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Best game to show a first date?

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While I have her there, it´s probably the perfect opportunity to show her how far gaming has come since Super Mario World. What would be a good game for this? Originally I thought The Last of Us, but she doesn´t like zombies (she told me she gets scared by The Walking Dead), so that one is probably out, even though it´s probably the highest achievement we´ve seen in the art. So what else might work?

Jack, don't do it. Don't try to impress her with where videogames have come. It's best just to let that happen organically and not force it.
.Fake edit: I don't agree with the guy you quoted, he seems obnoxious.

Just talking about my own experiences, not trying to invalidate anyone else's. Point I'm making is generalizing is kind of dumb if you don't know the two people or how their interactions go down. Labels bring forth a lot of misconceptions, but so do those misconceptions themselves to the point people make some pretty big assumptions about how someone is "supposed" to react to things that actually have a wide range of opinions surrounding them.

Purely talking about the OP, I agree with you.
Don't listen to these dudes, if something happens on the first date, cool, but don't be concerned over it. As for which games have the best romantic scenes I'm going to have to go with the pond scene in FFX. If you set it up right with the proper context, then just hit play and let it do it's thing. It's wonderous.
Don't listen to these dudes, if something happens on the first date, cool, but don't be concerned over it. As for which games have the best romantic scenes I'm going to have to go with the pond scene in FFX. If you set it up right with the proper context, then just hit play and let it do it's thing. It's wonderous.

She thinks anime is creepy, so it might not go over too well once Suteki da Ne starts >_>
Don't listen to these dudes, if something happens on the first date, cool, but don't be concerned over it. As for which games have the best romantic scenes I'm going to have to go with the pond scene in FFX. If you set it up right with the proper context, then just hit play and let it do it's thing. It's wonderous.
Don't listen to this guy.


Neo Member
Wait, so you have a date set up with plans to go back to your apartment and...you want to show her video games?



A first date isn't really the time to do this, if things click do this sometime down the road, yeah?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Avoid even mentioning games until later, much later FFS.
Put in a movie that has Brad Pitt taking his shirt off or something.


Duuuude. Don't even mention the games unless she brings it up.
Show her your "puppy" and when your done having sex you can show her that cute dog of yours.


27 and I've got a decent amount of life experience to know people look at personality before they look at hobbies (not all people of course). I rarely see that misconception even brought up anymore. Being a gamer isn't as much of a warning flag as it once was. You could mention you run 5ks in the same sentence you play video games. Or you could only mention the latter and show you're clearly active and involved through other means.

And really, you're still generalizing an entire gender here. I see enough inactive guys getting with attractive women to know things aren't so black and white.

Generalizing isn't a bad thing necessarily. Groups of people share common traits. Recognizing those common traits enables you to approach individuals in a more informed manner.

That being said, I think you're outright wrong about gamers and the stigmas associated with them. You must live in some enlightened society where personality trumps all. I still think that women look for men that can provide, and anything that makes you look incapable is a strike against you. Gaming, I think, has this stigma that makes you appear unproductive. In my experience, these things at least subconsciously matter.


I've been using OKCupid a bit lately, and I just got a date with a really cute girl lined up. We've sent several messages back and forth and chatted over the phone once. She plays Candy Crush Saga and Words with Friends on her iPhone, and she said she liked Super Mario World back in the day, so it looks like she´s kind of a gamer.

I don't think so, mang.

Best of luck with your date
Generalizing isn't a bad thing necessarily. Groups of people share common traits. Recognizing those common traits enables you to approach individuals in a more informed manner.

That being said, I think you're outright wrong about gamers and the stigmas associated with them. You must live in some enlightened society where personality trumps all. I still think that women look for men that can provide, and anything that makes you look incapable is a strike against you. Gaming, I think, has this stigma that makes you appear unproductive. In my experience, these things at least subconsciously matter.

I guess we just hang out with entirely different types of gamers. Most of the ones I know are far from unproductive (1 of which is a CEO). In fact, as far as my acquaintances go, they're the ones more likely to have better paying jobs and more stable lifestyles even if they aren't super well-rounded when it comes to interests.

On the other end of the spectrum, one of my sister's friends is dating a buff and outgoing guy who happens to be a 32 year old high school dropout that never had a job in his life.

I'd hardly think this is a regional thing as much as it shows labels are stupid. I just think it's better to not make snap judgements about entire groups, which includes assuming entire groups also make said snap judgement (women in this case). I mean, that's a DAMN big group to be working with to make assumptions about.


I guess we just hang out with entirely different types of gamers. Most of the ones I know are far from unproductive (1 of which is a CEO). In fact, as far as my acquaintances go, they're the ones more likely to have better paying jobs and more stable lifestyles even if they aren't super well-rounded when it comes to interests.

On the other end of the spectrum, one of my sister's friends is dating a buff and outgoing guy who happens to be a 32 year old high school dropout that never had a job in his life.

I'd hardly think this is a regional thing as much as it shows labels are stupid. I just think it's better to not make snap judgements about entire groups, which includes assuming entire groups also make said snap judgement (women in this case).

Just to clarify, I don't personally think gamers are unproductive. As for your sister's friend, she likely goes for this guy because he fits the provider archetype. Strong, capable, sociable guy, etc.


TBut this shit isn't rock it science. It's pretty clear by body language when someone wants to have sex. Just agreeing to enter someone's house is not some universal code, especially not pre-arranged on a first date before you even meet.

I take your point and in general I agree but I think this case is pretty cut-and-dried:

1. They're going for drinks at a bar. Presumably in the evening.
2. Afterwards, she says she wants to go to his house to "meet his puppy".

I ask you: who the hell wants to drink cocktails all evening then (at like 10pm, maybe later) go to an apartment to meet a dog? On a first date no less! Yeah, no. Even if she's not looking for sex, she definitely isn't looking to play the OP's video games.
Just to clarify, I don't personally think gamers are unproductive. As for your sister's friend, she likely goes for this guy because he fits the provider archetype. Strong, capable, sociable guy, etc.

Yeah, I know. I also don't think what you're saying holds no water. I just think that not only is it it not so black and white, but also that tastes change. I've heard women say they spent their teens and early twenties going after the strong social jocks, but later into their twenties they wanted the quieter guys with the subdued hobbies and decent jobs. Most of these women ended up with gamers including a hardcore one with figures and posters all over the place.

I've also heard women say they want to be the providers in the relationship (whether because they love their careers so much or for other reasons) and want their boyfriends/husbands to be stay-at-home dads eventually.

I want to say my sister's friend is more the latter. The guy may be social and strong, but he's also a drug addict and has made A LOT of enemies. Or maybe she just wants to change him for whatever reason. I don't really know, but she hasn't made the best decisions in life even without dating a jobless guy 10 years older than her.

And of course, that's not to say these are the only two "types" out there. After all the people I've met and the crazy different circumstances surrounding everyone (whether based on tastes in men/women, hobbies, tolerance, etc), I've found it hard to generalize people and their thought patterns beyond common sense (and sometimes even that eludes people).


Neo Member
The only game you should play is the "hide the sausage in the cave" game. Rated 10/10 by 5 billion reviewers.



"So this is Pou, he is like my own child I will have with you." *smirks *tips fedora


But seriously, Manhunt - so, now seriously. Nothing. No game.
Everytime there is a topic about games all I hear from girls is that they've liked Mario - but like, nothing moved on in the gaming world.

Mario, Mario, Mario...
Don't listen to these dudes, if something happens on the first date, cool, but don't be concerned over it. As for which games have the best romantic scenes I'm going to have to go with the pond scene in FFX. If you set it up right with the proper context, then just hit play and let it do it's thing. It's wonderous.

Maybe someone said this already, but it's better for you to put on a dvd film. No videogames, gor god sake!

Also, if you really have to videogame, choose Kirby games.


I literally cannot believe that this thread exists, or that it could possibly be sincere. Reading the first page alone flabbergasted me.
Using your puppy was just an easy/polite way of saying she wants to have sex. For god's sake, don't try to impress her with your video games. She doesn't care.


Maybe someone said this already, but it's better for you to put on a dvd film. No videogames, gor god sake!

Also, if you really have to videogame, choose Kirby games.

1. You are single.
2. There is a flesh-and-blood girl in your apartment.
3. She's interested in you.

You do not videogame in such a situation. Ever.
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