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Best game to show a first date?

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If she's still interested enough to come up to your apartment after your date, open a nice bottle of wine, put some Frank Sinatra on, turn down the lights and listen to her. Have a conversation. If she starts insisting on games then maybe play along. But until that happens, wine and good conversation is all you need. But don't forget Frank. Frank always increases your chances.


To be honest its pretty much the reason were together. I pretty much let her win and she called me out on it, it got competitive and the rest is history. Games are a pretty good premise for a relationship.

Exactly! Mario Party is the truest test of any relationship. How do you think Barack and Michelle keep their relationship so strong?

You broke out into laughter mid-sentence... in text... That's a first...

Thank you, but this is the Internet. There are no firsts.
I don't know why you guys are being so weird about playing video games on a first date.

Sure it doesn't seem "cool" or whatever, but maybe some people feel relaxed with playing games.

If it helps break the ice, why judge?

While there are definitely some comments making major assumptions about this girl (some of which are pretty damn outdated), it probably comes down to the fact OP sounds like he's trying to push games on her rather than respect her wishes. She wants to go over to see a puppy, not play games. She plays Candy Crush and Mario 20 years ago. There would be different advice in this thread if she was a hardcore gamer mentioning niche Japanese games or obscure indie stuff, but she's not.

But maybe OP busting out The Last of Us would work. Maybe she'll be impressed at how far games have come because she had been ignorant to it for so long and somehow avoided all the advertisements and it just generally being part of daily life for a lot of people. Maybe she has the potential to be a hardcore gamer and the relationship will work out with games being one of the cornerstones keeping it afloat. People have started long term relationships around much stranger circumstances.

We can't know for sure, but we can make some educated guesses based on the information we've been given. Chances are it's not something that will go over well, but maybe she'll be attracted enough to OP's personality and the love he has for his puppy that it won't matter. I doubt it, though.


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up.

While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World.

Is this real life? Dude don't mention video games and have a good time with the girl.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
If you met her on Christian Mingle you could always play...

lol, OP has lost the game before it's even started. are you going to tell her you started a thread on a message board to get game recommendations too? hahahahha....

don't say anything about games, period. let her bring them up if she cares about them. if not, don't bother.


OP, I gave you my best advice earlier, based on lifetime of reality experience but I feel compelled for one more on the way out of this thread: Don't post pics or you become a meme by Saturday morning the latest.


I think he should show her the games, to be honest. Show the girl the real you, instead of trying to get her to sleep with someone you're not.
I sense insecurity in this thread.

This is another thing. Some are attracted to guys that are passionate about their hobbies regardless of the stigma associated with it. Know a few super nerdy anime guys from college with non-nerdy girlfriends because they were attracted to how enthusiastic they were about what they like without giving a shit about anyone else's opinion.

But again, I can't imagine the girl OP is talking about has that mindset. If she thinks anime is creepy, chances are she thinks people that get really into games are creepy as well.
I think he should show her the games, to be honest. Show the girl the real you, instead of trying to get her to sleep with someone you're not.

Not making your date play video games with you on the first date does not equate to not showing the real you. Spend time learning and interacting with the girl rather than trying to educate her on something she, in all likelihood, has very little interest in.
Hey baby, how about after we meet at the bar we head back to my place so I can show you how far Mario games have come along?

By the way, can you pay for drinks? Apparently this place doesn't except Nintendo Club rewards. Which reminds me, I have enough points for a Zelda 3DS demo, so I can also show you how Link has changed over the years!

What's that? You just remembered you had a dental appointment? Oh wow, I didn't realize your office stayed open so late. So maybe a raincheck?.....hello?....are you still there? Hello? Helloooooooo?

undoubtedly one of the funniest posts I've read on GAF


I think he should show her the games, to be honest. Show the girl the real you, instead of trying to get her to sleep with someone you're not.

Pretending to be somebody you're not, and not showing off your video game collection to a girl who is not in the slightest bit interested are not the same thing in any sense, and I'm puzzled how you came to think they are.


Neo Member
By all means be yourself, but coming across as too intense with any hobby is just going to intimidate her. Get to know each other first and if she shows some interest in your games then you have the green light to introduce her to it.


pretty much don't just force gaming or the topic of it onto her, just play a game if it just so happens to go with the flow of things
I met my girlfriend when she served me at GAME.

I went there to buy Bayonetta and she asked if i was interested in pre-ordering anything. I wasn't, but enquired as to when the Awakening expansion was due for Dragon Age: Origins. She looked in her folder but it wasn't listed, and she suggested that i take a look at a gaming website/forum.

I told her i couldn't, as i had been banned. She wanted to know why, so i explained it was largely due to an experiment i was intending to run, demonstrating the effectiveness of dressing as your in-game character (both in terms of enjoyment and actual performance). She laughed as if i was joking, but i brought up a line-graph i had made on my phone explaining how dressing as Richtofen improved my score on Nazi Zombies.

She then tapped the Bayonetta case and asked what i intended to wear while playing. I told her that i was just on my way to Miss Selfidge to pick something up. She said she would like to see that, so i gave her my card. She called, we went out, and now many years later we are about to have a baby.

We played a bit of Left 4 Dead on our fifth date.

That's some fucking game you got there man. *Salutes
I met my girlfriend when she served me at GAME.

I went there to buy Bayonetta and she asked if i was interested in pre-ordering anything. I wasn't, but enquired as to when the Awakening expansion was due for Dragon Age: Origins. She looked in her folder but it wasn't listed, and she suggested that i take a look at a gaming website/forum.

I told her i couldn't, as i had been banned. She wanted to know why, so i explained it was largely due to an experiment i was intending to run, demonstrating the effectiveness of dressing as your in-game character (both in terms of enjoyment and actual performance). She laughed as if i was joking, but i brought up a line-graph i had made on my phone explaining how dressing as Richtofen improved my score on Nazi Zombies.

She then tapped the Bayonetta case and asked what i intended to wear while playing. I told her that i was just on my way to Miss Selfidge to pick something up. She said she would like to see that, so i gave her my card. She called, we went out, and now many years later we are about to have a baby.

We played a bit of Left 4 Dead on our fifth date.

Damn, didn't see this before. Great way to meet an SO.

This is why it's probably better to have a more malleable "know your audience" mindset rather than the cold hard "don't mention games on the first date" one.
I met my girlfriend when she served me at GAME.

I went there to buy Bayonetta and she asked if i was interested in pre-ordering anything. I wasn't, but enquired as to when the Awakening expansion was due for Dragon Age: Origins. She looked in her folder but it wasn't listed, and she suggested that i take a look at a gaming website/forum.

I told her i couldn't, as i had been banned. She wanted to know why, so i explained it was largely due to an experiment i was intending to run, demonstrating the effectiveness of dressing as your in-game character (both in terms of enjoyment and actual performance). She laughed as if i was joking, but i brought up a line-graph i had made on my phone explaining how dressing as Richtofen improved my score on Nazi Zombies.

She then tapped the Bayonetta case and asked what i intended to wear while playing. I told her that i was just on my way to Miss Selfidge to pick something up. She said she would like to see that, so i gave her my card. She called, we went out, and now many years later we are about to have a baby.

We played a bit of Left 4 Dead on our fifth date.

Now I wanna know what you wore while playing Bayonetta.
unless she feels like playing games, don't do it. I'd say just chat, maybe watch a movie you can talk over, don't know about drinks depending on how she's theoretically planning to get home (assuming she doesn't want to spend the night which is the most likely option), but yeah. Games are a no no as it seems like she dabbles in gaming but is not a gamer. If you absolutely HAVE to, unless you have one of those New Super Mario Bros games don't force the topic.


Dude, no gaming talk, unless she's a serious gamer herself. Talk, drinks and food is good enough.

Maybe a nice little casual gift (not expensive stuff, otherwise it can be uncomfortable), most girls love nice surprises, and it will help you score points.
Me personally I'll be looking for a gamer to date. Having that in common is a bit too important for me right now, as whenever I date 'normies' I can release the charm and keep up the conversation, but it's up to a point where I have to keep such a huge aspect of my life undercover. I mean the girls I dated knew I was a gamer, but they never knew how much of my free time goes into it. And those relationships just imploded after I lost interest because we had little in common.

Some can make it work, I'm afraid I can't. I'd be more than happy with a fantasy/sci fi/comic geek as well. Just somebody that's into geek culture. I'm not a bad looking guy so whenever I graduate and have a job that doesn't force me to move away every x amount of months, I'll go into OkCupid and give it a shot to find somebody.


Where is OP?? I demand an update!

Edit: Dammit, this goes down Friday? At least tell us your game plan, you owe us that.


benevolent sexism
She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

The fate of your date will once and for all prove the importance of understanding market segmentation when talking about "gamers."

Seriously though please just try to be a normal person and not shove your hobby down someone's throat the instant you meet them.
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