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Battlefield 4 PS4 runs at 720p native [DICE: Incorrect]

Last time I'll ask it:

Are Titanfall and CoD:Ghosts 1080p / 60 FPS on consoles?

If those games can't even reach 1080p@60fps next gen is so doa for me imo..
Should expect this sort of bullshit this is an even greater smack in the face then watchdog downgrade.


2/4 of my friends are getting it in my immediate PS4 friends list. I don't have any problem double dipping on this and enjoying the superior PC version since the console version will be pretty much identical in terms of features now other than the technicalities. Nothing wrong with that but I also don't blame you.

I have too many friends and family that do not even care to game on PC. They will be getting this on PS4 or Xbone before PC and they do not care about what we do.

Yeah, I guess I should have said "guess I won't be double dipping immediately." If it's popular on PS4 I'll grab it eventually but there is zero chance I would ever choose to play such a clearly inferior version when the game is fresh and new.


I can understand people being disappointed, but its a shame that some people consider graphics to be *that* important for them to be able to enjoy a game.

If you were interested in BF4, but refuse to buy it now, its pretty laughable. I mean, that's your choice and all and if graphics are that important to you, then whatever, but I think that's just crazy.

I wasn't very interested in the game. Like if I wanted a multiplayer game for launch, this was a contender. Like it or not, I absolutely detest bad IQ and performance because they affect gameplay. I could not care less about texture resolution and such with a launch game, but 720p is just laughable and to be pointed at.
tragic news! I just connected my PC to my HDTV and the jump from 720p PS3 to 1080p PC is absolutely massive!

I am guessing they went with 720p because it is difficult to lock BF4 (and BF3 for that matter) to 60 FPS. Even on a powerful rig my frame rate drops to 45-40 FPS when the action gets hot or in lod intensive maps. I am guessing Dice will use High to Ultra settings @ 720p...


Gold Member
Not going to argue that, but these consoles are light years ahead of last gen. To listen to people talk about the tech the PS4 for example is a high end gaming machine. Just kind of baffles me that a studio like DICE can't get their game to run at 1080P and still look visually amazing on this new hardware.

I'm just tired of being stuck in the sub HD ghetto on some games. 720P is not HD.

If PS4 is 10 times more powerful, 30fps last gen to 60fs this gen halves that, then 24 players to 64 players takes a chunk out of that, then better graphics fidelity also takes more power, 1080p would also double the pixel count so you're stuck with 720p for BF4. Locking a game like BF4 to 60fps is not easy. BF3 runs 50fps most of the time on my PC but some areas drop to the 30's, I wouldn't say it's 50fps, just like a 60fps game which dropped to 40's wouldn't be 60fps in my eyes.

People expect too much I suppose.


hide your water-based mammals
If those games can't even reach 1080p@60fps next gen is so doa for me imo

You better prepare for some disappointment but I don't think now is the time to bring up TitanFall. I've heard some things mainly from one user on that games potential resolution. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we get there though. And it will be just fine even if sub 1080p.


I have this theory: it's 720p because XBox one version couldn't go 1080p/60fps so they developped XBox one version then port it to PS4. Someone here in GAF said that a major company is doing this and my guess is that company is EA.


It's a launch game. That's the price you pay for 60fps. I get that Shadow Fall looks better and runs at 60fps/1080p, but BF4 probably has wider areas (possibly) with more players etc.

Weird that it's 720p on both though. Would have expected Xbox One version to be 720p and PS4 version to just about push 1080p. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it looks. But no 1080p is extremely disappointing. I'd rather 1080/30 for BF4
Ugh, I'd rather they just tone down the graphics so we can get 1080p and 60fps. 720p looks so terribly washed out. Even half decent PC can fairly easily run BF3 at 1080/60 on high settings, you're telling me the PS4 can't for BF4?

Infinity Ward did just that and they got tons of flak for being lazy and unable to take advantage of the supposedly awesome next gen hardware.


Do we even know how good or bad the upscaler in the PS4 is?
You can't really do all that much in general upscaling of 3D rendered images -- you can do better than bilinear, but at the scaling factors involved here it won't be a large difference..


Common, it's battlefield, it's home has always been on the PC.

The console versions are giveaways in some regards, let's just be glad they are getting a release.
You better prepare for some disappointment but I don't think now is the time to bring up TitanFall. I've heard some things mainly from one user on that games potential resolution. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we get there though. And it will be just fine even if sub 1080p.

I was already disappointed since the first leak started to come.
My expectation was at least something around 2.5 Tflops gpu :'(
Given how long current gen kept on going it would be perfectly fine if next gen console did come out in 2011.


Infinity Ward did just that and they got tons of flak for being lazy and unable to take advantage of the supposedly awesome next gen hardware.
IW could cure cancer and still get flak on GAF, though. 1080p is a lot more important than people think. It makes the entire game look so much more crisp and clear and I'd say it's almost on par with 60fps in terms of importance. Not completely, but it's up there.


I don't relly understand what all this means and really need to see footage for myself. I hope it still blows me away compared to current gen.


I wasn't very interested in the game.
So why were you considering it in the first place?

It just seems strange to come in to this thread and say this is a deal breaker when you weren't even that interested in the first place and probably would have found some other reason not to get it anyways.


thanks for the laugh
Yeah, I don't know why so many people are talking about the CPU in this context. This is all about the GPU.

i guess there's the possibility that the lion's share of flexible CUs are being gobbled up by CPU orientated tasks.


I have this theory: it's 720p because XBox one version couldn't go 1080p/60fps so they developped XBox one version then port it to PS4. Someone here in GAF said that a major company is doing this and my guess is that company is EA.

PC, PS4, and Xbox One are all so similar that it's kind of hard for one to hold the others back for porting reasons.

It's like saying that devs had a difficult time "porting" a game to run/look better on high end GPUs because the minimum system requirements are low; if the extra power is there, it's fairly easy to put it to use in one way out another.


I'd imagine most of PS4's offerings will be 1080p native, hopefully this is just a launch title thing.

At least it sounds like it wont be a PS3 situation where I'm stuck playing a lot of games in 720p only, hopefully the upscaler will always work to give me a 1080p image. My HDTV is nearly lag free at 1080p.


hide your water-based mammals
GuerillaGods are doing amazing stuff then.
I watched some BF4 true MP gameplay and wasn't that impressed with the graphics to be honest.

To be fair to DICE, KZ is 24p online. It does look really good though.

Off topic but even KZ on Vita looks amazing. I just tried the beta for the first time last night. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Cancelling the train trip across 4 cities via bus transport with that 1.50 bus fair in exchange for round trip flight in order to re-pre-order.


New tweet

JackFrags ‏@jackfrags 5m
To clarify: BF4 running at a higher resolution than 720p in the PS4 dev environment. Final resolution when the game is optimised at launch!

EDIT: Beaten with a stick twice :p
It's a matter of priorities.

I would have gone with toned down graphic/ smaller player count but full 1080p resolution.
I find kinda pointless upping graphic effects above a certain level when i'm limited to see them in blurry 720p.

edit: lol it's 1080p


I just want 64 players and 60fps. It won't make any real difference to me if it's 1080p upscaled or native.

Hope it's not because they wanted to make the same version on Xbone...


Gold Member
Apparantly CoD: Ghosts is, but I cant find anywhere if Titanfall is.

That feel when we realise KZ SF multiplayer is the only 1080p60 shooter.


Ghosts wouldn't even count, ugly game.


720p will only become more common, indeed the accepted standard on these new consoles. The fact that we're getting them already at launch bodes well for that prediction.

There's no way devs are going to give up framerate or eye candy for IQ on consoles. Best start accepting this fact sooner rather than later.


Gold Member
New tweet

JackFrags ‏@jackfrags 5m
To clarify: BF4 running at a higher resolution than 720p in the PS4 dev environment. Final resolution when the game is optimised at launch!

EDIT: Beaten with a stick twice :p

What the fuck does that even mean. Fucking twitter character limit.
If it looks better than the current gen then I'm a happy camper.

Quite honestly I still tell myself how nice some graphics look on PS3/360 and I always say if the graphics could be a tiny bit better I'll be in heaven.

So that's all I really need and also you guys need to keep in mind all the shit going on:

- destruction
- dynamic weather
- 64 players
- levelution
- etc

All that possible for $399 - $499 range. We will be looking at $1,000 console price if we wanted all the glory.
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