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Archer - S4 |OT| of Babou, Therapy Cranes, Whorediots & the Danger Zone - Thurs on FX

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If you are in Austin, Texas, and heaven forbid you are in a car wreck, you may be taken to the emergency room only to look up and see someone who looks just like Dr. Krieger taking care of you.

Moving to Austin to be turned into a robot...

big ander

The show really isn't that well liked by the critics, which I'm surprised by.

...yes it is? I literally can't find a single negative review for it and I tried really hard. went through all of metacritic, checked out hitfix, avclub, time.
did you like, read one negative review on imdb and come to this conclusion?
...yes it is? I literally can't find a single negative review for it and I tried really hard. went through all of metacritic, checked out hitfix, avclub, time.
did you like, read one negative review on imdb and come to this conclusion?
I did a similar search this morning. The only thing I'd add is that you might be able to argue that it's critically ignored to some extent. It's not like there are a lot of critics consistently reviewing and discussing the show.

big ander

I did a similar search this morning. The only thing I'd add is that you might be able to argue that it's critically ignored to some extent. It's not like there are a lot of critics consistently reviewing and discussing the show.

That could be argued, sure, but I think that's just a result of the structure of the show. It's a pure joke machine. In fact, its critical coverage reminds me a lot of 30 Rock's. For a lot of 30 Rock's run I didn't feel like people were excitedly discussing the show. They were just noting that it was extremely funny. Archer seems the same.
- Warming Glow: They Have A Tell-Tale Shimmer: 10 Of ‘Archer’s’ Most Visually Distinctive Homages To Movies

That could be argued, sure, but I think that's just a result of the structure of the show. It's a pure joke machine. In fact, its critical coverage reminds me a lot of 30 Rock's. For a lot of 30 Rock's run I didn't feel like people were excitedly discussing the show. They were just noting that it was extremely funny. Archer seems the same.
Yeah, that's a fair comparison.


...yes it is? I literally can't find a single negative review for it and I tried really hard. went through all of metacritic, checked out hitfix, avclub, time.
did you like, read one negative review on imdb and come to this conclusion?

I should have rephrased the comment, I m surprised the metacritic is so low for S1 and S3. It's up there with the best dramas in terms of the writing.


God damn it I love Terms of Enrampagement

I've seen it like 5 times

I'm gonna assume you know the differences between the M26 and MK2 fragmentation grenade, so... Oh sorry, do you not?

But my favourite has to be the Heart of Archness arch. Especially the bit where Rip Riley explains the autopilot to Archer. Amazing voice acting.

big ander

I should have rephrased the comment, I m surprised the metacritic is so low for S1 and S3. It's up there with the best dramas in terms of the writing.

Both s1 and 3 have all positive reviews save one mixed review. On top of that: review aggregation sites are already pure crap for everything. for TV they're even worse because they only look at some full season reviews.
Also I dunno that I'd compare its writing to that of a drama...drama had this connotation that it's more smartly or capably written for years, but that's faded away now as people have realized how hard comedies are to write. so the comparison's kinda unnecessary


"No shit" killed me.

And I thought Archer's constant references worked well leading up to Ron's "I don't even know what you're talking about half the time!"
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