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Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT2| You Can Stack Fruit

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*sigh* Finding really rare fish and donating them to the museum even though I really could do with the money. I'm a good person. Also, things I miss from Wild World; Blathers telling you how to cook a particular fish :(

Is there any benefit to donating Rare things to the museum this early?

I always waited until was loaded with cash and fairly well set up at home before giving reclusive items to Blathers.
Is there any benefit to donating Rare things to the museum this early?

I always waited until was loaded with cash and fairly well set up at home before giving reclusive items to Blathers.
I guess it improves your approval rating.

I hand everything to Blathers anyway, since I like collecting things.


Yeah, I don't know. I just got disconnected on the international island, gonna give it up for today.
It's kind of annoying that Animal Crossing online really hasn't progressed much since Wild World. BF messaging is nice, but the rest, ugh. Lost a bunch of progress.
My house.



What does it mean?


It's been raining all day in my town and I've caught like 5 sharks, which is pretty awesome (I accidentally fudged catching 2 additional ones). Still haven't found a whale shark yet though.
*sigh* Finding really rare fish and donating them to the museum even though I really could do with the money. I'm a good person. Also, things I miss from Wild World; Blathers telling you how to cook a particular fish :(

I personally like that they've toned down Blathers's blathering a bit. I remember Museum visits in City Folk being quite a chore due to how long it took him to accept my donations--not to mention he needed to examine the fossils one by one in that game. (I'm so glad you can just offer him donations in bulk now.) He's still got his quirkiness, though, so he wasn't utterly stripped of his personality.

First post in this thread, by the way, and I just wanted to say that I'm very pleased with New Leaf overall. I'll have to get used to some of the changes, but I think I'll manage; I already tried to obtain a golden shovel by burying a standard one--I was disappointed when I dug it up the following morning. Later on in the week I'll get my friend code posted, and I'll start visiting some of you GAFers. I'm especially interested in turnip prices. First day in-game, Reese was buying for 596. What a troll game.
Thanks to this thread, I decided to get this. It's downloading now and I'm super excited! I hope it fulfills all my hopes and dreams.


I shot people I like more for less.
150 medals for the treasure chest? Wtf

Had somebody join this island I was on and asked me to visit her town. I typed out my fc, but is there a simpler way that I'm missing for future reference? Also, she left after I typed that out so -_- I'll never see Michelle from Hyrule again lol


Unconfirmed Member
E-mail to who? Through what channels? This really sucks. Gonna sweep one last time hoping to spot a rep before I head home.

Well if you're on their email list I assume you'd get one but I didn't get anything. If it helps, they were by the food court, across from the Kernels yesterday.


Axel Hertz
I can't believe people aren't frantically bangin on laptop keyboards running linux and reverse engineering the shit out of this BestBuy spotpass item giveaway.

Think of everybody that live in other countries, people!

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

That's what you get for telling me I smell like Moussaka


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I bought New Leaf a few days ago (my first Animal Crossing ever). After getting everything set up, do I basically just go around fishing, collecting bugs, and shaking trees? Is there something I'm missing? I enjoyed what I played so far but it seems to be an eternal loop of collecting stuff and then going to sell it at the store and I'm starting to get bored of that after a couple of days.


I bought New Leaf a few days ago (my first Animal Crossing ever). After getting everything set up, do I basically just go around fishing, collecting bugs, and shaking trees? Is there something I'm missing? I enjoyed what I played so far but it seems to be an eternal loop of collecting stuff and then going to sell it at the store and I'm starting to get bored of that after a couple of days.
Meet up with some people for more fun. It's especially more fun in the island where you can play mini games. Apart from that, designing your town is pretty cool. Try to mix up the fruit variety by getting foreign fruit from others.


Fuuuuu, second time today that a multiplayer session of longer than an hour ended with Mr. Resetti on my screen. Luckily everything you stuff in the basket is safe. So my basket was still completely full. Must be at least 300.000 bells in there now. Though retail is closed, selling tomorrow :p


So this has been a real exciting day! STORY TIME

I won the Bug.Off yesterday, but was unable to attend th award ceremony. So this is my proof!


Damn you Annalise and your big bugs

When I woke up today I immediately saw that WENDY has decided to move in RIGHT behind me *sigh* Another sheep to go with my goth sheep, Muffy (that name just rubs me the wrong way). The villagers keep telling me to welcome her to the town, but NOPE. You can leave again, thanks


Damn you, Wendy

Yesterday I got a pink tulip, today I got a pink rose! YAY!!


I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to get another tomorrow! it will probably be a pink cosmos, haha

I won a Fi Mask from todays fortune cookie and immediately after went into the Abels Sister's store and bought this GRANDPA HAT. The name alone is worth it!


I was way too close to buy that cap. I also got some awesome Steampunk glasses!

Today I got access to the island and I am already falling in love with Kapp'n. His songs are too damn good. He just gets me!


I do hate when the wind messes up my hair

It started raining in my town and I noticed Digby was waring a raincoat. That's ADORABLE! I love the little details in this game.


Poor Digby, he has to stand out guarding that gate every day, every hour

I started my first public works project today - the camp site. And I have already paid it off. That island is too damn good!


I wonder who'll be the first to camp out. I hope it's Cheri!

And here is my picture of the day. It is hilarious.


Poor Blathers. What he has to go through through his job


I bought New Leaf a few days ago (my first Animal Crossing ever). After getting everything set up, do I basically just go around fishing, collecting bugs, and shaking trees? Is there something I'm missing? I enjoyed what I played so far but it seems to be an eternal loop of collecting stuff and then going to sell it at the store and I'm starting to get bored of that after a couple of days.

It's my first one as well. It's awesome, it's pretty deep as well I've heard. (if you wish not to delve that deep, it's extremely accessable as well) just got it yesterday but it kept me from playing my most anticipated game ever (the last of us) for the day. (to put this in perspective, 1 1/2 hours in tlou, 3 1/2 hours in AC. to be fair, i was in a car most of the day yesterday, but still...)


So I currently have the DL'd version of the game but I also have the physical copy inbound (Yes, I have issues.). If I put in a new memory card and the cartridge vs using the DL'd game, will it carry over my data from my current town or will it start a new one?

Or is that some sort of paradox thing and I should just not even go there?


So I currently have the DL'd version of the game but I also have the physical copy inbound (Yes, I have issues.). If I put in a new memory card and the cartridge vs using the DL'd game, will it carry over my data from my current town or will it start a new one?

Or is that some sort of paradox thing and I should just not even go there?

DL saves to SD card, physical saves to the cart.


When I woke up today I immediately saw that WENDY has decided to move in RIGHT behind me *sigh* Another sheep to go with my goth sheep, Muffy (that name just rubs me the wrong way). The villagers keep telling me to welcome her to the town, but NOPE. You can leave again, thanks


Damn you, Wendy

Wendy is my absolute favourite villager. If you bully her in to leaving and let me poach her, I'd be eternally grateful!
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