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Battlefield 4 PS4 runs at 720p native [DICE: Incorrect]


I don't know, didn't they say one console version of Need for Speed will look better so I don't really think they are playing favorites.

Well, one might argue that a launch FPS is a tad more strategic for MS than a racing title. It there was any chance that some sort of persuasion might come from them in any form, I would guess that it would come for BF4, not NFS.


I'd be in the dick
Still can't fully understand why people are so quick to dismiss the "XB1 feature parity theory" on this one, given when mere hours ago EA felt the need to make a statement about their relationship with Sony.
EA and MS' "strategic partnership" is a fact. And we're not talking about an exclusivity agreement that would take money out of EA's pockets. In the end, if they get money from XB1 copies, PS4 or PC is not an issue for them.
How is it so rational to mock the idea of them purposefully not "wasting" resources on trying to make PS4 the better version for the sake of said "strategic partnership"?
It doesn't take much effort to raise a couple settings on one version when the architectures are so similar to each other and PCs. The whole technical parity thing would actually require more work from devs since all things being equal would still result in PS4 having a performance advantage. They would have to purposely throttle frame rate. No one will do that. It would also require a lot of internal monitoring.


hide your water-based mammals
Were you running 4XMSAA or something? Then again the 6000 series cards kind of got crush by metro

Kinda sounds like it.

I recall something like that with all the HQ DX11 tabs turned up. I do recall toning down the blur to get closer to 30 but even in that first rail car sequence, my fps tanked hard at times.
Well, one might argue that a launch FPS is a tad more strategic for MS than a racing title. It there was any chance that some sort of persuasion might come from them in any form, I would guess that it would come for BF4, not NFS.

Yeah but BF games and Sony always had their little deal for early access to map packs like MS with COD.


I'd suspect its like that for both consoles. This is why I'm a PC gamer too though. The exclusives are where it's at. I'll stick to my cross-platform = PC routine.

As others have pointed out, this may have a lot to do with being a port between this gen, and next-gen.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Is it fair to think these titles were well in development before the increase ram inclusion on PS4, and that may play a factor here? It could be a launch game issue.

On a side note, as someone in another thread pointed out, accepting moneyhats to keep parity is a bad business model.


I'd be in the dick
Yep, 720p is back. Biggest disappointment of the new gen (and it hasn't even begun!). Blurry blurry hallelujah!
I'm hoping it's just launch game syndrome and being stretched between so many platforms. Once PS3/360 get dropped I hope devs really pick up on the tech side for next gen.


But the changes you can spot an far away enemy with 900p is a lot higher then at 720p.
yes, of course. 900p is much better than 720p, but still not as clear as 1080p.

900p would be acceptable for me -even with minor disappointment, given what we've seen what the game tries to do, console day1 etc.
but 720, not acceptable. not before hell freezes.
the game will be much more enjoyable on my pc. hell, even my laptop!!

so what i meant is the these stupid machines are not capable to do bf4 at 900p,
and its not a choice to display on older tv's like was mentioned, or that 900p does not offer much more detail than 720p. of course it does.
Seems disappointing. But I can accept it when everything else about the graphics is top-notch. I want ultra details and the best lighting and effects that they can squeeze out of this box.
The limitations that weak CPU imposes are rearing their ugly heads. Don't know why Sony and MS went with a netbook CPU. BF3 multiplayer was CPU heavy as is the case with large and complex MP games.


hide your water-based mammals
I think in the end we can all take that the baseline has gone up and next gen games will look even better by default but PC will still make these games fully shine and offer the benefits which PC has always been great for in mods, community fixes, etc.

The limitations that weak CPU imposes are rearing their ugly heads. Don't know why Sony and MS went with a netbook CPU. BF3 multiplayer was CPU heavy as is the case with large and complex MP games.

Power consumption. I go back to KZ Shadowfall, it's not a finished game but looks really good. Infamous Second Son and several others. It seems like it's going to take a little time to get a grasp on these new platforms. Kind of like every generational leap.


Not surprising. Third parties usually take a bit longer to hit their stride at the start of new hardware releases. Especially cross generation releases.


Ugh, I'd rather they just tone down the graphics so we can get 1080p and 60fps. 720p looks so terribly washed out. Even half decent PC can fairly easily run BF3 at 1080/60 on high settings, you're telling me the PS4 can't for BF4?
I recall something like that with all the HQ DX11 tabs turned up. I do recall toning down the blur to get closer to 30 but even in that first rail car sequence, my fps tanked hard at times.

4XMSAA in metro really tanked the performance on all setups. Not surprising. THat was one of the future proofing settings in the game. TUrning uit off and turning off the Advanced depth of field would skyrocket your performance even with the rest of the DX11/very high settings on.


No, not really.

If their goal is to provide visuals like in the first Battlefield 4 Singleplayer demo, I can understand compromises being made.


I'll take this at 720p.

Go ahead, 720p is shit. One of the things I'm looking forward to the most for next-gen gaming is an overall improvement in image quality.


So everyone will buy Killzone: SF now.

No, I wish people would stop bringing up KZ, its not comparable to the scale of a BF game.
KZSF might be a great game not arguing that its just not going to scratch my itch the same way that the theater of war created by dice does.
Go ahead, 720p is shit. One of the things I'm looking forward to the most for next-gen gaming is an overall improvement in image quality.
Eight damn years bro I want my 1080P 60FPS
My overclock is ridiculous though haha. 1225/1375 stable. No way I can go higher without problems.

I know I can run it with at least 2x MSAA but even there I still notice frame drops in crazy action scenes, let alone 4x. We're talking drops to 40-45 fps at the most, so it's not major, but I'm picky with them. So I just stick with FXAA and drop effects to make sure I never dip below 60. Still looks great even if FXAA is rubbish.
I don't r in 4xMSAA in matches that have more than 32 though.


hide your water-based mammals
Guess I won't be double dipping after all.

2/4 of my friends are getting it in my immediate PS4 friends list. I don't have any problem double dipping on this and enjoying the superior PC version since the console version will be pretty much identical in terms of features now other than the technicalities. Nothing wrong with that but I also don't blame you.

I have too many friends and family that do not even care to game on PC. They will be getting this on PS4 or Xbone before PC and they do not care about what we do.

4XMSAA in metro really tanked the performance on all setups. Not surprising. THat was one of the future proofing settings in the game. TUrning uit off and turning off the Advanced depth of field would skyrocket your performance even with the rest of the DX11/very high settings on.

You really have inspired me to reinstall Metro. I think I might do this later or sometime in the next few days

Go ahead, 720p is shit. One of the things I'm looking forward to the most for next-gen gaming is an overall improvement in image quality.



Ugh, I'd rather they just tone down the graphics so we can get 1080p and 60fps. 720p looks so terribly washed out. Even half decent PC can fairly easily run BF3 at 1080/60 on high settings, you're telling me the PS4 can't?

Battlefield 4 =/= Battlefield 3

Watch the Battlefield 4 reveal demo again. If that's their graphical target, I can understand why the resolution might need to be dropped to 720p to have good performance.


But KZ is only 24 players and no destruction, smaller maps, no vehicles etc

Not going to argue that, but these consoles are light years ahead of last gen. To listen to people talk about the tech the PS4 for example is a high end gaming machine. Just kind of baffles me that a studio like DICE can't get their game to run at 1080P and still look visually amazing on this new hardware.

I'm just tired of being stuck in the sub HD ghetto on some games. 720P is not HD.


Battlefield 4 =/= Battlefield 3

Watch the Battlefield 4 reveal demo again. If that's their graphical target, I can understand why the resolution might need to be dropped to 720p to have good performance.
I've got the feeling the PC requirements won't differ that much from BF3. Biggest difference would probably be the water.


Killzone looks a lot better as well...

Might be a quick port or smth and also it's a multi/cross gen title

I'm sure if they limit the multiplayer to 24 players and take out destructible environments like KZSF they would be able to squeeze out 1080p, but they aren't.
I don't r in 4xMSAA in matches that have more than 32 though.

Yeah, I usually play 64 player Conquest which is the most demanding stuff the game can throw at you. I don't doubt I can run it at max on smaller maps like Metro or games with less than 64 players, but I aim for a smooth 60 on 64 player conquest on the most detailed maps.


True, but you'd expect that they'll be coding for many more threads than this gen and therefore able to pull out good performance out of basically a mobile CPU. I mean my i5-2500K hasn't even been threatened by any game just yet after 2 years of owning one, so being CPU bound shouldn't happen here.

excellent points to be fair. Maybe it will just take a bit more time to get to grips with these consoles. I can imagine that they are throwing this port together really, instead of it being developed from day one with the new consoles in mind
The limitations that weak CPU imposes are rearing their ugly heads. Don't know why Sony and MS went with a netbook CPU. BF3 multiplayer was CPU heavy as is the case with large and complex MP games.

How exactly is resolution affected by CPU power? This is a GPU thing. And there are no netbooks with 8-core-Jaguars. Going with a multiple low-power CPU cores is a good idea when you have TDP limits.
The limitations that weak CPU imposes are rearing their ugly heads. Don't know why Sony and MS went with a netbook CPU. BF3 multiplayer was CPU heavy as is the case with large and complex MP games.

I wonder how this is going to affect Planetside 2 coming to the PS4. That game certainly takes a toll on CPUs.


Free downscaling on 720p screen its almost like supersampling :p

It'll be shitty b;urry supersampling though.

No one has a 720p TV either, because 99.99% of sub-1080p TVs have a resolution of 1366x768.

I guess that's possible. I am aware of the existence of 768p TVs but I always assumed the were rarer than 720p TVs.

no need to keep pulling our own legs here...
not anymore.

the reason it 1280x720 (720p) and not 1600x900 (900p),
is that between these two resolutions lie about half a million pixels more per frame.

therefore, it is very easy to conclude that on a 900p renderer, you wouldnt get your full 60 frames, hence have the last generation resolution of 720p and smile.

Well this too, though I suspect this sort of thing wont be as big of a deal once we get past launch and devs really start optimising their code. I mean we saw a lot of 240i games around the PS2's launch but a year later that resolution pretty much disappeared.
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