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Battlefield 4 PS4 runs at 720p native [DICE: Incorrect]


720p/60fps is is purely a failure on EA/DICE's part.

Because BF4 is cross-platform they are making 5 version's of this game:
1) X360
2) PS3
3) PC
4) Xbone
5) PS4

The priority is on X360, PS3, and PC, because that's where the volume is. Given that BF4 is a launch title, Xbone and PS4 will get very little optimization time. Go back and look at CoD 2 when it was a launch title for X360 and see how bad it was. In 2 or 3 years, when BF6 or BF7 no longer run on X360/PS3, the Xbone/PS4 versions will finally get optimized and magically it will run at 1080p/60fps.


Everyone who keeps saying this needs to keep in mind BF4 also has destructible environments, bigger maps, more players, vehicles, dynamic water/weather.

Yeah I guess... bf4 does indeed have more going on, just visually kz looks better imo.

But would you rule out that it was a quick port or coded since it is making it a launch title? So later bf games will run 1080p60fps after they learn the hardware better.


New tweet

JackFrags ‏@jackfrags 5m
To clarify: BF4 running at a higher resolution than 720p in the PS4 dev environment. Final resolution when the game is optimised at launch!

EDIT: Beaten with a stick twice :p

Wonder if they'll go with an intermediate 16:9 res like 1600x900 or 1080 vertical with horizontal scaling, assuming the res does increase.
So the ps4 gpu SHOULD theoretically outperform my gtx 570, right? Debating whether I should get this for ps4 or pc, considering that resolution is pretty important to me in a multiplayer context.


If PS4 is 10 times more powerful, 30fps last gen to 60fs this gen halves that, then 24 players to 64 players takes a chunk out of that, then better graphics fidelity also takes more power, 1080p would also double the pixel count so you're stuck with 720p for BF4. Locking a game like BF4 to 60fps is not easy. BF3 runs 50fps most of the time on my PC but some areas drop to the 30's, I wouldn't say it's 50fps, just like a 60fps game which dropped to 40's wouldn't be 60fps in my eyes.

People expect too much I suppose.

I don't expect a lot, just expect to be out of the sub HD basement by now. I'm sure they could make concessions somewhere to get us there and still look amazing.


More Image quality is nice but personally I feel 720p with good AA is enough for a console game. I would love to see more 1080p games but I think forcing devs to go with that resolution instead of what they think would be best for their game is not right. For a console game, it's all about optimisation anyway; they can still make it look really good at 720p but it is very difficult to replicate that 60fps feel.


I must say, it's kind of depressing coming in to a new gen and still having to deal with 720p...that's such a last gen thing. As I said before, I'd rather the frame rate drop.


So much over-reaction. I read that first tweet that they currently have BF4 on the PS4 running at 720p at a "solid" 60 FPS. I think that's great news 2.5 months before launch and it can only go up from there. Not suggesting they'll make it to 1080p--seems not enough time before launch--but I think it's a safe bet it will be a higher rez than it is now.
I must say I'm disappointed neither console manufacturer has produced a console that will run a mainstream 2013 title above a current gen resolution! (Assuming there's been no huge boost to the One I missed?)

No wonder the PC elitists laugh, is 720p even an option on the PC version?


Fuck knows how some of you coped when we had 320 by 240 resolution for multiple generations. Honestly this thread has blown my mind.


I'd imagine most of PS4's offerings will be 1080p native, hopefully this is just a launch title thing.

At least it sounds like it wont be a PS3 situation where I'm stuck playing a lot of games in 720p only, hopefully the upscaler will always work to give me a 1080p image. My HDTV is nearly lag free at 1080p.

The contradiction is that Cerny himself said that they could pull out everything graphicly from the ps4 from the start.
Because it was so easy to develop for.

So :

- the PS4 isnt as powerfull as we all think.
- the devs are just porting it from the One and calling it a day.
- Looking at the relation EA and MS have they intendidly kept it on par with the One.
- Dice are just being lazy or stressed and EA wont give them the time and money to get all out of the PS4 cause they are juggling the ps3,360,PC,One and PS4 version.
- it doesnt seen so easy as told to get all out of the ps4 architecture and it takes time.


720p will only become more common, indeed the accepted standard on these new consoles. The fact that we're getting them already at launch bodes well for that prediction.

There's no way devs are going to give up framerate or eye candy for IQ on consoles. Best start accepting this fact sooner rather than later.
Standard? Everything we've seen save for 2 titles is 1080p. But here's one of TWO games (from what I recall) that is 720 and all of a sudden it is "standard"?

From now on - I get my drugs from your dealer.
I find something very worrisome...as far as I could see, we have yet to see any block buster game running under PS4/X1. All we see is dev kits.

I really think we should wait until we can really see both platforms performing.


The contradiction is that Cerny himself said that they could pull out everything graphicly from the ps4 from the start.
Because it was so easy to develop for.

So :

- the PS4 isnt as powerfull as we all think.
- the devs are just porting it from the One and calling it a day.
- Looking at the relation EA and MS have they intendidly kept it on par with the One.
- Dice are just being lazy or stressed and EA wont give them the time and money to get all out of the PS4 cause they are juggling the ps3,360,PC,One and PS4 version.
- it doesnt seen so easy as told to get all out of the ps4 architecture and it takes time.

He never said that. In fact, he said the complete opposite.


1. If they didn't come out and say it 99% of people in this thread would never have been able to tell

2. Its still going to look great

3. Depending on just how much higher than 1280x720 its rendering right now, they might as well scale it back to 720p and work in some serious AA...

4. I'm curious to know what the Xbone is currently running at
Lazy devs. Its should easily be able to match the PC versions.

Please explain why that is exactly? Also, what is the "PC versions" PC version has various settings to tweak. If you are referring to the PC version at all Ultra settings at 1080p and 60FPS then that would be a big resounding NO. Not going to happen. Even compare the PC version of watch dogs shown at least years E3 to the console version shown recently...huge difference!


720p on next gen is a deal breaker for me.

and it's freakin insane for EA, who cares about 60fps in single player if you have to play at shitty resolutions?


720p will only become more common, indeed the accepted standard on these new consoles. The fact that we're getting them already at launch bodes well for that prediction.

There's no way devs are going to give up framerate or eye candy for IQ on consoles. Best start accepting this fact sooner rather than later.

Your post seems to suggest that the ability to optimise on these consoles will stay the same.


Hardly surprising. The minimum baseline for this gen was always going to be

1080p 30fps

- or -

720p 60fps

Both require a similar amount of power and both can achieve the same fidelity. It's only when it moves closer towards 720p 30fps that you should start to worry.


Can't say I'm not a little disappointed, but at the same time it won't take away any of the fun for me.


Wonder if they'll go with an intermediate 16:9 res like 1600x900 or 1080 vertical with horizontal scaling, assuming the res does increase.
One dimensional scaling is garbage, you always get better results with proper 2D scaling. Only reason PS3 did horizontal scaling was because the RSX hardware scaler was broken and only did horizontal, unlike the Xenos's much more advanced scaler.


Fuck knows how some of you coped when we had 320 by 240 resolution for multiple generations. Honestly this thread has blown my mind.

Well, I imagine if I was stuck in some time displacement wormhole and was still playing Dino Crisis on my Magnivox television I wouldn't be too disappointed.
But I thought console optimization!!1! Some people don't really know how much hardware grunt it really takes to run these titles at 10800p/60 in multiplayer, and why these consoles don't have it.

This has nothing to do with cross gen - it scales extremely well all the way to high end PC hardware.

And it won't be the only one.
The only footage is on PC.

A single 7850 won't maintain 1080p/60 in multiplayer with any details cranked beyond mediums for the most part - I play tested it this way originally.

DICE are a joke now? Perhaps they should tweet that these consoles have "a weak, slow CPU"
You'd better start saving for a gaming PC now, then.

This is slightly lower than the 3-4000 pcs they were using at e3, but still far more powerful than these consoles.
You're going to hate this generation
If you consider FXAA Vaseline "proper AA", sure.


Dieh@rd - most PC benches on the net are single player. Much different CPU and GPU load there.
I think you had your sights set too high with the hardware.

Ok I actually laughed. Lol
Microsoft had games that were SubHD at launch. The TRC was never followed

Nobody's seen it publicly on consoles yet.

Is it really?

Yes, by dropping the detail, AA, post processed effects etc when we are talking about multiplayer. People seem to be painfully unaware how taxing bf3 was to hardware that is far more powerful than these consoles, especially with the need to maintain 60fps and 1080p. It scales all the way from the low to the very high end. The consoles are somewhere in between, and their output will be reflective of this.

Be honest, how big of a load did you blow when you saw this thread title, Stevie? If anyone was unsure about StevieP's agenda, simply read this:

DICE are a joke now? Perhaps they should tweet that these consoles have "a weak, slow CPU"
That's a direct reference to the quote from a Dice guy saying the Wii U had a "horrible, slow CPU" -- out of nowhere the dude brings up the Wii U.

So what happened over these past few months is that many Nintendo fans came to the salvation of downplaying next-gen consoles and fellating PCs after the Wii U was confirmed to be dreadfully underpowered compared to its competition. It's one of the most disingenuous trends I've ever seen here. StevieP is an enormous Nintendude, just huge. His entire post history is either defending Nintendo & the Wii U or indirectly defending Nintendo & the Wii U by downplaying the next-gen consoles. He resorts to the safety net of referencing the PC and its graphics advantage over and over... and over to avoid any real backlash. Lots of Nintendo fans here have resorted to this all because it makes the Wii U look better, that's the bottom line. Console wars. We are witnessing devious strategies that one couldn't have fathomed back at the start last gen. We've gone nuclear.
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