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Bannon fired / resigns; friends report plans to go to "war for WH"

Nothing will change. They will still be bff's and talk on the phone each night. Bannon will just go to supporting him on TV and Breitbart now.


Death Prophet
What's this picture from?
That's one way to avoid an apology.

And the only real move Trump had to make. Not going to give Trump credit but I am glad Bannon's getting the boot.

Like others here I hope Miller and Gorka follow.


maybe trump will be less of a fucking nazi now? (lol)
Despite media reports of Bannon as mastermind, Trump employed him, not the other way around. Trump was like this before Bannon's influence and will remain this way afterward.


Trump wants to get rid of Sessions too. He's just trying to find a way to replace him with a stooge.

I'm aware but he's backed away because of the GOP and Kelly actually offering pushback.

Sessions is the conduit through which Bannon can actually get most of his agenda done. As long as Sessions is AG and Miller's slinking around the shadows; Bannon's influence is still there.
Not super effective if he still has his ear all the time but good start.

If this is a real parting then I expect Bannon to plot revenge in this dope-opera


Why do people think Bannon will continue loving him? Is there something I'm missing? It was an uneasy alliance to begin with, and Bannon's entire tenure was basically a pissing match with Trump's own relatives (which he lost), marked by the steady revocation of duties and access.
I partly expected to wake up to the news. Though thinking about it, I suspect Kelly will first lean on Trump to fire Bannon, Miller and Gorka in an attempt of damage control. If he doesn't I expect we will see Kelly and McMaster both resigning.

Looks like Kelly might be getting his own way. I wonder when Miller and Gorka will be following.
Watch how nothing will change about Trump himself because he is still him.

List of things that happened before Bannon joined Trump:

Calling Mexicans rapists
Judge Curiel racist bashing
Insulting McCain's POW experience
Muslim ban
Megyn Kelly's blood coming out of wherever
Obama bitherism
and a bunch of other stuff


Damn shame. I was really pulling for him too. Seems like such a nice, warmhearted, guy. Who's next? Fun-loving Miller? Cuz that would just be awful.

Maybe Trump will fire Trump by the end of the year. Maybe that's our Christmas miracle.


Well he built his cred with the Nazis, doesnt need Banon now.

That's pretty smart tbh.

Get Bannon so the supremacists have your back.

Get rid of Bannon once the supremacists trust you and Bannon denounces them so even if he used the National Enquirer against Trump now no one will listen to it.

Bannon got played hard.
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