want to share some point of views over these.

Is there inherent racism towards Japanese in China? I hate to stereotype, but yes, to an extent. It's something cultivated through decades of conservative upbringing that's very insulated, and creates negative perceptions of external cultures, with Japan being the main perceived negativity. And it's something that won't go away anytime soon, given how China's culture works.

But at the same time, it's not as bad as it sounds. There's an inherent racism against the Japanese in a very broad context, but it doesn't extend down to consumer lifestyles in very clear form. Japanese products do decently well in China, and there still exist a perception that Japanese and Western products are of a higher quality compared to local products.

It took a national agenda with the whole Senkaku/Diaoyu islands territorial dispute for there to be an active 'backlash' and 'racism' against Japanese automakers, which even after all that craziness, Nissan, Toyota and Honda still sell well in Japan. A lot of damage, but it's still doing decently well.

IMO, there wouldn't be a backlash against PS4 unless an agenda is raised about the matter.

Greater China is one of Sony's top growth markets. If that latent racism against Japan exists in China, it doesn't extend to product purchasing decisions, like you said. Also, Sony are number one in the Chinese market for digital compacts and two other Japanese companies are two and three (Nikon/Mitsubishi and Canon respectively). I don't see it as a big issue.


You seems completely forget what happened to the start of PS3 when PS2 was kind of monopoly in the console gaming industry. Without MS/360, people had to purchase PS3 with 599 price tag for longer period because it is your only choice.

No I don't forget, but now it seems that its the other way around, right?
You mean the same thing everyone's been saying about the PS4 launch?

That there are nogaems, and it's all cross-platform games that no one in their right mind would buy a new console for?

Even though the best selling games for the 'new consoles' are said 'cross-platform' games like Ghost, BF, FIFA, Madden, etc?

The software is there, it's not just exclusive software.

Well there's 8 years of pent up demand for new console hardware. Launch was going to be a success because the core gaming audience was going to make the transition into new hardware. That was inevitable.

The question now is does the rest of the audience that bought ps3/360 want to transition again to a new console? Or have they moved onto something else (phones, tablets, PC, etc.)
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