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Army Corps halts Dakota Access Pipeline work

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Thanks for nothing. A woman is maimed for life all because no one could give a fuck until just now for some reason.

I'm thankful he finally stepped in, at least.

Our people were willing to sacrifice themselves to the cause. It was that important. No one regrets being there. They are all heroes.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Spoiler alert: public displays and protests are how half of the shit in history has ever gotten done.

There will always be a score of people who clutch their pearls and wonder why the oppressed think they have the right to engage in all of this unpleasantnesss and disrupt the aesthetic of an orderly, quiet, stop-complaining-about-your-exploitation society.


Great news, but the fight isn't over. The time after these victories is more important than achieving this goal so far. Now we have to be vigilant for them to not back-track or take an even more detrimental route.


Makes me happy-but also makes me fearful of what the bitter people in power will do to "teach a lesson".


Makes me happy-but also makes me fearful of what the bitter people in power will do to "teach a lesson".

This is my fear as well. There are thousands of people at Standing Rock, a pissed off state government and a shit ton of angry as fuck cops. What are they going to do now that they 'lost'?
A moment to breathe, but the gumption to pat Obama on the back about this with enthusiastic zeal while also reckoning those on the other side will now just suddenly start acting in good faith...I mean....

I have to imagine they will stick around despite this, just in case and winter be damned---especially as it isn't like there's been even a whisper of restitution or reckoning.
This is my fear as well. There are thousands of people at Standing Rock, a pissed off state government and a shit ton of angry as fuck cops. What are they going to do now that they 'lost'?
The ND government will probably cut relations with the Standing Rock Tribe.

On the national level, Donald Trump will just renew the pipeline.


Thanks for nothing. A woman is maimed for life all because no one could give a fuck until just now for some reason.

It's not as simple as a phone call, we don't know what he had to do behind the scenes.

The abuse of the native people is terrible, but I highly doubt Obama was just being lazy

boiled goose

good with gravy
It's not as simple as a phone call, we don't know what he had to do behind the scenes.

The abuse of the native people is terrible, but I highly doubt Obama was just being lazy

Not lazy. Perhaps not even indifferent. But weak and gutless. Too afraid to take a real stand.

His weak statements (and their absence) speak volumes


Kills Photobucket
Well. I hope the land brings them happiness in the month and a half of peace until Drumf overturns it and orders the work to start again.
We all know that because Obama wasn't out there jumping on grenades and getting dogs put on him that he isn't shit, right

Not like he had anything else to do right

...anyway glad to see some progress has been made on this front.
It would be stupid of Trump to do something about it once he gets in. The protests as well as the attention got bigger and bigger. I don't know how he would be able to make himself look good if they were to get even stronger. All attention would be on him.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Does this mean that Obama stepped in and stopped it? I thought people were mad at him for not doing anything about this for the longest time.


Does this mean that Obama stepped in and stopped it? I thought people were mad at him for not doing anything about this for the longest time.

obama was the one who asked the army corps of engineers to step in and study the pipeline. i'm sure there were some back channel negotiations as well, but given the statement from the state govts, i'm sure this will be challenged in court. i'm sure this isn't over yet, so i'm going to donate some more money
Not to sound cold, but I'm a bit annoyed at people whose general takeaway from this is "Thanks Obama."

People should be thanking the protesters, the people who actually bled to stop the pipeline.

They deserve more credit than anyone.
Finally some good news in this otherwise shitastic year. Glad to hear this.

Not to sound cold, but I'm a bit annoyed at people whose general takeaway from this is "Thanks Obama."

People should be thanking the protesters, the people who actually bled to stop the pipeline.

They deserve more credit than anyone.

Agreed. Stupid meme doesn't apply here at ALL.


What if it was the magic of hillary sharing the stage with katy perry at a recent celebrity gala that actually stopped this?


Yep. And don't allow apathy to close your eyes. No doubt everybody who protested or donated needs to stay vigilant to hold the oppressors accountable because any tiny gap that can be used to circumvent this will be exploited by those who make a living on exploiting.

Funny, it was apathy by the tribe that got us to this place in the first place.

There were multiple requests for route review and discussion with the tribe, but they didn't care enough to respond to any of them, or brushed people off for over a year.
A woman lost her arm.

Memes aren't appropriate for every situation.

Thank the people who stood up and fought for their rights and their land, not a president who sat and did nothing.
Didn't Obama sign the go ahaed for the Dakota Pipeline a few months ago? Regardless I'm glad that it is reversed... only to prolly be re-reversed once Trump gets in office.
Not to sound cold, but I'm a bit annoyed at people whose general takeaway from this is "Thanks Obama."

People should be thanking the protesters, the people who actually bled to stop the pipeline.

They deserve more credit than anyone.
Agreed. Not to toot my own horn, but what I said earlier:

A big hats off to those who were there and helped organize the effort. This shite isn't easy, and they really did a great job of holding everything together, getting media involved as much as they could, and keeping their people fed, sheltered, and safe (as much as possible) while out there.

Couldn't be more happy for those people who have been out there fighting the good fight.
Obama wasn't the one out there getting his ass whupped by the police. Thank Native Water Protectors and their allies for shaming Obama into doing the right thing.
I'm a firm believer that the protesters deserve 99% of the credit, but not sure why we need to make assumptions that he was "shamed" into doing this.


Kills Photobucket


Thank you to the protesters and the native Americans and all other allies! They deserve the real credit here, and it goes to show that protesting and a little bit of optimism CAN change things, with an attitude like this we can survive the Trump years and changer the world.
It would be stupid of Trump to do something about it once he gets in. The protests as well as the attention got bigger and bigger. I don't know how he would be able to make himself look good if they were to get even stronger. All attention would be on him.

Which is exactly why there's a good chance of it happening.
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