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As a PlayStation player, I feel concerned about the future


As a gamer im concerend over the future, approaching 50 and been gaming since i was 9, and im now thinking i might stop buying new games and start focusing on collection retro machine and game, the ones i grew up and enjoyed, not into gaas games or stupid 4 player coop that companys seem to be pushing, i just want a good sinlge player experience. This is what happens when the world is all woke and diversity driven, wrong people in the wrong jobs and no idea can be shot down, every industry is on a downer at the min, sony japan should have took control back over playstation instead of letting usa take control, all the decent games still coming from the east


Read that thread, was thinking: Maybe they're not spending as much money as Y is, but Sony could still value them more because of their potential for the future. These companies must have some idea / projection at what age their customer base is beginning to dissolve and I bet it's not 80 or 90.

If it was 40% GAAS spending and 60% Traditional games, I'd be happy. Why spend $300 million a year on GAAS? That makes no sense.


Gold Member
I have to admit, I wasnt impressed.

I mean they have a lot still unshown, but when will they show them? sounds like a way way off.

x2 big games a year should give us some indication as to what is going on.

This year we get Spider Man and FFXVI as a bonus we got Burning Shores so lets not even think theres some shadow drop or something, makes me think DS2 is next year.
They told you before hand the main focus would be GaaS moving forward 👍

Let's hope we still get SP games

We will still get SP games though. I'm sure studios like SSM, Suckerpunch, Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Guerilla Games will still make them.

Other than Insomniac I have no idea what the others are working on. Hopefully their SP titles continue to be high quality.


As a gamer im concerend over the future, approaching 50 and been gaming since i was 9, and im now thinking i might stop buying new games and start focusing on collection retro machine and game, the ones i grew up and enjoyed, not into gaas games or stupid 4 player coop that companys seem to be pushing, i just want a good sinlge player experience. This is what happens when the world is all woke and diversity driven, wrong people in the wrong jobs and no idea can be shot down, every industry is on a downer at the min, sony japan should have took control back over playstation instead of letting usa take control, all the decent games still coming from the east

Stop deflecting blame on people that have nothing to do with this. Don't blame those "others". It's Jimbo's fault. And his fault only. He's chasing a trend like most unimaginative CEOs for the quick dollar. Has nothing to do with being woke or diversity. This isn't the fault of black or brown people or the LGBTQ community.


We will still get SP games though. I'm sure studios like SSM, Suckerpunch, Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Guerilla Games will still make them.

Other than Insomniac I have no idea what the others are working on. Hopefully their SP titles continue to be high quality.

Here's my problem with stupid Jimbo's 2 big AAA games a year strategy. That means with can't get Wolverine, DS2, and ND's Factions in 2024.


Gold Member
Yet when something is announced that is far off, everybody is just as angry and cries that it shouldn't have been announced yet.
What we don't love is not getting a whiff of the game for years later (e.g. Fable). It would have been acceptable for them to show a couple more upcoming first party games.

mckmas8808 mckmas8808 is right, Jimbo doesn't see it that way, and as long as the PowerPoint presentations keep looking good to investors, he'll keep doing it this way.


Gold Member
I’ve just seen a recap and I saw a lot of guns, details, vistas, guns, cinema, diversity, guns, swords, cinema, swords, worlds that may not be open but sure as hell want you to think they are at a glance.

This market isn’t for me anymore but hey, it shouldn’t be. I barely have time to play, and I have hundreds of games in my backlog.
If people young and old enjoy what’s been shown, please have fun.
GaaS is fine so long as they are done well.

Lack of first party games is an issue but MS is facing the same problem. Turns out games take time.

I just wonder what the fuck ND is doing and where Factions II is.


Stop deflecting blame on people that have nothing to do with this. Don't blame those "others". It's Jimbo's fault. And his fault only. He's chasing a trend like most unimaginative CEOs for the quick dollar. Has nothing to do with being woke or diversity. This isn't the fault of black or brown people or the LGBTQ community.
Its got nothing todo with jim, yes he is the ceo, but do u think all day long he sits there saying yes this is the game we gonna concentrate on or no lets scrap this etc, he will have a big team under him who will make all the decisions, and he will only go off what he being told, i bet after the confernce yesturday he will have asked what people thoughts are and they would have all told him bull and said it was great, and not trying to say blame people of colour or lbgt but i think the industry is full of people who cant do there job and instead of getting rid of them they just get promoted higher and higher till u have A company clueless
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The nicest person on this forum
I might not care for first party games this gen, but I'm still getting some great 3rd party games, especially this year has been packed.
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There were games there that I liked but yea, pretty disappointing overall! I’m actually quite excited to see what Xbox can bring to the table.

Dare I say, this could be their year?


They are letting Spider-Man be the main focus because it is probably the only 1st party game they have releasing this year.
The rest they will do surprise reveals, as needed, throughout the year.

Bur why even make a showcase if you aint ready to show something after 20 month. We give ms shit for bad management (rightfully) but this is the first sign for bad mangement too.


Well after sony presentation, and redfall being trash, seriously hoping streetfighter 6 can deliver for me, although played the demo and beta and loved it, so Hoping alls good
From all my years watching games showcases by all companies...this is just another one of those unlikely to appeal to gaming forum folks (most who this appealed to are not into gaming forums now).

I wouldn't be concerned because most of their first party studios outside of Bend have last released a game in 2020 or after. A new game after that takes 5+ years to develop. The pandemic pushed development back another year or more on top of that sue to changing work environments. Spider-Man 2 was likely the only game they had planned this year so it was shown. The next ND game is likely not until 2024+ (I would assume 2025 honestly). Sucked Punch just released GoT in 2020 which was a 6+ year gap between its last game. Games take a lot longer to make which is why you don't see MS overflowing with first party either (like even Forza is taking longer than before).

Also Square Enix is not gonna show DQXII, KH4, next FFVII Rebirth trailers because they want all focus on FFXVI and after its done...will move onto FFVII Rebirth (they know it could take away FFXVI hype because 7 is more known).

We still have Gamescon, TGS, etc. as well and TGA (popular place to reveal new games now), and future State of Play. Also still other games coming out, just not in the showcase.

People keep trying to compare to Nintendo but the thing is..the Switch has been out for over 6 years so of course its lineup of games is strong. PS4 was super strong in 2020 and still into 2021. Most of those single player more lengthy games people want come at the back of a generation.
Playstation is at their peak right now, I don't know what this concern is coming from, it honestly feels like they have made a deal with the devil or something their biggest competitor is getting hit after hit and they just keep on growing.
Their peak is releasing one first party game this year ok
Do the younger generation really want garbage service games? Maybe I'm old and out of touch with the new kids but those multiplayer games look as generic as they can get. Sony should stick to what they're so good at and cater to their core crowd. Let 3rd party do live service stuff.
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Gold Member
Their live service games are going to fail. How do I know this? Other than Fairgame$ looking fucking insufferable and like Jade Raymond is repacking Watch Dogs in MP, you don't fucking announce this shit with CGI.

One can only hope Ryan and Hulst have staked their positions so much on live services, that the failure of the initiative causes their ousting, before the gen ends.


As a gamer im concerend over the future, approaching 50 and been gaming since i was 9, and im now thinking i might stop buying new games and start focusing on collection retro machine and game, the ones i grew up and enjoyed, not into gaas games or stupid 4 player coop that companys seem to be pushing, i just want a good sinlge player experience. This is what happens when the world is all woke and diversity driven, wrong people in the wrong jobs and no idea can be shot down, every industry is on a downer at the min, sony japan should have took control back over playstation instead of letting usa take control, all the decent games still coming from the east
I think Sony and Microsoft have lost their way completely, and the transition to California as PlayStation HQ ensures it’ll always be money before creativity (without realising that creativity results in money).

I’ve gotten rid of both consoles and just kept my Switch Oled, signed up to NSO to get N64 and GBA games. Literally the only major studio that I will miss is From Software, so I just need to find some way of playing those games.


Do the younger generation really want garbage service games? Maybe I'm old and out of touch with the new kids but those multiplayer games look as generic as they can get. Sony should stick to what they're so good at and cater to their core crowd. Let 3rd party do live service stuff.

Well iam in my 30s and I liking some gaas games too but 95% gets dropped after a few hours like once every blue moon a gaas games gets played for 100 hours and I never pay extra for any of those.

No matter the quality I know that sony gaas games won't be any different. Hope most of them are f2p so they at least have a chance tho.
FF isn’t a first party game and it’s not a first party studio. They could have released that on Xbox exclusively if the bag was big enough but that wouldn’t exonerate XGS.

Doesn’t matter, Sony went out and got that game and also have them engineering support for it and it’s exclusive

Microsoft did the same thing with Starfield only they bought the whole studio…does that not count for them?


Gold Member
Pretty sure previous Sony leaders have mentioned a policy to never show CG at E3/showcases, and they really didn't last gen

We let them get away with it on Wolverine and now they think it's fine to do

Wasn't it also Xbox who caught a lot of backlash for showing way too many CGI trailers like two E3's ago that they had to step up and say "yeah we fucked up on that one and won't do that again"?

Nobody wants a show filled with CGI trailers and they did it anyway. Everytime that NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY disclaimer started I rolled my eyes.
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The showcase was shit. Apart from Spidey most of the others are multiplatform.

I have no worries though, I only bought a PS5 for the big Sony 1st party games I use my Xbox for everything else, couldnt give a shit which one is doing better I just play what I wanna play.


Wasn't it also Xbox who caught a lot of backlash for showing way too many CGI trailers like two E3's ago that they had to step up and say "yeah we fucked up on that one and won't do that again"?

Nobody wants a show filled with CGI trailers and they did it anyway. Everytime that NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY disclaimer started I rolled my eyes.

There is no excuse for this. Cgi trailer do nothing for me.
Like i said, you can get excited about whatever you want. It's just not first party as you said. Starfield is first party.

It didn’t start as first party.

The main point the person I responded to was that “1 first party is disappointing ”

Instead of arguing over semantics, why not ask what I just did and say “who cares when they have other exclusives?”


Doesn’t matter, Sony went out and got that game and also have them engineering support for it and it’s exclusive
It does matter because if you fell in love with PlayStation due to Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Santa Monica etc then those are the studios you live for. Like myself. Not SE. I couldn’t care less about SE. They have nothing to do with PlayStation aside from being a third party.

Microsoft did the same thing with Starfield only they bought the whole studio…does that not count for them?
No, it doesn’t. It’s a Todd Howard/BGS game.


Bur why even make a showcase if you aint ready to show something after 20 month. We give ms shit for bad management (rightfully) but this is the first sign for bad mangement too.
They probably just wanted to do something bigger than a SoP, since there no E3 or real reason for a big show anymore.
Buddy, this is getting exhausting. Enjoy and think whatever you want and have a nice day.

Am I allowed to enjoy FFVI as well?


Edit: mrmustard mrmustard approves.

Now to crawl into something warm.

Tired Season 4 GIF by The Simpsons
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Pedro Motta

I think the ABK deal still looms in theirs decisions. That power play from MS will still ripple into the future for a long time.


I think Sony and Microsoft have lost their way completely, and the transition to California as PlayStation HQ ensures it’ll always be money before creativity (without realising that creativity results in money).

I’ve gotten rid of both consoles and just kept my Switch Oled, signed up to NSO to get N64 and GBA games. Literally the only major studio that I will miss is From Software, so I just need to find some way of playing those games.
Yeah ive got a steam deck with emulation station on with nes,snes,megadrive,32x,saturn,dreamcast,gamecube,ps1,ps2,ps3,psp games on and love it, gonna build a second pc just for retro games, although would still like to collect some of past console i use to own for display
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