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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


The Cryptarch's Bane
So if it's based on skill and not the character itself, that means you could easily win using any other character as much as Helix right?
eh. Easily win against who? Me? If he devotes time to any character in the game I am certain he could still easily kick the crap out of me without issue.

If I play against him many times and begin to really understand what he is doing I'm sure I could make progress.

I've never been someone with incredible fighting game skill but I have played against them before. It is not my cup of tea, and I know it when I see it.

Gore is good, Helix is good, Gore's helix is very good, but not unbeatable, as obviously confirmed by the fact that he has been beaten. If you are looking to compete in the top 10% of players of this game, fighting him, taking notes and attempting to improve against him is probably a very good use of your time in this early stage.

I, personally, am only concerned with being in the top half of the bottom 90%. I would like to hold my own and be able to win against friends and strangers.

The thing is... drawing any particular conclusions from any of this is folly. It's way too early to talk seriously about balance. We don't even know what the competitive scene will advocate in terms of Arms and shit. Helix is not very threatening with his default Arms.


Has anyone taken an in depth look at rush attacks yet? They seem to have a lot of nuances with the different arms. I feel like I'm playing with a handicap because my opponents always seem to squeeze out more damage with them than I can no matter their arm choice.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Has anyone taken an in depth look at rush attacks yet? They seem to have a lot of nuances with the different arms. I feel like I'm playing with a handicap because my opponents always seem to squeeze out more damage with them than I can no matter their arm choice.
Pulling tips together for an advanced guide post. There definitely are way more variations and nuances to Rushes than I thought at first. Some things can also be fired exactly twice and timed for optimal damage. They are also not all equally difficult to dodge/block. But heavy arms do dramatically increase your rush damage though for starters.
Why are you getting so apprehensive when I wasn't talking to you?
I was attempting to answer the question you specifically psosed about Gore and that others are posing generally about Helix to the best of my ability.

If you mean that I just shouldn't have replied to your post because it wasn't directed at me, then so be it and I apologize.


I was attempting to answer the question you specifically psosed about Gore and that others are posing generally about Helix to the best of my ability.

If you mean that I just shouldn't have replied to your post because it wasn't directed at me, then so be it and I apologize.

The way you started your post felt like you were being attacked.

I'm fine with your opinion, how long will we have to wait before discussions about balance can occur?


I guess I just have to accept that I can't get good at this game and I may have wasted $60.

Did a party match for 11 consecutive rounds and only won 1 game and it was volleyball.
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?

Not at all.
Why you don't play online ?


Man, people really hate the beyblade stage

Love-hate relationship with it. Sometimes it's cute when you're both on the tops dashing all over the map struggling to hit one another. But if only one person is on a top, and that person isn't you, it gets... irritating, to say the least.

I don't mind its existence, but it's certainly not a stage I'd want to play in a tournament setting lol

Ribbon Girl's version of the ARMS theme is so good.

This and her theme song are the best lol

Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?

For single player, not at all. Either be into the online/local multiplayer, or don't bother I'm afraid.
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?
In short, no. There isn't enough single player content at the moment and the whole point of what's there is to prepare you for playing online against other people.
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?
As much as I like the game, probably not. The core gameplay is very fun but its main draw is multiplayer.


In short, no. There isn't enough single player content at the moment and the whole point of what's there is to prepare you for playing online against other people.

You say at the moment, but as far as I know, they never talked about releasing anything that would alleviate the issue. As far as I know, I'm only expecting new ARMS, characters, and stages.

I want to but when I tired playing games like street fighter or call of duty I feel like theirs no room for casual online players. It's frustrating to go online and just be consistently obliterated.

The Party Match mode is pretty casual imo, you just chill with random people and play all sorts of modes.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The way you started your post felt like you were being attacked.

I'm fine with your opinion, how long will we have to wait before discussions about balance can occur?

I don't feel like I'm being, sorry for giving that impression. What I meant by invoking my skill level was that it's not going to be equally difficult for someone of his skill level to defeat people who are on mine, vs the best players in the world. Gore may be nowhere near the top in terms of skill, but he is on a level at why I, at least, can't compete, and that isn't due to helix, which I can tell cause I've beaten people using helix.

As far as how long until balance discussions would make sense, I dunno, I'm gonna say unto the first tournament between a bunch of players with lots of experience at the game. Who are the top players in the world maining right now, if anyone has any idea who they are?


I want to but when I tired playing games like street fighter or call of duty I feel like theirs no room for casual online players. It's frustrating to go online and just be consistently obliterated.

Dude I am the same way but Party Mode is super fun in ARMS. I am not very good but I surprise myself against ppl all the time. There is a larger swing of relative skill levels in this game than in most. In one lobby, you might slaughter someone who is dominating most others, and vice versa.

Edit: that said it does not have $60 worth of sp content.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?
For truly singleplayer only it's an easy no at full price. Just no way. I'd say the same about any version of Smash.

edit: Party Mode is a blast solo though, even though it is undeniably multiplayer.


Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?

No and likely never will be. I mean if you are really into the game, go nuts, it's great But it's a multiplayer game through and through


I'd feel better when getting bodied online if the game at least told me what control scheme my opponent was using, at least then I could blame it on the handheld controls! :p


I'd feel better when getting bodied online if the game at least told me what control scheme my opponent was using, at least then I could blame it on the handheld controls! :p

Hah I wonder that all the time. Would be a cool metric to include.
You say at the moment, but as far as I know, they never talked about releasing anything that would alleviate the issue. As far as I know, I'm only expecting new ARMS, characters, and stages.

The Party Match mode is pretty casual imo, you just chill with random people and play all sorts of modes.

I think its because of the interview with developers mentioning about more lore coming soon.

Its debatable on whether they mean through free updates or just through outside media. Although its better to go with the latter for now.
You say at the moment, but as far as I know, they never talked about releasing anything that would alleviate the issue. As far as I know, I'm only expecting new ARMS, characters, and stages.
Well there you go. Haven't paid close attention to pre-release news on the game so was unsure what kind of DLC they mentioned.


Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?

nope not at all, its very barebones its the same as SFV i feel. Gameplay is good though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Anyone else have sore arms from using motion controls the day before (in my case, yesterday)?
Is this a good fitness game? Does anybody use it with that purpose? Would you say you sweat a lot or feel like it's a moderate workout?


Gonna try some GPs and Party Mode with 2lb wrist weights. Will report back.
Hey everyone!

Do you guys, be honest with me, think that $60.00 is a warranted price for this as a single player game?

I love the idea and concept. Sadly, I don't think many friends or family would like to play videogames with me other than in quick bursts.

Is the single player worth the admission?

I'm going to differ from others here and say that the single-player might be worth the cost of admission depending on what your perception of value is and just how much you adore the core concept of the gameplay, which may be hard to tell if you didn't play the Testpunch.

For instance, you should be able to answer this from your own experience with other fighting games in the past: Grand Prix (the arcade mode) takes about an hour to run through on a suitable difficulty that mildly challenges you but doesn't put up any hard roadblocks. With a ten-character roster, do you consider that ten hours of content, or one hour of content repeated ten times?

I fall into the first category. I played all but one session of the Testpunch, but since picking up the full retail game, I have yet to step into online multiplayer at all. Between:

(a) clearing GP 4 (the middle difficulty) with the full roster,
(b) moving up to higher difficulties with characters I particularly like,
(c) casual experimentation with the mechanics in Training (admittedly underdeveloped) and the random marathon mode (Arms Test), and
(d) playing the 1-on-100 challenge (again, in my view, worth doing with the whole roster since each character has their own starting stage, which you unlock for everyone by beating it for the first time),

... I would estimate that if I never went online, I would still be on track to get at least 20 hours out of the game. (Maybe by the end of this week.) And to be honest, I don't really find myself craving more single-player modes, just more characters/arms/stages, as planned.

Basically, the amount of single-player content you are looking at is a little more than you would get from a typical Street Fighter, but much less than something like SSB with its tailored challenges, home run contests, and target mini-games. If you were okay paying full price for a Street Fighter II cartridge to play at home back in the early 1990s, definitely jump in. If you thought that was never nearly good enough to begin with, I'd hold back. Like Splatoon (which has a single-player you can take to 100% in 5-10 hours, and which I definitely wouldn't have recommended at full price for single-player alone, as good as it is), Arms is unquestionably a multiplayer-centric experience. But if you think of clearing the standard arcade mode with all characters as non-redundant content—and not everybody will—for the sake of a dollars-per-hour calculation, if you're into that sort of thing, you're looking at 10 hours minimum, plus many more just to learn the basic mechanics and practice.

Also, I think you would be surprised to find how many players in this thread never thought of themselves as people who would ever take a fighting game online, but wound up doing so anyway because they love the mechanics that much.

I'm not going to outright recommend putting down $60 just to play offline—much as I love the game, I would have been very hesitant to do this myself—but this is what you should know to make an informed decision.
In case there's still any debate on it, I went about 30/70 lose/win against Gore's Helix.

It doesn't need to be nerfed. Gore's just good. I've destroyed every other Helix I've seen so far. Nothing even close. Gore plays well, and is good at smelling out weaknesses.
If someone is better than me, they should probably win ia little more often.
I don't think the character itself is problematic.

As far as overall balance is concerned, I'm constantly surprised at how well this game is balanced, despite it being a new IP, a new type of gameplay, and full of different arm/character combos.

Adapt, y'all.
I went about 30/70 lose/win against Gore's Helix.

It doesn't need to be nerfed. Gore's just good. I've destroyed every other Helix I've seen so far. Nothing even close. Gore plays well, and is good at smelling out weaknesses.

As far as overall balance is concerned, I'm constantly surprised at how well this game is balanced, despite it being a new IP, a new type of gameplay, and full of different arm/character combos.

Adapt, y'all.

For a new IP its great its not broken. Even then I believe the developers will update the game as time goes on.


The Cryptarch's Bane
While I still say it's definitely too early, I will concede I'd sooner believe that it is relatively well-balanced, for such a new concept, than that anything is egregiously broken.


Update, got second in a lobby filled with tougher competition including DKL, thedan001, and Jorge, I got 29 while Dan got 30, I played Ribbon

That room, I went in without knowing what expected me :lol Got straight up murdered. When you jumped constantly on Barq, damn I couldn't do jack shit!

Love this game, even though I suck. Last night I spent two hours to beat a Lvl. 5 CPU on a best of 5 versus match. Crazy hard stuff.
That room, I went in without knowing what expected me :lol Got straight up murdered. When you jumped constantly on Barq, damn I couldn't do jack shit!

Love this game, even though I suck. Last night I spent two hours to beat a Lvl. 5 CPU on a best of 5 versus match. Crazy hard stuff.

At least you didn't play my Helix 😂

Good games though, it was fun


Fair enough, anyone here who's fought me long enough knows it can be beaten and there are countermeasures but the fight itself has to be treated as something COMPLETELY different than any other character to even have a chance at victory, I would say.

I get the fact that you enjoy being the best on NeoGAF in Arms. It's fun. You get to go into Valle's room and beat up on someone who barely knows how to play the game. But you can't possibly say you don't understand what the problem is. You're using a character that has abilities that are far more accessible than the rest of the cast and available in far more situations.

Is he beatable? Sure. I've done it several times. I can also beat every other character with half the effort.

I just can't fathom you not understanding what the problem is...


I really want to get good with Kid Cobra, so im guessing his quick step is key? Also its best to use multiple punches, and not just try to time single attacks right?
I get the fact that you enjoy being the best on NeoGAF in Arms. It's fun. You get to go into Valle's room and beat up on someone who barely knows how to play the game. But you can't possibly say you don't understand what the problem is. You're using a character that has abilities that are far more accessible than the rest of the cast and available in far more situations.

Is he beatable? Sure. I've done it several times. I can also beat every other character with half the effort.

I just can't fathom you not understanding what the problem is...

If by accessible you mean easy to use, that's not the case. I and many others have noted that we have yet to seen another Helix of such skill. If accessible you mean by the start, every character has every ability from the start. If by accessible you mean that it's available more during a fight, I can admit that his movements combo together and it might be offputting at first but he's still just as vulnerable as anyone else once you learn him. Besides, Ribbon Girl's abilities combo off each other too, Master Mummy too arguably, Twintelle as well since she can spam the time stop, Kid Cobra as well with his jump and charged Dashes, Mechanica with the hovering, they're all just as accessible and able to be used together to me.

Furthermore I can confirm I am just as good after playing with about half the roster or so, so it's not just Helix, and I used the same uber-aggressive, attack first but don't get punished tactics as I did with Helix. I had no trouble replicating what I did with Helix with the others, constantly dodging attacks and all, with abilities that were avalaible in all sorts of situations and that I was noted as "playing every character completely differently."


Use 100 or 200, never 30. No joke there's a debate between 100/200 but 30 is just not worth it.

I feel like for most players, 100 is the best time vs reward that also gives you decent options at an ok rate.

30 is garbage, and 200 can be too much for folks without the combo they like.


In case there's still any debate on it, I went about 30/70 lose/win against Gore's Helix.

It doesn't need to be nerfed. Gore's just good. I've destroyed every other Helix I've seen so far. Nothing even close. Gore plays well, and is good at smelling out weaknesses.
If someone is better than me, they should probably win ia little more often.
I don't think the character itself is problematic.

As far as overall balance is concerned, I'm constantly surprised at how well this game is balanced, despite it being a new IP, a new type of gameplay, and full of different arm/character combos.

Adapt, y'all.

Totally agreed. Gore is just good at this kind of game. Very good. Helix's high charge might be great in those hands, but I feel like he could counter others who did the same.

I feel better and better about the balance as I unlock arms.

Edit: sorry for the double post :(


If by accessible you mean easy to use, that's not the case. I and many others have noted that we have yet to seen another Helix of such skill. If accessible you mean by the start, every character has every ability from the start. If by accessible you mean that it's available more during a fight, I can admit that his movements combo together and it might be offputting at first but he's still just as vulnerable as anyone else once you learn him. Besides, Ribbon Girl's abilities combo off each other too, Master Mummy too arguably, Twintelle as well since she can spam the time stop, Kid Cobra as well with his jump and charged Dashes, Mechanica with the hovering, they're all just as accessible and able to be used together to me.

Furthermore I can confirm I am just as good after playing with about half the roster or so, so it's not just Helix, and I used the same uber-aggressive, attack first but don't get punished tactics as I did with Helix. I had no trouble replicating what I did with Helix with the others, constantly dodging attacks and all, with abilities that were avalaible in all sorts of situations and that I was noted as "playing every character completely differently."

Forget it dude. You don't get it.

And there's no way you're being just as evasive with the rest of the roster unless it's latency causing your ability to dodge everything. The game just isn't that deep.
Forget it dude. You don't get it.

And there's no way you're being just as evasive with the rest of the roster unless it's latency causing your ability to dodge everything. The game just isn't that deep.

Play with me then, I can promise you that I was able to, as well as those I was with, I would punch first and still not get hit. Definitely not latency.
I wish this game did a better job at explaining attributes. From what I can tell, Electric is busted, Explosion is both cool and infuriating, Blind would be neat if it was on more ARMS (maybe in the future), and Fire and Wind have situational uses, especially against the heavies.

But, what is the point of using Ice and Stun over Electric? I don't even know what Stun actually does, either. Is there a comprehensive list of pros and cons to each attribute somewhere?
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