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Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT2| You Can Stack Fruit

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Maturity, bitches.
Phineas seems to appear at random and will give you the badges you deserve. You have to keep talking to him mind.

Velcro Fly

Also decided that if a villager wants to move out I'm going to let them. Kinda don't want to have the same villagers the entire time. Rotating new animals in and out will probably keep things fresh. I talked Willow into staying but I'll let her go the next time, even if most of my town has adopted the 'bo peep' catchphrase.


This work?

Just wanted to download the new DLC and prepared for the cat tower since I changed my router's SSID to _The Cloud, but got the shaved-ice lamp instead. Seems not to work correctly...


Anyone have an open Re-tail I can dump some stuff at? I can bring fruit along or something (have all but oranges/coconut I believe).


Ran into Gulliver.


He also mentioned something about Ricco Harbor, but I hit A too fast.


That would be the best currency.

I actually got pretty lucky with that since I found him right before 6 AM, and then the time changed to daylight so I got his message with his present right after I talked to him.


I'm not actually sure who's in my town at the moment, but I'll check later.

Didn't play at all yesterday. It's almost like I've kicked the addiction now that I'm making turnip money.


Anyone from the USA with the cat tower? Would like to catalog it please :) In return I can let you catalog the Europe item which is the Shaved Ice Lamp.


Yeah, the SSID trick works, but not everyone can do that for various reasons.

And really, don't you guys wanna get out of the house? :p


So today has been a VERY good day!

Club lol opened today, though it is closed (lol). Can't wait to see DJ KK later tonight!



I got the ore rock today, but sadly not a single gold ore. I have only ever gotten one. Come on!


Delicious ore

I got three new hybrids again today :D


A pink rose.. Coquettes purple rose is still all alone not wanting to crossbreed with one of my white roses :(


A brand new orange lily - my first one! I now have two pink and an orange lily. Very exciting!


And a pink tulip which was very well hidden behind Peewees house. I almost missed it!

Annalise is moving out today, thank god. I've been waiting for this forever, so Isabelle told me to go say good bye to her. Her stuff was already packed, and it was a lot more sad than I thought it would be :(


D'awwwww.. I wish I could say the same thing about you

She then started crying saying she would miss me and everyone in Dewford :( I felt terrible.

But everything ends great today, as her moving out MUST have caused Dewford to become a PERFECT TOWN!!!



So I am currently remodeling the town hall to the Japanese version (thought the Fairy-tale one is VERY nice as well) and tomorrow I'm building a Flower clock :D

I forgot to take a picture of Gayle suggesting I build a Yield sign... eeeehh. No. Shitty suggestions everywhere. Come on! Scarecrow and Yield sign?
My tower will be finished today. A bit annoyed that it apparently hurts a perfect town rating....kinda silly if you ask me. But I don't care cause it looks awesome in screenshots.


Anyone from the USA with the cat tower? Would like to catalog it please :) In return I can let you catalog the Europe item which is the Shaved Ice Lamp.

If you still need it I can hop over to your town whenever you're ready.


Maturity, bitches.
How do you make the animals suggest them, its annoying.
Swim for around 5 minutes and the first villager you see will run up to you. There is a chance they may suggest something.

Increase the likely hood by carrying non tradable items like flowers.


Spent over an hour trying to get an Arapaima with no luck. Definitely not a common spawn, got several Dorado and Arrowana in the meantime... I think I definitely saw it twice but it got away both times :/


Spent over an hour trying to get an Arapaima with no luck. Definitely not a common spawn, got several Dorado and Arrowana in the meantime... I think I definitely saw it twice but it got away both times :/
It was my first fish caught in July. lol


Both my fortune cookies today were duplicate items. Kart and another freaking Triple Red Shells. I now have three of these ugh. Still not a single Pikmin related item gotten through the cookies


And really, don't you guys wanna get out of the house? :p
I tried. Best Buy won't fix their Nintendo Zone—it doesn't work. So I fell back on the other trick.

I left it up as a secondary SSID (still secured with my own WPA2-AES) for the 3DSes in my house, since it also works for all other online functions I've tested so far, but I am sorta wondering if it'll block normal content this way. Will have to see!


Both my fortune cookies today were duplicate items. Kart and another freaking Triple Red Shells. I now have three of these ugh. Still not a single Pikmin related item gotten through the cookies

I can trade you a yellow pikmin hat if you're interested, it's cool but I don't really have any special attachment to it or anything.
Ok, since Nook is close to finishing upgrading the two rooms I'm working on I may as well post the list of items I'm looking to catalogue again.

Ramshackle Wall
Ramshackle Floor
Any Lab series furniture, wallpaper or carpet apart from the Lab Chair

CD Shelf
Editor's Chair
Hologram Machine
Large Bookshelf
Magazine Rack
Sea Globe
Wall-Mounted Speaker
White Katana or Black Katana

Let me know what you'd want in exchange to catalogue any of the above, I can offer bells, Nintendo items, or just catalogue some uncommon stuff like the museum items, small Crown, modern furniture, UK DLC etc.


I decided to get into flowers myself! It took me a bit to get enough to circle my house entirely, but I think it turned out nicely.



Ok, since Nook is close to finishing upgrading the two rooms I'm working on I may as well post the list of items I'm looking to catalogue again.

Ramshackle Wall
Ramshackle Floor
Any Lab series furniture, wallpaper or carpet apart from the Lab Chair

CD Shelf
Editor's Chair
Hologram Machine
Large Bookshelf
Magazine Rack
Sea Globe
Wall-Mounted Speaker
White Katana or Black Katana

Let me know what you'd want in exchange to catalogue any of the above, I can offer bells, Nintendo items, or just catalogue some uncommon stuff like the museum items, small Crown, modern furniture, UK DLC etc.

I can open my gates for you, I have a laptop and CD shelf.

Wall mounted speaker I'm also looking for.


Good morning all.

I have my cafe built, enjoyed the coffee. I cant wait to do some part time jobs in it. Lol
Today my Super T&T Mart opens. Let's see what new stuff is offered.
Shampoodle opened yesterday, had a few visitors in town get a haircut. I need to get one myself.
I have Sparro moving in tomorrow. That makes 2 jock types in my town... That's a total of 10 villagers now. Here they are:

Sly - Jock
Lolly - Normal
Moe - Lazy
Diana - Snooty
Winnie - Peppy
Hopper - Cranky
Klaus - Smug
Chow - Cranky
Sparro - Jock
Shari - Uchi

Sigh, majority of these villagers clash with my Diana and she's the one I want to stay in my village forever. Lol... :/
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