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Best game to show a first date?

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Not Spaceghost

Metal Gear Solid


It usually resonates really well with the ladies.


Definitely Custer's Revenge or Love Plus

Or, get an oculus rift, play some classy porn on it, and put your junk in her mouth while she's wearing the headset. Just a possibility.
Not sure if you're serious OP, but if she plays Candy Crush and was vaguely familiar with Super Mario World 20 years ago, she really doesn't want to come over yours to play games. She's probably just saying that to be polite about something she has no interest in. Just put on some music in the background, maybe have a drink and talk.


Wait, so Candy Crush and Words with friends constitutes a "gamer?" WTF OP everyone in the world plays those "games" and the majority of them are not gamers. If you're going to play any game, play the 50/50 game. While you're watching TV, whip out your dick, there's a 50/50 chance she'll be turned on.


On a first date you generally talk about each others interests. To me if you hide it like it's some freemason secret group it's only going to bite you in the ass if the relationship goes further!

I'm too lazy to find the quote, so I'll just restate what the other guy said as I do the same thing.

When it comes to the ladies, I hide the fact that I'm a gamer like I would hide a membership to the Klan. It's very simple, unless the girl you're seeing is overtly interested in video games, you don't talk about them. It's verbal lady repellent.

Wait, so Candy Crush and Words with friends constitutes a "gamer?" WTF OP everyone in the world plays those "games" and the majority of them are not gamers. If you're going to play any game, play the 50/50 game. While you're watching TV, whip out your dick, there's a 50/50 chance she'll be turned on.

Come on dude, I know it's hip to shit on OP like we're on 4chan, but he never called this girl a gamer. He said that (paraphrasing here) "she plays some iPhone games so I guess she might kind of be a gamer. Sorta?"


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Metal Gear Solid


It usually resonates really well with the ladies.
I tried this and she got frustrated, said there was too much talking, and that it was boring.

I stopped seeing her soon after that.
Lol at this thread. OP has a girl that is planning on coming back to his place. If video games come up in conversation naturally? Show her some of your favorites. There's no need to go out of your way here.

Also, she wants to come back to your apartment. There are a lot of other games you could play.


I tried this and she got frustrated, said there was too much talking, and that it was boring.

I stopped seeing her soon after that.

Good man. My litmus test for marriage was always going to be whether or not my girl can curl up next to me and watch me play through an MGS game and enjoy it as if it were a movie. Even better if she wants to play also. But, we're talking months, if not years in.

Something of interest to note for OP. I had a bizarre first date experience last night. It was this really cute girl I met on OKcupid. We were originally going to meet this coming Tuesday, but she decided that she wanted to come to my house with two friends last night. Wtf? So I got drunk and met with them and we hung out on my back porch. Her friends walked back to the car and me and this girl made out for a bit. We will proceed on Tuesday.



OP, you can't be serious.... Someone who only plays Candy Crush and Words with Friends isn't exactly a gamer in the sense that she is going to love The Last of Us. lol There is a reason why she only plays those games.

I would definitely avoid showing games, especially on a first date.

There is a reason why she wants to come to your apartment on the first date, and it has nothing to with puppies or videogames.


Wait: you used the 'come back to my place and see my puppy' line and she went for it?

I'm too lazy to find the quote, so I'll just restate what the other guy said as I do the same thing.

When it comes to the ladies, I hide the fact that I'm a gamer like I would hide a membership to the Klan. It's very simple, unless the girl you're seeing is overtly interested in video games, you don't talk about them. It's verbal lady repellent.


But seriously, I've never seen it be detrimental just casually throwing out you're a gamer. Many women don't seem to give a shit provided your life doesn't revolve around it. Not everyone is judgmental like that. At least after high school (and for some, college).


I told my non English speaking neighbor about your plan, after few pauses for lulz, neighbor said, roughly translated: "He will go home with dry cock"


Dance Central if you have an xbox with Kinect either that or Just Dance, board games or card games. It's casual and you can make drinking games out of them, but I'd honestly stay away from gaming for now.

Show her your puppy, show her around your house. Sit and talk and *IF* gaming comes up (she see's SM3DW on your table) then you can see if she's interested in playing anything. If you guys are going to sit down at your place then pick out a few movies and or subscribe to netflix instead and see if she's interested in those. Introduce her to, "real" gaming when she becomes your actual gf.

She's using the puppy as a way in. Don't drop the ball man!


This has probably already been said, but you should just whip out your joystick and ask her if she'd like to beat your high score.

Edit: for a real game...umm...You Don't Know Jack can be pretty fun.



But seriously, I've never seen it be detrimental just casually throwing out you're a gamer. Many women don't seem to give a shit provided your life doesn't revolve around it. Not everyone is judgmental like that. At least after high school (and for some, college).

Dude, what are you 19, 20? How much life experience can you have to push that naive garbage? It's not about social groups in high school and being labeled a nerd because you play video games. It's about women wanting a guy that's active and involved. The misconception goes like this: if you're a gamer, you live a sedentary lifestyle with little to no social life.

Once you show your true colors, it doesn't matter that whether or not you're a gamer. In fact, a lot of girls dig quirky nerdy traits in their guys. As long as it's not all consuming.


Come on dude, I know it's hip to shit on OP like we're on 4chan, but he never called this girl a gamer. He said that (paraphrasing here) "she plays some iPhone games so I guess she might kind of be a gamer. Sorta?"

Nah, that's not at all what the OP read like to me.


WTH OP hahaha you just made me laugh. She wants to go to your apartment after the bar and you are thinking in what game to show her?

I don't know m8, maybe look how the date develops and do not think too much about what game to show her.


Ummm if she's at your house the last thing you should do is show her your games.
If anything i'd probably hide them if you have a lot.
She doesn't sound like a gamer to me.
If she asks about games or something then maybe but don't just show her stuff she won't care about
Dude, what are you 19, 20? How much life experience can you have to push that naive garbage? It's not about social groups in high school and being labeled a nerd because you play video games. It's about women wanting a guy that's active and involved. The misconception goes like this: if you're a gamer, you live a sedentary lifestyle with little to no social life

Once you show your true colors, it doesn't matter that whether or not you're a gamer. In fact, a lot of girls dig quirky nerdy traits in their guys. As long as it's not all consuming.

27 and I've got a decent amount of life experience to know people look at personality before they look at hobbies (not all people of course). I rarely see that misconception even brought up anymore. Being a gamer isn't as much of a warning flag as it once was. You could mention you run 5ks in the same sentence you play video games. Or you could only mention the latter and show you're clearly active and involved through other means.

And really, you're still generalizing an entire gender here. I see enough inactive guys getting with attractive women to know things aren't so black and white.


Junior Member
Come on dude, I know it's hip to shit on OP like we're on 4chan, but he never called this girl a gamer. He said that (paraphrasing here) "she plays some iPhone games so I guess she might kind of be a gamer. Sorta?"
She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.
No sign of "guess", "might", or "sorta". Sounds like OP is waaay too excited to show off his hobby. Talking about it? Cool. Showing her some titles if she asks? Awesome. Devising plans about what to show her, when the date hasn't even happened? Just no.

OP needs to take it down several notches.

Fake edit: I don't agree with the guy you quoted, he seems obnoxious.
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