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Are you a blood, bone marrow, and/or organ donor? Why or why not?

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Can't donate blood because I'm gay, registered in the Marrow registry but have never been called on, and I think I have the organ donation thing on my license.
I'm a listed donor and have donated blood.

I would like to donate more often, but the last time I tried to donate blood I ended up waiting 4 hours. They'd over booked. I'm not angry about it. I was happy to help. I just wish I didn't have to wait so long. They originally told me it would be 20 mins tops.

I had that issue a few times with the Red Cross. Now I schedule my appointment ahead of time with a local/community blood bank rather than the Red Cross. Seems to operate more smoothly, IMO.

I'll happily donate blood once gay people are allowed to.

Can't donate blood because I'm gay, registered in the Marrow registry but have never been called on, and I think I have the organ donation thing on my license.

I'm pretty sure the FDA recently modified their rules so that gay men can donate blood if they haven't had sex with another man for at least 12 months. I'm not trying to convince you to donate either way, but just share the new ruling. Obviously, it's entirely possible that under this new rule you're still not able to donate.
I believe I'm an organ donor. I used to donate blood twice per year, but I'm done. I don't know if this is the case everywhere, but in this country they're beyond annoying. It seems like they'd always find a reason not to take my blood, be it low (but within norm) iron levels, places I've traveled to in the last 6 months (Japan is a no-no? Seriously?), and so on. I know I can't give blood for the next year because I just got out of a relationship and have had the nerve to have more than 1 sexual partner. I think in 5 years trying to give blood I've had about a 40% success rate, it became a running joke after a while. I'm O+ so it's a sought after blood type, but I've stopped answering their calls and letters because it's just not worth anyone's time anymore.
I called the blood services line and talked to a nurse last night. She told me that, so long as I don't have a fever or get told I have something by a doctor, I don't need to call back and they'll still use my blood.

I think it's possibly just allergies as I said. I just have a bit of a sore throat and sneeze the odd time. No fever.
I read stories in the newspaper and online about people giving their neighbours in need kidneys and the like. I wish I could do that one day, before I die (organ donor nonetheless and bone marrow one as well.)


As a type 1 diabetic I don't think anyone is interested in my bits. I know I explicitly cannot donate blood as I checked that just the other day (we were discussing it at work).


Gave blood about a month ago, and going to give platelets tomorrow. Not really sure what to expect besides the description on my donor's site. 2ish hour process?

I wasn't aware you could donate platelets inside of the 60 day window between red blood donations, found this out yesterday.


I'm pretty sure the FDA recently modified their rules so that gay men can donate blood if they haven't had sex with another man for at least 12 months. I'm not trying to convince you to donate either way, but just share the new ruling. Obviously, it's entirely possible that under this new rule you're still not able to donate.

I'm aware of the rule changes, It's hardly a progressive change as it still stigmatizes gay men despite HIV infections being highest among black women in inner-cities.

Also, I'm triply banned in that I had herpes as a baby and I have had a tattoo within the past year.
Gave blood about a month ago, and going to give platelets tomorrow. Not really sure what to expect besides the description on my donor's site. 2ish hour process?

I wasn't aware you could donate platelets inside of the 60 day window between red blood donations, found this out yesterday.

I didn't realize that either. I never donate platelets just on account of the time it takes. Two hours at a time and you can donate them more than once a week I believe (might be wrong on that). I'd like to do that later, but as of now, I just stick to consistent blood donations. It's great you're trying it out though, let us know how it goes.

I'm aware of the rule changes, It's hardly a progressive change as it still stigmatizes gay men despite HIV infections being highest among black women in inner-cities.

Also, I'm triply banned in that I had herpes as a baby and I have had a tattoo within the past year.

Ah, I'm not even arguing that it's progressive or a great decision, just wanted to pass along the info in case you didn't know and it would make you eligible. Tattoos are fine also in certain situations:
Red Cross said:
A tattoo is acceptable if the tattoo was applied by a state-regulated entity using sterile needles and ink that is not reused. Cosmetic tattoos applied in a licensed establishment in a regulated state using sterile needles and ink that is not reused is acceptable. You should discuss your particular situation with the health historian at the time of donation.

But yeah. That whole herpes thing may be a serious restriction anyway, not sure.


I'm an organ donor.

Also made my first blood donation in December, unfortunately the tests came back with a false positive result and I'm now excluded from donating blood for 3 years :(


I didn't realize that either. I never donate platelets just on account of the time it takes. Two hours at a time and you can donate them more than once a week I believe (might be wrong on that). I'd like to do that later, but as of now, I just stick to consistent blood donations. It's great you're trying it out though, let us know how it goes.

Forgot to update this with a report of the donation. Went alright, all in all took about 2 hours hooked up. Had a bit of trouble with squeezing the ball and not squeezing for the draw/return cycles but I got through it without any real discomfort. Ended up giving the same day I popped into this thread, and got this text earlier today.


I haven't gotten a text about a donation going through before, felt pretty good to get it. Wish more people gave, the whole process is totally painless and it does so much good.
Today was really frustrating.

I set up an appointment to donate again when I was last at the clinic, and today was the day. Knowing that my veins are small and hard to get to, and that they want me to drink a lot, I prepared early and probably had the equivalent of 13 bottles of water over the last day or two.

I waited a while, which isn't common, and everything went well. It took a bit for them to find the vein, but they did. However, my first phlebmologist was asked if she wanted a break and another one took over. I wish she hadn't.

Although she found my vein fine, got the needle in and was really nice, she fucked up my donation and it frustrates me because it's a waste and all that prep went down the toilet. She put some tape on my arm, and ended up getting it on the needle without knowing. Anyways, when she decided to randomly take the tape off (I don't know why - it didn't bug me), she pulled the needle out of my vein, then told me that the donation was unusable because it had been contaminated with oxygen.

For fuck sakes.

If I could have, I would have told them to tap the other arm. I don't mind being woozy for a few days if it'll save someone's life. But, obviously, they wouldn't. The donation was 80-90% complete, too.


Yep. I'm registered both as a organ donor and a bone marrow donor. I donate blood every chance I get, which is about every two months or so. It would be hypocritical of me as an oncology nurse to advocate for the profession and its resources and not be open to donating as a healthy individual.

I would highly implore everyone to AT LEAST consider giving blood. Speaking as a RN, your donation really and truly does help patients in need.
I'm a registered organ and marrow donor, but I donated blood for the first time a few weeks ago. Didn't even feel the needle go in, and I was feeling fine.

...And then I quickly wasn't. I think I passed out, only briefly, but nearly the entire time and for a while afterwards I was only barely hanging on to consciousness. Dizzy, sweating, could barely hear or see, and I couldn't really understand what the nurses were saying to me. When the nurse took the needle out, she had me hold gauze over the needle hole, so I did...for like 3 seconds until I totally forgot about it, and when the nurse came back with the bandage, I'd apparently leaked blood all over the chair and floor.

And my info doesn't seem to be in their website's database, nor have I received a card with my blood type, even though they sent my boyfriend one despite his address being in a different county. So I'm wondering if they weren't able to use my blood at all or something. :/

4/10 might do again.


Stem cell donation doesn't necessarily require a huge hollow needle going into your bones these days. There are non-invasive ways. At my local UMC you can donate stem cells by receiving a few days of treatment with growth factors that promote bone marrow growth, which leads to it being possible to extract these precious cells from your blood afterward. No anesthesia, discomfort or bone-boring madness. Just you potentially saving someone's life.

So if people who want to contribute more but still have this weird idea that all stem cell/marrow donations involve giant needles boring into your bones, inform your local donation center as to how they go about it.


I'm an organ donor (by default in my country). no paper work, nothing... (there is only paperwork if you DON'T want to be a donor)
I donated blood once during my high school days. the red cross actually came to my school every yea, and bought lunch for everyone who donated.
haven't donated since then though... maybe I should do it again some time in the near future
Blood donor and organ donor. Why? Because it's pretty damn easy.

We have regular blood drives at university so it's really just a matter of freeing up 30mins to 1h for something that could save someone's life. And even if I missed one, I could just donate at the hospital I work at. I'm O+ too.

I am also an organ donor because in Switzerland you literally just have to fill out a little piece of paper that you can carry in your wallet. No bureaucracy bullshit (which is surprising for this country).

So for me personally it's really a question of "why not" rather than "why".

I am not a bone marrow donor (yet?) because the process is a bit more complicated and I simply haven't gotten around to read up on it. Whether I go through with it or not is up in the air.
I donated blood again the other day. It was technically my tenth time, but a couple donations failed because they either couldn't get enough (the first time I tried, I didn't know that my veins were hard to get to and needed tons of water to be accessible for donation), or contaminated the donation. (One of the last times I went, the lady pulled some tape off my arm, which dislodged the needle and allowed oxygen to get into the 80% finished donation. It was then contaminated an unusable. She had no need to pull the tape then.)

They mentioned calling if I developed diarrhea. I've had it a couple of times since donating, but it's not because I'm sick, I'm almost positive. I deal with a bad stomach almost every day, and it's common for me to have diarrhea. In fact, it's happened a lot over the last week. But I felt great on donation day.

I don't think I need to call.


When I'm dead my body parts are up for grabs. Why not? It's not like I need them.

Then just burn me up and toss me in the trash. Down the toilet is fine as well.
I haven't bumped this thread in a very long time, but figured I would as a general "hey y'all, don't forget to sign up as an organ donor/go donate blood!" PSA.

Anyone have any new stories of receiving or giving donations?
I haven't bumped this thread in a very long time, but figured I would as a general "hey y'all, don't forget to sign up as an organ donor/go donate blood!" PSA.

Anyone have any new stories of receiving or giving donations?

Just donated blood yesterday. They were all fairly impressed how quickly I bleed as I ended up finishing before the two people that were set up before me. My time was 4:50 to fill my bag. Now I challenge all of you to beat that time.

Also, Red Cross is giving $5 Amazon credit for the next six days or something like that. So look up a site doing donations near you and go in soon if you want Amazon's blood money.


Just donated blood yesterday. They were all fairly impressed how quickly I bleed as I ended up finishing before the two people that were set up before me. My time was 4:50 to fill my bag. Now I challenge all of you to beat that time.

Also, Red Cross is giving $5 Amazon credit for the next six days or something like that. So look up a site doing donations near you and go in soon if you want Amazon's blood money.

Time to call Canadian Blood Services and find out if they can screen for CJD yet. If so, I'll take on your challenge. And not just because you have a sweet Adam Warren avatar.
Blood and marrow? Hell no. I'm not a needle person at all. If it were for family or a friend then yeah take what you need, but I won't donate. I don't think I have a worthwhile blood type anyway.

I'm an organ donor though. I'm not using them anymore so have at it.


I have donated blood and I have grant approval to stem cell registry in case someone needs my bone marrow.

It's the least I can do.
Just donated blood yesterday. They were all fairly impressed how quickly I bleed as I ended up finishing before the two people that were set up before me. My time was 4:50 to fill my bag. Now I challenge all of you to beat that time.

I'm overdue to donate, so I'll take that challenge
and fail


I do not donate blood, because I am a pothead and they don't want it.

I am in the bone marrow registry.

And of course I'm an organ donor.
Just donated blood yesterday. They were all fairly impressed how quickly I bleed as I ended up finishing before the two people that were set up before me. My time was 4:50 to fill my bag. Now I challenge all of you to beat that time.

Also, Red Cross is giving $5 Amazon credit for the next six days or something like that. So look up a site doing donations near you and go in soon if you want Amazon's blood money.

4 minutes and 50 seconds? Damn. I think mine are usually closer to 8-10 minutes when I do whole blood. I generally do double-red donations however, which seem to be largely dictated by the machines themselves rather than by my own physiology.

Blood and marrow? Hell no. I'm not a needle person at all. If it were for family or a friend then yeah take what you need, but I won't donate. I don't think I have a worthwhile blood type anyway.

I'm an organ donor though. I'm not using them anymore so have at it.

First, I hope you know that you're doing a great thing by being an organ donor. Second, and I'm not here to preach, but I suspect that even if you don't have a rare blood type, most blood banks would still be very happy to have your blood. I mean, if you have a sincere phobia of needles and can't get over that, well, that's perfectly acceptable in my opinion. No need to defend your feelings by saying you've got non-worthwhile blood! I'd still challenge you to see if you can't overcome that phobia for the benefit of your fellow man.


Has the conspiracy that if you are an organ donor a hospital/doctor might be less likely to save you come up yet?

(my driver's license reflects that I am an organ donor)


Yes to everything but bone marrow. No good reason, just haven't wanted to do it and haven't taken the time to find a place.


I registered myself as an organ donor the first chance I got. I wish I could be a regular blood donor as well but I really struggle giving blood ( pretty much guaranteed to faint) and I really cant suffer that more frequently. I feel really bad about it.


Received my invitation, usually comes in 3 times a year as I remember. Donating next week. Yes blood, going after work.


4 minutes and 50 seconds? Damn. I think mine are usually closer to 8-10 minutes when I do whole blood. I generally do double-red donations however, which seem to be largely dictated by the machines themselves rather than by my own physiology.

First, I hope you know that you're doing a great thing by being an organ donor. Second, and I'm not here to preach, but I suspect that even if you don't have a rare blood type, most blood banks would still be very happy to have your blood. I mean, if you have a sincere phobia of needles and can't get over that, well, that's perfectly acceptable in my opinion. No need to defend your feelings by saying you've got non-worthwhile blood! I'd still challenge you to see if you can't overcome that phobia for the benefit of your fellow man.

I work in the blood bank at the hospital, and I can confirm that there is no such thing as a bad blood type. Especially during off-times, like when there isn't a holiday. Donations go up during the holidays, and down when there isn't.

Also, remember to also donate Platelets when you can as they are immensely valuable. There is never a time when platelets aren't needed.
First, I hope you know that you're doing a great thing by being an organ donor. Second, and I'm not here to preach, but I suspect that even if you don't have a rare blood type, most blood banks would still be very happy to have your blood. I mean, if you have a sincere phobia of needles and can't get over that, well, that's perfectly acceptable in my opinion. No need to defend your feelings by saying you've got non-worthwhile blood! I'd still challenge you to see if you can't overcome that phobia for the benefit of your fellow man.

Incoming dumb question: Can they give me any kind of sedative? Doesn't even have to knock me out completely, just make me not care or aware of the needle? I know they have them for dentists now and a dental cleaning doesn't take much longer.


Just donated blood yesterday. They were all fairly impressed how quickly I bleed as I ended up finishing before the two people that were set up before me. My time was 4:50 to fill my bag. Now I challenge all of you to beat that time.

Also, Red Cross is giving $5 Amazon credit for the next six days or something like that. So look up a site doing donations near you and go in soon if you want Amazon's blood money.

4:50? Did you just come of a run or something? :) Your heart must've been pumping hard.

Anyway, it's not really a race :), but I'll time myself for the first time. Next week will be 3 months since my last donation so it's time, I'll return with my time. (guessing around 10 minutes).

Incoming dumb question: Can they give me any kind of sedative? Doesn't even have to knock me out completely, just make me not care or aware of the needle? I know they have them for dentists now and a dental cleaning doesn't take much longer.

I'm actually a bit squeamish about the needle, but about them time they're getting ready to stick me, I just look away for 10 or so seconds, hardly feel it at times.
Hello there, I've never seen this thread before, but I'm proud to say that I did a Bone Marrow Donation about a month ago.

To those curious about the experience, I was on a Bone Marrow Match Registry where you can get matched with someone in need.

This was the bone extracting type where a needle is inserted into the hip bone. I definitely was nervous about the whole thing, but in the end the experience was not too bad. I was but under anesthesia, and woke up after the deed had been done.

The aftermath was me having swelling in my lower back for roughly a week, but it wasn't anything close to searing pain, just a low amount in the swelling area that made it a little hard to sleep. I didn't even feel the need to take the pain medication, I used it only once.

All in all, I think its an important type of donation, one that I decided to do while young and able. I haven't heard on my donation recipients progress (the match registry keeps that information private until a month-ish after), I do hope he's okay.

Just know its a commitment to do something like that, my recipient has cancer so chemotherapy is administrated a week before, killing a lot of cells, quitting close to the day would mean certain death to the patient.

Donation is not for everyone, but to those who can you might save a life :)

PS: I was a part of the Be The Match Registry :bethematch.org


I have given blood a couple of times. They prefer me to be a power red donor though (basically I donate greater volumes of plasma). I am also an organ donor. If I pass and any part of my body could be used to bring a better life to someone else, I would love that.


Hello there, I've never seen this thread before, but I'm proud to say that I did a Bone Marrow Donation about a month ago.

To those curious about the experience, I was on a Bone Marrow Match Registry where you can get matched with someone in need.

This was the bone extracting type where a needle is inserted into the hip bone. I definitely was nervous about the whole thing, but in the end the experience was not too bad. I was but under anesthesia, and woke up after the deed had been done.

The aftermath was me having swelling in my lower back for roughly a week, but it wasn't anything close to searing pain, just a low amount in the swelling area that made it a little hard to sleep. I didn't even feel the need to take the pain medication, I used it only once.

All in all, I think its an important type of donation, one that I decided to do while young and able. I haven't heard on my donation recipients progress (the match registry keeps that information private until a month-ish after), I do hope he's okay.

Just know its a commitment to do something like that, my recipient has cancer so chemotherapy is administrated a week before, killing a lot of cells, quitting close to the day would mean certain death to the patient.

Donation is not for everyone, but to those who can you might save a life :)

PS: I was a part of the Be The Match Registry :bethematch.org

That's great! I'm on a donor register, but haven't been called in as of yet. Good to know that the procedure isn't that invasive, I always thought it'd be more than that.

For those in Sweden looking to signup for Bone Marrow http://www.tobiasregistret.se/.
You sign up, they send you 2 swabs, you swab inside your mouth, send it back, and you're done.


I need to get in touch with someone who knows what they're talking about at Bonfils in regards to blood donation. Back in 1999 I had a brain surgery, and they used a bovine pericardium patch. Basically part of a cow's heart.

The donor checklist you sign says something that always makes me think I can't donate, so I talk to the nurses and let them know specifically what was done and when, and they've never been able to give me a straight answer.

I'd donate regularly if it wasn't for this, but clearly it's something I want to double check first.
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