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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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Dead Man

SumPog said:
I doubt it, but could there have been people in that car?
There could have been, but it doesn't look like it.

pseudocaesar said:
This is fucked, my brother and his wife and two kids (2yo and 1 month old girl) are in Toowoomba and I havent been able to call him.
Hope they are well.


Unconfirmed Member
SumPog said:
I doubt it, but could there have been people in that car?
From the uploader of the video: "No one yells help those cars came from the carpark up the road"

So I don't think so?

pseudocaesar said:
This is fucked, my brother and his wife and two kids (2yo and 1 month old girl) are in Toowoomba and I havent been able to call him.

I hope they are safe and well.


I want a tag give me a tag
shanshan310 said:
:lol :lol :lol

I'm sorry, I know its bad. I've been wanting to add this to one of the "where were you on 9/11?" Threads but was afraid of getting banned.

Do it, if it's what you were doing !


Router said:
Pretty much. My house flooded twice at the end of last year (Victorian floods) the year before everything was on fire for like 3 months. :lol

that made me laugh


Here is the latest story we have up on the floods:

ABC News Online said:

A desperate situation is unfolding in Queensland's south-east, after flash flooding claimed the lives of at least seven people on Monday.

Heavy rain created a deadly torrent of water that swept people off their feet, cars down city streets and houses off their foundations in the Darling Downs city of Toowoomba.

Four deaths have been confirmed, while the ABC understands three others have died...



There are some videos of the flood attached to that story too, so just click on the top two videos on that story for some pretty dramatic flood footage. The second one shows a bunch of cars being washed away and snapping trees in the process.
The flash flooding in Toowoomba is mental; I used to work around the corner from those scenes of devestation. I never would have thought it possible for floods possible. For those that don't know, Toowoomba is 2000 feet above sea level - it's pretty much on top of the great dividing range.

Currently my gf and I are sleeping in the garage of my her parents house on the sunshine coast - we visited for Christmas and New Years and the floods have cut our road home to North Queensland. I guess we can be thankful that we're high and dry.

Good luck to all those in the flood paths.

Dead Man

mandiller said:
Here is the latest story we have up on the floods:

There are some videos of the flood attached to that story too, so just click on the top two videos on that story for some pretty dramatic flood footage. The second one shows a bunch of cars being washed away and snapping trees in the process.
Just came to post the link to this, great coverage.


ralphwiggum said:
The flash flooding in Toowoomba is mental; I used to work around the corner from those scenes of devestation. I never would have thought it possible for floods possible. For those that don't know, Toowoomba is 2000 feet above sea level - it's pretty much on top of the great dividing range.

Currently my gf and I are sleeping in the garage of my her parents house on the sunshine coast - we visited for Christmas and New Years and the floods have cut our road home to North Queensland. I guess we can be thankful that we're high and dry.

Good luck to all those in the flood paths.


Good luck to all of the Australians around here. Stay dry and safe.


Has problems recognising girls

The 30 suburbs set to experience flooding tomorrow are: Albion, Auchenflower, Bowen Hills, Brisbane City, Bulimba, Chelmer, Coorparoo, East Brisbane, Fairfield, Fig Tree Pocket, Fortitude Valley, Graceville, Hemmant, Indooroopilly, Kangaroo Point, Lytton, Milton, Moggill, Murarrie, New Farm, Newstead, Norman Park, Oxley, Pinkenba, Rocklea, Sherwood, South Brisbane, Tennyson, Yeronga, Yerongpilly, Windsor and Wacol.

Council has asked residents in flood-prone areas to collect sandbags from the following locations: Darra Works Depot, Shamrock Rd, Darra; Morningside Works Depot, Redfern Street, Morningside; Newmarket SES Depot, Wilston Rd, Newmarket and Zillmere Works Depot, Jennings Street, Zillmere.


My thoughts are with you all in the floods up there, even if you are Queenslanders.

ralphwiggum said:
Currently my gf and I are sleeping in the garage of my her parents

You're brother and sister 'O'


I want a tag give me a tag
dejay said:
My thoughts are with you all in the floods up there, even if you are Queenslanders.

You're brother and sister 'O'

won't be the first time brother and sister have been outsted on GAF!


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Tntnnbltn said:




Crazy thing is its the main street.


ABC News Online said:
Death toll set to rise after flash floods

The death toll looks set to rise while a desperate search for survivors begins in the wake of devastating flash floods across southern Queensland yesterday.

Eight people are dead and 72 missing after flash floods hit the Darling Downs city of Toowoomba and several smaller townships in the Lockyer Valley.

Among the fatalities, four people died in Toowoomba, two women and a child died at Grantham and nearby at Withcott police say nine people are missing.

At least 50 people have sought refuge in a primary school at Grantham.

Police say more than 40 people were rescued from rooftops by helicopter overnight.

The flood threat is today expected to extend to the state's capital, Brisbane...



I'm in Brisbane but my suburb is not expected the flood. I'd be very surprised if anything major happens here. It's just raining a bit at the moment, nothing too bad.

I hope everyone is okay though.


Toowoomba is looking pretty serious. I drive through there all the time for work and it's crazy to see this happen.

Looks like business as usual in Brisbane. It's forecast to clear up before the weekend but it did rain very early this morning.


I'm sitting in my factory office, just calling suppliers trying to get Products. Everyones dry(pun not intended), and the ones who have what I need are asking for 1 dollar increase per kilo. Went from 1.50 to 2.50 per kilo. Fuck me since I sell it for 2 bucks a kilo ;(


The Australian said:
FORECASTERS are warning Brisbane residents to prepare for the city's biggest flood since 1974.

More than 300mm of rain fell in parts of the Brisbane River catchment in the 24 hours to yesterday afternoon.

The weather bureau released a flood warning yesterday predicting the Brisbane River would reach 2.1m this afternoon and 3m at high tide tomorrow -- double the normal expected height of the annual highest tide.

The warnings come after extreme rainfalls in eastern Queensland on Sunday night and yesterday. Bureau of Meteorology flood forecaster Jeff Perkins said the flood risk was unusual. "It's a very significant flood in that Brisbane doesn't get many floods," he said. "We are predicting the biggest flood since 1974."

Mr Perkins said the bureau was not predicting a peak level for the Brisbane River at this stage.

Rest is here.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Pretty crazy. Apparently Brisbane river is receiving more water than it did in the 1974 floods.

Good thing they built Wivenhoe dam I guess. Which is holding more water than ever before. 2 years ago it was almost empty.


Brissie river is flowing pretty bloody fast and I can see a fair amount of driftwood in suspension. It's also a much darker shade of brown than what it usually is and a few of my colleagues arrived late as all public ferries have been cancelled.

Why For?

Not good about the floods.

It's fucking raining EVERYWHERE pretty much in Australia right now.

Hating Melbourne's summer right now. It's punishment for all the fucking whiners during the 'drought'. I kept telling everyone, droughts come in cycles so enjoy the hot dry weather while we have it.

God damn it.
dejay said:
You're brother and sister 'O'

We are staying at my girlfriends parents house. We aren't related, I just suck at typing it seems. Sorry incestGAF, no new member.

It's still raining here in mooloolaba - stay safe Queensland.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
dudeworld said:
Is it at least hot there right now? 5C - 10C with rain is brutal, but 25C+ with rain is quite tolerable
Currently ~25C here. Temperature doesn't move around much either.


Meanwhile in WA the forecast for Tue-Wed-Thu is 36-37-36, and we already have an uncontrolled fire burning south of the city.


Yoboman said:
Damn bad news this morning, really hope this doesn't end up affecting my family in the Gold Coast :(

I hear you, man.

I expect we'll be ok, but that's pretty fucking meaningless when it comes to flash floods.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Why For? said:
Not good about the floods.

It's fucking raining EVERYWHERE pretty much in Australia right now.

Hating Melbourne's summer right now. It's punishment for all the fucking whiners during the 'drought'. I kept telling everyone, droughts come in cycles so enjoy the hot dry weather while we have it.

God damn it.
WA is scorching hot with fuckers lighting fires all over the place.

The Toowoomba situation is so terrible, those videos really show how much power is behind that water.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I can understand people getting caught in flash floods but the fact that people still drive/walk/swim in flood waters just boggles my mind. The ammount of pressure flood waters can contain is massive.

It's tragic to see what happened overnight with this huge "inland tsunami". I have a friend who flew up to assist the SES up there and he told me that they had to use helicopters because the boats they had went powerful enough to go up stream of the flood waters.


pseudocaesar said:
My brother and his family are ok, but now I have to worry about my father in Brisbane.
Good to hear, although I wouldn't be too worried about Brisbane. Even if it does flood here, everyone should be pretty well-prepared and the warning system should give people enough time.

There is this series of maps which shows the distribution of what areas can be expected to flood.


Brisbanite here.

We're about to get our share.

My girlfriend is at work in Coorparoo which is about to cop it. Wish she'd answer her phone.


Anyone else find this bullshit?
"This is a natural disaster across Queensland," said Gillard in announcing a A$1 million ($1 million) government contribution to a flood aid appeal which now totals A$6 million."
Fuck off Gillard.


Anyone else find this bullshit?
"This is a natural disaster across Queensland," said Gillard in announcing a A$1 million ($1 million) government contribution to a flood aid appeal which now totals A$6 million."
Fuck off Gillard.

It does, on the face of it, seem pretty fucking weak.


Salazar said:
It does, on the face of it, seem pretty fucking weak.
For reference, here's what they donated when katrina hit New Orleans
AUD 10 million (approximately USD 7.5 Million), and a team of 1000 emergency response officers immediately. Donated AUD 20 million to American Red Cross.[7]


Grug said:
Brisbanite here.

We're about to get our share.

My girlfriend is at work in Coorparoo which is about to cop it. Wish she'd answer her phone.

they are telling people to stay off the phone networks grug as they are smashed to capcity and the emergency services cant talk to each other

so maybe she is doing that


Choc said:
they are telling people to stay off the phone networks grug as they are smashed to capcity and the emergency services cant talk to each other

so maybe she is doing that

Just got through to her on the landline. She can't get cell phone reception so that would certainly correspond the talk about the netwrok being overloaded.

She said they have a truck of sandbags on the way, they are going to get them in place and then get the hell out.
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