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Bannon fired / resigns; friends report plans to go to "war for WH"

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger


He's a piece of shit who deserves all the ill in the world. But I worry that his removal will somehow temper POTUS and therefore legitimise him in the eyes of the public. A dumpster fire presidency that can't accomplish anything is preferable to a half-competent one where tax cuts and other GOP policies are implemented.


They gonna pull this stupid firing trick every week now to bait people into thinking THIS would gonna be the moment Trump becomes something less of a fucking piece of shit. Then a day later he tweets something and everything starts all over.


Steve Bannon Out at the White House

President Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon is out at the White House, multiple outlets reported Friday. The controversial aide, who previously ran right-wing website Breitbart and Trump’s campaign, reportedly submitted his resignation on August 7, The New York Times reported, but his exit was delayed by violent protests in Charlottesville. Conservative news aggregator Drudge Report noted that the “populist hero may return” to the alt-right-friendly news outlet he previously led.
Well he built his cred with the Nazis, doesnt need Banon now.

I dunno, I think this will actually ding him among the true believers (of Breitbart). They were already salty about the NSC firings. Trump parting ways with the most influential white nationalist in the nation will cause some arguments to be sure.


Will Bannon turn against Trump or will he stay faithful and use this to double-down on the " deep state " conspiracy theory that's so popular among his followers. I bet he'll stay loyal (in appearance) to Trump and use his ousting to radicalize his base even more through Breitbart.


Good if true. This won't change a thing how things are run at the WH. Trump still racist as fuck, Sessions, Miller, Gorka are still there, Hicks is in. Kelly, McMaster and Mattis just seem to prevent 45 from fully escalating the NK conflict. Bannon will go back to Brietbart and continue to sow seeds of America's destruction and get away with it. Him and Trump will still be buddies.


(Copied my own post from other thread here)

Why do people think Bannon will continue loving him? Is there something I'm missing? It was an uneasy alliance to begin with, and Bannon's entire tenure was basically a pissing match with Trump's own relatives (which he lost), marked by the steady revocation of duties and access.


On the one hand, no love lost for bannon

On the other hand, this chaos and instability in the White House seems to be unprecedented and frankly scary. These buffoons are supposed to driving the goddamn ship.
I bet Bannon is still gonna have the President's ear. I don't trust this "move" at all, feel like it's calculated to try and take some of the heat off. Then again, I'm not trusting anything from this White House.


Good, Miller and Gorka next please. This administration will never be good, because as the great Mooch told us, "the fish rots from the head." Still, the fewer crazies handling day-to-day tasks that Trump can't be bothered with, the better. Like staffing the State department

The Tea Party loons inhabiting most of the WH positions are at least the devil we know

I bet Bannon is still gonna have the President's ear. I don't trust this "move" at all, feel like it's calculated to try and take some of the heat off. Then again, I'm not trusting anything from this White House.

Bannon's influence will probably increase. He has been on the outs with Trump for awhile, since Trump couldn't handle him getting attention. Now he will go back to Breitbart, giving him a direct line to the President in the form of fake news
So, is this a sign of him cleaning house / getting his shit together, or are we safe to assume that this is just a further sign of Trump's downfall?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that Mr. Trump is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.

In other words, these members of the administration want Bannon gone and they're leaking to the NYT in order to accelerate the process.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Good if true. This won't change a thing how things are run at the WH. Trump still racist as fuck, Sessions, Miller, Gorka are still there, Hicks is in. Kelly, McMaster and Mattis just seem to prevent 45 from fully escalating the NK conflict. Bannon will go back to Brietbart and continue to sow seeds of America's destruction and get away with it. Him and Trump will still be buddies.
They would later go one to star in their own reality tv show.


On the one hand, no love lost for bannon

On the other hand, this chaos and instability in the White House seems to be unprecedented and frankly scary. These buffoons are supposed to driving the goddamn ship.

They are all incompetent buffoons and you should be VERY happy they are incompetent buffoons


(Copied my own post from other thread here)

Why do people think Bannon will continue loving him? Is there something I'm missing? It was an uneasy alliance to begin with, and Bannon's entire tenure was basically a pissing match with Trump's own relatives (which he lost), marked by the steady revocation of duties and access.

Because Bannon has a base of crazy now permanently stuck up Trump's ass, they're more likely to call him fake news than turn on their fuhrer.
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