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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I wish this game did a better job at explaining attributes. From what I can tell, Electric is busted, Explosion is both cool and infuriating, Blind would be neat if it was on more ARMS (maybe in the future), and Fire and Wind have situational uses, especially against the heavies.

But, what is the point of using Ice and Stun over Electric? I don't even know what Stun actually does, either. Is there a comprehensive list of pros and cons to each attribute somewhere?

Yeah...I have no idea why, really.

Stun is just the best across the board, sets up guaranteed followup which is too strong overall. Fire is solid just for more damage and I can see the use of wind pushback since you can just spam bullshit to build a super and keep people out, but I have no idea what ice or that stun thing are for.

I can't believe the game doesn't even tell you arm weight classes when that's a big mechanic in the game.
I wish this game did a better job at explaining attributes. From what I can tell, Electric is busted, Explosion is both cool and infuriating, Blind would be neat if it was on more ARMS (maybe in the future), and Fire and Wind have situational uses, especially against the heavies.

But, what is the point of using Ice and Stun over Electric? I don't even know what Stun actually does, either. Is there a comprehensive list of pros and cons to each attribute somewhere?

Every electric arm is the slowest version of that arm, ice allows for mind games and can be added to the timer if hit multiple times that aren't too back to back, stun causes a hitstun for about half a second to a second. Fire weapons are usually the strongest version of that weapon and wind usually is for zoning
Since we will have to wait for a while for a LEGS sequel, bro decide to play ARMS while on the exersize bike.



Ugh playing last night I realised a lot of people are now only using the technique of standing there guarding, waiting for me to do a throw to overcome the guard, quickly jumping to the side right after I use my grab and hitting me with a side jab.

Over and over again.

Great fun. 😔


The Cryptarch's Bane
I wish this game did a better job at explaining attributes. From what I can tell, Electric is busted, Explosion is both cool and infuriating, Blind would be neat if it was on more ARMS (maybe in the future), and Fire and Wind have situational uses, especially against the heavies.

But, what is the point of using Ice and Stun over Electric? I don't even know what Stun actually does, either. Is there a comprehensive list of pros and cons to each attribute somewhere?

There is no comprehensive explanation ANYWHERE i can find.

Quick and (very) dirty:

Ice: Slows all actions, severely restricts movement, but can guard
Electric: Cannot use arms, good for follow-up 1-2 punch
Fire: Bonus damage?
Explode: Knockdown
Stun: Hitstun, good for a followup 1-2 punch
Wind: Adds tornados? Only during Rushes?
Blind: Puts goop on your camera.

Missing anything?


Play with me then, I can promise you that I was able to, as well as those I was with, I would punch first and still not get hit. Definitely not latency.

This game isn't fun at high levels of play, as I predicted. I'm going to sleep now and I'm busy tomorrow night. Maybe we can play Thursday, but I have zero motivation to play this game in its current state.

Ugh playing last night I realised a lot of people are now only using the technique of standing there guarding, waiting for me to do a throw to overcome the guard, quickly jumping to the side right after I use my grab and hitting me with a side jab.

Over and over again.

Great fun. 😔

Yeah, once people realize how good playing defensive is that's all they do. I've completely lost interest in the slow grind that is ranked match and it's probably only a matter of time until that gameplay spreads to party match.

There is no comprehensive explanation ANYWHERE i can find.

Quick and (very) dirty:

Ice: Slows all actions, severely restricts movement, but can guard
Electric: Cannot use arms, good for follow-up 1-2 punch
Fire: Bonus damage?
Explode: Knockdown
Stun: Hitstun, good for a followup 1-2 punch
Wind: Adds tornados? Only during Rushes?
Blind: Puts goop on your camera.

Missing anything?

The Prima guide explains all of these. Stun doesn't really allow a guaranteed follow-up. At least not much more than any other attack. You're stunned for slightly longer than a normal attack, but not anywhere near as long as electric. Wind knocks up so you can juggle after it. Works better on stages with bounce areas, but even on solid ground you can juggle after it easier than you can a normal charged punch.

Also, after a shock stun it's "usually" better to follow with a throw as opposed to a 1-2 punch. Depends on distance and Arms though.

Explosive is a delayed attack, not just a knockdown. And I don't think ice slows your punches, just movement. I've have to double check as I tested it more than a week ago, but I don't recall it having an impact on the speed of your punches.
I feel like I'm he only one playing uber aggressive and I'm still finding ranked relatively easy.

This game isn't fun at high levels of play, as I predicted. I'm going to sleep now and I'm busy tomorrow night. Maybe we can play Thursday, but I have zero motivation to play this game in its current state.

Yeah, once people realize how good playing defensive is that's all they do. I've completely lost interest in the slow grind that is ranked match and it's probably only a matter of time until that gameplay spreads to party match.

The Prima guide explains all of these. Stun doesn't really allow a guaranteed follow-up. At least not much more than any other attack. You're stunned for slightly longer than a normal attack, but not anywhere near as long as electric. Wind knocks up so you can juggle after it. Works better on stages with bounce areas, but even on solid ground you can juggle after it easier than you can a normal charged punch.

Also, after a shock stun it's "usually" better to follow with a throw as opposed to a 1-2 punch. Depends on distance and Arms though.

Explosive is a delayed attack, not just a knockdown. And I don't think ice slows your punches, just movement. I've have to double check as I tested it more than a week ago, but I don't recall it having an impact on the speed of your punches.

I don't see how it's not fun, regardless of who I choose in ranked I get close up high action and agression games for the most part

Masked Man

I said wow
So on a scrubbier level...

Advice for Byte and Barq on upper GP levels? I've been doing well at keeping the pet harmless easily and without issue, but I feel like I cannot get any good reads on him

Just struggled against one on Lv6 GP this morning. Much like Rosaluma in Smash, I found I had better luck focusing on disabling Barq first, then taking out Byte. Nothing is more frustrating than going in for a Rush only to have Barq's tongue-fist (ew) cut your onslaught short.


I feel like I'm he only one playing uber aggressive and I'm still finding ranked relatively easy.

I don't see how it's not fun, regardless of who I choose in ranked I get close up high action and agression games for the most part

Well you seem to be the oddity in all of this. You're super evasive with half the cast and never find people who play defensive. Don't know what to tell you man.


Just got the game so apologies if this has been brought up already, but why is the slo-mo so awful in the replays? They can’t render it slowed down at 60fps?


One question for the resident ARMS illuminati: I have a kid and we'd like to play 1v1 offline OR 2v2 online. I didn't understand if it's possible or not. Is it? How? TIA!

NB we have two sets of joy-cons.
Finally got to play regularly with my husband locally and it's much more fun playing face to face with someone with an infinite timer, being able to test out arms and jumping from being competitive with each other to trying to learn how to parry and follow up with a meaningful punch ( I'm far from reliably parrying).

Had some time to play with buttons yesterday while in handheld mode and motion controls are certainly what I'll be sticking with, though over time I'd like to become familiar with buttons just cause it's not always possible to play using motion in some circumstances.

I wonder how the spectator mode is going to work. I hope it'll allow me to simply just watch some gaf matches without joining in sometimes ( while I'm getting other things done).


Just by throwing them. Whiff away—but don't leave yourself open!

Holy shit I have been doing this all wrong lol. I was full health, no hits taken on a hard grand prix opponent and they leveled me. Good to know.

On the record, I think that's a dumb mechanic.


Well you seem to be the oddity in all of this. You're super evasive with half the cast and never find people who play defensive. Don't know what to tell you man.

They can't keep guarding forever, since their shields get weaker and attacking gives you rush meter. Keep poking/harassing them and evading or dashing if they counter.

If they dash your attacks, position yourself so that you can hit them with your other arm. Dragons are super useful to catch evades, either initiating the attack with them or positioning the beam where you think they will be, as it lingers.

Playing against the CPU in higher levels is hard but will force you to learn all all sorts of frametraps that you can apply to people.
Holy shit I have been doing this all wrong lol. I was full health, no hits taken on a hard grand prix opponent and they leveled me. Good to know.

On the record, I think that's a dumb mechanic.

It's to encourage people to be a little more aggressive. I think they should incentivize it more if the guarding thing becomes more prevalent in the meta.
Alright, made it to rank 14 so I'm going to call it a night and get some sleep early, well earlier than normal (it's 4:17 AM here). Goodnight everyone, see you all soon.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It's to encourage people to be a little more aggressive. I think they should incentivize it more if the guarding thing becomes more prevalent in the meta.

I get the intent but I don't think it really captures this. By whiffing attacks you can still be defensive, particularly with something like double popper/cracker which are super quick and basically a wall that forces someone else in, if they do nothing then the other person is just building the super, THEN the person can push in and limit the opponent's options.

It's veiled as aggression but whiffing to super is purely defensive and weirdly open to do on most of the stages. If they do anything to incentivize it more I would like them to tweak this somewhat, either by scaling the amount you got with each successive whiff or somehow calculating the proximity of your characters so punches clearly going nowhere near them won't do much. I'm really curious to see how Nintendo handles this game going forward.
I get the intent but I don't think it really captures this. By whiffing attacks you can still be defensive, particularly with something like double popper/cracker which are super quick and basically a wall that forces someone else in, if they do nothing then the other person is just building the super, THEN the person can push in and limit the opponent's options.

It's veiled as aggression but whiffing to super is purely defensive and weirdly open to do on most of the stages. If they do anything to incentivize it more I would like them to tweak this somewhat, either by scaling the amount you got with each successive whiff or somehow calculating the proximity of your characters so punches clearly going nowhere near them won't do much. I'm really curious to see how Nintendo handles this game going forward.

This is a tactic I use to the fullest in tower mode


I don't knowwhat happened to my switch during the night but I only get a black screen. Can only pop the menu to restart or power off but neither does anything, lol.

I'm kinda screwed
It's not the first time this shit has happened but the other times I could restart or power off. I guess I'll have to let battery die now.
Thanks update 3.0 /s


I don't knowwhat happened to my switch during the night but I only get a black screen. Can only pop the menu to restart or power off but neither does anything, lol.

I'm kinda screwed

I'm not sure I'm getting what you're saying.

Does it still show the main menu?

One problem I had was that it wasn't turning off because the screen froze and that to be able turn it off, I had to hold the power button for like 18 seconds as told by the customer support help on Nintendo's site.


I'm not sure I'm getting what you're saying.

Does it still show the main menu?

One problem I had was that it wasn't turning off because the screen froze and that to be able turn it off, I had to hold the power button for like 18 seconds as told by the customer support help on Nintendo's site.

I've tried that already, no luck. I'll try again I guess I have no other choice lol

Edit: managed to make it work the third time, not sure if Iscrewed up the first two times or not. Phew that's a relief. Thanks anyway ggx2ac


Just got this game. Enjoying going through the GP difficulties and I've already unlocked ranked play.

What are my chances if I choose to stick with the most vanilla ass combo ever? (Spring man and his default gloves) 😂

I just love sticking to the basics but it does feel like I'm putting myself in a significant handicap by not utilizing elemental effects from other gloves.
All the players I've found in ranked are kind of aggressive, the only defensive ones generally are Ninjara players, the best to punish.


All the players I've found in ranked are kind of aggressive, the only defensive ones generally are Ninjara players, the best to punish.

Yeah, like 9 times out of 10 I encountered in the upper ranks are very aggressive players. That's how I got used to that tactic.
Ok level 4. Is it even possible to hit the computer through attacking first or do you absolutely have to wait for them to use an attack first and then dodge it and hit and hope he ends up where you threw the punch?!


Ok level 4. Is it even possible to hit the computer through attacking first or do you absolutely have to wait for them to use an attack first and then dodge it and hit and hope he ends up where you threw the punch?!

You can, I usually just box them in a corner and then predict which way I think they'll try to get out of the corner. Your strategy is pretty much the way to go IMO. You'll end up missing so many punches that you can use your super while reacting to their punch and do some good damage. I beat it this way before figuring out Twintelle could slow down time while charging her gloves. Up close the computer is Miss Cleo though. They know exactly when you'll swing, when you'll throw, how to dodge all of your stuff. It's stupid annoying. Past level 4, the computer is just a menace.
You can, I usually just box them in a corner and then predict which way I think they'll try to get out of the corner. Your strategy is pretty much the way to go IMO. You'll end up missing so many punches that you can use your super while reacting to their punch and do some good damage. I beat it this way before figuring out Twintelle could slow down time while charging her gloves. Up close the computer is Miss Cleo though. They know exactly when you'll swing, when you'll throw, how to dodge all of your stuff. It's stupid annoying. Past level 4, the computer is just a menace.

Yepp that's exactly what I've been doing with supers too. Grabs also seem really hard to pull off and very very punishable unless I'm doing it wrong..


Neo Member
I really want to get good with Kid Cobra, so im guessing his quick step is key? Also its best to use multiple punches, and not just try to time single attacks right?
I personally believe it's all in the charged dash, especially under punches and towards your opponent although you can cover a lot of ground with sidestepping. As for multiple punches or single punches that just depends on what's called for in the moment. If you're not taking advantage of charged dashes you're not really capitalizing on what makes kid cobra unique.
This game can be such bullshit sometimes. I'm doing Grand Prix 5 against Headlock: first round I got PERFECT. Second round he just annihilates me. Now I tried four times and I just get wiped the floor with each round.


This game can be such bullshit sometimes. I'm doing Grand Prix 5 against Headlock: first round I got PERFECT. Second round he just annihilates me. Now I tried four times and I just get wiped the floor with each round.

First round he was probably using hammer and in the second hand changed to that fist. I've found he is much easier to beat when he is using hammer.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
This game really clicked with me last night and I made it through 3 GP with Nijara... and won a few matches in Party Mode.

I need to now watch a few videos online to learn more and get better. This game is good when you finally understand movement and evading and putting it all together. It has a real learning curve though!


My 9-year old son played through GP 4 with Kid Cobra. He beat both Max Brass and Hedlok in first try and went 2-0 against Hedlok.

I'm impressed and proud. I'm afraid he may be a better player than me.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
My 9-year old son played through GP 4 with Kid Cobra. He beat both Max Brass and Hedlok in first try and went 2-0 against Hedlok.

I'm impressed and proud. I'm afraid he may be a better player than me.
That's awesome! My 9 year old daughter likes to play too, but not that good, I should try training her and leveling her up lol.
That's awesome! My 9 year old daughter likes to play too, but not that good, I should try training her and leveling her up lol.

My 9-year old son played through GP 4 with Kid Cobra. He beat both Max Brass and Hedlok in first try and went 2-0 against Hedlok.

I'm impressed and proud. I'm afraid he may be a better player than me.

An online fight between the two 9 year olds. Infact, a 2v2 against each other. Do iiiiiitttttt.


My 9-year old son played through GP 4 with Kid Cobra. He beat both Max Brass and Hedlok in first try and went 2-0 against Hedlok.

I'm impressed and proud. I'm afraid he may be a better player than me.

Hearing about kids being able to enjoy ARMS and actually be good at it always makes me so happy for some reason.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Lol he's done better than most GAF players.
Me included! I haven't cleared 4 GP yet, just did 3 last night and I was real proud of myself!

My 5 year old has also enjoyed playing too! She loves doing the flurry attack, she gets PSYCHED UP when she lands those hits!


There is no comprehensive explanation ANYWHERE i can find.

Quick and (very) dirty:

Ice: Slows all actions, severely restricts movement, but can guard
Electric: Cannot use arms, good for follow-up 1-2 punch
Fire: Bonus damage?
Explode: Knockdown
Stun: Hitstun, good for a followup 1-2 punch
Wind: Adds tornados? Only during Rushes?
Blind: Puts goop on your camera.

Missing anything?

Blind seems low value unless you have more than one opponent, since the camera stays focused on your foe anyway and you still have a good idea of what your opponent's doing.

Not quite like Mario Kart where you can still see where you're going but miss important things in the way (like bananas or coins).
"And there's a [few] of us just like me, who [wiggle] like me, who just don't [get hit like] me, who [look] like me, [punch, grab, and slide] like me, and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me."

Me whenever I see another Helix in ranked
Finally had time to sit down and clear GP 1-4. It was extremely satisfying, but also weird because vanilla Max Brass took me three tries, but I managed to beat hedlok on my first try.


I told my son what you were saying and he said he feels very happy. So thank you guys.

If anyone's kid needs switch friends, let me know and we can exchange friend codes. My 11-year old daughter plays too.


Man, I really can't deal with 2v2s. Just fucking throwing grabs all over.

The grab is a serious downer in this game. Especially when playing against Ribbon Girl. Sometimes it is literally impossible to get out of it.

They need to implement stale moves like in Smash to really deal with shit like this.

Also, really tired of seeing my arms connect but having the enemy not react or take damage at all. Probably a connection issue, but it's infuriating and takes away a lot of the fun.

I've had some good matches, but the number of good matches compared to the number of matches where I'm up against some spammer that managed to get to Rank 7 somehow is balanced in the wrong way.


Min Min questions:

- does left arm charge last through multiple punches?
- can she kick away air throws, or just punches?

- It's perma-charged, so as long as you don't get knocked down or got shocked/frozen, that's charged for as many uses as you want. The charge gets canceled once knocked down.
- She can kick both.
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